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During the early 1930's, Dr. Raymond Rife developed a major breakthrough in the field of electronic treatment of disease. To the enormous dismay of the medical and pharmaceutical establishment he discovered that the specific electromagnetic resonance of all viruses, bacteria and fungi can be modified to eliminate a vast variety of afflictions known to man, quickly and without side effects. The easiest way to explain a resonant frequency is the shattering of a crystal vase when a tenor hits the resonance signature of the vast. The University of Southern California sponsored a special medical research team in 1934. Sixteen terminal cancer patients were treated and all 16 were proonounced cured within a period of 130 days. With long-term use of the device it was found that the cure rate for all types of cancer was in excess of 90%. Dr. Rife's instrument just cure cancer, but disease like polio, plaque, malaria, typhus, straph and many other diseases. Articles about his work appeared in newspapers and many scientific journals, including "Science" and the Journal of The Franklin Institute". While he was honored at special banquets, Vested Interest was ploting his dismise. When Dr. Rife refused to sell out he was hounded and his work was eventually destroyed by the American Medical Association. His name was besmirched and effectively erased from histroy.

Fortunately, some of Rife's precious records secretly survived in the hands of trusted friends. Thus, Rife's microbe killing ray beam device has finally made a triumphant comeback. And it is more versatile and effective than the original version. Some frequencies can be used on tissue regeneration, which is in addition to infectious conditions. However, no medical claims can be made, and the instrument is FDA restricted to personal experimental purposes only. Modern day applications are producing encouraging results. Customers are sending in exciting testimonials on experiments with disorders like acne, allergies, arthritis, asthma, back pain, bronchitis, candida, carpal tunnel syndrome, cramps, dental infection, depression, diabetes, diarrhea, fever, heart conditions, multiple sclerosis, neuralgia, nail fungus, paralysis, paralysis, parasites, Parkinson's prostate cancer, pneumonia, sciatica, shingles, sarcomas, stress, stroke, tuberculosis, ulcers, and long list of other diseases. Doctors are not permitted to use the Rife Instrument, although many use it nonpublic. Personal use is made rather easy. The instrument comes with comprehensive operating instrutions. The frequency for each disease is listed, and can be accurately locked in on a keyboard. None of the frequencies can harm any healthy tissue. The cost of the Rife Instrument, which is about the size of a typewriter, is below $2,000. It is covered by a 30-day money-back guarantee. Instrument frequency and related health phone consulation is available at a modest cost.

8. THE CURE FOR ALL CANCERS (12 pages) $14

Cancer is big business. The average treatment per patient is over $50,000, yet the mortality rates are staggering. The success record of today's cancer doctors with their zealous "kill-or-cure" approach is dismal. They achieve remission in about 7% of cancer patients. In an additional 15% of cases the life of the patient is marginally prolonged. They call it a cure if the patient hangs on for 5 years, even if he dies a day later.This miserable track record of a chemical assault so brutal and morbid, for many patients the mere thought of having another chemo or radiation treatment can trigger the vomit reflex. You don't have to be subject to unsuccessful cancer treatments that are painful and create more havoc in an immune system that is compromised already. Discover treatments that have worked miracles for many, designed by nutropathic doctors who have turned doomed cancer victims into elated survivors. Dr. Robert Atkins, whose name has become a household word since his revolutionary book on a low carbohydrate diet, says: "There is not one, but many cures for cancer. But they are being systematically suppressed by the American Cancer society, the National Cancer Institute, the AMA, the FDA, and the major oncology centers. They have too much of a vested interest in the status quo."

Scientist Hulda Clark, Ph.D., N.D., believes she has discovered the true cause of all cancers. You'll be amazed when you learn what really causes cancer, and what the three simple ingredients are that can clear cancer from your body. Before Dr. clark published her book she proved her discovery by curing 100 cancer patients first.

You will also read about many other effective natural cancer remedies, some of them old and some brand new. Father Romano Zalgado from the Belem Monastery in Portugal has been helping cancer patients with his natural remedy for decades. You will be amazed at the simple and inexpensive remedy Nobel nominee Dr. Budwig has discovered. The amazing immune system super booster T-UP is made from whole Aloe Vera and produced by means of a new and patented process. Also includes effective natural remedies for prostate and liver cancer. The side effects of these and many other remedies will not kill you, because there aren't any. You can use several remedies simultaneously. In addition, report refers to treatment centers and referral organizations.

9. KING OF HERBS (8 pages) $9

Throughout history Chinese herbalists have searched for the "Elixir of Everlasting Life". Obviously, they have not found it. What they did discover, however, is an almost perfect herb for everybody. They name it "Plant of Immortality" and "King of Herbs"! In Taiwan, when the government heavily funds research on this herb, it was found that it enhances the immune and nervous systems, increases oxygen content of the blood, improves brain function and memory, detoxifies the organism, reduces cholesterol and free radicals, reduces allergic reactions, aids in shrinking tumors, reduces side effects of synthetic drugs, regulates blood pressure, helpgs clear hepatitis and liver diseases, is effective against infections, PMS and depression, improves memory and enhances cognitive capabilities. It is a long-term weight normalizer and it fortifies the body against most ailments.

Researches were amazed at the positive and complete manner in which the various ingredients of the herb bond themselves to almost every human organism. Although the herb is virtually unknown in the West, it is considered the most effective tonic availabe at any price. Older persons and the sickly are the first to notice an improvement in well-being. For younger individuals it is an ideal preventive measure against disease and premature aging. Herb is available in most Chinese Herb Stores and Health Food Stores.

10. DR. SCHULZE $7

What sets this alternative medical newsletter apart from similar newsketters is over 20 years hands-on experience. What this Herbal Healer learned didn't come from books, but from real life experience in a Healing Clinic. While other herbal healers helped the sick, he cured the hopeless who had been sent home to die.

One lady came to him with pancreatic cancer, not for a cure, but merely for relief of something minor like incontinence, so she could die in dignity without diapers. He cured her kidneys, and her cancer too. Some patients were rescued from breast cancer or uterine tumors, others from liver cancer, brain tumors or leukemia. Still others recovered from Lou Gehrigs's Disease, and over 20 patients completely recovered from full-blown last stage AIDS. This healer went where no one went before. He pushed to the limits of the latent healing powers of the human body. And he succeeded. But he had to pay a price.

He had to live underground, as a fugitive in his own country. Every move could be under surveillance, every new patient a bovernment agent. For almost 20 years he succeeded to practice in his camouflaged clinic. Why camouflaged? Because he was committing the "crime" of using "unapproved" inexpensive natural therapies that saved lives instead of using "government approved" expensive and intrusive therapies that too often kill. But it couldn't last forever. His luck finally ran out. In GESTAPO fashion, "jackbooted government thugs" from the FDA and AMA stormed the clinic, kicked in the door and ransacked the established in the middle of the night. What they didn't confiscate they destroyed. Dr. Schulze was led away in handcuffs, and like many other successful alternative health practitioners - was about to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. However - miraculouly - as if someone else was looking out for him, he had to be set free on a technicality.

Dr.Schulze was the leading student of the famous American Master Herbalist Dr. Christopher, Paavo Airola and Dr. Bernard Jensen. He eventually went far beyond what he learned from these luminaries creating formulas and procedures nobody had ever heard of. Dr. Schulze hiold many Doctorats and Degrees in Natural Medicine. He has written extensively, and teaches at the Omega Institute in New York and other institutes around the world. Dr. Schulze served as the Director of the College of Herbology and Natural Healing in England for 11 years. He is a Senior Professor at Dr. Christopher's prestigious School of Natural Healing in Springville, Utah, and the founder of the Los Angeles Institute of Natural Healing.

Dr.Schulze has now dedicated his life to teaching people how to help themselves. To this end he has associated himself with The University of Natural Healing. At the University Dr. Schulze cannot answer personal questions regarding treatment for specific ailments. What he can be for you is a teacher, a formulator and a guiding force. Our recommendation is that you read and collect every newsletter, attend every event you can where he will be speaking, and treasure every formula he reveals or creates. One of these days he may very well heal you from a serious illness or even save your life, or that of a love one. A free catalog on Dr. Schulze,s formulas is availabe from retail stores.

Subscription to his newsletter is free with the purchase of any of his cutting edge-videos.

For More Information