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Is What You See What You Get? ~ Chapter 2

~Kitchen (Mario, Jarell, Latoya and Netta)

J- what is wrong with Kiara? M- man I don’t know this morn I heard her throw up I don’t understand why she is acting like this I would think she would be happy

L- maybe it’s not yours maybe its Rico’s

N- trick I think it time 4 u to go b/c I know for a fact that she wouldn’t do that and… just go

L- who said I had to go?

J- Latoya just go this is between us

L- Mario?

M- just go aight

Latoya leaves and they start to talk

M- do you really think she f*cked Rico?

N- no Latoya is just putting thoughts in you head Kiara isn’t like that she loves you

J- yall lets just go talk to her

They all walk up to her room and see her on her bed with her hands in her face crying Netta goes and walks towards her and hugs her

N- what's wrong bay

K- I not pregnant… it that I am…. I am just gaining weight ok

N- but what about you being late and everything?

K- I just went to the bathroom and checked and I got it

J- I really wanted to be an uncle

M- ya I wanted to be a father

K- bay since this happened I want a baby when we are married ok cuz I am only 18 ok I am planning to have one when I and like 23 ok

M- ya no problem (kisses her on the head)

K- so where do yall wanna go

J- lets go out to eat just the 4 of us

M- you know the other ain’t going to like that

J- who said that we had to tell them

K- speaking of that this whole thing is between us and only us ok

N- what about Latoya

K- don’t worry Mario will take care of her right? (Giving him the eye)

M- um… ya of coarse baby

Ring, Ring (Kiara’s cell phone)

K- hello?

R- hi can you pick me up at my moms house

K- what happened to your moms

R- she is acting up

K- well calm her down

R- Kiara Please I need you

K- ugh ok fine I hate when u say that u get me so wrapped up

R- thanx Sunshine

K- give me like 5 min to get there

R- ok bye


M- who was that?

K- Rico I gotta go ok I will be back ok

M- what happened?

K- I will tell ya lata I g2g ok

Kiara gets in her BMW and drives to Rico’s mothers house. She walks up to the house and knocks on the door and his mother answers the door.

MR- O hi Kiara where have you been I haven’t seen ya in like a year

K- ya I no I am doing great I just came to pick up Rico

MR- oo ok well come in (closing the door behind her) so why did u 2 decide to get back together?

K- huh? What are you talking about?

MR- that’s what he told me is that not true

Rico walks up to them

R- ok I am ready lets go

MR- Boy why did you lie to me and say that you two were together

R- oo maybe I go the wrong idea

K- Well bye Ma I will see you when I can

MR- bye (hugs the both of them and they leave and into the car)

K-What the hell is your problem I know you were telling stories up in there

R- what I am sorry I had to tell her something

K- well not me I think I can not trust you in being my best friend

R- why

K- b/c you are out and you are only using my house and best friends don’t lie on each other get it I think its time for you to go some where else ok I’m sorry

R- What? (Grabbing her neck) I think that I will stay with you until I am good well ready to go ok

K- get off of me I am giving you a day ok

R- fine you F*ucked up anyway

K- Rico what the hell are you on?

R- just f*cking drive I will leave I am going back to Dallas

They reach home after about 30 min Rico left and was never to be found

~Kiara’s room~

M- what was that about?

K- I don’t know and I hope I never see him cause he was a fake all along

J- what happened?

K- he said that I was is girl to his mama and he tried to hurt me but me and him have an understanding to he didn’t go anywhere but anyway he gone so whatever

J- what do you mean whateva its nothin to take lightly something might happen

K- where are you getting this from one of you movies I am sure I will be fine

N- Kiara he is right every time he has one of these feelings they do come true

K- ok I will be more careful well yall g2g cuz I must get dressed for tonight ok.

~7:30 at the Olive Garden (at the table)~

N- I been think of something for a while and um I wanted to ask this ok (to Kiara)

K- ok what is it

N- what would happen if you were ya know (pregnant)?

M- I know we would have the baby and have a loving family

N- no Mario I wanna hear it from Kiara


K- I would have to have it b/c I wouldn’t wanna kill me own child even if I wasn’t ready to have one.

N- is that your final answer? (Smiling)

K- yes Regis that is (lol)

Ring, Ring

K- oo that my phone I will be back I don’t wanna be rude and talk all loud in hear so I will be back

M- ok hurry back

Kiara went outside and answered the phone

K- Hello?

R- I there baby

K- Rico why are you calling me

R- I can’t talk to my girl

K- I am not your girl how many times do I have to tell you

R- you are my girl and I own you

K- and how is that

R- well…

All of a sudden so guy with all black on grabs Kiara and throws her in his truck


K- where the hell am I (in a trunk) Help (bagging on the roof) Ugh (she see that see still has her cell and 2 way on her so she dials Mario’s number)

::Ring:: (restaurant)

M- Damn hold yall (picks it up) Hello


M-WHAT? You were just out side

K- I know I got a call from Rico saying that he wants me and I told him NOOOOO (Kiara gets grabbed from the guy all in black) LET ME GO (Kiara kicks and drops her cell phone and then the guy picks it up and hangs it up)

::Back at the restaurant::


N- WHAT? Where is she?

M- I don’t know lets go I am sure it’s not to far

They all leave and head in the car to look for her

Chapter 3
