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Is What You See What You Get? ~ Chapter 5

Doc- how can I put this you are

Kiara- thanx doc for all you did for her

Paris- ya thanx Doc (about to cry but held it in)

Doc- no problem see you some other time

Kiara/Paris- bye

::in the car::

Kiara- are you ok about this

Paris- Ya I don’t know what was I thinking giving it to Jason I should of listen to Omari

Kiara- well everyone makes mistakes but I have a question do you love Jason

Paris- ya but I kinda felt pressured in doing it so it kinda changes it

Kiara- did you tell him to stop

Paris- ya but he said that he would be gentle ad I said no again and he said for me to trust him so I did

Kiara- ok next time don’t let this happen and don’t tell O right now cuz he will kill you

Paris- True thanx Kiara your like a sister to me

Kiara- your welcome and um I am going out tonight to handle some business so um I don’t know what you are going to do

Paris- I can’t go with you

Kiara- well no I am sorry it has to do with Rico sorry

Paris- I guess I will go over Jason’s house

Kiara- why don’t you go to Druex cuz every1 is going there besides Mario and I ok

Paris- why shouldn’t I go to Jason’s

Kiara- just trust I don’t think you wanna go so go to Druex’s ok

Paris- ok

::Kiara’s house::

Kiara- make sure that you go to Druex’s house ok

Paris- ya I will call you

Kiara went inside the house to see Mario knock out (sleep) on the bed. She goes over and gives him a kiss

Mario- what took you so long

Kiara- they had me waiting and they didn’t even have what I wanted

Mario- what did you want

Kiara- o um these um this outfit

Mario- oo well lets get ready


They got dressed Mario was wearing a tan Sean John outfit with so tan Tims. Kiara is wearing a Black Halter belly shirt with red, black, tan, white plaid pants with black boots with her hair up in ponytail.

Mario- ya look good bay (grabbing her waist)

Kiara- ya thanx so do you (giving him a kiss)

Mario- you got Goosebumps don’t be scared (hugging her)

Kiara- I can’t help it why don’t you drive

Mario- ok lets go

::at the club VIP::

Rico- well look who showed up

Kiara- Hi Rico what do you want

Rico – wanted to tell you that I am not over you but since I cant have you what's the point of living. Kiara I never told you this but I was going to ask you to marry me before you left but I didn’t my loss. Kiara you where my life and still are

Kiara- where are you getting at

Rico- if I cant be with you then I shouldn’t live (pulls a gun out and shoots himself in the head)

Kiara- NOOOOOOOOO (running to him on the floor crying) Mario do something call the police

Mario- umm… umm

Kiara- Go Mario (screaming)

Mario- ok

Kiara- walk up Rico I love you to but its. I, just can’t be with you please wake up (holding him)

::The Ambulance come and picks him up::

Kiara- Can I go with him (crying)

Paramedic- Are you family

Kiara- yeah I am his sister

Mario- Kiara what do you want me to do

Kiara- meet at the hospital

Mario- ok


Paramedic- um lady um he is

Kiara- NOOOO why (holding on to Rico)

Paramedic- sorry Um if you can call the rest of your family and tell them what happened then maybe it will help

Kiara- nothing will help he is F*cking. He’s Dead. Do you believe when my family comes every thing be jolly NO I think so (yelling)

Para- Sorry

::2 weeks later after his funeral Kiara’s house::

Mario- Kiara are you in you room

Kiara- Ya (crying)

Mario- oo Kiara don’t cry you know I hate to see you cry (whipping the tears away)

Kiara- I can’t help it he meant a lot to me

Mario- ok so I guess you don’t wanna go to Druex’s

Kiara- ya I will go I didn’t get dressed for nothing

::Druex’s House::

Druex- Yall ready to eat

E1- ya

Kiara- I will be back I have to use the bathroom


Alexis- is she doing better it looks like she hasn’t eaten anything for 2 weeks

Mario- she hasn’t and it’s effecting her bad ( in a sad tone

Kiara walks back to the table

Alexis- so um what are we going to do tomorrow

Druex- we have rehearsal so I don’t know what yall ladies are doing

Nelly- I don’t know and where is Paris O

Omari- She should be here now (looking at his Gucci watch Nelly brought him)

Jarell- oo umm this food is good (stuffing cornbread in his mouth)

Kiara- I can see that (she laughs and everybody looks at her) what I do?

Netta- that was the first laugh we heard in 2 weeks

Kiara- o (looking down)

Paris walks in

Paris- Kiara Can I talk to you

Kiara- um ok (getting up from the table and moving into the living room) what ya need

Paris- we broke up

Kiara- what he do and when

Paris- well after I told him he beat on me (showing the mark on her arm) and I lost the baby please don’t tell Omari or anybody ok and it happened like 5 days ago

Kiara- ya ok I knew something like this would happen and why didn’t you talk to me earlier

Paris- how? And sorry you were going through a tough time

Kiara- it happened to a friend of mine but it lead to her dying just like the video love is blind by eve

Paris- o well its over between me and him

Kiara- good just watch you back and lets go back in the kitchen


Kiara- ok

Omari- what was that all about

Kiara- well…

Paris- nothing I had to ask her something

Omari- and you can’t ask me

Kiara- O don’t worry it was something that I had experience with ok

Omari- ya whateva

Nelly- stop being protective damn it getting on my nerves

Netta- I guess she told you

Omari- Shut up

Jarell- hey Cut it O don’t tell her or any other women to aight

Netta- thanx bay (about to kiss him but he has food all in his mouth)

Druex- I don’t understand you J you can eat so much and be so skinny at the same time

Netta- that’s a good thing cuz I don’t have to worry about having a fat body on me.

Alexis- Kiara you wanna eat something before Jarell eats it all (Druex’s nudges her)

Kiara- um ok (makes a plate) (whispering) Mario why are you so quiet?

Mario-I am just thinking

Kiara- about?

Mario- you and what happened and how it effected you

Kiara- O don’t worry about it (kissing him) I feel that I am recovering

Mario- that’s good to hear

Netta- (slapping Jarell upside the head) stop being such a pig. Look at you it all over me some how

Nelly- he’s more than a pig he is a hog

Jarell- sorry (wiping the food off of Netta)

Mario- well umm I think I am going to go ready Kiara

Kiara- ya

::In the car::

Kiara- why are you so quiet it is killing me

Mario- sorry its just I don’t know what to say

::Starts to rain as they go in Mario’s Drive way::

Kiara- why it gotta rain… and don’t worry about it ok

Mario- ok and wait there I will get the door for you

Kiara- thanx that’s sweet

Mario around and grabs Kiara

Kiara- wait

Mario- what it’s raining

Kiara- well (getting on the roof of the car) I will give you the best rain you will ever had in you life

Mario- really (getting on the roof) and are you ready for this at this time

Kiara- ya you make me happy and I want that feeling again

Yall know what happens and then Netta and Jarell pull up seeing them and Kiara and Mario run in the house to hide (lol) so they get dressed as fast as they can in some dry cloths .


Netta- Kiara I think you forgot these (holding her bra and underwear up)

Kiara- I will take that from you (snatching it)

Jarell- man yall freaky damn (giving daps to Mario) I don’t blame ya especially with Kiara DAMN!!

Kiara- ok why are yall here I was having the time of my life out there

Mario- ya I know (smiling)

Netta- we came to check on Kiara and to see if yall were ok… well I guess yall are

Jarell- Damn Netta why can’t we do that?

Netta- look what yall did to him

Kiara- it’s not my fault lol

Netta- it’s not my fault im not a freak?

Kiara- ha ha anywayz what do yall want?

Jarell- to eat and chill

Mario- Damn ho much you gunna eat

Jarell- fine be that way why don’t we go somewhere after yall to clean up

Kiara- what do you say (looking at Mario)

Mario- ya ok we will be back and change in something more comfortable

Netta- ya yall do that we will be in the movie room

::Druex and Alexis house w/ Omari, Nelly and Paris:: (living room)

Omari- Paris what is up with you lately has that nigga Jason done anything

Paris- (hesitant) no and we broke up

Nelly- why didn’t you tell us

Paris- I just wanted it to be something I did with myself

Druex- why yall break up?

Paris- I didn’t have strong feelings with him ok and end of discussion ok( getting up and going for the door)
