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Basic HTML pg 3

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Basic HTML pg 3
Basic HTML pg 4

"I wanna put a picture!"

Who doesn't? Well, first of all, in order to do
this, you have to do many things. In the Intermediate
pg X, you will learn how to add a border, make it a
background and more! As of now, I will tell
you how to put a picture up.

1. If you want to put a picture in your shop, all you have to do
is right click it(if it is on the internet)
and click 'properties'.(look below)
2. When the little properties screen pops up, highlight
the address URL(about 1/2 way down the screen).
Right click the highlighted url and click 'copy'.(look below)
3. Go to the page where you want to put the image and insert

inbetween the "", put the URL you copied earlier.

Now, I know that is not that simple but, I am sure you can follow it. Good luck with pg 4!
Step 1

Step 2