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Life Lessons ~ Chapter 3

DeMario: so we cool right

Imari:yeah yeah we cool

DeMario goes back downstairs to hang with the crew while imari finish gettin dressed

Jerome: yo what was yall talking bout

DeMario: nothin much she was just trippin off me tellin yall but we cool now

the fellas: yeah right

The phone rings and Jarell answers it

Jarell: hello

Dreux: yo what up whats goin on over there

Jarell: yo who is this

Dreux: its your man dreux

Jarell: yo what up aint nothin goin over here we just chillin yo where you been you been missing for awhile

Dreux: i been chillin wit my baby momma

Jarell: your baby mama yo when yall have a baby

Dreux: bout a month ago even though we having problems but we workin it out

Jarell: oh cool cool

Dreux: so yo we gon drop by and holla at yall aight

Jarell: aight


Jarell goes back to the boys to tell em what he and Dreux was talkin bout

Jarell: yo yall know that Dreux gotta baby now

v Oryan: fo reel so thats what lil d been up to you know if its a boy or girl or what they name is

Jarell: awww shit i knew i forgot to ask something damn but naw i didnt they on their way over anyway

Omarion: Man you aint good for nothing i swear

They all start laughing

Imari: what yall laughing for

Oryan: damn yo you look nice today

Imari: anyway what yall laughing at

Omarion : damn yo she carried your ass

Then the doorbell rang

Imari: i'll get it

Dreux: hey whats up mari

Imari: nothin whats up with you and who is this little one

Dreux: This my baby girl Asjah

Imari:how old is she

Dreux:One Month

Imari:so thats what been doin all that time

Dreux:yeah well can i come in

Imari:oh oh yeah

The Fellas:Hey whuz up Lil D

Dreux:hey whuz up

Jerome:who that lil lady


Oryan:She yours

Dreux:duh nigga

Imari:whats her full name

Dreux:Asjah Chanel Fredericks

Imari:Thats a beautiful name

They still convosating with Dreux and then they watch All ABout Tha Benjamins and you know how peeps be saying lines

Dreux:This my Part,Im gon get me some earrings like Iverson

Jarell:(Smacks Dreux in tha back of his head)Put that shit down

Soon after that everybody left and Brittany finally came over with Kahlil

Imari:Hey gurl,what took you so long

Brittany:I stopped by someotha places before coming here,So where Mari at?

Imari:in my room

Brittany:you go with Mari now

Imari:No he had trouble wit Tia and he stayin here

brittany:well where you sleepin gurl

Imari:im goin ova my boyfriend house,so yall got tha house to yall self and dont do nothin i wouldnt do ,so im out

Brittany:aight bye gurl

Imari leaves and brittany goes upstairs to put Kahlil to sleep and went to talk to Mari,who didnt even know she was there.


Omarion:Mari dont be stupid girl this your room you aint gotta knock

Brittany:(opening the door)Whuz up Mari

Omarion:(surprised)Brittany,hey gurl come over here and sit down

They convosating and shit,Brittany coming on to Omarion and this goofy nigga fell for her.You Know what the fuck the did.

The Next Day...........................

Imari comes home at 8:15 am to get ready for work,she goes upstairs to her room and when she opens the door she see Omarion and Brittany laying in her bed naked(i would love to see mari Naked)

Imari:(screaming)Mari get the hell up

Omarion and brittany got uo and nervously looked for their clothes and brittany went to get Kahlil ready for the day Omarion was still struggling to put his clothes on

Imari:what was yall doing

Omarion:what it look like

Imari:dont you care about tia


Imari:then why are you cheating on her

Omarion:you cant talk


Omarion:you cheated on Ali with Demario and he cheated on Chela

Imari:thats different

Omarion:oh really,how

Imari:becuz it was a mutual feeling

Omarion:yeah but you still fucked him

Imari:look Mari i dont wanna argue with you

Omarion:then why the fuck you make it an issue bitch

Imari:who tha fuck you think you talking to.I aint no hoe on your jock so you betta chill with that' shit

Omarion:Til ya ass know how to act ,dont come round me

He left,he finally went home and Tia was sitting on the couch crying

Omarion:Hey T

Tia:Mari where you been all night

Omarion:at that bitch Imari house

Tia:So this mean you wont hang around her anymore

Omarion:(realizin what he just done)baby i'll be back

Then he went to Dreux house


Dreux opens the door

Dreux:hey whuz up man

Omarion:can i talk to you

Dreux:bout what and who


Dreux:Oh shit nigga what you do

Omarion:she caught me and brittany

Dreux:doin what

Omarion:nigga what you think

Dreux:with brittany again ewwwwwwwww man you nasty that hoe

Omarion:Then she aked me if cared about tia,then why was i cheating on her but then i told mari that what her and Big D did wasnt no different

Dreux:wait wait what the fuck she do wit him

Omarion:she fucked him while they was supposed to be at the store

Dreux:Man yall two nasty

Omarion:well anyway i made babygirl mad as shit this the maddest she eva been at me you think she'll forgive me

Dreux:Maybe cuz you know she only showing love and dont want you to do anything stupid, well all i can say is talk to her

Omarion: aight well im out

Omarion leaves and goes to Imari house

knock knock

Imari opens the door

Imari: what you doing here

Omarion: look babygirl im sorry for what i said i realize you be always tryin to help me out but sometimes i need to make mistakes

Imari: babyboy i understand so im gon let you make your own mistakes

Omarion:but you aint gon stop helpin me

Imari:alwyas remember i always got cha back no matta what you do

Meanwhile at Jerome's house

Jerome:Mia why you actin like that

Tamia:acting like what

Jerome:acting like you dont want me

Tamia:no that would be you staring kandi up and down like you wanna fuck her

Jerome: cant i look


Jerome: why not

Tamia: know what i aint got nothin else to say to you

Jerome: why the fuck you mad if you aint got shit to say

Tamia:i aint got nothin to say to you so get the fuck out my face

v Jerome:why you actin like a bitch

Tamia:a what?

Jerome:a bitch

Tamia: get the fuck away from me for i say some shit i'll regret

Chapter 4
