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Basic HTML pg 1

HTML home
Basic HTML pg 1
Basic HTML pg 2

If you want to 'graduate' from this class then you need to understand the basic commands
you need to know to understand HTML. This first lesson is about the basic commands
like how to bold, skip a line, etc. Enjoy!

To write, all you have to do is
type but what if you want to do more than that?

If you want to bold use this

and you get

If you want to use italics, use this

and you get TEXT HERE

If you want to underline, use this

to get

If you want to skip a line(like the enter key), use this

and you will see

How are you today?
I am going to start playing the accordian.

Have you seen that new movie?

love in Him,

If you want to center your words use this

and instead of this

I love Neopets!
you will see

I love Neopets!

If you want to align your words to the right, use this

and you will get this

To start a new paragraph, use this

and you will see

Hi! I love these HTML classes, don't you? I could look at these all day for a week and still learn something new the next time I look at it!

I will see you tomarrow at the guild chatroom! Bye Bye!

This is the end of the first HTML lesson! I hope you
enjoyed it! Good luck with the next page!

God Bless You!