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Is What You See What You Get? ~ Chapter 1

Everyone is in the kitchen talking about what they want to do for the night.

D- Yall why don’t we go to the arcade?

O- or maybe not

D- Man why you always doing that (huff)

Cut it (using her hands) baby maybe they just wanna chill

D- ya, ya, ya (rolling eyes)

P- Well I gotta go and meet…

O- Yo man huh what's his name umm… Jay

P- No its Jason bro why you gotta problem wit him he never did anything

NL- Sweetie don’t worry when I was dating my dig bro was being protective over me and stuff and that’s what dummy ova here is doing (hitting him up side is head)

O- No I just think he is a thug

NL- Girl have a good time

P- Thanx what would I do if you weren’t wit him (hugs her) Bye everybody (waving hand)

E1- Bye

O- Nelly why you gotta tell her that

NL- B/C she is 16 and she needs to get experience ok baby (sitting on his lap and kissing his forehead)

O- I don’t want them thugs sticking their lil winkys in her

NL- Baby she cant be a virgin for ever you never no she could have done it

O- don’t say that (giving her the eye)

Ding Dong

M- (talking to Kiara) Bay can you get that

K- ya (getting up and getting the door) OMG, OMG, OMG, OMG (screaming and jumping)

Everyone goes to the door to see what was going on to see what the chaos and he or she see Kiara all over the guy like that is she doing.

M- Kiara you have some explaining to do (getting mad)

K- o I am so sorry (getting off the guy) don’t worry yall this is Rico

M- And (waving is hand in front of him)

K- He is my best friend like Latoya is you best friend


K- now let me continue. He’s my best friend my first so everyone this is Rico

E1- hi

R- hi

N- what are you doing here?

K- I need to see my sunshine

N- Sunshine?

R- ya since she smiles a lot I call her that b/c her smile is very bright and beautiful no one can resist and I just am in town and I needed a place to stay

K- well I have a guest room that you can use (smiling)

R- thanx well I guess I will get settled in can some one show me it

N- I will I want to know everything since my best friend here didn’t fill me in on you (nudging on Kiara)

Netta goes and takes him to the guest room and talks to him while Mario and Kiara start to argue

M- why are you going to just let him in here

K- first off this is my house and I can let anyone stay here

M- I don’t think I approve of him

K- who are you telling me what I a can and cant do your not my mother

J- yall two cut it out and Mario you can’t say anything like that b/c when you where with Dani and you brought in Latoya you were in the same situation so cut it

K- I am sorry yall um can yall go and um well see each other tonight I guess (pushing them out)

D- Baby Doll if you need someone to comfort you I am here

K- you to sweet thanx bye and Jarell I will bring Netta home I will need her after I am done

J- Ok I will page you when I need her back ok

K- Ya Bye (slams the door then turns around to Mario) what is your problem

M- Nothin I just don’t want some guy in this house with you

K- he isn’t going to do nothing. What you see is what you get meaning he is sweet ok I know how to handle myself ok

M- well I am staying

K- No you need to learn how to trust me but if you get scared that he is going to do something come ova ok

M- ya we going out though right cuz I want to be with you ok?

K- ya ok let’s go get Netta

They both go up the marble stairs and walk in the guest room seeing Rico and Netta talking.

N- Girl he spilled on you (laughing)

M- what he say I wanna no (looking curious)

N- I don’t think you wanna no its pretty freaky (lol)

K- Rico did you tell her about what I think I'm thinking?

R- Ya (lol)

K- I can't believe you (getting a little mad)

M- what Kiara what is he talking about?

N- that they got freaky in the woods (lol) All up on the trees

M- what's wrong with that?

K- you’re not mad? (Relived)

M- No that was you passed its all good

N- well she also did it on the top on the car in the rain!! My girl a freak (lol)

K- I think its time for you to go Ms. Thang

M- Why we…

K- can we talk about this later Mario I have to take Netta ova to J house ok

R- O can you give me a ride

K- Where to?

R- to the Club?

K- K lets go cuz I gotta get back and change

M- well I am coming (he wants to keep an eye on Rico)

After Kiara and Mario dropped them off the went back to Mario’s house to get some clothes for the night. Then the when to Kiara’s house and got dressed for the club.

~Kiara’s Room~

M- Kiara why don’t we have sex like that?

K- cuz it was my past and I wanted it to stay the past

M- But the only thing we had that was freaky was in the Jacuzzi

K- So (putting on her white capris on)

M- Baby is my manhood not good enough?

K- (lol) it’s the best ok I mean the best (moving towards him kissing him) trust me

M- ya ok

They drive to the club and meet everybody at the club

Hey Yall

M&K- hey

D- Kiara we heard that you a real freak

K- Netta damn they didn’t have to know

N- sorry I didn’t mean to ok

D- Where is he anyway

K- he should be here I dropped him off at 8:00 and its 9:00 so I don’t know

Bay you wanna dance with me

D- ya come on I will talk to yall later

O- Kiara so why have you been hiding that you’re a freak?

K- I guess I didn’t want to be like I was in the past

NL- how were you in the passed

K- I was very needy as I can put it and I wanted it all the time but don’t worry I only did it with Rico

NL- oo ok I get so you only had two guys

K- ya

Jarell walks up

J- Damn Kiara you look good in that J-Lo pink striped belly shirt. Damn and showing off the six pack Damn

N- Baby you got a girl

J- huh? Naw I am just kidding maybe you need to get one

M- Man you need to stop looking at my girl like that its not right

J- I was just joking

K- what now I don’t look good

J- Huh

O- yall confusing that poor little peanut sized brain (lol)

J- you got jokes

M- Yall lets go on the dace floor?

E1- ya ok

They start dancing and have a good time and exit the club and into the parking lot. Then some strange guy comes up to Kiara and slaps her butt.

S- Damn girl you got a budunkadunk

K- Get the hell off of me

M- you need to back up away from my girl

S- I don’t see yo name attached to her

M- you stupid Ass Ni99a (throws a punch)

K- Ok Mario come on I think one is enough

M- no I don’t want nobody on my G-I-R-L (kicking him at the same time)

K- Stop I am fine come on

M- Ugh lets go (he grabs Kiara by the waist and walks to the car leaving the guy there)

K- lets just go home and go to sleep and do what we do ya know on the drive way is that freaky enough?

M- hell ya maybe a little to freaky

~Next Day~

Kiara wakes up and throws up and think she is pregnant b/c this was not normal and she was a day over due

~Same day but afternoon~

`Druex and Alexis House’

O- So Paris did you have fun with Jake last night

P- His name is Jason and yes I did (getting a little annoyed)

O- o really what did you do?

P- I fucked him is that what you wanna hear

D- what? What the hell are you doing having sex

P- No I was only playing dang I am still a virgin but dang O you act like I am 12 and that I don’t have a life

NL- Girl never joke about that and second its good to hear still a virgin

O- As long as you in my care you are grounded

P- for what

O- for getting smart with me

NL- Come on bay…

O- No Nelly she needs to watch what she says and it will be a week

P- But I have a party to go to

O-Sorry To bad imma make sure mom know too.

P- Nell do something

NL- Sorry

P- ugh I hate this FUCKIN WORLD (goes off and drives home)

A- that was a bit harsh you can’t mess with a teenager like that ova the stupidest shit

O- Whateva

~later on that Day at Kiara’s house with Jarell, Netta and Latoya

L- so Mario you want some ice cream? (trying to sound tempting)

M- Ya Strawberry with a cherry

L- what about the whipped cream the best part

N- Latoya I will help you make it cuz I am sure everyone wants one right

E1- ya

L- (rolling eyes) ok

J- so Kiara where is Rico

K- he is supposedly at his mother’s house but I don’t think so

J- why?

K- cuz he does lie to me sometimes

J- then why let him in you house?

M- that’s what I was thinking to

K- well he is me best friend besides you Jarell I can’t just leave him on the street

J- but he has is mothers to go to ya know

K- ya ugh I am hungry

M- Kiara why have you been eating so much you know that’s going to ruin your sexy 6 pack

K- I don’t know I just have the urge to eat

L- sounds to me that you are pregnant

K- no I am not (denying it)

N- Kiara do you have your thing (period)

K- NO I am on the 23

N- Kiara it’s the 26 and you told me that you are never late I think you are always on time

K- Naw I am not

N- yes you are

M- Imma be a father what FO Sho' I am going to have lil Mario runnin around

K- I am not preg ok

J- Kiara stop denying it

K- you Just don’t understand ok

Kiara runs of to her room

Chapter 2
