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Is What You See What You Get? ~ Chapter 3

::back where Kiara is::

The guy throws Kiara in a chair

K- what am I doing here at the beach?

G- b/c this is where I was instructed to take you what the boss told me to tell you was “Hello Sunshine”

K- HUH? Ugh

::Mario and Jarell and Netta::

M- where can she be?

J-didn’t he call her sunshine

N- ya so what that have to do with anything

J- well I just have a feeling this thing will relate to it cuz I seen it in a movie so she is prob. At the beach

N- Jarell the beach this is no time for shenanigans

M- Netta every time he gets these feelings they come true so we will check it out


A guy walks up to Kiara and the guy and wraps his hands around her neck and kisses her and says

R- hey baby I told you I would get you

K- what are you doing to me

R- I am here to get what I wanted

K- what is that money I got lots of it if I give it to you then will you leave me

R- no I don’t need you money I want you

K- why Rico this is not like you

R- I want to have my girl back the one that was there but then you had to go and move then we had a long distance relationship, which I thought we still had but when I come and visit you. You have a guy already and remember when we made a promise that we wouldn’t go with some one else well you broke it and broke me that’s why I am not at you house all the time.

K- but why take me here?

R- b/c remember I gave you your first at the beach and now I am planning on giving you your last

He grabs her and throws her on the ground but before he puts his thing in Kiara Mario and Jarell start beating the crap out of Rico and Kiara runs to Netta and hugs her tight and cries.

K- I don’t know how this could happen to me. I thought he was my best friend

N- Girl its gonna be ok

K- but he but he

N- Shh don’t say anything

K- but (crying even harder)

N- Mario and Jarell I think that’s enough lets go

M- ugh Bastard (walks towards Kiara and Netta) Baby come here (Kiara turns around and grabs him really tight and doesn’t let him go)

K- how did you find me

M- well Rell over here had one of his feelings

K- OMG Rell I love you (she runs over and hugs him) I don’t know where I be right now if you didn’t have one of your feeling ugh you’re the best (still crying)

J- thanx can we go?

K- ya but hold on (walks over to Rico) I thought you were different I thought you were real and my best friend

R- F*ck you and you friends

K- whateva (walks to the car and gets in the front seat of her BMW with Mario in the front and Jarell and Netta in their car)

M- r u ok

K- I don’t wanna talk about it

M- ok then we have to stop at Omari’s house real quick ok

K- ok whateva

They drive to the house and Kiara and Mario are still in the car

K- are you planning on telling them

M- well I know Netta will but I wasn’t going to

K- o ok can you get my cloths from the trunk so I can change

M- ok anything for you

Kiara changes and she see that she is bleeding all on her legs but they were only little cuts. Then they both go in side hand on waist. Then when they go inside Nelly storms and hugs her.

NL- are you ok

K- I guess you heard

NL-Omg I can’t believe him

K- ya can I use the bathroom

NL- ya go

Kiara Goes to the bathroom and the rest are in the living room

M- yall can yall not talk about this b/c Kiara is going through a tough time and she just got back so I think yall need to keep it on the low

O- ya that is true

A- but why would he do a crazy thing like that

K- I don’t know (walking in) he just did. Mario can we go

M- well we just go here

K- fine then give me the keys please

M- fine lets go. Sorry Omari I will talk to ya lata ok

O- ok bye

They start to walk off

N- Bye Kiara

K- bye yall

E1- bye

:: Kiara’s house::

M- I am Sorry I should have never brought you

K- well it ok

M- let me run you bath ok

K- thanx (she takes off her cloths and goes into the bathroom) make sure you use the Victoria Secret bubbles please

M- anything for my girl (he puts the bubbles in and helps her in) wow he scratched you up ugh I wanna beat him up again

K- lets not talk about it

M- ok I will help you wash up

He cleans her up an starts singing “I Do” by Jon B knowing that would bring a smile to her. He kissed her on the lips and said to her “I love you and I want you to be with me forever” and the kissed again

K- I love you to I don’t know what I would do with out you

M- You wanna get out of here and go cuddle on the bed (laughing)

K- (lol) ya your to sweet

They went to bed and they went to sleep

::Next morning::

Mario got up early and made Kiara Breakfast and got her the mail and the news paper and he put it on a tray and set it on her lap when se woke up

M- morning (kissing her on the lips)

K- morning baby this is so sweet (Kiara went straight for the mail and open up a letter from Rico and it said

Dear Sunshine,

Do you really think I am going to give up that easy well your wrong meet me at the club at 7:30 sharp


Kiara- MARIO



M- I am right here what

K- he is still after me he said that he wants me to meet me at the club at 7:30

M- Well I will go with you

K- ok Get out off my way (running to the bathroom throwing up)

Chapter 4
