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AF4 Build Photos 1

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Well I've had miserable luck with building photos so far.  The first batch was lost (along with pictures of myself and my mother on our trip up the Altamaha looking for camping spots) by the photo lab.  More than half of the next roll didn't come out due to bad lighting (strong contrast between shed-shaded boat and sunny background.  I salvaged a few you see here.

Above you see the hull exterior complete and sealed, before painting the bottom.

Same point, different angle.  You may not be able to tell from the photo, but I goofed the transom board, adding it to the transom before assembling the hull.  Result is the width of the 1/4 ply of each side not being covered by the board--the boat is 1/2 inch wider than the board.  Not really a big deal in my mind.  I'm just running a glue fillet down each side of the board and pretend it's supposed to be that way.  This is just before I drilled drain holes in the transom and cabin floor.

From the front.  My messy shed in the background.

After flipping, decks screwed temporarily in place, bottom painted and scratched from the flip.  Milk crate and boat cushion in the slot allows me to see over the slot, but I am 6' 2".  A folding chair or two in the slot should be plenty good seating for lighter passengers and weight forward.

Okay, it's not the AF4.  I didn't even build it. The Salmon Treasure (one man's junk is . . ) in the foreground I found at the dump with a 3 inch hole in the port bottom panel near the bow (the one facing in this picture).  I patched it and a few cracks here and there with epoxy and leftover glass tape.  Painted it with some discounted Behr exterior latex I found in the unwanted-mix bin at Home Depot for $4.  I have yet to put it in the water, but the paint cured hard and tough,  unlike the Sears Weatherbeater (not specifically labeled 100% Acrylic) I used on the dp and the Rav Skiff.  So I am using the same stuff (Behr) for the AF4.  

The "dp" (bolger skimmer) is just behind with a piece of ply for a cover and mostly sheltered by the shed roof.  

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Last updated: June 08, 2007.