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Life Lessons ~ Chapter 9

being the caring person Dreux is,he went upstairs with Shemika.Shemika is crying.


Shemika:Dreux go away

Dreux:whats the matter

Shemika:Im Ok

Dreux:was it something i did


Dreux:do you ever plan on telling me


Dreux:whatever happened aint that bad so lighten up

Shemika:Dreux just leave me alone

Dreux:aight,if you wanna talk i'll be downstairs

Then the phone rings and Shemika answers it


Voice:hey baby

Shemika:Jarell im not..................

Voice(cutting her off)Guess again,im not Jarell

Shemika:who are you then

Voice:its me baby Omarion

Shemika:(starting to cry again)Please leave me alone

Omarion:bitch put Dreux on i aint call for you anyway

Shemika goes downstairs and gives Dreux the phone(its cordless duh).

Dreux:yo whats up,who this

Omarion:its Omarion

Dreux:whats up

Omarion:you going down Security(Security Square Mall,its a Baltimore Thang)



Dreux:who else going

Omarion:DeMario,Mario,Percy,Jerome and Kelton

Dreux:what about Jarell

Omarion:oh him and Jasmine got back together



Dreux:aight what time yall gon hit the mall

Omarion:ima be there round 5

Dreux:aight i be there at 5 too

Omarion:aight one


Omarion then calls Jasmine.

Jasmine:Whuz up

Omarion:hey baby

Jasmine:Hey Omarion

Omarion:hows things with you and Jarell

Jasmine:they are fine,what do you really want

Omarion:you to come over and give me some

Jasmine:im here with Jarell

Omarion:who gives a fuck

Jasmine:i do

Omarion:you wanna get hurt again

Jasmine:no,i'll be there in 15 minutes

Omarion:thats more like it



15 Minutes later

Jasmine:come on,can we get this over with

Omarion:then bring ya ass over here,you know you a hoe cheating on Jarell,when he aint never cheated on you.

Jasmine:i aint no hoe, and he did cheat on me

Omarion:in January,i fucked Shemika and Jarell walked in the room Drunk and i put him on top of Shemika and Shad walked in on them.

Jasmine:why are you fucking up people's life

Omarion:know what i dont even want you go home


Omarion:peace out bitch

Meanwhile at angie and Tohri(MurphyLee) house

Tohri rapping:I sport beeper on my boots that why i buzz when i kick maybe its on my lips is chaos when i spit,quarter man quarter skool boy half lunatic,quarter rubber quarter dick otha half in yo chick.............................................

Tohri lay around the house,smoking weed and the house dirty,Angie finally wakes up and goes downstairs where Tohri



Angie:why does the house look like this

Tohri:cause you aint come clean up

Angie:i aint no damn maid and why is you smoking in the house you know Lil Tohri in the house

Tohri:Man chill

Angie:no get up and do something

Tohri:like what

Angie:clean up this mess

Tohri:what mess

Angie:Clean up the drugs,and pick up the toys and clothes

Tohri:can you help me

Angie:do what

Tohri:Clean up

Angie:i'll be down to help in a few minutes


Angie(walking upstairs mumbling)Old Dirty Bastard

Tohri:i heard dat

Meanwhile at Jerome house


Tamia:oh what the fuck do you want

Jerome:why you acting like that again

Tamia:cause your goofy ass is getting on my last got damn nerves

Jerome:baby im sorry,what can i do to make it up to you

Tamia:Nothing at this present time

Jerome:sure your not hungry

Tamia:i already ate

Jerome:well where my plate at

Tamia:i went out to lunch with Chela

Jerome: you still hang around her

Tamia:duh nigga she my cousin

Jerome:can you fix me something to eat

Tamia:what you want

Jerome:a steak and vegetables

Tamia:what fucking vegetables

Jerome:potatoes and corn


Tamia goes and cooks him something to eat. The phone rings


Voice:hey Mia

Tamia:who this


Tamia:hey how you doin boy

Omarion:im fine,hows my niece

Tamia:who Tamalyn or Ashalaya


Tamia:they fine

Omarion:what grade Ashalaya in


Omarion:what grade Tamalyn in

Tamia:She in Pre-K,they been wanting to see you but Jerome dont want to take them to see you.

Omarion:can i come by to see yall or is yall busy

Tamia:you can comeover

Omarion:aight i be there around 2




its 2 and omarion chillin over Tamia and Jerome house

Tamalyn:hi uncle O

Omarion:whuz up Tamalyn how you been

Tamalyn:fine,can i have some money

Tamia:Tamalyn,stop asking for money i already told you no(yelling from the Kitchen)

Omarion:(walking in the Kitchen) hey Tamia

Tamia:hey boy

Jerome:(snackin on some chips,mouth full and shit)Whuz up O

Omarion:whuz up Rome

Jerome:what you doin here

Omarion:came by to see my nieces

Jerome:they bad as Shit

Tamalyn was in the Kitchen when he said that

Tamalyn:what is Shit

Tamia:what did you say

Tamalyn:what is Shit

Tamia:(smacking her mouth) you dont say that

Tamalyn:(crying)why can daddy say it

Tamia:he cant say it either(giving Jerome the look like why you curse in front of her)

Tamalyn:(still crying)why you aint hit him

Tamia gets up and hits Jerome's mouth

Jerome:why the fuck you do that



Tamia:Tamalyn go to your room


Tamalyn goes upstairs in her room which she shares with Ashalaya,and lays next to Ashalaya,who is sleep. Back in the Kitchen.They argueing so all of its yelling

Tamia:Whats up with all the cursing


Tamia:i dont want Tamalyn cursing

Jerome:i agree i dont want her cursing either but what the fuck you hit me for

Tamia:she was mad cause yall said the same thing and she ot hit so i made it fair by hitting

Jerome:look i dont give a fuck what you trying to teach her but dont hit me im a Grown Ass Man

Tamia:well then ni............................................

Omarion:hey hey hey yall calm down,yall fighting over something stupid

Tamia:i dont want my children Cursing,now is that stupid


Tamia:then shut up nigga and mind your own damn business

Omarion:look why the arguement start then

Jerome:cause Tamia bitch ass hit me

Tamia:Bitch ass?

Jerome:naw Tamia,im sorry yo i didnt mean it

Tamia:sure you didnt

Omarion:look its simple,Jerome dont curse in front of Ashalaya or Tamalyn and Tamia dont hit him

Tamia&Jerome:thats what i've been trying to say

Omarion:well rome you going to the mall



Tamia:cause my water broke..................................................

Chapter 10
