Day is done, gone the sun From the sea, from the hills, from the sky. All is well, safely rest, God is nigh Fading light, dims the sight And a star gems the sky, gleaming bright. From afar, drawing nigh, Falls the night.
Thanks and praise for our days 'Neath the sun, 'neath the stars, 'neath the sky. As we go, this we know, God is nigh.
Sun has set, shadows come. Time has fled, Scouts must go to their beds. Always true to the promise That they made.
While the light fades from sight And the stars gleaming rays softly send To Thy hands we our souls Lord, commend.
Go to sleep, peaceful sleep, May the soldier or sailor God keep. On the land or the deep, Safe in sleep.
Love, good night, must thou go, When the day and the night need thee so? All is well. Speedeth all To their rest.
Fades the light; and afar Goeth day, and the stars shineth bright, Fare thee well; day has gone, Night is on.
Then good night, peaceful night, Till the light of the dawn shineth bright; God is near, do not fear. Friend, good night. Page
made for Liz Midi Playing:
Taps Background and Graphics by: Kitten_kitty1
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