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Life Lessons ~ Chapter 14

At DeMario house the Next day


Shanae:who is it

Chela:Bitch open the door

Shanae(Opening the door)Hey cuzin

Chela:Hay is for horses


Chela:Fuck you where DeMario at

Shanae:taking a shower

Chela:taking a shower?



Shanae:what you mean by finally

Chela:that boy always stunk you aint noticed

Shanae:naw cause my baby showers three times a day bitch

Chela:watch it with the bitches or im gon show you a bitch

DeMario comes downstairs and Hugs Chela and Like R.Kelly he feeling on her booty.



Shanae:what you doing

DeMario:hugging Chela

Shanae:you need to feel on her ass to do that?

DeMario:dont start with your drama cause i dont need it

Shanae:fuck you

DeMario:fuck you ya ass starting to act like Chela

Chela:what you mean by that

DeMario:you had a lot of drama with you too


DeMario:i dont need drama so i let you go

Chela:hahahaha nigga please i let you go cause you was fucking my bestfriend and now you fucking my lil cuzin

DeMario:look i aint for the drama so if yall gon bring it then yall needs to be out

Chela:aight i wont bring drama but your surprise is in my car(Chela hands him the keys)get it


DeMario walks out to the car and unlocks the door and two children twins are sitting in the car.DeMario picks the children up and takes them in the house.

DeMario:Chela you shouldnt leave your kids in the car by themselves,oh and where my surprise

Chela:Surprise nigga they your kids


Chela:right before we broke i got pregnant but i was so mad at you so i aint tell you and you hurt and i aint want to see you so i never came back

Shanae:i thought they were ATL's Children

Chela:can you stay out of this and i aint never fuck ATL

Shanae:lyin bitch you just want Mario back

Chela:i can get Mario back if i want him back

DeMario:Fuck ATL,why didnt you tell me

Chela:because we broke and i aint ever wanna see you again

DeMario:but they my children and i had a right to know two years ago

Chela:sorry bruh but two years past what can i do about it now

DeMario:Look im sorry i didnt mean fuck...........

Chela:save it im over the Imari issue.Look all i wanna know is do you want to be daddy to them or do you want to sign over your legal rights to ATL

DeMario:hell naw Mario is a daddy

Shanae:Mario now you them aint your kids

Chela:i aint got no reason to lie

Shanae:cause you want Mario

DeMario:damn Shanae stop shit they is my kids so shut the hell up

Shanae:fuck you bitch

Shanae left DeMario's House

At Jarell house

(I think i skipped some days but anyways jasmine is back)

Jasmine's home and she checks on her children but they aint there so she know Jarell up to something.She walks in her room and she see Jarell and Shemika fucking each other.They dont notice her so she walks all the way in the room and puts her luggage away and starts talking to them

Jasmine:hey Jarell and Shemika

Shemika:Jarell stop


Shemika:Cause Jasmine in here looking at us

Jarell:hey baby

Jasmine:Dont hey baby me,lies lies lies all you ever told me

Jarell:Jasmine clam down it aint what you think

Jasmine:and Omarion even admitted to me that you never slept with Shemika and told me to ease up on you cause you was a good guy

Jarell:what the hell are you talking about

Jasmine:you just leave,the both of you leave now

Jarell:but Jasmine

Jasmine:just leave Jarell

Jasmine is all alone and she is on the floor Crying

At Dreux House

Tynisha at Dreux's house with Asjah.Dreux went to get them something to eat.Shemika came to pick Asjah up.Shemika was coming to get Asjah becuz her mother live in Baltimore(Reppin dat 410 ya heard) and she coming to visit Shemika and Asjah.


Tynisha:who is it

Shemika(frowning up):Shemika


Tynisha(opening tha door):Hi

Shemika:where Dreux

Tynisha:he went to get something to eat

Shemika:why you here

Tynisha:cause i was over here with Dreux and then he said he had to get something to eat for Asjah

Shemika:where is she

Tynisha:in dreux's room

Shemika:She sleep?


Shemika:Then why would you leave her up there by herself.

Shemika goes in Dreux's room


Shemika:come on get your shoes

Tynisha:i know you not gon take her

Shemika:this my child she going home with me i will call Dreux when i get home

Dreux Home

Dreux:Tynisha,Asjah come eat neither of them came so he went in his room

Dreux:Mika what you doing here

Shemika:came to get my daughter

Dreux:this my week with her

Shemika:my momma coming to visit


Shemika:why would you leave her here with your little girlfriend


Shemika:i dont know her so i dont want her round my child

Tynisha:im a better a mother to her than you

Shemika:what have you bought her,did for her,nothin

Dreux:Tynisha stop dont say another word

Shemika:im gon call you later on to plan her party

Dreux:aight bye mika

At Omarion's House

Omarion:how long you plan on staying here

Tia:what you dont like my company

Omarion:naw but you be making me horny and shit but you probably wouldnt fuck me since we aint together no more

Tia:if im in the mood to fuck i would come to you

Omarion;dont play with a nigga mind

Tia:im serious i would.

Omarion;you in tha mood now

Tia:naw im mad right now

Omarion:why you mad

Tia:what Rashad did and he know i take my children seriously.

Omarion:forget about it,it aint nothin to be mad bout cause he was never good for you

Tia:like you were

Omarion:what i aint cheat on you

Tia:but you were always with the Cali Crew

Omarion:but at least i loved you

Tia:he loved me too

Omarion:he disrespected you by talking bout your children,now i would neva do dat

Tia:yeah cause they your kids too

Omarion:even if they wasnt mine i would talk badly bout them they only kids

Tia:aight mari you treated me better than Rashad.

At Angie/Tohri house

Tohri and his crew chillin smoking and shit ya know tha drill

Tohri:yo leez pass dat dis way

Ali:in a minute dirty

Angie comes home

Angie:what the fuck is going on in here

Ali:hey miss Angie

Angie:who the hell is you and why is it so dark in here

Ali:its me Leez

Tohri:stop yelling

Angie:hey leez

Kyjuan:murph check your girl come up in here thinking she be running thangs

Angie:i do muthafucka this here is mine

Cornell:Chill ma

Angie:lets get this shit up out my house

Tohri:yo angie chill

Angie:naw nigga you and your lil stank ass friend aint gon disrespect me

Ali:im one his friends am i stank

Angie:naw cause you keep him on the narrow except for the weed

Kyjuan:man fuck you

Cornell:peace we leavin for we got get somebody to get your bitch

Tohri:aight yo peace my dirties

At Mario house

Mario:baby come here

Niece stumbling in the room


Mario:i got the job

Niece:what job

Mario:the one i applied for

Niece:what you gon be doing

Mario: working for sisqo

Niece:doing what

Mario:Marketing VP

Niece:my baby doing big thangs

Mario:yup and first i gon get dat house on the hill for me and boo

Niece:who me

Mario:yerp and you know it

(note:*Mario and Niece still live with their parents*)
