State |
Contact person |
address |
fax number |
Rec'd |
Requirements |
Alabama |
Alaska |
Janet Kowalski |
Division of Elections |
907.465.3203 |
Director of elections |
PO Box 110017 |
Juneau, AK 99811-0017 |
Arizona |
Susan Inman |
State Capital |
Director of elections |
Room 026 |
501.682.3419 |
Little Rock, AR 72201 | |
Arkansas |
California |
Bill Jones |
Secretary of State |
phone: 916.653.6814 |
Secretary of State |
1500 11th Street |
Sacramento, CA 95814 |
Colorado |
Connecticut |
Delaware |
Florida |
Georgia |
Cathy Cox |
2 MLK Jr. Dr. SE |
404.651.9531 |
Secretary of State |
Suite 1104 West Tower |
Atlanta, GA 30334 |
Hawaii |
Idaho |
Gary Pietsch |
695 Sandy Creek Lane |
???? |
State Senator |
Sandpoint, ID 83864 |
District 1 |
Illinois |
Indiana |
Iowa |
Chester Culver |
515.242.5752 |
Kansas |
Ron Thornburgh |
Memorial Hall |
785.296.4564 |
120 SW 10th Ave |
Topeka, KS 66612-1294 |
Kentucky |
John Y. Brown III |
State Board of Elections |
502.573.7100 |
140 Walnut Street |
Frankfort, KY 40601 |
Louisiana |
Frances Hurst |
PO Box 94125 |
342.4970. |
Fox McKeithen |
Baton Rough, LA 70804 |
342.4479 |
Secretary of State |
| |
Maine |
Deborah S. Cabana |
101 State House Station |
phone: 207.624.7650 |
Director |
Augusta, ME 04333-0101 |
fax: 207.287.6545 |
Division of Elections |
and Commissions |
Maryland |
John T. Willis |
410.974.5521 |
Secretary of State |
Annapolis, MD 21401 |
Massachusetts |
Michigan |
Minnesota |
Mississippi |
Eric Clark |
PO Box 136 |
601.359.1350 |
Jackson, MS 39205-0136 |
Missouri |
Montana |
Nebraska |
Nevada |
Dean Heller |
101.N. Carson St |
775.684.5718 |
Secretary of State |
Suite 3 |
Carson City, NV 89701 |
New Hampshire |
Administrator |
107 N. Mainstreet |
603.271.6316 |
Election Division |
Concord, NH 03301 | |
New Jersey |
Donna Barber |
PO Box 309 |
607.777.1280 |
Trenton, NJ 03625 |
New Mexico |
Rebecca Vigil-Giron |
State Capitol North Annex |
505.827.3634 |
Secretary of State |
Suite 300 |
Santa Fe, NM 87503 |
New York |
Carol Berman |
40 Steuben St. | |
Albany, NY 12207-2109 |
North Carolina |
Elaine Marshall |
300 N. Salisbury St. |
919.807.2010 |
Secretary of State |
Raleigh, NC 27603-5909 |
North Dakota |
Alvin A. Jaeger |
State of North Dakota | |
Secretary of State |
600 E. Boulevard Ave. | Elections/electionforms.htm |
Dept 108 |
Bismarck, ND 58505-0500 |
Ohio |
J. Kenneth Blackwell |
Office of Ohio |
Secretary of State |
180 East Broad St. 16th floor |
Columbus, OH 48215 |
Oklahoma |
Oregon |
Pennsylvania |
Rhode Island |
Secretary of State |
Edward S. Inman III |
South Carolina |
Jim Miles |
No write in candidates |
Secretary of State |
for office of President or |
Vice President |
South Dakota |
Joyce Hazeltine |
Capitol Building |
605.773.3537 |
Secretary of State |
500 East Capitol Ave |
Pierre, SD 51301-5070 |
Tennessee |
Texas |
Gwyn Shea |
512.475.2811 |
Secretary of State |
Utah |
Vermont |
Deborah L. Markowitz |
Redstone Building |
802.828.5171 |
Secretary of State |
26 Terrace St. |
Drawer 9 |
Montpelier, VT 05609-1101 |
Virginia |
Virginia State |
Suite 101 |
804.371.0194 |
Board of Elections |
200 North 9th St. |
Richmond, VA 23219-3485 |
Washington |
Sam Reed |
Office of the Sec. Of State |
Secretary of State |
Legislative Bld |
360.586.5629 |
PO Box 40220 |
Olympia, WN 98504-0220 |
West Virginia |
Lan Lastro |
1900 Kanawha Blvd. |
Assistant Secretary |
State Capital room 157-A |
of State |
Charleston, WV 25305-0770 |
Wisconsin |
Wyoming |
Elections Officers |
State Capitol Building |
307.777.7640 |
Cheyenne, SY82002-0020 |