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Woman in Rocking chair

"Worry is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do but doesn't get you anywhere"

~ Unknown ~


Lord, save us from worrying, lest ulcers be our badge for our lack of faith.

~ Peter Marshall ~


Try the following...

Symptoms of Inner Peace

bullet A tendency to think and act spontaneously rather than on fears based on past experience
bullet An unmistakable ability to enjoy the moment
bullet A loss of interest in judging other people
bullet A loss of interest in judging self
bullet A loss of interest in interpreting the actions of others
bullet An inability to worry (this is a very serious symptom!)
bullet Frequent overwhelming episodes of appreciation
bullet Frequent acts of smiling
bullet An increasing tendency to let things happen rather than to make them happen
bullet An increased susceptibility to the love extended by others as well as the uncontrollable urge to extend it.



Ten ways to eliminate 
and prevent worry

(Click on the words above to visit the site)


Midi Playing:  Don't worry be happy

Background and Graphics by: Kitten_kitty1


Site created and maintained by Kitten_kitty1 2005 ©