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My tat I got March 26, 2001.

Me in my Kenny Chesney hat!

As you saw on the first page...this is me. I'm 27 years old. Born October 1st, 1975....a Libra. I lived in Northern Georgia for most of my life. In September 2002 I moved to TN to be with Tim, tho. I graduated from Fannin County High School in 1994. Any fellow Rebels out there??? I went to Georgia College in Millidgeville for one quarter. I'd had enough of school so I dropped out. Sometimes I wish I'd stayed; but then I wouldn't have Kelsey. I couldn't imagine life w/out her. I enrolled in EMT school in the fall of 1998. But at the start of the 2nd quarter the instructors quit. I have thought about going back. I started work as a 911 dispatcher in September of 1999. My divorce was finally complete on Nov 9, 2000. I was married for a little over 4 years. Out of that marriage came a wonderful little girl named Kelsey. She's the light of my life. In May of 2001 I took over the addressing department of 911. I absolutely loved it! I was back on dayshift & I got to go out & drive all over the county. Currently I'm unemployed & looking for a new job here in Murfreesboro. These days I spend most of my time with Tim, his two kids & Kelsey. I don't get online as much as I used to & I miss chatting with all my friends. But I'm happier than I've ever been & that's all that matters!

Me with red hair! It was almost pink! 

More pics of me.....