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Is What You See What You Get? ~ Chapter 4

Mario ran after her to help her feel better by rubbing her back.

Mario- Bay you ok now?

Kiara- how can you stand there and watch me throws up chunks

Mario- well I love you and it shouldn’t matter

Kiara- that so sweet (tries to give him a kiss but he doesn’t let her)

Mario- but it does matter what you breath smells like (lol)

Kiara- you’re so crazy I will brush my teeth then I will give you a kiss (hitting his arm)

About 5 minutes later Mario is lying on the bed watching the Lacker Game

Kiara- Mario do you really think I should go tonight

Mario- yeah and I am coming with you

Kiara- ok but I have one of those feelings that something is going to happen

Mario- every thing will…Yes The Won Hey Ho… Sorry everything will be ok aight

Kiara- (laughing) ok and why are you so excited when this was taped a week ago

Mario- I dunno it’s just the way I am

Kiara’s Phone rings

Kiara- Hello?

WV- Kiara this is Paris can I come over

Kiara- ok why?

Paris- I will tell you when I get there its important and please don’t tell anyone ok

Kiara- ok how far are you from here

Paris- well I am here right now I am just pulling up the codes the same right

Kiara- yeah

Paris- be there in a second bye

Kiara- k


Mario- who was that?

Kiara- that was my mom I will brb ok

Mario- yeah ok

Kiara went down stairs and went outside to meet Paris

Kiara- Ok what you wanna tell me

Paris- well first I want to know if I can stay the night?

Kiara- is it ok with you mom?

Paris- Yeah but she think I am spending the night with a friend

Kiara- well ok um so what you gotta tell me

Paris- well I think I might be ya know

Kiara- with Jason’s right?

Paris- ya and I wanted to know if you could take me to the doctors?

Kiara- why did you come to me?

Paris- b/c I know your good with keeping secrets

Kiara- So Is Nell

Paris-Kiara can you do this for me please?

Kiara- well lets go now ok let me go tell Mario I am going to the store

Paris- ok

So Kiara did that and took her to the doctors office

::doctor’s office waiting::

Kiara- what happens if you are having one?

Paris- well I am having it but I am not sure if Jason is ready

Doctor walks towards them

Doc-well Ms. Grandberry

Paris- Yeah

Chapter 5
