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Of course I gotta start w/ my mom & dad.


This is my Nanny. My dad's mom. There's another picture of her below with my grandfather. I never knew my grandfather. He died a long time before I was born.


These are my grandparents on my mom's side. This is an old picture of my grandpa from when he was in the service. He looks so handsome in his uniform. I don't remember much about him. He died when I was two.

My cousin, Mark Wills. Our grandfathers were brothers. Kinda neat havin someone famous in the family.


This is some more of my family on my mom's side.

These are some pics of my family that I wanted to share.....



This is all my aunts & uncles on my mom's side. Bottom L-R...Uncle Phillip, the family dog & Uncle HL. Top L-R...Uncle Jim, Aunt Jane, and my mom.

More of my mom's side of the great uncle JC, my great uncle Raymond, my great grand mother, my great aunt Faye, and my grandmother.

My Aunt Jane on the left & my mom on the right.

This is my dad w/ my brothers & their families.

My dad & his bike. As you can see he likes Taz. He's known as BoBo Bill the TazMan.

This is me with my mom's husband and my stepsister before going to Prom in 1993.


This pic is from 1988.

And of course I can't forget my cats, Sophie & Booger Man.