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Ex-Union Soldiers, Sailors and Marines

Record of Burial, 1867-1916

Calaveras County, California


This record of burial was found in the Calaveras County Archives, located at 46 North Main Street, in San Andreas, California. Judge Reed, of Angels Station, was the Superintendent of Burials of Deceased Soldiers. The information contained in this volume includes the name of the deceased, the military unit in which he served, when he died, where he was buried, his occupation, and comments regarding the burial expenses paid for by the county. One word of caution concerning the information contained within this work, it appears that a great deal of it was done at the same time, as though someone was "catching up" on their bookwork, and does appear to contain some errors.

In addition to the information contained within the volume, I have added the page number where the death was listed, Obituary information found within Calaveras County Newspapers, and a cross reference to the Calaveras County Death Index by Book and page number.

Additional research may be obtained by contacting the Calaveras County Archives, 46 North Main St., P.O. Box 1281, San Andreas, CA 95249, Attention: Lorrayne Kennedy, Archivist. Or phone (209) 754-3918 Monday, Thursday or Friday between the hours of 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. The County charges $10/hour for research, plus the cost of copies and postage. A Research Request Form is required before research can be started. After contact, Ms. Kennedy will send you a Research Request Form, or you can download the form by clicking on the hyperlink below. On this form you can limit the amount of research hours for which you are willing to be billed, and specify the individuals you wish to have researched. Because of their fragile condition, the County does not allow individual researchers to handle the archived documents.


Record of Burial, Ex-Union Soldiers, Sailors and Marines

Calaveras County Archived Materials List

Calaveras County Research Request Form

