"Worry is like a rocking chair, it gives you
something to do but doesn't get you anywhere"
~ Unknown ~
Lord, save us from worrying, lest ulcers be our badge
for our lack of faith.
~ Peter Marshall ~
Symptoms of Inner Peace
A tendency to think and act
spontaneously rather than on fears based on past experience
An unmistakable ability to enjoy the
moment |
A loss of interest in judging other
people |
A loss of interest in judging self
A loss of interest in interpreting
the actions of others |
An inability to
worry (this is a very
serious symptom!) |
Frequent overwhelming episodes of
appreciation |
Frequent acts of smiling
An increasing tendency to let things
happen rather than to make them happen |
An increased susceptibility to the
love extended by others as well as the uncontrollable urge to extend
it. |
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Midi Playing: Don't worry be happy
Background and Graphics by: Kitten_kitty1
Site created and maintained by Kitten_kitty1 2005 ©