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Apple blossoms bursting wide

now beautifully the tree

And make a Springtime picture

that is beautiful to see...

Oh, fragrant lovely blossoms,

you'll make a bright bouquet

If I but break your branches

from the apple tree today...

But if I brake your branches and make your beauty mine,

You'll bear no fruit in season

when severed from the vine...

And when we cut ourselves away

from guidance that's divine,

Our lives will be as fruitless

as the branch without the vine...

For as the flowering branches

depend upon the three

To nourish the fulfill them

till they reach futurity,

We too must be dependent

on our Father up above,

For we are but the branches

and He's the tree of love

 Helen Steiner Rice

Midi playing:  Spring Song

Background, globe, and graphics by: Kîttêñ

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Copyright © 2008  Kîttêñ

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