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Life Lessons ~ Chapter 12

At Tamia/Jerome house



Ashalaya:daddy wanted to know would you like to be Mrs.Jerome Jones

Tamia:tell daddy i said yes(smiling)

Jerome:hey baby

Tamia:Romeo you are too sweet,

Jerome:where Lil'Jerome at

Tamia:i thought he was with you

Jerome:Lil Jerome come here

Lil Jerome walks in the room with an engagement ring and some flowers,he puts the ring on his mommy's finger and hands her the flower.Jerome was recording the whole thing.

Tamia:thank you sweety



Lil'Jerome:i hungry

Tamia:come on i'll fix you something to eat

Tamia went downstairs and Jerome with the camera followed her and they had a candlelight dinner!!!

At Jarell house

Jasmine is on a Business trip for the weekend Marques,Oryan,Tohri,Percy and Jarell are talking

Marques:what we gon do tonite

Jarell:lets hit club Choices

Oryan:J,who gon watch your bad ass kids



Tohri:i cant hang with yall


Tohri:angie aint gon go for that and besides i been out all week

Oryan's Cell Rings


Shardae:come home

Oryan:whats wrong

Shardae:bring your ass home

Oryan:im on my way

Hangs up with Shardae

Oryan:aight yall i gotta go

Oryan outside walking to his Black Navi when he sees his ex-girlfriend Chanel Hayes.

Chanel:hey Ryan

Oryan:whuz up Chanel

Chanel:How you been

Oryan:fine and you

Chanel:im fine,can i get a hug


Oryan and Chanel Hug

Back in Jarell house

jarell Staring out the window

Jarell:Damn shorty all hugged up on Ryan got ass

Marques:who is it

Percy:i dont know

Tohri:i cant see

So they all decide to go outside

Chanel:hey yall

Percy:oh this heffa

Chanel:fuck you

Percy:no thanks

jarell:how you doing Chanel

Chanel:Fine so whats new with yall


Chanel:really,how many





Chanel:wait you got kids Oryan

Oryan:yep two boys Oryan and Omari

Chanel:what about you Percy

Percy:i aint got none

Chanel:i see why

Percy:Ryan shut your bitch up

Chanel:dont start shit you cant finish

Percy:yeah whateva chickenhead

Oryan Cell phone rings


Shardae:Come home nigga i gotta go to the doctors

Oryan:then go

Shardae:who gon watch Ryan and Mari

Oryan:Aight im on my way

Chanel:who was that

Tohri:damn yo mind ya business

Marques:why yall still hugged up

Oryan:bye yall i gotta go before DaeDae whip my ass

Ryan got in his Black Navi and sped off

Chanel:Who DaeDae

Percy:Mind ya business lady

Chanel:rell,who DaeDae

Jarell:his babymomma

Marques:just like your dumb ass to tell errrrrrrbody business

Jarell:shut up nigga

Chanel:dont worry bout them rell,the jealous cause you can have anybody you want

Jarell:so i can get with you

Chanel:oh naw hell naw

Jarell:aight bye Chanel

Chanel:you aint gon invite me in your house

Jarell:oh naw hell naw

Chanel:thats messed up J

Jarell:I know byebye

At Tia's House in Orange County California


Tia:Who is it


Tia:who tha fuck is Me(opening the door)

person:hey lady

Tia:what the fuck you want

Shawn and Shanelle come running from their rooms


Tia:nelly that is not your daddy

Omarion:oh im not

Tia:you dont act like you they daddy

Omarion:im around as much as i can be

Tia:yeah whateva

Omarion:you the one who moved all far away

Then Tia's new boyfriend came home(he was never home before when omarion was there so they didnt know about each other and shouldnt have never met)



Rashad:who the fuck is this nigga

Tia:Shawn and Shanelle father


Omarion:why you saying oh like you was gon fuck me up

Rashad:nigga dont get you ass beat

Tia:Rashad..........Omarion not infront of Shawn and Shanelle

Rashad:aight,but your little bitch ass ex and shit think he mr big dog

Tia:can you stop,im not gon let you disrespect him,Just cause we dont go together dont mean we aint friends and i wont tolerate cussing infront of my kids

Rashad:man fuck your lil bitch ass kids

Omarion:nigga i know you aint say shit bout my kids

Tia:Shawn andShanelle go to your rooms.


Shawn and Shanelle went to their rooms

Tia:now nigga i let you get away with shit but you dont talk bout my kids

Rashad:fuck you and your fag ass son

Omarion:naw nigga my son aint no fag(Clocking the nigga in his jaw)

Tia:nigga get the fuck out

Rashad:man fuck you go live with this gay ass exboyfriend of you

Omarion:Gay nigga you must got me confused with you

Tia then jumped on Rashad and was beating his ass and Omarion joined her and thenTia went and got a knife and went to stab Rashad but.............................

Chapter 13
