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These are some of my friends from my mommy's group that I belong to online.

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These are some of the various links I enjoy visiting. Check them out if you like. And if you have a link to your homepage that you'd like for me to put on here email me! I'd be happy to share it with my friends! And if you would like to add my link to your page use the button below & link to:

Children's Safety Zone

Flaming Pear Software

New Dawn Micro

Digital Artist

The Zone - Sam's Free Stuff

John Sanford -My favorite author.

E Toys

Slots Zone


Moyra's Web Jewels

Uncle Bear Online

Need a Hug???

A Nifty new "Digital Cam"

Paint Shop Pro Links

Homicide: Links on the Street - Great site for links to a great show that got cancelled.

Georgia Employment & Training

Georgia Virtual Technical Institute

Cyber Mom Links & Resources

Bizy Moms

Coomer's Craft Mall

My Daily Prayer - I'm not a very religious person; but this prayer gets me through the day.

Net Radio

Ticket Master


The Flying Cow

Missing You

Kiss War

The Joe Cartoon Co.

A Thousand Colors


This is my dad's site that I built for him.

This is a friend of my dad & it's also another site I built.

This is another site I built for one of my friends from my mommy's group. She sells child id cards. Check it out! They're awesome & a great way to help protect your kids!