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Branding Information



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by: Tom Falco
Are you placing your email address and URL on
all correspondence?

Many people forget to add this to important
mailings and even their business cards.

Today, most people prefer to email messages than
make phone calls, so it is very important to have
your email address on all letters, invoices and
business cards.

Make sure your URL (web address) is on everything
that you send out. Keep "branding" your business.
Keep that URL out where it can be seen.

It's not enough to have your phone number and fax
number on your business cards or letterheads. Add
your email address and URL if you have one.

It's important also to have a signature on all
emails that go out. There
is a cool free "signature writing"
service at:
check it out.

Don't be left behind. Promote and brand your business
every chance you get. It's the professional thing to do.

Some say it takes up to nine times for people to see your
name before they will do business with you. If that is
true, then it's very important to have your name and
email address out there.

Try to encourage email exchanges. The more emails you have
going back and forth, the more credibility you will build
in your potential clien't head.

Offer something free. Make people email you for information.
This way you are opening the door to email correspondence
without spamming. Your goal should be to have the person
email you first asking for information or just a simple
question. Once the ball starts rolling, your various email
exchanges can easily turn into sales.

It's important to have a pop account or an account that
reflects your company or website.

Using generic or really puts a damper
on your look and makes you appear unprofessional. Plus,
when you email
a person with your own private "branded"
email address, you are actually
advertising your company
just by the mere action of sending a message. sounds better than
Or is much better than
Isn't it?

Brand yourself. Brand your business. Do it today.

About the Author

Tom Falco is moderator of "The Swap-O-Rama" List where you
can swap anything from ezine ads to hotel rooms and more!
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