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Who Should I Choose ~ Chapter 2

I was laying in my bed half sleep, dosing off every other 15 minutes, when I felt a hand rub up and down my arm then some lips kiss mine, from behind. Thinking it was Fizz I let him continue. Then I turned and opened my eyes only to see Omaion.

Hey baby. He rubbed his hand through the scalp of my microbraids.

Hey. I pecked his lips. What ju doin here, wheres Fizz? I asked.

He and the guys are at the hotel. He smiled. I told Fizz I was going for a walk. He gave me a sly grin. I thought you and Fizz broke you?

We are. I lied.

Why was you at his house earlier today? he asked.

Umm I told you me and him was cool and I was helping him fix the cable. I told him.

Oh good, I was scared we couldnt fuck tonight. Omarion said with a fake pout.

Omarion! I smiled.

SHH!!! He kissed me and put one of his hand down my pantys and rubbed my clit in a slow circular motion.

Mmm. I moaned.

You like that? He smiled.

Mm hmm. I moaned as he went faster, he know what I like.

Yo clit all hard and erect. He smiled. Mmm. He moaned.

Is yo hole hard and tight? He slid his finger in my hole.

I moaned as he worked his finger inside me.

Cum fa me baby. He said in sexy so-called deep voice. I did. Your so moist He smiled and rubbed my juices over my clit making it soft from the moisture.

Mmm. I moaned.

We both smiled and he kissed me.

You so wet. He smiled.

I looked at him and smiled. Take off that wifebeater. I said and he did. Pull down your pants and boxer-briefs. I whispered.

What? He was hesitant.

Just do it. I said.

He took off pants and boxer-briefs. What are you gonna do?

SHH!!! I put my finger to his mouth to shush him. Wha I was unterrupted.

SHH!!! I pulled my panties down and sat on his half hard dick. Mmm.

Oh yeah.

Mmmm. I rode him.

Oh god.

I started riding faster as he laid there moaning our bodies moving in unison. Mmm.

Minutes later we both climax, I laid on his chest and he rubbed my chest.

When is Fizz coming home? I whispered, not knowing Omarion heard me.

Hes right there. Omarion pointed to the door.

I turned around and saw Fizz at the door giving me an evil look.

I woke up sweating and shit, then Fizz sits up besides me rubs my back and kisses my neck then tells me to lay back down.

::What a fucked up NIGHTMARE!!!::
