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Intermediate HTML pg 1

HTML home
Basic HTML pg 5
Intermediate HTML pg 1
Intermediate HTML pg 2

Well, congratulations! You made it this far
so lets see if you can get all the way to the end!

"Ok. So I want to put a border around a picture. I also
want to make it a link to my guild. How do I do that?"

In order to put a border around a picture, do
what you did in Basic HTML pg 3 to get a picture
and then do this

and you will see

you can use either 0, 1, or
2 for thickness of the border.

For you to be able to make text into a link, copy
the website address(including http://www.)
and then put the URL inbetween the "" in

So the command will look like

and you will see

To go a step further than that and make a picture
a link you must put

where the word 'guild' was. The final code will be

You will see this,

You have made it to Intermediate HTML pg 2!
Go there now to learn even more that will make
your head explode!