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Life Lessons ~ Chapter 6

Dreux then called his friend Mario(not DeMario)

Mario:yo what up

Dreux:Mario come over my house now

Mario:who this

Dreux:this Dreux

Mario:whats going on

Dreux:i tell you when you get here

Mario:aight i be there in about 15

Dreux:aight one


Mario at Dreux house and they talkin

Mario:so whats going on


Mario:what about her

Dreux:she a hoe,yo do you know she fucked Jarell

Mario:damn when was this i mean yall was always together

Dreux:Last year when my family was at the hospital with my moms

Mario:damn she fucked your boy and in your time of needing support

Dreux:i know so you gon ride

Mario:what you gon do

Dreux:talk to Jarell

Mario:only if you promise no guns knives nothing

Dreux:Man i promise besides i gotta come home to Asjah

Mario:you gon leave her here by herself

Dreux:No im taking her to Imari's house

Dreux takes Asjah to Imari's house and goes to Jarell house


Jarell:who is it


Jarell opens the door.And Dreux&Mario walks in,Jarell closes ths door and turns around

Jarell:so what brings yall round here


Dreux:i wanna know why you fucked my girl,i aint gon touch you so no need to call Rome and Marq

Jarell:Negro what you talking bout

Dreux:nigga dont lie,i heard ya convo and the bitch admitted to it so i wanna know why you would stick my chick

Jarell:She wanted it

Dreux:oh really,like you really want my fist to hit your face

Jarell:nigga get out face with the bull shit

Dreux:naw look im only trippin for 3 reasons,Reason one,you fucked my gir reason 2,you was my bestfriend and 3 cause it was during the time when i really needed you and you was off fucking my bitch,i should kick your ass but im more mature

Jarell:i really dont have time

Jasmine:what the fuck is going on down here

Dreux:ya nigga fuck my bitch

Jasmine:Is that true Jarell

Jarell:naw Jas he lyin

Dreux:call the bitch Shemika and she'll tell ya tha truth,she at Briana

Jasmine:Know what im takin Jarell Jr. and im leavin

Jarell:Jas where you goin

Jasmine:Just dont say shit to me Jarell.

Jarell:look nigga dont fuck up my family cause ya bitch a hoe

Dreux:seriously i dont care more for this issue so Mario lets go

Jasmine:Dreux(looking at Jarell mad)wait for me

They outside

Dreux:Jasmine where you going

Jasmine:drop me off at Zane house


He dropped her off at Zane house,took Mario back to his house(Dreux House) and went to Briana's house

Kelton let Dreux in and Briana walks in the room

Briana:what you doing here


Briana:why you do that to my sister

Dreux:do what

Briana:call her out her name,fuss her out and then deny your own child

Dreux:why dont you just mind ya own damn business

Briana:get out my house



Kelton:me and him talkin

Briana:well go over his damn house and talk

Dreux:know what nevamind im gon just go home so i talk to you later Kel

Kelton:bye yo

Dreux was all angry and shit so he decided to have Ashley comeover

Ashley and Dreux sittin talkin and Shit

Ashley:why did you want me to comeover

Dreux:i wanted some company

Ashley:aint ya gurl enough company

Dreux:can we not talk abou her

Ashley:(talkin baby talk and rubbin his leg)What did she a do a to my little baby

Dreux:lets put it like this she a lil hoe

Ashley:Oh ok,lets move on so what you wanna do

Dreux:i dont even know

Ashley:call Jerome,Omarion,and Demario and I'll call my girls to come over and we can have some fun aight


Dreux called Jerome,Omarion,and Demari;Ashley called Tenesia,Kandi,and Tynisha. Every body there and they sittin around talkin

Tynisha:so what yall wanna do


Tynisha:yous a got damn pervert

Jerome:lets play Strip Poker

Kandi:yous a pervert too

Omarion:aight since i dont know how to play poker i volunteer to strip

Kandi:i volunteer too


Kandi:nevamind i wanna play Tynisha can Strip

Omarion:whats wrong Kandi


Dreux:see nigga you got her scared to strip

Jerome:hey i wanna see her strip she aint got to be scared of cuz i dont bite

DeMario:kandi you gon strip or not

Tenesia:ima do it

Jerome:aight lil mama show me what you working with

Tynisha:fuck the polka shit Omarion take it off

Omarion and Tenesia strip and every laughing and joking around .Then Shemika comes back to get some clothes

Dreux:why you here

Shemika:to get some clothes

Dreux:yeah whateva

Shemika went upsatirs and dreux followed her

Shemika:why you following me

Dreux:you is in my house dont question me

Shemika:can we talk

Dreux:about what

Shemika:About this situation


Shemika:look im sorry if i hurt you

Dreux:saying sorry wont make it better,that shit hurt,it hurt bad for three reasons


Dreux:one you cheated on me,two with my bestfriend and three when i needed you the most,oh and you had Shad lie for you

Shemika:so whats up with Kandi and them being here

Dreux:i wanted some company,why does it matter to you

Shemika:cause Tenesia and Omarion are naked in case you going blind,well can i take my daughter with me

Dreux:no not now

Shemika:why not

Dreux:cause its too late at night for to be going out shemika:well then can i stay here,with her


Dreux goes back downstairs and Shemika calls Briana to tell her that she Staying with Asjah and Dreux.

Jerome:yo whats going

Dreux:nothing she just spending the night wit Asjah

Omarion:then yall gon make up

Dreux:hell naw i aint gon forgive for what she did maybe later in life

Jerome:im in the blue,what she do and why is she only spending the night if she live here

Demario:She fucked Jarell and he told her to leave

Dreux:damn nigga you just tellin my bizness

Demario:you was gon tell him anyway

Dreux:so,well yall need to be going


Kandi:Damn its his house dont question him

Dreux:thank you


they all leave and Dreux goes upstairs with Asjah and Shemika...........................

Chapter 7
