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Life Lessons ~ Chapter 7



Dreux:go get in the bed

Shemika:I thought i aint live here

Dreux:just go get in the bed

Shemika:aight(kisses asjah and goes in the otha room)

Dreux:(walks in the room)Look im sorry for the way i acted earlier

Shemika:i deserved it

Dreux:no matta what you did you didnt deserve that

Shemika:ok and Im sorry for what i did and i honestly didnt wanna hurt you thats why i didnt tell you

Dreux:aight well im gon sleep on the couch

Shemika:no could you sleep with me just this last time

Dreux:aight(getting into the bed and held her close,closer than ever before)

Shemika:Dreux why are you holding me so tight

Dreux:cause this the last time im gon be able to do this with you

Shemika:it doesn't have to be

Dreux:for the present time it does,cause i need to get over this Jarell issue.

Shemika:Ok goodnight


Meanwhile Jarell house

he all lonely,cause Jasmine left and she took Jr. with her.So he called Jerome


Jerome:jerome what da deal

Jarell:yo whuz up

Jerome:who this

Jarell:me Rell

Jerome:oh whuz up

Jarell:nothing,what you doing

Jerome:nothing,just chillin

Jarell:wanna go to a bar

Jerome:nigga,whats wrong wit you

Jarell:Jasmine,she left me


Jarell:cause of that nigga Dreux

Jerome:that issue of you fuckin Mika

Jarell:yeah,he told Jas and she took Jr. and left

Jerome:you know where she went

Jarell:naw but she probably fuckin him now

Jerome:want me to call over there and see


Jerome:i call you back

Jerome called over Dreux house

The phone rings and Shemika wakes up to answer it



Shemika:naw this Shemika

Jerome:oh hey gurl

Shemika:hey who is this

Jerome:Romie Rome

Shemika:why you call over here,thinking Jasmine was over here

Jerome:no reason

Shemika:well bye

Jerome:wait why you over there i thought yall broke up

Shemika:we did

Jerome:But why you over there

Shemika:im with my daughter and not Dreux

Jerome:aight lil lady goodnight


Jerome then calls Jarell back

Jarell:so was she over there

Jerome:nope but Shemika over there

Jarell:i thought they broke up,cause she called me and told me they did

Jerome:she said they did and she only there for Asjah

Jarell:like that nigga would ever harm Asjah

Jerome:i know so what you finna do

Jarell:man i might just go to sleep

Jerome:aight but dont be crying over Jasmine

Jarell:like i ever cry

Jerome:you do

Jarell:aight bye yo


Meanwhile at DeMario House

DeMario and Omarion are just chillin and talkin

Omarion:Who ever thought we'd have so much drama gettin with Tia,Chela,Jasmine and Shemika

DeMario:Not me and frankly i dont care for the drama so when she start yelling i just leave

Omarion:seems to me like you walking away from your problems

DeMario:naw cause i do come back and ask do she wanna talk about it without all the yelling and Chela never wants to talk,she always gotta yell so we broke up

Omarion:well Tia ass always complaining when something i do gotta do with Imari

DeMario:nigga you know why she trippin

Omarion:naw i dont understand,she know i only love Imari like a friend

DeMario:yeah whateva

Omarion:i do i aint the one who fucked her

DeMario:well then dog you should you know you want to and so does Oryan.


DeMario:why not

Omarion:cause i dont wanna fuck her

DeMario:well who other than Tia do you wanna fuck


DeMario:why her

Omarion:Dreux and Jarell both said she was good in bed and i wanna find out for myself and besides she sexy as shit.

DeMario:well i wanna know how you gon pull that off

Omarion:Im a Grandberry ima get what i want

DeMario:nigga please just cause Grandberry your last name dont mean you gon get shit besides what the hell kinda name is Grandberry

Omarion: (laughing)man shut the hell up like i said ima get her aight just watch

DeMario:really man why you want her

Omarion:i already told you she sexy nad i heard she was good in bed

DeMario:how you know that aint sleep as in snoring and shit

Omarion:nigga ima get her and then i'll tell ya aight


Meanwhile at Briana/Kelton house

Briana:got damn she dumb

Kelton:(acting like he cares)Who

Briana:my sister

Kelton:what she do

Briana:she over there with that ugly fucked up grill muthafucker'

Kelton:(acting like he aint know who she talkin bout)Who is that

Briana:nigga you know im talkin bout Dreux

Kelton:why is it a problem for her to be there

Briana:no matta how he treats her she always goes back to him

Kelton:why you actin like Dreux the bad one,i mean she did fuck Jarell and thats what started this conflict.

Briana:why you takin up for him

Kelton:cause you puttin all the blame on him like your sister didnt do shit wrong

Briana:She didn't

Kelton:yeah she did

Briana:what did she do

Kelton:are you fucking retarded your sister fucked boney ass Jarell

Briana:whats wrong with that

Kelton:well she was going with Dreux and made Jarell break the code.

Briana:the code?what the fuck does that have to do with anything?

Kelton:look i aint fightin over this cause this issue aint my problem and you dont seem to understand anything

Briana:fuck you ,go over Dreux house

Kelton:fine then im out

Chapter 8
