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Truely one of the most fiercest enemies within this game will be that of the Hunters. These creatures are truely B.O.W. biological offensive weapons. Don't waste your time trying to kill them with the automatic pistol you'll be dead before you know it. The best weapon against these things are Chris's Python and Shotgun. The limited time you have the Flamer works too but it only lasts a little while and you'll only get that in the labrynth area.

Jill carries the bazooka which does a good job on them.

The Hunters only start to appear once you have completed searching most of the Mansion and finished the Guard House area. When you return back to the Mansion, as if you really want to go back there, Hunters are waiting for you all through the house. The best way not to get killed by the Hunters is to always insure that you are at optimal health, if for any reason you get to a critical or danger mark your about to be decapitated real soon. There are times within the game you can run from them but thats not to often so my best advice here is to bring several herbs and be on your toes, Save the game when and where you can untill you get very familar with playing.

Remember- 1-2 python shots/2-3 shotgun blasts / 1 acid bazooka shot/-2 regular bazooka shots/

Little quirks I remember, let see, oh yes, watch out for these creatures casue they jump and they jump fast and far. The best way to kill these things is when they are approaching you. They tend to thump, thump, thump toward you as they walk this is the best time to shoot them. Once shot they will scream and then jump at you, hopefully you can knock them down when you shoot at them. Wait till they stand and then shoot again. Sometimes they are just to fast and once they get in on you aim down and fire away. Hopefully you will take them out. Remember that if your low on health the Hunters will lunge at you and with one mighty sweep of thier huge claws they will rip your head clean off your shoulders and then its good night gracie!!!!