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Life Lessons ~ Chapter 11

They all sitting in the room with Tamia

Omarion:so how does it feel to finally have a boy

Jerome:man you know im happy i mean i do love T and Ash but now someone i can teach how to be a man

Tamia:only after Omarion teaches you how to be a man

They all laugh

Jerome:yeah whateva Tamia

Dreux:he looks just like Jerome

Jerome:look at Lil Jerome looking good like his daddy

DeMario:nigga please

Imari:He so adorable and he got his mommy eyes

Jarell:cant wait to share the joy of having another one

Jasmine:well you got 3 more months

Tamia:Jas you pregnant


Tamia:what did the sonagram say the sex was

Jasmine:no i didnt get the sonagram i had the test where they use the the CromoSomes to tell the sex

Jarell:what we having

Jasmine:twins,girl and boy

Omarion pulled Jasmine to the side

Omarion:you sure they aint mine

Jasmine:yeah im sure

Omarion:you sure


Omarion:how you know

Jasmine:the same way i got the sex,they told me their blood type is O and thats Jarell type

Omarion:whew glad my blood type is B


Omarion:cause i cant hurt you and you cant hurt Jarell no more,ease up on him he good man

Jasmine:aight Omarion

*****Note:I dont Know B2K and i dont Know their blood type so the information is false*****

They Joined with the rest and they kept talking about how cute Lil Jerome was.

two years later.........................

-Everyone was back to normal except Jerome and Tamia.They cherished each other and tried to have a good relationship and spent a lot of time with Jerome(2),Tamalyn(6),and Ashalaya(8).

-Shemika still tried to convince Dreux to get back with her

-Omarion has recovered,he no longer tries to rape people and everyone has become close with him.He's now a trusted friend.

-Jasmine and Jarell still argue over Jarell's friends that are Girls callin all the time.They have twins a girl and a boy and their names are Rashad(2) and Rashell(2).Jarell Jr is now four

-Imari is now pregnant by Ali

-DeMario found a new girl named Shanae and they have a great relationship

-Dreux has moved on and is currently talking to but not dating Tynisha

-Kelton and Briana are planning to be married next month

-Oryan is now a daddy.He has twin boys and their names are Oryan(1) and Omari(1) Grandberry like him and his brother.

-Brittany recently passed in a car accident,Kahlil(4) wasnt with her so now he lives with daddy Omarion.Shawn and Shanelle are three and live with their mother Tia in Orange County California

-Shad and Neochie parted ways for some unknown reasons

-Tohri and Angie still have problems but Angie wont give up on Tohri.She knows he's a good man and wants to everybody to know it too.

-Marques and Krystal have children and are married and have lived a nice life.

-Kandi no longer comes around the crew no more

-Mario and his Girl Niece have had problems and they are trying to work them out

-Tameka ass is back in jail for good.

Chapter 12
