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I Love New York HA Members Guardian DeDe

New York
New York:

Bordered by two of the Great Lakes, two Canadian provinces, five U.S. states, the Atlantic Ocean, and anchored by New York City - the State of New York, is frankly, a most spectacular place.

Long utilized by the Algonquin and Iroquois Indians, Henry Hudson opened the interior of this promising land to Europeans, and in 1625, the Dutch began the settlement of New Amsterdam - later renamed New York City by the British.

This land would become one of the Revolutionary War's main battlegrounds, as over 90 military engagements were fought here. Shortly after the British surrendered at the Battle of Saratoga, New York became the 11th state to ratify the U.S. Constitution.

In addition to America's premier city, the state is home to rugged mountains and forested national parks, countless lakes, over 40,000 miles of rivers and streams, and a wide variety of sophisticated cities mixed in with small town America.

From Niagara Falls to Long Island, the Empire State of New York bursts with attractions (both natural and man-made), commercial and industrial complexes and cultural institutions - all of which contribute to its recognized reputation around the world.

New York

The New York flag dates back to Revolutionary War times, while the current flag (with the state's shield centered) was officially adopted in 1901.

That centered shield sits on a dark blue field, and features Liberty (on the left), and Justice (on the right). The shield includes the sun, hills, mountains and two boats sailing on the Hudson River. Over that shield, a Bald Eagle sits atop a globe.

Under all of this, on a white, flowing ribbon, the word EXCELSIOR is displayed, meaning "Ever Upwards."

Official name: New York
Capital: Albany
Statehood: July 26, 1788 the 11th state
State nickname: The Empire State
Name for residents: New Yorkers
State motto: Excelsior (Higher)
Abbreviation: NY

New York's Historical Event's:

1524 Giovanni da Verrazzano, sailing under the flag of France, discovers New York Harbor.
about 1570 The Iroquois Confederacy is formed.
1603 Samuel de Champlain and a party of French fur trappers explore northern New York.
1609 Henry Hudson sails up the Hudson River as far as present-day Albany and claims the region for the Netherlands.
1624 New Netherland is founded by the Dutch West India Company.
1625 New Amsterdam is settled by the Dutch on Manhattan Island.
1664 New Amsterdam is seized by the English and renamed New York.
1683 The first elected representative assembly meets in New York and adopts a Charter of Liberties and Privileges.
1689 Leisler's Rebellion takes place.
1776-1783 The British occupy New York City.
1777 British forces are defeated by the Americans in the Battle of Saratoga.
1788 New York ratifies the Constitution of the United States, becoming the 11th state (July 26).
1789 George Washington is inaugurated as president in New York City, then the nation's capital.
1825 The Erie Canal opens.
1839 The Antirent War leads to the ending of the manorial system in New York.
1863 Mobs riot in New York City, burning neighborhoods and lynching blacks, after a military draft law takes effect.
1872 The Tweed Ring falls, exposing the political corruption of Tammany Hall.
1911 Fire at the Triangle Shirtwaist factory in New York City kills 146 women workers, leading to a series of labor-law reforms.
1945 The Ives-Quinn Act outlaws discrimination in employment.
1954 The New York Thruway, now called the Governor Thomas E. Dewey Thruway, opens from Buffalo to New York City.
1959 The St. Lawrence Seaway and Power Project is completed, opening the Great Lakes to ocean going vessels.
1966 The state legislature is reapportioned according to the principle of "one man, one vote."
1971 A rebellion at Attica State Correctional Facility results in 43 deaths.

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