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Dixie Horse and Mule

On This Site


Thank you for visiting the Dixie Horse and Mule Site. Please check back often. This site was created out of the need for an economical way to connect the rural South and its livestock and products to the World. With the click of a mouse button, your livestock can be seen by prospective buyers all over the World!

Livestock for sale must be listed individually if a photo is included in the ad. An ad without photo may list several horses as long as it stays within the word limit. A submission with a photo, is $10, to cover time and publishing preparation. Photos must be of good quality, and will be edited for available space within your ad. If you are submitting an ad without a photo, there is no charge.

Please send COPIES of photos; due to time limitations and postal increases, photos will not be returned. Your ads may be emailed to the webmaster at the URL below. Please condense graphic files as small as possible prior to Emailing. All files are scanned for viruses and if a virus is detected, the email will be deleted.

Payment may be made via PayPal or Billpoint. It is faster to get your item listed if the copy, as well as photo, is emailed (graphics may be attached to the email). . At this time we accept payment by Paypal, and Billpoint.

Each submission is posted 30 days from initial publication date. All ads are run for one month, unless more time is paid for in advance. Renewal of ads must be prior to expiration to insure no break in advertising.

When item is sold, DHM, at their discretion, may eliminate the selling price, and list item as "SOLD", for 30 days. This allows people to view successful sales, and gives the seller an additional 30 days free advertisement.

All "Coming Events" are listed free of charge. We request submission of your event be received at least two weeks in advance.

There is a 30 word limit for each ad. If the ad is over that limit the Webmaster may condense ad to fit available space.

Thank you for visiting and supporting Dixie Horse and Mule. Together, we can present our fine horses, livestock, and products to the World!


Cbar Chaps and Fine Leather

Email: Dixie Horse and Mule