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Bison-2-Bison Mentoring Program

Mission Statement:
To create and maintain a productive relationship between the Howard University Georgia Club and the Atlanta Chapter of the Howard University Alumni Association.


  1. Each incoming Georgia freshmen will be paired with a current Georgia Club member who has the same major or career goal.

  2. Each active Georgia Club member will be paired with an HUAA-Atlanta Club member that works or has worked within the student’s future career field.


  1. Each student must be an active (financial) member of the Georgia Club.

  2. Each student nust fill out an application.

  3. Alumni mentors and student mentees are required to make contact twice a month (via e-mail, telephone, or face to face meeting).

  4. All mentors and mentees must attend the homecoming brunch and the annual holiday party. (The holiday party is held during the winter break in Atlanta,GA.)

  5. Upperclassmen mentors must go on two outings,per semester, with their freshman mentee, (These outings can be GA club events, lunch in the Punchout or cafe, going to the movies, etc.)

The first wave of pairs were announced at our Oct. General Body Meeting. The tiers will be completed as matching mentors become available. They are currently as follows:

Still interested in joining? It's not too late!
Students, download the following registration form to sign up and e-mail it to the Georgia Club! Alumni, click here!

Click here to download the B2B Application in MS Word format!





Roger Anthony

Justin Horhn

Richard Wright

Candice Dillard

Andrea Hill

Jacqueline Dogg

Christopher Walls

Keith Laing

Terico Harper

Rmei Oquntoye

Rochelle Jackson

Aiesha Hassan

Natalya Bodrick

Alesha Johnson

Nandi Murphy

Ashleigh McFadden

Ebony Shanks

Cifton McKnight

Lauren Tillman

Chasity Nwokocha

Dominique Witter

Tyesha Patterson

Nathan Miller

Denesha Thompson

Sherise Johus

Valencia Thurman

Lauren Tillman

Edward Williams

Queshia Bradley

Justin Wilson

Norman Gyamfi

Meisha Mainor

Kimberly Jones

Rassikh Muhammad

Jennifer Robinson

Evie Hightower

Zarree Walker

Janetta Freeman

Shelbi Davis

Amanda Lockett

Aarin Williams

Madison Shaw

LaResha Ross

Lisa Doson

John Cash

Tosha Holmes

Jason Issac

Aarin Williams

Kiplyn Primus

Andrea Hill

Kalin Thomas

Milanika Turner

Jocelyn Lyles