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My Disclaimer

The information used on this site is believed to be from unknown authors. I do not claim any of the rights to the content of these pages unless otherwise stated. The copyrights of all authors are listed if known, and permission has been obtained when it has been possible.  If I have used any copyrighted material and you are the author, please contact me and I will either remove it, or provide appropriate credits. I definitely believe in giving credit where it is justly due.

Most of the graphics used have been either been created by me with the aid of programs, CD's, free graphic sites, purchased royalty-free images, and are the original photographs provided by viewers and or other sources.

The music I use on this site has been obtained from various midi sites and wav sites all over the net, as well as originals provided to me by viewers. Credits, where known, have been listed with each song. I do not claim any rights to any of the music.

Enjoy your visit to my site.  It is with pleasure I create these pages for your enjoyment.

Questions and or comments may be made by contacting me Kitten



Site built and maintained by:


Image Credit:  

Glenda Nix


2002, 2008 © Kîttêñ