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The Anatomy Of A Love Story ~ Chapter 1

Part one the meeting

It was a hot summer day in august.Imx, B2k and Bow wow were rapping up their Scream tour in Nyc. In manhattan there were girls every place. Just blocks and blocks lined up for the final B2k concert among he line (way up front were these four girls, Courteney, Justeen, Kanae and Adream.

"Arent ya'll glad I brought the tickets in advance?" Courteney said.

"Yeah you gets mad coo points fa dis fa sho'!"Adream said.

"Yo Nene it they opening up the booths you got our tickets?" Kanae asked.

" No Baby Girl I left them in my room... syke! they right here. " Nene Replied

"Don't play like dat Nene you had me mad pet yo !" Justeen Said.

"May I have your ticket please? The Ticket master asked

"Oh my bad here." Nene replied

The girls walk in to Madison square Garden to the auditorium.As they walk in the run into Nene's cousin Jhane(Jah Neen)

"Hey NeNe what you doin in here you goin see them little boys um, whats their name um B2k.

"Yeah Jhane we goin see them they not little either".Nene replied.

"Well excuse me miss Nene wel ya'll going to see them teen boys cause they sure aint grown and neither are ya'll so becareful ok have fun.

" Ok Jhane We will! They all say.

The girls go inside the arena and find their seats front row next to the action. The concert lasts about four hours the girls scream and shout through each perfomance. When the concert ends the girls are getting ready to go.

" I can't Believe I caught J-boog's shirt!" Adream said.

" I touched Omari's hand im never washing this hand ! Nene said

"Girl be for real !" Justeen said.

" Raz B is so fine, oh my God I can't believe I touched him! Kanae said

" I got to touch Fizz I could cry right now!" Just said

" You know what girls this is the best day of our lives. Nene said

" Yep!" they all said

" Excuse me mams. A security guard said.

"Yeah how can we help you sirs?" Adream said

" Well The Group B2K Saw you all and want you back stage here are your passes." The security guard said


"Hell yeah ! Just said.

" Will you follow me please. The Security guards said.

The girls follow the guards to the backstage area where B2K gree them.

"Hey ladies !" B2K shout

Adream, Kanae and Justeen are speechless except for Nene.

" Hey guys how ya'll doing? Nene asks.

"We iight but much betta since ya'll came." J-boog says smiling.

"Well, introduce ya'll selfs!" Omarion said excited.

" Oh my bad ya'll I'm Courteney--

"Court-Ten-Ney?"Omarion asks

"Yeah you said it right I'll expain later but any way this is Justeen Kanae and Adream--

"Adream like I had a dream?" J-boog asked

"Yea." Adream replyed smiling

" Well I guess you know us." Raz-b said

"Yeah you know that, well why did you pick us?" Nene asked

" To tell the truth we saw yall walkin in the arena ya'll looked kinda fine so we told our bodyguards to take ya'll back stage to meet us. Omarion said.

"Oh ok whoa I feel special." Kanae said

" you are lil lady." Raz b said.

" Thanks". Kanae replied

" Ok so what do we do now before I space out, what yall wanna do?" Nene asked

"Well what eva ya'll want to we could just chat and chill and play ps2. Omarion said

"Yeah what eva we could do that what games you got Omari, wait do you mind me callin you dat? Nene asked.

"Yeah what eva Courteney I got --

" Mari I feel better if you call me Nene ok.

" ok nene right now I got Tekken tag and grand theft auto III.

" Well I want to play with you so lets play Tekken tag.

Will Kanae and Raz link up and what about Omari & Courteney whats da dil with them? also Will Fizz Talk to Justeen will J-boog link with Adream ? find out in part two of part one bump if you feelin it. 1

Part two

" Yo look at the time oh my goodness its mad late!" Justeen said

"Yeah we gots to go home soon or our parents will be beasting. Adream said

" Damn We don't want yall to go we havin mad fun!" J-boog said

" I know right! Kanae said

"Yo lets just call our parents and tell them we ok at least. NeNe said

"Now you know if we call home our parents are going to be like come home right now and Nene I don't want to go now!Babygirl said

"Wait I got an Idea, it seems like a long shot but its worth a try, maybe ya'll can spend tha night with us. Raz-b said.

"I dunno Raz but its worth a try. Jboog said

"Wait girls it should be ok cause ya'll spendin da night at my house so ya'll moms wont know but I don't think my moms will mind as long as we have location and numbers were we can reach your manager or some one at. Nene said.

" Yeah you right Nene your moms shouldn't mind ok call. Justeen said.

" Ok its set then yeah ya'll get to stay! lil fizz said

" Ok Nene call your mom ! Omarion said

Courteney calls her mom to ask, this took about a half hour to make sure everything was legit. the girls returned home to pick up their overnight bags The girls and guys return to the hotel.

"Wow Nene your moms is mad coo to let ya'll stay the night. Lil fizz said

"I know right yo ya moms gets mad points wit me I know my moms would have been like hell naw ! Kanae said.

well ya manager is coo fa letin us stay too I mean he could been like no. Nene said

" what we goin to do when we get there other than eat sleep and play ps2? Lil fizz asked.
