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Life Lessons ~ Chapter 10

MeanWhile at Jarell House

Jasmine just getting home and the phone rings.Jasmine answers the phone


Girl:Hello Jarell

Jasmine:Who is this




Jasmine:what you want with Jarell

Tameka:he supposed to comeover yesterday and i wanted to know what happened to him

Jasmine:Comeover?for what?

Tameka:thats none of you business

Jasmine:yeah it is im his girl

Tameka:so its not your fucking business

Jarell came in the house fromplaying ball with Zane

Jasmine:who the fuck is Tameka

Jarell:she on the phone

Jasmine:duh nigga dont play dumb,who is she

Jarell:dont worry bout it

Jasmine:you said you would treat me right

jarell:and i am

Jasmine:then who is Tameka

Jarell:dont worry bout it

Jasmine:aight well the bitch on the phone

Jasmine hands Jarell the phone

Jarell:what the fuck you want

Tameka:come get me

Jarell:from where


Jarell:what you in for now

Tameka:fooling with drugs

Jarell:Tameka,whats wrong with you

Jasmine picks up the phone but Jarell and Tameka dont notice it cause they too busy talking

Tameka:i need you

Jarell:well you already got Jasmine Suspicious of me

Tameka:fuck dat bitch,you gon handle it

Jarell:Aight Tameka,i'll be there and when i get there dont take forever cause i wanna do it and be out

Tameka:aight baby

Jarell:aight bye


Jasmine came back to the living room

Jasmine:dont worry bout her huh


Jasmine:i knew you was fucking dat bitch,you wanna do it and be out huh

Jarell:what the hell are you talking bout Jasmine

Jasmine:you and dat Tameka bitch

Jarell:i told you dont worry bout her this is a one time thing

Jasmine:you think ima still be here if you leave and fuck her

Jarell:fuck who

Jasmine:Tameka you stupid motherfucker

Jarell:naw Jas it aint even like that

Jasmine:go to your bitch then

The phone rings and Jarell answers it,its Omarion


Omarion:yo Jarell get to the hospital


Omarion:Tamia having the baby

Jarell:fo real


Jarell:im on my way

They Hung up

Jasmine:Jarell,whats going on

Jarell:Get down to the hospital,while i go get my cousin Tameka from Jail

Jasmine:why i gotta go to the hospital

Jarell:Tamia is having the baby

Jasmine:oh OK

Jasmine goes to the hospital and Jarell down to the Police Station

After Jarell got Tameka out of jail,they ridin to the hospital.........................

Tameka:thank you so much how can i ever repay you

Jarell:stop smoking cause next time you down there im not getting you

Tameka:aight,who Jasmine,i aint heard of her i thought you still went with Dontraya

Jarell:Dontraya and me broke up two years ago

Tameka:why yall break up

Jarell:cause Dontraya had too much drama for me and she was pregnant by some other dude

Tameka:you still love her

Jarell:of course,she was my first love

jarell Cell phone rings


Voice:hey J

Jarell:who this


Jarell:fa real we was just talkin bout you

Dontraya:Nothing bad i hope

Jarell:naw,how you get my cell phone number

Dontraya:dont worry bout it, i would really like to see you again

Jarell:me too

Dontraya:come over now

Jarell:naw im on my way to the hospital

Dontraya:what wrongs

Jarell:nothing Jerome girl having a baby

Dontraya:he still with Renae goofy ass

Jarell:naw he got another girl remember he broke up with Renae 5 years ago

Dontraya:so he still with Tamia

Jarell:yeah,well i call you later aight

Dontraya:aight bye Rell

Jarell:bye Tray

They finally make it to the hospital

Omarion:hey Jarell

Jarell:whuz up O

Tameka:you not gon speak to me O

Omarion:who is you

Tameka:Nigga its Tameka

Jarell:that bitch been hitting the pipe

Tameka:shut up rell

Omarion:oh how you doing Tameka

Jasmine came walking down the hall

Jasmine:you dont have enough respect for me to keep the bitch away

Jarell:why you trippin i already told you who she be

Tameka:thats right bitch

Omarion:Jasmine,Tameka, chill

Jasmine:mind your fucking business Omarion

Jarell:Damn Jasmine,she my mothafucking cuzin and i told you that shit already

Jasmine:Fuck you nigga

Omarion:yall we in the hospital calm the fuck down

Jasmine:Naw Jarell its over and i aint (calming down)Know she was your cuzin,im sorry Jarell

Jarell:what the fuck eva

Tamia Finally had the baby,it was a boy,Tamia named him Jerome Issac Jones Jr.,

Chapter 11
