Today you know more than you did at this time yesterday.
Today you are one day closer to becoming the person you were
meant to be.
Today you have more experience, and more wisdom than you did
just one day ago.
So what's the best thing to do today? More!

You are more today than you've ever been before.
What a waste it would be to ignore that!
What a waste it would be not to make full
use of it!
Now that you've become more, it's time to do

Right now, you have what it takes to put more effort into your
work, more love
into your relationships, more
discipline into your actions, more passion into your life.

The tools and opportunities available to you have grown.
So use them to make your results and your
life grow, too -
not next week, not in a few days, but right
What can you improve just a little bit today? Those little
improvements add up,
compounding on each other until you've soon
forged your life into a masterpiece.

You have more today than ever before. So go out and make more
of this day than you've ever done.
Today is truly golden, and you have what it takes to make your
life shine more brightly with each passing moment.
You really can do it, you know!
Author Unknown