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Internet Reality

Hi welcome to this Convention today I'm hoping to change the world with a Prayer that every mother father and every other person out there that needs to hear about a way to keep children and even young adults safe I'd hope you stay and get to learn a lot just for those who are under 13 this is a subject that is going to be very intense and graphical so please make sure you understand that before reading any of these chapters. Please welcome you all to this book by the Author Chad Russell,who wrote you that book what lies beneath the truth.
As a lot of you might know a lot has happened over the course of years in the 60's was all sort of things going on color tv's were being bought out wars were being fought,and then the disco and tie die 70's came around and before long we were into the 80's when things seem to changed especially when Bill gates came out with these things we call the computers and by the 90's and even today gun fire bullied sex rape and drugs are found among our teens,then there's the more endeavor task of hook up with guys or gals over the internet thinking this world is ok it's not bad and what other pathetic excuse you can add to that. The world is changing in such a way that some are so afraid to show there pic on line cause of what someone might say or what tabloid might have on there front page about this and that happening to this girl or guy.Sex to so many people is built upon a comfort zone to which is simply defined that it's ok mom relax dad I know what i'm doing I'd passed sex education 6 times,But My friend it isn't about passing a grade makes you an expert to safe sex it's just a class that tries to get you to do the right thing and to not act upon the principal of doing it unless you are full aware of the consequences that follow,the magical word everyone likes to use is that it just happen,Excuse me officer I'd have no idea how that got in my car,and then we here the all one word out loud DO YOU THINK I'M STUPID DO YOU,and after that you thrown into the cell staring down an ugly dispictable person and an sergeant yelling at you every second,and that one phone call to your mom dad or friend is bail me out as like that is saying I'd wont do it again when in fact this is real world chances are don't say something especially since you know that mistake will be made again and again. Some people might argue that I've had sex once and got raped by this guy who just said he was drunk or that he thought I'd wanted him to,But what about 5 times or 10 times or about the many many others out there trying to find this Perpetrator who has committed this awful act to there 13 year old daughter,So what do you say to that person who is now probably going to live her life completely different since she won't be able to feel like she will get next to a man for along time. I'd would hoped that they will say enough is enough it's time for a changed A Changed that will say fight for justice on those people who think just saying I'd made a mistake just saying that this so and so agreed to be raped at a young age be forced into having a baby that neither is ready for,And that they should be put away for a time regardless the age may just maybe send out a clear message it's time to start paying attention to everything around you. The Internet is a great place to meet singles that wanna have sex, show off there breasts put on live shows for people to watch and the aged 18 says they can be honest with just a click of a mouse,and I'd wanna clear that up that is hogwash that's right plain out dumb if any gal on line thinks 18 is what they got to be well,that's bullshit that's right cause if someone really wants to get in the action they can just say there 18.Should we worry yells out the parent of course we should but the most important question you ever need to answer is this did I raised my children up right do I believe that what was told to them must sticked to there mind for if a parent raises there sons and daughters correctly that evil things that comes into chatrooms won't get them to sucker up and take a dive in cause they have morals that to many should always be a right step into this new and coming year as well,as many down the road.We have violence in this day and aged that a lot is happening in schools on buses and even at colleges all cause one student had enough,rather it be the teasing or the i dear you speaches or the anger that are being felt at there home rather it be the parents or it be the video games or the television that they watch and soon the internet has now has it's groove on for that as well.We all like to build our future on good grades a well respected marriage and a good dose of internet chat to finished off the day which is all good and great but what about the world what does the world tells us that we have to do.It tells us we need to have all this expensive equiptment to keep our children safe we need to talk often about sex we need to shelter them from people whom we thought that they might get into trouble with and as the girl or guy says what do we get in returned?In Return you get the Joy of saying my parents know best and that if we don't listen to them we might be somewhere that there not,We could even argue as those probably have I'd can get me out of every circumstance known to man if that's true then why is it when it's time to face problems as such as being asked to have sex being asked to drink and drive being asked to go to this party where underage becomes most of the evening and the question over the internet is I'd think I like you you look hot we need to meet and once that meet comes to play it winds up being someone else and they never here from you again.Those who don't beleive me I'm sure you can go to this website where your find all sorts of missing children of all ages and color out just thinking like you by saying I'd know it all when in fact you only know that until the thought of life may end in seconds cause of what you think you know.People of all walks of life have there opinions about the Internet and how it is used today.Some say it's safe some say I'd only use it for business work or searching information,others say they use it as a big sex ring that everyone is invited.Porn is passed out like it's a term paper at the end of the semister.Men they get there enthusiasm from trying to reach 12,13,14,15,16 year old girls with just some easy talking and humor among the famous sex and addiction line since they think all girls like that.When in reality not everyone is crazed on those subjects some have morals and wished not to chat with men who are that enticing and in fact that's absolutely correct to think like that.I wished more had that awareness cause a lot what goes on with the net won't be happening like it is.To Many people put on the emphasis that the school curriculum has always had sex education as a way to say you pass this class and I'm sure you won't be pregnant by the aged 15 or 16 but then we have to asked where does rape where does hiding out to meet a guy across town or about consensual Sex that at the time might seem the right thing to say until you are faced with the ideal that this b/f or guy you just met is carrying some diseases and now your in the middle trying to figured out with what to do.Parents come to everyones mind but you got to remember this an 15 or 16 year girl who thinks they all know what to do they just going to beat his ass to the ground and then what shoot him and then what I'd guessed live with the consequences hoping not to make the mistake again which of course it will happen a guy has always known who to deceive a woman or girl especially since they know it's what they want.Choosing to go down that path and listen to everything someone says to you to me is just setting you up to get hurt,I've always learn that asked questions when you come across an circumastance that looks like something you never done.People often think changed is a good thing we need changed in this world bu do we?Yes and No if changed in this world means that we find more creative ways of getting drunk or having hand guns or having sex at all ages or diesobeying our parents cause we think we can do better.Then I'm assume your not talking to people who have been drugged up by there b/f or been abusied by them or even worse have a gun shot wound cause they thought she was cheating or worse yet gun down by the friends that he hunged around with.Those kinds of people I just have mentioned probably have wished they done the right thing wished they wern't in the same area where this took place wished that they could have another day to work on school projects which none of these ever comes to someone mind when love sex and drugs and guns are on the table.Life is beautiful especially when everything is going right and we asked how can I have that same experience and here is your answer.Listen to your parents they know best.2.If friends asked you to joined a group that allows you to slip away from the normal day life you were raised up as chances are the answer should say no cause you have your morals.3.If kissing your b/f becomes more then that regardless if the meet was off line or in the school caffateria or around your neighborhood it can lead to many things being a 13 year old with a child that the b/f obvious wants to denied saying it's not his cause all you do is binge dating with all sorts of guys and before long your already frighten and you haven't even got the kid born yet and we wonder why there are so many one parent to take on a child.One person can changed the world is often been the familiar talk on the commercials that is avertized on every channel on the tv.But instead of trying to save the lives of people over in aferica which I'm glad that there are getting helped,we that are parents must see that a changed in our community our schools our way that we see or view guys we chat to we talk to on buses or in school that there's always more to there life then some will admit to.They all want to be dreamers they want a life unliked the one they had they all say this is the perfect woman,which indeed not one mentioned about education not one mentioned about how the mom or dad will take the news cause some are out there getting stoned and we asked ourselves who's responsibility falls into.Sure isn't going to be the girl nor the guy cause there first and only thought is how am I gonna seduce them in my wacky plan that doesn't include in doing the right thing,My whole life has been about bad choices and if that's true why not make a changed today.We like the world to be safe we liked to be in a free drug zone at school which by now most will say it's only time that we be the next place under fire cause of what he or she said or because they got tired of the teasing or whatever the excuse that is most common.Internet isn't safe so do't even think you can convienced me it is cause if it was I'd wouldn't be standing on this staged trying to warn every person out there creeps are everywhere sex lies and even violence is there if we don't find away to make it in this world with an understanding on how to enjoy the many gifted talents you might have accomplished over the years rather it be in track or be in the school office or be in becoming a doctor,or whatever your professioned leads you down then as far as I'm concern you'll be just another statistic that nobody will ever get the time to find you or figured out how it started and ended.Why you asked cause they have thousands of people out there of all ages that they are slowly working on day after day year after year.The Internet in reality is just some machine that people get to do all sort of things on it,Myspace as a lot are being attached to has a program out there to help keep your child safe does it work completely,No I'd can't say it can cause people guys as well,as girls will always find a way to get around that.but here for assurance that there won't be a problem is to follow these 5 simple steps while on line.1.age doesn't always count a guaranteed cause it can be changed at any given time if the patron chooses to do so.2.Profiles are desinged so you can get a better feel fr what this person is like if they mentioned sex or live webcam shows and direct you to other sites for there websites then chances are this person wants to do illegal at any level,and you have to be aware of that.3rd.messages back and forth can be great as long as you figured out what your limitations are when it pertains to people asking this and that,My suggesting to you is put a list of what you feel you want people to know,if you enjoy sex then just be aware if you get people to asked you to do naughty things then don't be to suprised since you did put that as a topic,if you enjoyed people talking about guy problems or girls problems or harassing people cause it's fun to make this person horrible,when you don't know them but as I'd say everyone on line pretty much does that from time to time just be prepared it could come back to you and if you can't take it don't dished it.And to answer your question that includes your addresses and such cause all of this should be written down as to what you liked people to know and what you don't.4th.Blocked most people are afraid he will find me he will get another screen name and to answer this if you really feel threaten in any way don't take this as a oh well,he's a loser some people on the net have a lot of ways of tracking you down so if you are in a sistuation first and far most copy everything he's said and that to make sure you don't egged them on make sure you have gave him plenty of warnings about how you would liked him to stop talking to you and after all of that and he still bugs you then I'll call your service provider and tell them and they will be able to direct you from there.Blocking to me changes the way that person has which is control he thinks he can rule the world which in fact he only has a free ticket to jail.Blocking is simple to use but more people should used it and my secret is don't im people let them come to you cause your more less likly to get a mean and ruthless person.5.Communication levels are important as like step 3 is but this is a little bit more useful make sure that when your chatting to this person they read your profile if they haven't asked that they will sooner or later.Let them do the talking cause if you do then you'll know where this communicating is going to,though if you start talking they may or may not want it to go that way and it be a big turn off.Communicate to your parents as who you are talking with share with them how this person is and then at least your have there back if something does decides to go sour.We Want The World to change as stated back when Martin Luther King held that speech up at the Washington Monument,He Wanted to effect change in soicety against the color of a person and to make sure that everyone is join together as one,change that today is still not taking effect,we may think we have cured the problem with slavery with mocking each other with trying to learn safty while walking to school we may think that everyone deserves a chance at achieving themselves beyound anyone else could think be possible,they might even think they have a solution to being safe in this chatroom on this computer but to tell you you don't,Change takes it's toll on children on families everyday,Change in the way we speak change in the way we know how to do what we do but in fact only leads us down a road that gets darker and darker and we think that every guy out there is the same is a man we can trust is a gentlemen when it comes to knowing what's right to knowing that just as a pit bull is to be calm one day and attack at no warning and we fight to say he only did it once well,sorry to me getting raped have a child having our whole life changed just cause this one guy saw a chance to get you to go further gets you to changed your mind cause he knows what he's doing is found monthes later out gang banging or out with someone else is cause he has gotten tired with the sex and found someone else is just a little bit better less likly to tell less likly to care about drugs about sex about having babies cause the only changed he's or her has ever learned was along as he loves me were good to go.He may cheat he may sleep around but eventually he will changed,just as the world does a little bit everyday whoever believes that has a few screws missing and needs to go and get rechecked.Sex is't a drive in movie that once it's over we can forget about it or just cause it was consensual tha everything is ok.But as a supporter here that sex comes after marriage to some may think that's Retarded or that is the olden days must be old well,to be honest I'd just never wanted it cause quite frankly I don't want sex to become an full time job trying to pay child support on a level income of only just about 650 which doesn't even covered the hosiptal stay of which this girl will be at for a couple of days,Sure there's abortion sure there's adoption there's killing infants and whatever other excuse some may even have.Everyone loves sex loves to drink but when they kill someone or decides to alter there lives they never liked the responsible that follows it.Just about Most girls alwasy say I've want to wait I've think i'm not ready those are all great advices to give though mentioning about how does boyfirends sound how does going to a movie where we don't even know one thing about a movie cause were constantly sucking face all through the movie.We think we have all the bases cover when it comes to knowing saftly knowing what's a good person and what's not but for th Geeks for the no brainers for the not so spoken people we think they are just harmless which in fact they are just the oposite they are just waiting to strike when some people least expect it,why you say well,quite simple those who are poular those who have grade point averages those on line joke kid around say lousy things argue call names say stupid things think they have no impact on the real world cause it's just the internet chatroom it's just a computer screen with a bunch of typing a bunch of this and that when to this person every 16 every 18 or just a kid that wanted to be liked everyone else knowing hat he can't be popular decides that thses aren't jokes they are words words that have such a strong punch such a meanful spirited about it that everyone else can't see cause they all think they haven't been in that positioned before.and won't.That one day what becomes a simple messages back and forth with no faces with nobody watching becomes the headline news in this town where he starts shooitng everyone then takes his life all cause the changed in this world that he thought was just liked in internet chatroom is not even close,And we sit in our chair that very same chair the very same next day and teach more and more kids about this and that about how sex is safe how taking off our clothes how mocking each other doesn't go on anymore but in the complete oposite it does it goes on even in the outside world,in our classrooms at our jobsite in our homes on the school bus.To Some of us we described on the computer as the perfect life cause we can say do what we want and think nobody will get hurt,everyone who goes against the truth is cause they think it's that person's fault and they never take blame cause they think putting 18 or just writting websites that state free sign me up has an excelent solid case to keep children away from it,but in fact don't We always watch for signs speed limit decrese,road closed construction ahead,can't buy until your pass this birthday date don't drive without license have to get insurance,But what about when it comes to taking the risk on this private message that reads I'd want to meet you I'd love for you to come see me or if you want sex sure I'll love to all sounds like warnings that few ever pay attentioned to.We sometimes don't heed the warnings until we are in a predicament of which we can't get out of cause were going to court over allowing under adged people to see things they shouldn't but yet do you ever think if you had children and they wanted to do what you do Mommy or Daddy and you say no why would that be? But yet if some guy that is 16 or girl that is 17 or 14 that says yeah sure I'm 14 or sure here's my credi card approval that you wouldn't stop what your doing cause you say it's there fault or wait it's the parent's fault.Changing the world seems to be where it's want most people want but when it comes to the internet it's like who cares it's not reality it's not what is it's just a bunch of chatrooms and faked pictures and profiles made to be everything there not,But if that's true who do you suppose make the profiles,Profiles don't just get up and create themselves they get created by people who enjoyed everything they write or avertised for there business rather it be for business issuses or for travel to places or for selling merchandised they don't want or need or about having the best time with sex and showing double d's breasts because we think people enjoyed that kind of woman.When at the end doesn't impress a judge who will have the say in what you wear,how you conduct yourself in this courtroom how you give your inturputation of the many acts of whiched you performed last night in your bedroom while children of all aged was watching some of which was done cause daddy or mommy was to busy having a good time not knowing what's just on the back side of them.Occupy there time when there isn't anything going on is one thing but make sure that it doesn't harm or doesn't set bad examples for those who think they can cheat they can get in at whatever the cost might be cause if you set those type of boundaries and point out very clearly that if you get caught spying cheating your ages or using false information that you will not lie for them or make excuses for what you do but instead make sure they are punished to the full extint of the law and make sure they have this notificating posted before you go out and occupy your time as a sex magnet.How can you used the internet as a safe place to chat to write blogs,to recieve e-mails to buy an not get ripped off,to enjoy what you hear from the the reply respones well,here are some easy stpes that if followed can make chatting or anything you wished to do while on the intenet and if everyone did just that I'd can promised you that it will changed your life as to how you feel about being on line.1st. and far most important,Decided on the purpose as to why yu want to surf the net.don't have a reason cause everyone else is doing it not a good excuse,Don't say you need it cause you want o find mr.right or miss right that's not a goal in mind that no one person should have.Get on it for the reason of learning about other people and where they live without getting sexual without prying into there life which may cause harm.Being on line as a way of allowing yourself to learn about oher stuff that you can take and print off,find awesome stuff to buy cheaper then stores find awesome screensavers.And the list goes on.2.Chatrooms where most people tend to go.Chatrooms are a place that can either changed your life totally or they can depress you they can make you want to do things that you shouln't.But to have a safe but fun time in the chatrrom is to make sure you take and write down these 2 questions .1 do I care about what people say to me or about what they may or may not find out about.if answered yes my feeling is better not to enter the room.if No then you do understand that to not take everything to heart.and to ignored comments.2.How or what do you want your pofile to be about.And to be aware that what you write what you read or watch or shoot pictures of that some may like while others may not.Some may even want you to do this and that and you must decide do I changed for them do I add for there sake or do I add what I feel is apporate for my taste.Not to say they will like or not liked but to keep in mind of step 1 that you don't care what others say or think cause they don't walk in your shoes.3.What determines a good person though a profile,Important cause whatever you decide to add to your friends lists does make you go against your own thoughts unless that is what you liked.And do be Cautious about internet police for they to have there eyes fixxed on making sure this internet is safe even if you think you know what your doing and that everyone else is doing it,or that your mom or dad don't care cause the Law they do care.Women ladies,Men Boys they write in links they write about how sexy how out going they are how hot they are or sisters.Or about who they want to meet or how they enjoyed taking pics and they want to trade with you and all of that has a consequence when certain things go father then is necessary .If we Understand that all of which is just been discussed is used in the right ways then the internet can be a safe haven or just about everyone except those who still think everything they do doesn't lead to nothing.Meeting in life.Yes most do get the kick or joy of finding who's really behind that monitor but that also has it's good's and bad's.Good means use good judgement and to know that at anytime can change to become a bad choice.Choose to not meet for the simple fact is people may be nice may be a good hearted soul may believe in christianity and all of that doesn't necessary believe in sex after marriage especially since they could have the very much chace they are hoping to get,and that to also be well,able to agree that if you do happen to meet and ur not found to not blame it on anyone but your own self for the simple fact is that you beleived that the world has changed a whole lot but in reality it hasn't it just found out smarter ways of trapping boys and girls to do things that shouldn' be done.The world just found loop holes to which some may think it's impossible to get this person into trouble for what he has done but it is especially when the good old truth comes about where you as an individual who choose to go against your mothers orders your own friends orders go against your own religion your own hearing process that has been listening to just the night before about a teen girl who got rapped and was never found cause she thought she could trust this man for everything looked great on black and white on pics that was taken recently,though other parts of the room other websites detailed a whole lot different type of girl,her lifestyle at home in her own neighborhood her town is a lot different for the parents or one parent don't care what she does or not do.All of that still makes you choose to do it and lucky enough you do happen to be caught and be rescuse from the dangerous criminals that roam the internet.We often think why can't this boy or girl understand the consequences and dangers about meeting people,You know why is cause everybody else does it her friends does it and they come home again and again time after time and think as to her why not me try it why not me meet some friends liked they do.Maybe if I take advice from them I can do what they done,But there's one problem with that not everyone is the same no matter what kind of moves you can make or what kinds of stuff to bring or to bring a phone or not the only thng that makes a difference is to know with your heart that to keep in mind that you will changed your life for the Good or for the bad and to know that if you live or die today did you make a Right or wrong choice cause of others or did you do it cause you felt within yourself that this is a good person,No matter on all the evidence of bad judgements or about missing childing or about how many classes are taught about sex or about the difference about what strangers are or about how to obey and disobey and ending up in time out,or just simply getting spanked on our bottom or about how protective we are to our siters or brothers doen't even comprehend to those who just want the joy of knowing that his could be the girl or guy I'd decide to marry,or that this is the best time of my life I'd had I'm a changed person.Not to steer anyone from not meeting people all this is trying to do is trying to make you the person to meet a person who agrees to everything that can and might happen as there choice and there own intruition that if someone is to go wrong that don't not expect that there won't be another person just as dumb just as eager to try to make internet meeting asa safe and encouraging thing to do for that will never happen.Internet in this world has become a lot of issues that some liked to point ou the good qualities about it liked to point out it's a danger to society whle teachers colleges and other partnerships choose to use it as away to sell cheap things without having to come in and wait in line.Internet indeed is a risk to surf it's also a risk to do other things that aren't pretaining to the internet.We always must use our minds whenever we are faced with the fact that not everything is so cut and dry when it comes to chatting,meeting creating profiles or shooting pics whom some may enjoy doing,and to know to make sure what you see what hear what you choose to do all may have life and death choices to them and to know you are only to blame for your own endeavors to which you do while you surf the net or while you go out there in search of something great. Chapter 2 Choices
Choices as liked in Medicine all have there good and not so good out comes they have there risks unless if it is giving in a way to where they know that it be ok and they can tell the patient that it will be ok.Sometimes the choices we make out on the jobsite can either mean life or death depends on the fields we choose to go into. Internet chatting or Meeting shouldn't be no different but in some ways people young adults choose to say it is different. How we steer children away from harm when they young makes theme vital source for people to say they grow up making good choices,But Red Alert time not exactly the case Mom Or Dad. Internet is a huge choice factor way beyond the right and wrong column which some may lay out saying this is right that's wrong may work at age 5 but not so easy to work at age 13 or 15 or 16 for they all have Friends to say what they say makes sense to them,for how they act makes me believe i'm doing right. Some today have or had thought about if they had a choice to meet someone to have sex to have a kid to changed there image or to buy drugs to make there rep at school or on line think your everything this or that person likes,think again especially if you do happen to go down that path and soon find yourself with you that wants you to go a step further want you to perform sex acts cause you thought it was so fun to advertized on your site or to view women as a piece of property to be required without anyone saying it's an aged limit. Choices are a subject of many many questions that some Parents would liked to know why did this had to happen to this kid or that kid it was a perfect outstanding student well liked. But reality may tell us if all of those factors was true then the choices whom she made weren't very good choices after all in fact they are the same choices that many friends many Guys or Gals would say I'd would do what she did even with all the talk there is about how the sex game works and what can be the consequences in doing such that. Internet to some has been to most people a chance to choose to do wrong for they can correct everything wrong by a simple knife or gun or by telling someone I'd don't want to go this far only works until the other person convinces that it's ok it's just having fun,it's just showing off what you are made of. And at the end the choice of having a great and fun life begins at 16 with a kid and a father out getting high every night or selling everything he has to the pawn shop just to buy him more dope or in this case another victim which in his eyes knows all the ways to cover his tracks. Choices are made often to late people don't know how to react to something they can't see,while all the signs are there all the instruments are in placed for if he or she wanted to do something is there for them to determined. Internet to some might be all I want to do is make friends meet new and exciting people learn something about someone's culture,all of which can be done in a classroom with a book or to in your hand.But wait that's learning that's too hard I'd can't get up this early I'd don't know how to use the bus I'd don't have friends,True all great excuses but when it comes to smoking getting high having sex showing off yourself in front of webcams,getting naked and showing people this is my hot body. people pointing the fingers at this geek or that geek or sending hatred mail or make unjust comments are things which some can have a way to say yeah sure I'd can do all of those things those are easy well,made choices that don't take a brain or daylight to work. They work on whenever my mind is ready to go. While the other actually takes a brain takes a challenge to receive an actual grade not one that can be barely passing or changing cause we can do it,or about just showing up there to be presented by others saying he's great worker indeed just the oposite.The term I want you all to think about is this what happens you do have a chance to survive from whatever sistuation you had gotten yourself in at the risk of using the internet as a dating soical.Could you repeat the same steps on the next person you meet you in engage in or would you let your guard down some since the first meet went smoothly.And let's just say your friend wasn't so lucky she or he did meet someone and your still out looking for her or him but by now your looking for bones or no more human.Or maybe just a single hand or in this case half of a body that's left.Or maybe The person has been caught and you did go to trial and he looks at you and say I'm sorry or I'd have no remorse it just happened during an altercation of which both parties couldn't agreed on.So now with all of that happens we turn to you the person now that wants to meet Mis right or Mr. right we know is better cause she or he which is our friend or sister has made some wrong choices,and why must we think that's repossible is it cause they forgot to come to us or wait maybe they forgot to get an ok to go from the parents or friends.No they just went on a feeling on a journey across town across states cause they knew all they wanted to know rather they lived or die or that people cared or not didn't have a place in mind cause there determination was set on being discover as a person who is likeable in every way and that to her or him can't possibly be looked down.Those who choose to go against the odds are more likly to mess up then those who come prepared as what we will call the common sense law.which in this law it simply is as this.1.if Meeting or acessing the internet they make sure they don't do anything unless they have clearance from either parent or guardian and that they know what is going on.2.They choose to know what the plans are and about not proceeding do anything with sex,nor drugs but just simply movie and malls something that alot of people are there for.3.That someone will be with them even if they feel nothing will go wrong for if it does they can at least go get help.4.They must also agreed to the criteria and that any changes that are made without approval then that party will go home and that will be there final choice and they wished not to get into any vehical with your choice of getitng to that particular place where you want to go.5.Listen to people.Sounds easy to do while it may not be most people will say don't meet this person don't do this or that all great choices bu in this factor of Listening is a different kind.When you tell someone about what you planned on doing tell them about your reasoning to going why it is such a necessary thing to do.And if they still think it's not good asked them this why do you think it's bad is it cause you know something about this person and you have proof and if proof is presented and you choose to ignored the proof,then the common sense law factor will not work for if you follow are these steps and do not stick to them then you may want to look to your left now look to your right someone tonight may not be here to see tomorrow cause to them they know it all but knowing it all isn't alwasy correct.Choices aren't always good to make on a feeling or on a assumption or on a experience of an internet person that isn't in an area you could just walk a block and go see.Internet choices alot of times are made purly out of mechanical devices that people think if I'd just get this gadget or that we can have a whole family safe,all we do is set this and that parrential control and we are ready for our child to surf.All we do is say this is wrong sex is bad drugs are bad doing illegal porn on line teasing children abusing babies hitting each other all sorts of other things all have a way of working out my answer is that's the Stupidest thing I'd ever heard if you live in a household that believes that you need a new Mom and Dad.It doesn't matter about how many talks you have how many times you caught your child going to sites they aren't suppose to go to or accidentily sit and watches adult program or accidentily caught you having sex with your man or sisters or brothers catching there older sister or brother having sex or kissing and be taught over and over how wrong makes them choose to say I've leard my lesson cause to be honest with you internet chatrooms or profiles or Blogs or Myspace have a sign that says No this or that and to obey this rule.some just say I agree and move on without even reading the terms and conditions they just agreed to.We can argue the fact way why this person came up missing or why this person was shot or why this guy had the intentions on having sex with my daughter or borther in case may be we may even want to make laws.That's the problem some teens may say we have laws to say this and that is wrong we have laws to say you do the crime you do the time and after serving time they get out and repeat the same thing to someone else and all we can do is sit there and say those are bad crimminals and they aren't in my book forgiveable but what about those daughters those brothers reguardless of age that choose to get invovle with smoke pot friends or go to bars cause the other can forged a signature or about going on line taking off there shirt and showing there beautiful breasts and having webcam orgies and whatever else they are capable of doing.Those people I'd think need to be dealt with cause there's the ones that use bad judgement and there the ones that choose to screw up the internet for people who want to do something good on there can't cause some get so afraid they can't even do it if they wanted to cause of what had happen to there best friend.In my eyes don't really have a best friend for if they do I'd would think they would take there friend's advice and listen to them a choice some regret ever doing or considering on doing.Choices are in fact hard to make hard to determin on what is the right thing to do as I'd was saying we have all kinds of laws true but we don't need to create more laws we just need to decide on making sure we as an American citizen choose to set an good example even when others might have there theory on how to be good how to get what they want rather to win or loose,isn't really a winning and losing game it's a test of ability a test of the mind in chooisng to be diffrent in a way where you are safe and that to her can see that you are being smart using the common sense factor always is a good thing cause then if something did happen to go wrong you can stop it before the internet becomes a grounds for having an search effort to be in process just cause you thought you should take a step out of a comfort zone for just a sec.Though God may be watching each and everyone of us God will not Mkae a choice for us we have to do the choosing.All God will do is make sure when we do choose to do the right thing we will get a blessing far more then anyone out there can ever tell you that I'd can beat that cause they can't.The Many diffulties or the mishaps or the chages that happened cause we wern't careful or that the senseless abuse that occurs when we weren't able to stop it from happening can and sometimes makes you want to forget about it put it on a back burner but let me tell you I'd think when yo do allow those things to be forgetten cause you choose to think positive you choose to have finally gotten the choice of living a life you can now start over with can changed in a matter of seconds cause the internet is like a huge tiger or a lion or any other wild animal they can turn on you without you less expecting it.Don't think for one minute that just happen do to bad choices on a father or a Mother or even a step dad or brother or any family relation gives you the right to say the internet is totaly different people will feel that they won't try to do anything cause I've been down a path that I've had and wished not to have it happen.Well,buddy I'm here to say think again Guys as well,as Women will take advantage of you will get inside your pants will go beyond just kissing will get you into trouble and make it sound like it was all your idea,even though there the ones to blame.The court has argue against there parents being bad all cause children say my mommy only does it sometimes my daddy ain't bad all the time and so here we are 15 years later in the same predictament but this time with some guy or girl who choose to say all the right things to act cival and then get out to harm someone else cause our choice to go our choice to think if something happens it's there's the parents fault.But we never once think how can it be our fault how can it not be our choice.But yes it is our choice it is our own fault something liked this did happen and we are just lucky we aren't dead and still able to live life just a little bit longer.But for those who aren't so lucky whose goes to court and found out that some girl or guy had killed there precious baby son or daughter cause the fight broke off cause one wanted to stopped while the other says they loved every minute of it just what they were telling me over the instant messenger.And when the sentence got caried down and we sit and that cell and we wonder how can I'd make it to where if I'd get out I'd would liked to changed my ways of working the net.Choices that aren't to be madea again for the simple fact is that her life ended the role of freedom at age 21 now to be carried out until she gets at least 25 or 30 behind bars and to never own a computer again for no such acivity.Sounds harsh says many but not really when there so many others who do simular crimes and don' ever get caught don't ever take resposible for a child for whom when they grow up they find the guy or mother and realized that all they cared about was the sex the drugs the pornagaphy the great times they had chatting and having webcam shows along with everything else the world wide web has to offers not thinking a damn thing about there daughter or about there son which the stated appointed family now has kids that must be cared for this way but should be with there mothers and daddies and we wonder just for a sec how should I grow up how should I choose to cared for my life should I'd do it according to my parents or should I make a choice that I've learned to abide by by these nice couple.Choices which I've had at many times options to do different but know if I'd do I'd won't be no better then they are.Choices are all around us even when we don't think they are present or that they had been under a choose a b or c Method,We must learned that the intenet safty team as this book is desinged for is to make sure that no one will ever feel they have to prove that if I'd do it my way if I'd choose to go meet this person or if my choice is to have sex and make babies and don't care if my guy is a pot smoking friend or a drunk no good cheatting abusive thing I'd liked him just the way it is.And to think 13 years later they aren't wanting to know why mommy and daddy wasn't there or daddy if the case for choices are made rather we think we done this person a favor or not.The Chatrooms don't offer you support on should I'd choose body piercing or blown up Breasts or webcam displays as a career day as a way to make money as long as people say yeah I'm 18 I'd think I'd can handle it's easy just fill ou this paper and a way I'd go seeing porn at it's best.While the other person thinking nothing of it cause she honestly believes that this person is telling the truth.Ages doesn't matter to alot of people though some will argue they won't chat if your not a certain age but then again when it says sex leads to babies we don't ever read that we don't ever think of that's not possible,or when Choosing to meet women or guys off line can be life or death we say it's great I've met 20 just this past week i'm off to Boston tomorrow while the two kids at home is asking daddy where's mommy and all the reply is that Momm's out on this great adventure one that took her to the graveyard and that we visit when weather clears us to do so.And at age 7 we don't quite comperhend what just happen or the Father trying to explain it to a 12 year old that Momm made some stupid or dumb choices that ended her life.Thought that if she goes out it won't cause no harm though if her marriage wasn't working go and search for mr right and come back hoping that life was changed cause he had to do something with himself besides being an couch potato but instead figuring out what to do with his life with 2 kids that when the time comes for them to be grown will they determin to make wrong choices cause they finally learned what had happen to mommy.Maybe she will or he will and mabe not The dreams to prosper and have a full and rich life go and seek out what you want to become all ends when the charge card reads across the machine payment approved for a computer and goes home and calls phone company and then a card gets charged for service and service guy comes out and says you are ready to surf as to some parents say that's the answer to growing up.Or is it?We choose freedom we choose to live in a country where life can be fair where people can be proud of what they accomplished we Live in a world that when people do make the right choices that tey are recognized over the tv as being an hero for doing this courageous thing.But then the bottom falls out wih people searching through campgrounds searching through just about every known place of the whereabouts is a person of a certain age a certain height and finally realized that his internet that had just a simple profile a simple chatting zone a simple e-mail check and a website pertaining alot of history news and choices of a million o use winds up being answers to alot of questions as to what happen last night while surfing the chatroom.No messages were saved no phone calls were made not even a letter written.Not even a friend or a close parent or school teacher knew where to begin.All causse the choices this girl made cause the feeling aspect of knowing what she will find on the other side of the screen.After days of searching begins to be a search for life but now a search for a dead burned up body or a very tramalized little girl or teen that won't ever be found again or does she?As you mgiht of assumed she hasn't been found everyone thinks meeting is such a good deal so far can write in at the address emailed that is now given which is under myspace my screen name is twoinsane4u2005 or chad from Cedartown Ga.But those of who might be a little bit more concern and that are a little afraid should be it's not like jumping on a bus that you can see whoose there and who's not or going to your house knowing everyone that is there.but unliked that the internet isn't liked that in fact it's just the complete oposite it's a meeting zone that gives you 2 options and those are this 1.choose to meet me and hoped you get what you are wanting or me and hoped that your decision is based on everything that I've told you as true.those are great options to go by but if you listen to what people tell you be careful to not always believe them especially if it pretains to meeting,sex,web addresses not assoicated with the chatting site and also don't always agree to them as saying if it's wrong they find a way to make it right for you for that will surly send up a Red flag.Weeks go by and soon a result was present in this gal's computer she had on numerous occassions dealt with porn dealt with older men dealt with making reseverations on meeting this guy for sex for drinking even though she was under aged. meet this guy even though he had an police rap sheet for sexual molesting a young girl which was his daughters monthes before,and Unfourtanly he plead not guilty to those charges cause his parents though that she was wanting to go on and on even though she knew that it was her father.And we have found that this girl may or may not be alive but a problem arosed later on that this isn't the only guy she chatted with she had over several hundred of friends on line whom were all older then she was and that all should of known better then meeting an 15 year old girl Reguardless of reasoning.But here tonight with huge choices in our mind where do we go from here.How do I'd keep myself safe but yet go meet this guy acroos the states.How do we choosse to honor or have faith in the system of which we called the chat services or the publishers who promote safty on a regular basis.One way you choose to do is to make sure that they don't buy the latest software for protection for your daughter or son for the purpose that he won't do anything wrong but rather teach him without all those things how to chat in a way where it's fun but to set boundaries in which safteyness only happens when we don't believe what wesee unless it's something pretaining to reality.Meaning this if someone tries to write in the blog 15 ways to have sex without a chance in Hell of getting caught is a red flag.or Saying I've go the hotest body in he world come see me do things pretty much is a red flag for when you choose to step to that lvel then your choice to the world is saying that women is a piece of property that to be required based on the looks on what is in and what's not.People all the time thinking inlarging this and that reshapping faces reshapping here thighs makes them a better person which indeed is the comeplete oposite in order to be great person try achieving something try chatting with someone who isn't into sex drugs all the other stuff.Try learning from past experiences with people who have met people and never returned home cause he or she was determined to go to far.Choices are a life and death sistuation everyday in the hands of chatters all over the world.Choosing to be good for the moment is alwas cool but not always what they's like jumping out a plane once you do it it can't be rethink whatever happens happens in a second and that if you live great if you end up majorly dissapointed maybe is cause your way didn't really work but instead drew out a bad seed or bad choice.Risking Life on a sistuation such as finding a guy or Gal on line whom you just have to meet can be very much of a challenge alot of which has to do with 1. Are you doing it for your own curiosity or is it to fullfilled your need to not be a virgin anymore or are you just a lonely person hoping to have a little fun in your life.Well if you really are looking for that why not in your town why not on the school campus or in your church or any other places around.Hey I know is cause life hasn't thrown you this kind of curve so you just thought why not I'm single good looking I'd have great personality all the ingredients that a man or guy would want,And best of all I'd come with no strings attached.But oops I'd forgot one thing to add this is reality and these are choices that will be taken you on a ride that isn't gonna be pretty are you ready to face your fear cause this isn't gonna be a ride you can just say I'd wanna go home can I no your life through Hell will begin just as you borded for a bus, plane or your car you had packed.And so you decided to go against the odds huh?Choices are so much of the past you made your choice and now let's see it was a good one.Sure enough the trip went good and she arrived at the destination and sure enough the guy is awesome smiles and grins and with the perfect taste a flower to be given to her.But as you know life can take quick and unthinkable turns especially since this was an chatline meet and she only knew this person for what he wanted to be said.So here we are at this house it looks really cool then the most exciting thing he said was downstairs comes the fun part full of suprises some of which others have felt some of which they enjoyed.Then she goes what things were that and his replied back is you know what every woman dreams of wanting.I'm not sure if I want to go that far,well,you have to trust me I'd won't do anything to you if you don't want to but as I'd say it's a great suprised.As the day went on nothing seems out of the ordinary since we did just watch a scary movie nothing to bad I've seen those before.And then it started the kissing I'd at first didn't know what to expect but my choice I'd guess was to continue on kissing him he kissed very good.And before long it grew to hugging and kissing and pretty soon he said let's have sex and my first instinct to do is say no way maybe he has Aids but then again He would say if he did or not I've talked with him for monthes I'm sure he would of told me that at least a responsible person like him would tell me.I'd told him I'm not really a virgin and that I'm sure he would use protection on me.And then The choice of mine came out with saying of course I'll have sex no one around then he goes hold on for a sec.I'd said what did I do are you a cop I'd thought that was a stupid remark or question that am I a cop.I'd told him you have 2 choices believe that I'm a cop or take me back to the bus station and then be by yourself this weekend.Without much hesistation he decided to trust that I'd wasn't.Then hours went by and we finally came up to breathe and decided it was time to eat a good choice I'd thought and without noticing anything the guy decides to start pouring these sleeping pills into her drink and continute to walk into the living room and sit down to watch tv and about few minutes later she falls asleep and he decided to carry her down to the basement with the choice at hand the side of his walls red with paint marked the blood stains of what he done with his parents through outrage at the way they were trying to tell him to live he kept hearing voices in his head about not to do this this is a bad choice but someone said to him at school that day what's been going on and so he told his story about how his life has been no good how he has been teased been bullied and his parents were constantly argueing over this and that and that he couldn't get them to see his point of view and so he decided with an large ax to kill them and dragged them down the stairs and hanged him with hand cuffs up on the ceiling and spinning them around until they were comepletly dead and then ripping there shirt off and smearing it with blood all down the walls until they reached the basement.Then with his mind the choice he ha was to not get caught so he decided to paint over the walls so no one would ever suspect.So finally the girl got downstairs and so there he was in attempting mood do I'd kill her but then wait why should I she didn't cause me any harm I've have choices I'd could make her live .Or I'd could put her through living hell since meeting guys like me must be fun and exciting I've made excelent chat talks write excelent blogs and even choose my own sn's hardly nobody would expect me to be this harsh and cruel.And sure enough he deicded to put her in this dark gloomy room with no windows just a hard ground to lay down on while he screwed the heck out of her and take off her clothes and do anything he wanted to her,then The lights came on and camera shooting begin to take place and before long he was uploading these pics saying this is my prisioner I've captured.And then the medicine started to wear off and the Gal finally woked up and said man what happen to me and the Gentlemen said ah nothing you must of just been tired from that long bus journey.and Before long she looked down and noticed where's my clothes at why am I naked why do I'd have a little bit of blood and he goes oh that's not blood that's wine to look like blood pretty good isn't it.Just then she decided to say I'm done my choice is I'd have enough I'm gonna go home.Then just a glance at the guy about 5 vains popped out and a terrible loud voice screamed out your not going anywhere this weekend isn't finsihed yet.I'd want to go I'd have a right to leave it's my choice,with one sec gone bye the guy turns to her and says your choices you had to determined out has been over with you are mind.Forever..Then the fought begain your sick I'd want to go let me go No you told me you like me you told me you wanted to meet so we did you enjoy meeting people offline don't you you seem to liked it very much.And the reply goes well,If I'd knew you would done what you done I'd wouldn't of,True why you think I've left that part of the secret out for so that way you wouldn't havea chance or reason to say no.If you don't stop I'm calling the cops your scaring me,go right ahead my phone doesn't work I'd don't have service at this time only when I'd feel I'd need it.Then I'm gonna bust my way out of here go for it that's pure concrete it will take you a while and if you scream they are hollow walls I'm the only one who lives here.If I'd get out I'm reporting you basted go right ahead you do that that's your choice the cops aren't gonna find anything I've have no outside video no copies of anything I've done.and to be honest everything is legal since your the one who decided to meet me you the one decdied to make it a choice that you leave your friends behind and go after a guy who is the best hot babe around or hottie in this case.I'm really angry with you go ahead and be angry that's good to don't let your anger bottle u up it's bad I'd know I'd had have plenty through my life.Can't we go out to see a movie what is it you want to see I'd don't know well,if you don't know what is the purposed of going then.Then back at the aera to which this Girl lived at questions are now begun to surface and then someone stepped out and went to broadcast live on tv don'tworry my friend said she just went to meet this guy off the net heard he's like a real hottie have a huge house nice car and women just flock to hime.And so the case grew cold cause th parents seem to say that it's must be cool living life free as a bird not caring where she goes and meets up with people.That was her choice you know I'd think she told me a few days I'd should be back.Then day became evening with darkness begin to filled the room and then he said ah I'd came up with some more ideas so he decided to call for some guys who was his friend and soon the night became a orgy party whereevery had gotten there turn on her some with the effect that they said couldn't ever happend.And then finally without a cause to react she got up and said what the Hell are you doing on me I'd ddin't asked for this hey who are you?And the replied was your choice you alwasy say on line your enjoy sex you have live webcam shows you must liked all what we do.But now that's it is Monday I've gotta go back to a job that I've got that is important.And so the choice to let you returned home is this if you tell anyone what was going on or attempt to get me into any trouble whatsoever I'll come and hunt you down and kill you and they won't be able to find your body and if they do I'll be burning it in front of them. You got that clear.Choices think of the choices you have it isn't rocket science.I'd don't think I'll be hearig from you again that's mighty alright I've got plenty of hot babes online looking for a littl sex.As the next morning arrival came there this girl was back at school a totally different girl no excitement not even a bit of cheer just a well,shaken up girl I've asked her what was going on up there and all was said I'd had a great time.Chatting probably hopefully will never lead to the many many unsuprises that had happen to this girl just 15 but now wished she was younger and that she listend to her mom and Dad who told her to be careful.But here the big shot the hottie like some girls are don't realized the circumanstances they might face until it's too late.Choices that this girl wished she had made didn't cross her mind as you did noticed until it was to late he could of killed her there instantly and he didn't reasons not sure I'd guess is cause maybe he felt it wasn't the right time.Maybe a voice inside of him saying there's a chance someone might be looking at her.While it's great to want to spread your joy around want to help out every person out there want to fullfilled there desires may not alwasy be worth the risk especially if the choice you make are giving up everyone around you and moving away hoping to return the same good looking same sweet talking person which indeed you may not.If you had that experience after you met this guy would you choose to continue to meet someone off line figureing that not all of them are bad or would you choose to say I'd think I'll keep to my own hometown.What could she of done better to of saved her though the Hell of which she was in.Could a choice of right and wrong make a difference,or maybe could she of done better research on this Gentlemen.The answer to those questions are Yes the very first wrong she made was to attempt to go by herself that was the first mistake.The next mistake or bad choice of her was to listen to other people about to go meet this guy have a good time.It's great to have people intrested in your ideas and what you do with your life.But if you do happen to get your friends invovle make sure you leave them what some contact for if they could check up on you they could determined if your doing great or if you are needing to escape.If where she was going was unable to be reached by phone then her choice of safty would of been just stay home and not even bother meeting this guy.Honesty sometimes doesn't pay to believe every little detail about what people write what people say though if you write an im message those can be saved and printed off so if it something that should be well,looked at then please do report it for if you don't your choice of life for that person could more and likly be death.Then the questioned arose what if she does tell and we do find this guy could he pay big time,well that's just an great almost perfect choice but wait what choice would that be what evidence you have other then your clothes being off and some guy was giving you sex would have him tied in with going to jail for years.Since his answer will be said just as though well,she wanted to come see me she wanted to have sex she enjoyed the first few hours nothing I'd felt I'd was wrong.Then right there your idea shot down liked a dead bird.Everything that took place happened without her even noticing it.Meeting people off line are just liked that having no clue as to what can and my happen even if you believe you are making a perfect choice.The choice you making isn't deciding in what choices I'd have what things to bring what should I allow or who should I bring The choice you have is am I doing it cause I'd trust the person or am I'd doing it hoping that he or she isn' lieing and that ain't out to hurt me.Choice of which is hard to make especially when it comes to internet meeting cause it's either a roll of dice that says you must live or a roll of the die saying tonight you die and noone will be able to explain this one away not even the fellow parents.Freedom can sometimes come at a price just as well,as a choice can choosing to go with your feelings your instinct sometimes is over trusting rushing into something with no guaranteeds.People might even argue tonight that's no way it can never happen to me I've seen 30 women or I've met over 20 guys sex and parties.But you know that may all be true it only takes one time for your life to be over this isn't a play zone when bell rings it's time to go home.This type of place is where you may either turn back and live or keep pressing forewards hoping that each and every guy you meet or gal you meet is different then the one before bu as I'd said it's a choice what's your life worth to you at this once chance you have to meet anyone off line no strings attached.An opatunity that will either break you or make you the Luckiest guy or Gal on earth,And the only catch to this offer is this would you risk your whole entire life savings on the hope of meeting Mis Right or Mr Perfect insentive loveable bear that he appears himself to be,This joyful loving sweet girl who says sex is like monopoly I'll never quit until you have totaly lost all your money and have done being excited.But remember this is a chance that if you take it can not say I'd reject once you leave this stadium or house which this is being offer to you.The Question now is up to you you have to the end of this chapter to make a decision a choice that is the most extremelists thing anyone ever considered on doing.Challenges many people faced while surfing on net is what has or can happen that I'd should be awared of well,let's see there's this 40 year old guys pretending to be normal saying they will drive 3 to 4 hours just so they can have the joy of sexual contact with an 13 year old girl,There has been reported even firemen policemen they get themselves into the trouble of chosing to do bad by going out and meeting under aged chicks cause that's there second life.Some Men even bring beer with them bring condoms hoping to score since they haven't ever done it since there wife had passed away.And some might say that's discusting that's horrible then we flip the coin well,how can that be horrible when we at age 16 at age 17 choose to allow guys or girls to meet chatters off line and that the attempt to asked if they wanna have sex would be turned down at a split second,or the chance to drink or smoke a little cause all there friends have done it and survived.Chocies to these older people preying on youngers is ashamed but when we as teen or college grade men and women do anything we don't ever questioned the motived we just hop into the car with a stranger and go hanged out hoping that they will be back at school to tell there friend's that this guy we met off the net was the sweetest most loveable bear I've ever cuddle up to.Then The time comes to approch them and asked why did you wan tto do anything to these people knowing they were of age as like 12,13,14 or 16 and the simply reply is oh well,they never mentioned there age they never said they wouldn't I'd wouldn't of came if they said no and my answer is this they are all lying why they lying you asked.Cause even if they were told in front of there faces and they had two choices afterwords to go and get the items go and perform sex on her go and get inside a kissing booth and do it those same people would say can't do it.Those who think that's true probably is high on drugs or are just as dumb as they are.No matter on what is in front of them the choice to drive the choice of buying the items the choice of saying can this be wrong isn't gonna to changed the fact or give reason to plea insanity.It's just that some people take chances on doing wrong hoping not to get caught and if they do get caught by someone they wished to feed them a bunch of crap hoping they would believe it and let them go and tell them not to retuend.Choices some good some bad,Choices some that comes with consequences while others come with Death.A priced must be paid but if we manage to pay that price does that give us the right to say it's all better let's go out and do that to someone else,my guess most probably will cause predators they don't quit especially when Girls as young and pretty like you alwasy have sex, webcam shos to be put on never getting tired of doing something bad until one day a day that they wished has never came around.Choice of going to see a doctor cause of what happened at the last get together,finds out she has a disease attracted from sex partners.A choice made just simply by broadcasting her life on the internet cause she figures it's pays good.But life took her by the hand and made her into a person who is now living with only guilt with questions why me.The answer deep down inside one that she will have to remember back years before how she made good choices how she made sure if she had a choice to run it by someone else seeing what they think,all of which is gone and now with tubes running everywhere and Medicine being popped into her mouth so many times a day and in internet at home not being used.A Life well,spent doing what she wanted to do making her own decisions and choosing to create web shows and in this case has it's dissappointments.Choices We make ino today's society can either be risks in Medicine risks in choisng the right husband the right woman to Married The right b/f or g/f to go out wit hand at the end your either had enjoyed yourself or have learned to make sure that it doesn't effect what your goals are that you made monthes or years ago.The internet by no means is not and shouldn't ever be considered on a dating service but in fact the internet is just a place for chatting for gathering information and being able to buy things cheap at a low sale price though if anything else preceeds that then your taking a risk that you may of wished you took back cause liked I'd said earlier on in this chapter that it's a risk that can never be given back or forgave once it's made it's made.Your choice to have sex and get pregnant came at a bad time oh well,that's tough now you must deal with it.Choices will eventually lead you down the track to Parents as being the begin of your future or life that you should have and wished you had but somewhere dwn the road you decided at a young age you knew all that there is to life you made your choice when your mom or dad decided they were to tough they weren't easy going they didn't let me do this or that.and Here's my answer on that which is this maybe there choices on how to raise you is needed cause they didn't want to get that call at 3am saying your son or daughter is dead please come and identified it's body cause we aren't so sure.Then the questions begain one at a time did you know they were heading for trouble.No did you know that they were Meeting people off line who had criminal records umm No do you think they left your house cause yu two were not good people No way She just didn't liked tough attitude style of life she just want everything to be given in an go ahead I'd don't care attitude.And to me we aren't liked hat but at the same time we can't make her stay if she doesn't want to so she decided to go meet this guy and that's the last I'd heard from her,ok thanks I'll find out if it was her or not.Choices now are on the Fence trying to decide how can we make this right how can we go on living our lives knowing that I'd wished we could of done more ,then the answer came to us If we did try to make her stay could we been more hated could she of used beating on us getting into more toruble just cause we are demanding to do something and so finally the choice of the night came to a close when they found out it was our daughter she had gotten beat up and looked liked shot in the heart due to outraged by a previous b/f that was angry at her from what some of the people were saying at her school.Choices that now has lead to death now that has lead to burying her at such a young age and so much more of her life to go and explore learn to grow up with her own family shot down with a single bullet and an angry b/f who thinks controling women is a good thing.Choices must be alo to deal with and that's absolutley right for a change you must be learning something if thats what you think.Choices is in alot of ways like a Good marriage and before a Good marriage comes being able to learn how to control your anger learn how to listen to our parents for which they know what's best even if we think we still know more,True sex lies and drugs and screwed up people chosing to serve our public and but yet go out and do stupid things as get invvole with young people do child porn and you name it.People who make right choices in setting themselves a good example on line one that when someone im's you you choose to treat them like you knew them in real life.Sex doesn't have to be something that is in High demand all the time there is a season for all of that a time to have parties and a time you quite it down a time to choose to misbehave and a season to sit back in a cell and think about what you did to deserve you to live out the rest of your life there.A season to grow to be mature even when others around you act like there 5 or act like there hotter then Hell which indeed does't flow to well,when you want to show good judegement with kids that you take care of for if you dress that way you are setting a bad example.Choices over the many many monthes people like yourself included that spends hours upond hours of chatting of writting blogs are meeting people on or off line,or getting creative buy purchassing an webcam must know that hopefully they act civilized in a way where that it is only use for good things such as showing them what you look like showing off your pet showing off the many different things in your room and so forth but if you can't promise the people whom thinks that you are a great buddie then they would deffinly changed there mind and asked people to stay clear of you and soon you be a nobody but a somebody who spent 35 dollars for nothing since your not getting anyone who are intrested in seeing you.Choices of wanting to be bad doesn't ever have a good side only gives you an license to try harder and more sexual explicit things it doesn't grant you a free ticket released but except many many years in Jail with no point of seeing the outside world of which you saw for at least 16 years of your life.I Hope you all have came up with a good conclusion to knowing what you would do with the risk that was offer to you earlier on in this chapter for some that do choose it must have plenty of guts,Must decided that life is great when Risk are taken,to some that choose not to take it must mean that Life is to precious and that love isn't everything sex isn't what I'd need right now,I'm not a person that is willing to die at the hands of would be crimminal even if he proceeds to be nice and good looking and enticing at first.I'd rather be that person who listended to my parents who don't wished to have a life that I'd know I'm not ready for.Choices do need to be make that's really what ist boils down to here and the thing about that is we ourselves need to know how do we make good and make sure it's not the wrong choice that your never know until you take that risk,but do Remember like some may not think to do ask God for prayer for he I'd am sure of know rather you should or not.But of course we bring you up to this God isn't someone I'd choose to know it's to religious it's not for me but Sex is right having parties getting stoned driving drunk is right those are just great choices that if you ended up dead today and had a chance to relive given a second chance how would you live your life could you then believe in God maybe you would but then again maybe God has to work more signs and then maybe even that won't satasified you until your chocies become to an end cause now it's judgement day and the only thng that the Judge is looking at is all things you done while you were alive and kicking on the outside.A computer fill of porn a webcam use to attract women to view your sexual habit while on cam,Then not to mentioned te many many explicited websites that has thousands of hits on it.And the question today is why did you choose to do these things on line talk the way you do look at this or that and all your answer is is what everyone else is doing they think it's ok it's not hurting no one but whoops you forget the people that just have to liked that cheat there way into those rooms people who claim they are 18 that are actually 14.Mothers who claimed they are parents are sex drugged maniacs and there child is to young to understand but later on in life is caught selling her body on the streets all cause life's hard life's a bitch cause everyone wants me choose to be a good girl choose to have a normal job.But now I'd think you want me to tell you get it I'd doubt it so what I'm doing is I'd had tooken your computer and burned it all up and your choice of life out in the real world has just ended I'd already calimed a tomb stoned with your name on it for that is what your next home will be liked cause your surly gonna to die for not making the right choices in your life for not thinking about calling your parents for not thinking about changing your life around when you had the chance to.People say I'd can changed well,I'm tired of the bullshit and he is too so now this is the only choice I'm left with and to kill you no good piece of trash.And so the headline paper reads guy dies in the courtroom due to his failed attempts to make the right chocies now are you gonna to choose bad or good let's make your choice known today what do you want to do with your life you have about 24 hours to changed your life how you deal with the internet how you choose to chat how you choose to meet people offline what's your answer gonna be cause Death is a knocking on your door and I'd am looking for the next person which one of you can I'd take home with me.Or are you absolutly for certain without a shadow of a doubt that you want to changed from a bad person to a good person.Your choice here on earth is to do good not to harm and to learn that chocies can serve a good purpose even when we think it can't.Parents must do there part which is now so please be prepared for a look into a life that thinks it's just all about kids. parents must be invovle as well,hope you will join me in changing this world and how we use the internet.
Hi Welcome you all Back to this part of the Book we called Parents,Which in my eyes are the back bone of the Family.Discipline,Authority,And Obedience as well,as Control is some of the steps that Must be inforced with Teens and children that want to use the net.A Teenager shouldn't be in control you as the parent should be in control .The only thing they should be in control of is making sure that they get an Good education know what they want to do with there life other then sex drugs and getting Pregnant at 14 or 15 whatever the case might be.Parents say they hear it from teens I'd want them to be more suportive of what I'd do with my life,And I'd say The hell with that we as the parents Must deicde at what they want us to go along with is a good something rather then a bad something that can lead to trouble and before we know it the Children has us the Parents telling them how they gonna do this or that in a house which they don't own don't pay and best yet doesn't have the experience in any of those sistuations.It's great to have sex smoke chew and run around all the time doing God knows what it's another to Be Responsible that may come after 1 or 2 kids or about paying bills penalities for whatever law you may broke and best yet being Responsible to know that not everyone at age 15 may ever see there 21'st birthday cause there's always some ediot out there drinking and driving or texting and driving or talking on cell while driving while you out having a blast.Parents say work is a Necessity and so is paying Bills,But with all of that a side what also is important is to make sure as what she or he does on the computer goes no further then that room and doesn't create problems outside the home.Restriction to certain aspects of a computer is very vital for safe kids.No web cams No contact of individuals until parents of both parties approved that this person isn't trying anything and to set that in a way if anything goes on in reguards to leaving then say that's not how we do things in our house.If we as Parents set controls on what can and can't be done inside your home then there woern't be a problem with finding her across states.Teens have a great escape all the time from certain things that they know parents won't agree on.Like setting up dates contacting people that father won't approve of.Though just keep this in mind if you go against the Rules in your house and you wind up next to a gun in your head whose gonna protect you or if you wind up meeting this pervert that was out with 2 other women the night before how is trust working in this sistuation.I'd don't think it would if you can't trust the guy you like who you think you should trust at 16 try your parents that's what they are there for until you turn 18,or But way I'd get it you blew them off cause you was the know of all that's know everything you need to know and your doing find right now your able to do what yu want say what you want type what you want view what you want and have the power to go anywhere in the 50 state continent.Oh but here's a little secret you may not of known a call comes in a week later Mom I'm ready to come home I'd can't stand it here and then seconds later dad convience mom to let me come home let me live there I'm not ready to be an adult.I'd will follow your rules now and just with an a matter of seconds the answers came back sorry we don't beleive you you already skipped school you hanging out with God knows I'm assumed your sex ratio is probably like 5 a week or so No idea what kind of drugs you gotten yourself into and you think were stupid by allowing you to come home so you can get mad cause you think you can run the show in My house.I'd don't think so and your Mother has spoken to we don't have the energy to be concern with you when you have your sister and brothers at home that wanna learn that wanna treat me with respect.That wanna follow my rules and yes there tough but by God it's worked for us when we were kids and every sense that I'd devoted my life to make sure my kids can have that to.And so the phone call ended just 17 out wondering the streets out doing just what most people want to do No rules allowed be able to throw parties when they want sex with multiple of people and everything else just cause 25,000 plus do it and we wonder why people that have children people that wished they had parents would of but trust and respect isn't offer and rules either cause Teens they like there social life to be whatever they liked to go on line and be whoever they think they want to be.And parents can't stop them until like this Girl just calls up and think a phone call will changed there minds.Not all parents are liked that and that's ok but be warned that eventually you will get children turning into 14,15,16 year old even 17 telling you how to run the house always getting into fights arguing over who did what and how this isn't my fault and every other excuse they might give yu and if your not strong enough to quit babying them and treating them liked it's wrong what you did and keeping repeating that over and over then I'd think you as parents needs to go to a class where they teach you how to become more construvie parents.There's a time and a place where you have to do is look at the sistuation and decide what is the best way to go about this in a way where this isn't gonna be a fight every other day over something that they were told to changed.Attitudes are tough to changed especially if the Teens listen to the garbage on line where everyone is telling everyone how to do this and that to someone or how to do this and to forget about telling your parents.Attitudes should get a stopped to it cause pretty soon if you don't fixed it now then once your outside this house and school you might not have a chance a Gun or knife or a fight may occur and your will be on the losing side cause you think all you have to do is talk samck,yell swear and pretend fighting without any type of other defense.And the losing I'm talking about is where your dead and you don't move anymore and you can't changed that ever.Parents might think by buying the latest equiptment they can solve the internet safty issue,Well,my answer is that No it won't.Paying money to fixed a problem that is required by people children adults making common sense out of what to say and not say doesn't have anything to do with the appliance other then to say can't enter here can't do that.But Some may fight back and say it works great so does not buying Cigarettes of course like most people under aged they just find a friend find others who will give it to them But nice move.Same with the internet people say let me go to the mall be back and while they are on the way to the mall so and so goes and chats on laptop borrowed or at a friends house without no one ever knowing.So the best advice about being safe is to teach your children when they are young about using common sense know how to respond to questions if given and no not to respond to a question that isn't 1st grade we talked about Strangers being bad in the case of Meeting people on line or trying to do something with someone on line is simple.Rather saying off limits or can't do this more and likly that will send up a red flag and there gonna to anyways eventually.But instead do this and it works alot better and as long as it is used in this tex it's great.When meeting 1.find out from the person whom your been talking with is the intentions of the meet,why should they have to feel the need of wanting to see you.Having Sex is not necessary and so that to me a red flag and Blocked the guy .Wanting to hang out at his house.Nope not right answer cause what they say is his house may truly be his house and with no supervision that could just lead to trouble.Say they want to drive you places say well,hows this for a spin I'll meet you at this Mall or at the movie complex where we can watched this and that,Always good to find out what is offered in that area where he or she is at then you can checked out certain spots that might be fun in a way that can take the mind off of thinking about doing bad.The Hardest part about this step is that few ever do try to do it.Make always sure that if anything out of the ordinary takes place that you don't risk.Planned what you are doing write down and savef or if anything changes with that where he or she wants to go somewhere or there call broke down I'd am sending someone else or anything else or that we are gonna be by ourselves then you say no we can't do that sorry.People might think that's dumb that's sounds like alot of rules that's sound like living at our parents house ,That might be all true but who cares safty must come first reguardless what your so called friends say on line.Parents at times may want to get other opions from other parents also very helpful but also that is useful is to keep in mind that God is also available whenever your tasks of raising children becomes too much of a burden.Every once and a while expression can bring out some worst character in Teens as well,as Pre Teens thinking that if they wear whatever they want or rather they write certain things or upload whatever material they want on line then they have another thing coming.Tonight is war to save those people who really truly want a life free of having to wory about if so and so gonna cover my back.Monitoring our children isn't a bad idea it's a great idea especially when it comes with the Internet all that needs to be done is have an computer in an place where you can get this small device that will allow you as the parent to know everyhting that is going on with chatrooms how they speak what they write .None of which is trying to invade there privacy rather then to make sure that nothing is being planned that we most deffintily wouldn't approve.It's ok to write on profiles in journals or design your webpages but make sure that what you write about doesn't make others think that they could get you to do this and that.Dress for yourself don't dress cause others think your be cool if you wear that,or if you cuss out people or hang around people who just liked to get in a little trouble for soon little trouble leads to alot more things.It's great to be popular but being popular has nothing to do with education or with planning for your future.Same as on line it's great to chat but chat about something that is useful rather then talking abou something that can easily get you into wanting to do whatever people say to do.Should parents allow the internet to be an fixed rate.Yes I'd think teens who think they can just chat to 2 3am in the mornings more and likly have a Huge problem with trying to stay safe.Cause when parents go to bed alot more can be done alot more can be discuused in how to do this or that,By setting a time then that way your know what did go on.1 step in making sure that happens is taking the cords so she won't or he won't be able to get on and then locking your door and if they are caught with it on during the night the computer goes ends of discussion.Tough Love always work especially if it is for the best intrest of the child.Paying attention in class and not falling asleep always a good one by paying attention to Orders which a parent or pE teacher may give you or whatever Job you may be doing might keep you from getting Inuured .Hurting others in the process,or being Fired and not being able to pay for the things we all think is needed in this Lifetime.Setting Computer usage is also helpful so that if forever reason we as Parents have questions in pertaining to this or that then they have the right to know what is going on and an good explainition to it all for they don't want a dead son or dead girl to be posted on the next Christmas card out to the realatives.Lay back Parents do happen once and while get those who really don't give a damn about anything going around.If those are your parentst hem maybe as a teen child listen up Be responsible don't fall into the same trap as they are in.We think we smart we think we tough we think we are one bad ass Good ,that's right Good.But this is how we used that and spin it into something Great.It's great to be tough be tough in making sure that you never let your guard down on anyone who thinks they can do this and that for you.For you are Big girl do it yourself.So your hot great maybe try using your hotness to do it for good like picking a job that will fit your needs instead of whatever you were doing befre.There's hot models there's Awesome Bikers that are Women and that do it for charities or for other organazinations that deal with Kids who are sick and so forth.And For people who have alot of smarts in them Good why not use your smarts in becoming an Strong activits in making Tougher laws that will help Parents out when it comes to Children leading down the wrong path of life and or getting into trouble or the Internet whichever be the case.Those I've just said all help people achieve all show that this World can be better can be different can be a place I'd would want my grandson my family to sit down roots in.It's time for the Parent challenge and if you can score a 10 your pretty good when it comes to teens and the WorldWide Web.1st Question for you all.Should the Teen be the one who chooses who she adds to her list or not.if your answer is Yes. Then take a seat if you answer No then those who just sat down need not to be parents.Not everyone that is added to your friend's list is a great likeable person and that have good morals.Dressing in nothing but underwear or sometimes nothing at all I'd wouldn't call a Moral person.A person who is added to your profil who likes to put on other shows for people shouldn't be a friend they should be Baned from chatrooms Myspace and facebook included.People who liked to add friends who have a history with mistreating people calling people names to others while they talk sweet to you isn't a Friend there a loser not a Ok person.Hopefully you get the Picture for those who have the first one wrong.#2.Should Teens use the net to allow themselves while in chatrooms to ignored people who shoots them down with off remarks.If you answered Yes, You do need to reply then Sit down and congradulate yourself. If you answered No to that question stand Up and give yourself a pat cause you are right.There should never be a time in anyone's Life that what people say about you shouldn't effect you in any way,for if you do reply then your no better then they are.Hattred,telling others what they think of them or about how ugly or any other remarks are getting you know where in fact we thought we had gotten past all of that but I'd guess we haven't since we are still here in the 21st Century doing just that.If there's one thing I'd truly believe and stand up for is this only worry about yourself if you have great respect for you and good self esteem then that should be enough to get you by.If you are struggling with that one of the ways to help that along is try to walk away try to avoid hearing comments that doesn't apply to you for when you do that rather or not your on line or out in the store or at school it sets an high standard and more people are gonna want to joined in.And if you happen to miss up or quit just remember someone can fight back you either be on there side or be the one fighting for your life by a bullit at school or in your classroom or on the bus or jobsite.If Those parents who did say Yes then more and likly your time will be coming soon.Solving Name calling and or picking on others on the computer doesn't make you the queen or king of the chat instead it makes you a target that is well,planned out over a long peirod of time,Some might be innocent people and then again might be you in it to for when Evil triumps over good and we as the person who is suppose to be the good person isn't doing anything about it but sit and watched it happens we are just as bad as a person shooting down kids shooting down xfriends or creating other things.#3.Should Teens have access to Websites that allows people to be who they want with no restrictions on what they say how they dress or how they communicate to each friend or person.Yes it be oke along as there's an level to which they won't cross.Good thinking but No,why should you as an person whom likes to chat needs to be on as that doesn't care about anything that just gets you to want to do or look at things that aren't apporiate for you to do.Saying No seems the only right thing to do .But in this case both yes or no is good cause in this sistuation this type of chatting can be Monitoring in 2 ways 1st. and far most let her no that only add ons with a decent profile I'll allow and be careful for what you say for if I'd find anything unapporiated in there I'll dis bannd you from hat site.Saying No will just want her or him to go other people's houses and get them to allow her to do it some things just has to be tollerated to an certain instinct.#5.Private chats by Teens are a step in the right direction.Those who say No way you can sit down those who say yeah what the harm can stand,if your standing you just lost or maybe your an complete idiot.Never Never allow her or your son to privatetized there chats for when you do that it allows them to do something that you won't approved of.if they want to talk outside the chatrrom great stick them in an room where you can check up once and a while to make sure nothing is gonna get buy you.If you say No your right again it's alwasy best to try to allow some stuff but not everything.#6.Personal information is great to addressed to the users on line.Those who say I'd don't care it's not gonna hurt can now go take a new class in school which is called Teen crimes in the community and make sure your are put on a case where you have to find some person's daughter or son that has been missing for days and weeks.Never Never give out this kind of information over line your full name Not good idea,for security purposes.Give out city but don't mentioned anything in that particular area.Use address ok to write but for warn that individual that if they are spotted anywhere near you that you will report them to authorities and also if they are found on school or work properties that's also be a policemen on call to attend to numbers are great to give but use the reverse method it's also good if they want to talk to you ask them for there number and call them instead of them calling you.Never give out cell numbers to users a Huge risk in alot of ways.If you must liked to give out work places Great but do it only but don't allow that paerson to know city or ur address or number for the simple reason being that they could cause you to lose your Job they could show up and start trouble.This way if you say I'd worked at Mc Donalds from 8-5 will duh there's like 10,000 or more all over the place be kinda hard to track.even if they knew about illionis or Georgia there's alot of them and tons of cites and towns it be impossible to guessed.Those who will say I'd think I'd would want all that information to be kept off line can stand up those who think that's an fair deal for children to do some but have there limits.Those of you that won't allow it probably have used bad judgement on there part cause kids now days don't always do what we think they ought to why you think there is always someone willing to go meet this guy even after a thousand people say no.Setting strict rules great to enforced but don't enforced them so much where a person might run somewhere else to do what they couldn't at home.Giving some information is good in a way if used properly such as this for instant.If forever reason they aren'table to get on line due to troubles with internet trouble with paying the bill and so on and by allowing them to write or call isn't so bad since it does have to go through security at the postoffice before it is mailed to you and besides some can even set up a P.O.Box when they are older for some things.Having phone calls good cause it gives the parent some time to talk to this guy or gal and learn a little bit about them and make sure they aren't gonna influence there daughter or son in anyway or else they won't be able to used the net,or phone.#7 Should Teens Alert parents or someone if what they hear on line or are told on line be an issue outside the net.If you answer No stay sat down if you answered Yes then my guess your just alot over whelmed and you should take a breather or two.People who get anixous about what someone may or may not do can be solved through the internet system through the service provider and the police department when it is necessary,if Parents become to overwhelmed with this issue and that issue in concering with there daughter or brother then pretty soon your stress level be at a high risk all the time which isn't all that necessary.Parents should only be advised of a sistuation in reguarding the harassingments or motivation out of people on chatlines when it becomes clear they are out to find her.As long as the information has not been provided to this person no worries but if this is a person who has had that information with them due to a lengthly chat then here are 2 things that need to be done immediately.1.Print off all transactions that include some type of account that this predator may want to take action for whatever the reason might be.2.If it is detailing certain locations within your area or start announcing plan attacks on your daughter or son cause he might attempt to meet without her permission and if she or he is under aged they can be picked up by authorities for meeting an under aged person off lined.Keep the police in form that someone may do harm and give them information such as name such as messages retrieve from the instant messenger.Very important during this conversation please don't try to ever reason with this person for that will just make them madder and won't allow them to say think of resolution to the problem at hand.Parents should always be careful as to help teens and other children to learn to not get so personal with there relationships and that remaining friends is really the only step that should be made for one of the good reasons is that too many guys or Gals get to thinking that if they are that much in loved and whatever might float there way that they become an controllable person and start accusing her or him of things that shouldn't any matter but to people who say I'd loved this guy or Gal on line well,if that's true really true then yo wouldn't be dating off the computer and also having lots and lots of people on your friends list.#8.Should Teens or Young Adults Shoot photography of there family or such people they are intrested in in there real life.If you hink Yes you could be seaed if answered No stand up,Both answers are right in this sistuation for the reason being that it should be up to the individual or the person whom that was informed that you were wanting there pic or her chatroom discussion to be about them.And the questions should only pertained to questions that aren't about the relationships with that b/f or g/f or that the others won't feel that there life be in harms way do to some crazed person thinking that this person is no good and they could do better not a place on line to discuss that.#9.Should Teens or children discuss there problems to others on line.If you answered Yes please stand if answered No sit down those who answered yes probably have martial problems with the whole family and children felt that an outsider such as someone on line could offer better adviced.And My question to you is why not get this dispute handled rather it be with counseling or with each other by a family meeting.But allowing your daughter or son to go on line and discuss matters of the heart with someone they don't know or think they know is well,Nuts it's crazy it's almost as bad as walking into a stranger house and telling there parents of what so and so is feeling,just certain ever be done liked that.It's great that you want to talk to someone abou issues that are going on either at school at home with your b/f or g/f if be the case but Parents that's what they are there for is to sit and listen to try to help you in any way possible.And if you really absolutely feel you need to tak to someone about problems talk to a counselour at school or maybe someone that's an adul for if it's something that can be fixed should be but not wih some child or older man or anyone on line for the simple fact is there's always liked to hear 1 sided they always think those others are wrong when it could just be both parties.Great to chat about things just not about issues that aren't or shouldn't pertained to just normal chat.#10 Should Parents Be nervous or concern about the diference of ages whome the Child is talking to.If you answered yes have a seat if you answered No stand up,for those who were saying yes and sat down are all needing to take a better look at yourselves,I'm almost 100% positive you all have been in sistuations where either your in church or on the bus or on plane ride to your destinations will ocasionally younger people then they are,or be sititng next to them whom may or may not have quesions or small talk to be sharred.Age should only be a big concern if dating or sexual activity takes place that's when age should be focus on.If you answered No your correct cause people on line will talk to you even if you are younger or older just cause they are older then you doesn't mean they want sex,or want to visit you want to see your body in an nasty way,or want you to see them on webcam.True there are people out there that do want that and that are looking for sex are looking to come in contact with you in real life all you have to do is be in an common sense mode know when to say Yes and when to say None of your business to know.If they presists then Block them without a respose if they continued then you tell them a copy of this message is being printed off and sent to the Police and they will deal with you.Those who wished not to talk to younger or older are people who have there own reasoning but please Parents let them decide if they wished to at age 13 14 15 for they are older then you think and they can make good decisions sometimes just give them the time.#11.Should your child as liked some people do spend more then 6 hours a day to continue on a daily basis.If answered no please stand if answered yes have a seat.Those who said yes must be a real couch potatoes.If you say no then your correct though it's great to love the net your friends and e-mail and all that fancy videos and music but having the computer on for 6 is pretty good for a day.And that my saying is kids your age should enjoyed other things and if there isn't anything to do then Parents it's your job to get invovle with your kids have a fun night once a week set aside for saying Internet to be off.Have one night for if they want to go with friends providing it's nothing illegal just to have fun.There's so much to offer maybe one time during the summer plan vactions to where the internet isn't the focus for if you do these things chances are the child will see that's there more to life then just sitting and chatting up a storm.In tis case they actually will share stuff like hey my mom and dad took me to some baseball games or hey we went to this cool party and so forth.Life should never be a computer thing it's about doing hings outside the World Wide web.#12.If you could put into a few words what good reason could you find that would give anyone a positive outlook on chatting with inviduals.After that tell one thing your find on chatting that you would liked it to stop and if so how are you helping to promoting it,that question should be given back to either your parent or Mom or just Dad cause I'm sure they would loved to hear your version as to what makes chatting an exciting night of fun.#13.Honest opion on this topic itself for Every chatter.If chatrooms were set up to where you must fill out a form and be given a background check starting with age 12 and if you failed by showing anything that is illegal due to your own fault be eliminated from chatting.And those who passes be alowed to chat if this was in placed would you think the amount of people meeting under aged people or people getting killed or sexual molested be stopped for this one type of deal.I'm sure parets would love that though it would be tough to be doing that especially for that young but the point on that is even kids that young are doing small crimes and that's not a good thing.If you would say no to that ordeal some parents would want to know why the rejection.Afraid of what some idiot won't be able to find out afraid that if you lie be arrested well,this isn't design to throw people in jail or to kill you to taunt you or anything this would simply stop you from going into the chatroom or into any email such thing cause Parents just like children want to feel protected they want to know they are talking to someone who isn't gonna hurt them isn't gonna try to visit them without there permission.True we do have the right to refuse people to talked to but sometimes that's not enough such as yahoo who shares all the stuff people write rather you wanna hear it or not it's there.#14.As a good parent with 2 or more in your home should Cell a phones disconnect the feature that will allow people to text and leave the computer for that resource.The answer I'd would hopped would be Yes most teens or young adults would say no way we want that to always be a chance.But what risk do we have by someone killing someone or by accidently missing a turn or forgetting to stop all cause something like texting needed to be done.Parents as well,as others on the road would most in definite would love that it's bad enough just talking on the phone.Texting now days has sometimes come more important then life itself or become more important then your family at home wishing to hear that car come pulling into your driveway.Those who spend over 4 hours or more on line chatting or whatever you do should be satisfied.If your not then you probably should go check yourself into an Job that does computer work 9 hours a day maybe by the end of the year you wouldn't want to do it anymore and be a little bit less of a computer Nerd.#15.Should Pics be limited to what you shall add on line even if the place allows them such as myspace or any other place on line.If yes your correct they should if you answered No then you must not care what your daughter puts on there rather if she taking shots of her on the tolit or shots of her shirt half button down or so forth.I'd think it's great children liked to show people what you look like great but be responsible think of in terms liked this say you liked people to look at you with as much skin as they will allow you to do.And your daughter or son gets to be that age and one day they happen to run acroos you in some tight jeans and your shirt so low your breats are showing and among other things and your child says Mommy don't feel bad I'd show someone my body they thought I'd was hot.Are you gonna punished them or are you gonna say I'm not sure what to do for if you say anything you might be a hipacret.So the best thing to do is always be sure do what's right rather then what others say let's do this for someday you might have to be sititng right there trying to discuss so and so punishment but how since they do know what you did.Pictures should be of Beautiful things of something God or your parents would liked to say that's great I'd didn't know you were intrested in that,for that alwasy shows great judgement.#16.Does music have a bearing on chattrooms where people voice there music differences.Some parents wished that there son or daughter just listen to one type only some parents wished that there child or teens don't buy rap or download rap.But the true honesty if I'd will Children are gonna listen to it rather if they buy a cd or if someone happens to of haved it on there profile.Just cause you hate country doesn't mean that a parent should tell you you must liked it you must be intued with it it's what I'd feel is the only good music.For when you choose to do that more then not this cild will grow up doing the complete oposite buying music without your permission getting there friends to have them let them listen to other music.Music is great experiece to anyone but make sure it's for entertainment purposes only and not to create it as a reasoning to do harm to people.Be careful also to not allow music to affect the true character you are as a person for if your image changed during the time you listen to music then my guess is throw the stuff out and not picked it up again.#17.Pics being passing through instant messages isn't an great way to allow the person to get your information.Yes I'd want my daughter or son to have the freedom to except.If you are those parents who think that's good then you haven't been to a porn shop lately or haven't ever not gotten unwanted mail or unnecessary phone calls.If someone really want your picture tell them you have it posted on your site and they can print it from there if they liked.And always pay attentioned to this if someone wants this site with there pic passed to you to download tell them what is it of then 2.once it's starts to download watch how it's being delievered if it comes through yahoo hit denied or exit out most from yahoo are nothing but porn sites unless you know the person.If you accept everything your chances of getting an virus or having someone on your computer that can't be deleted that you might be in harms way.#18.Webcams should be allow what as a chatter would you say that would get you to go out and use one.If Sexy bodies is the issue leave it at the store ,if you think you can just think you can put anyone you liked on the spot then leave it at the store a webcam isn't set up to spy it's great to have one if used with extreme caution.Allow your children to have one as long as they are being watched and monitor and that they respect there wishes.But as to get people to see you vis verse you see them just warned them what your restrictions are that no one show anything dirty no one do any illegal activity on there for that will lose your privileges for good and hoped that you do understand that.#19.Should Parents intrupt there own children during a communitcation to someone on line by pretending to be them. Most probably will yes I've got to know who my child is talking with at all times.If you are that parent then my guess never have a computer in arms reach if that's truly how you feel.If you want trust from your children you have to give them space allow them to talk and chat and if they ever get in a bind that you allow them to come to you for if you but into there life with every little thing eventually they will or could come to resent you and hate you and want to do other things.Trouble teens don't start to be trouble just by waking up one moring and say i'm gonna be bad they get that way cause Parents tend to butt in when it isn't necessary sometimes.Space is always needed in anyone's life.As long as the rules are being followed and that they are doing well,in school then there shouldn't ever be a concern on line.Parents who want to chat or do things on line great go get your computer and have one for yourself and do it for your purposes just make sure your not doing it out of spite.But children or teens be prepared to know that a parent will only invade your privacy if they feel that some things aren't suppose to be talked about or be looking at then they will be in the right and you won't be so also keep that in mind to.#20.Foul Language is to be used by children to get the point across to people in the chatrooms or e-mails or on certain profiles that are created.If a parent says Yes it sometimes is necessary then stand up,if you as a Parent think that it isn't necessary then have aseat.Those who said yes then must of not had a good upbringing as a child.Using foul language sometimes only makes that person more angry then not.Telling someone to go f off isn't what I'd say a nice easy going way of telling them you don't like them in fact chances are they will reply and before long you both be fighting over who can call someone worse.If that kind of language is a common thing in your house hold then you all including the parents need to take some type of behavouir classes.Teach our children to speak proper since the network shows on tv bleeps out language then why not the chatrooms.Who cares if you think calling someone a bitch makes you a excelent person.or telling someone on line they don't amount to anything or that they are stupid or not worth shit for all of those are just pointing fingers at yourself.If someone on line does do these things alwasy blocked them never ever reply ignored always the best solutions.If messages left are liked that delete for none of that is necessary.Parents I'd hoped that you do pass that test and that you are a teriffic parent.If communication is broke down in your family either with 1 of your kids or both it's time to shape up now while they are 13 or 14 for when they get 18 your time will be over and wishing you done better shouldn't ever be in your mind.For you are teens are about to embark on a life full of wonderful discoveeries keep in mind of where you came from of how your parents have trained you to be the best you can be and so when you become an woman or a man your upbringing will then be taught to your family.Love doesn't stop the sec a Child decides to misbehave or a child decdies to go another way Love must be the whole core of that person's life no matter what chancges that child may go through.So you don't respect her hand in marrage or that b/f she has,You don't have to as a parent but you do have to show her love and to welcome her home anytime she feels she is needed.Yes even ifs he comes home pregnant.The world is a big adventure that in just a short little time from now we will be walking down that road or joining someone in there house discussing there future plans.Parents love to control all sistuations to be able to tell her or him what to do all the time but remember if you choose to do that your child may not want to be a part of your life and you be the one to blame for it.A Child will catch there eye on anything that you as a Mom or Dad does if it's failing a mariage if it's trying drugs or anything else that might go on.In This next chapter of the Internet world we will bring to light Predators and how we as children can help not to become that victum and to do something about someone rather then to say nothing.Parents souldn't never have to worry if they trained there child the importance of knowing what to do in circumstances and what to ask people and what not to allow people to say to you.Sex should never be an on line discussion for the simple fact teens at 14 or 16 or 17 shouldn't be concerned with that for if they are then more and likly by 18 they would have had at least 1 baby be divorced by 20 or be in a child custy battle for years to come cause there dead beat b/f don't want to pay.Children shouldn't talk about sexual issues at that age for the reason being that they all think that it's just what Teens do.And your right but what's the harm as parent might voiced there opion out it's this Children don't know how to be resposible all they think is I'd lay down spread my legs shoot out a kid say love you a few times and my b/f will help me raised it.Then few weeks and monthes go by we are in court with our parents demanding that the child can't support the baby and I'd want to raise it for my own self.Then Teens always say that's not fair you can't do this and before long they out doing it again and haven't learned a darn thing about what just took place.And we wonder why the chatlines are filled with Men and older women looking for sex cause that's all they think it is.Parents want a future of doing things outside of the house hold like starting a business or liked wanting to go and do something for a week or month and Us as young adults will hope to expect there wishes and learn to take care of problems for yourself.I'd hoped that you all come and joined me as we take a ridea adventurous ride into the dangers of the Internet and how to come out alive rather then dead.
Chapter 4 The Big Adventure
Internet today has been one complete dating ritual.Some find there mates there person whom they think will lead them down the aile at church and become a family with kids,other do it for the free sex it offers the ability to act unappropriately to children because as some young adults as well,as older seems to think that's what they want that's what they think about on a daily basis and that is sex.Though not always the case Girls just as much of guys aren't always in a mood to want that some children as well,as mature Teens are looking for someone to be a friend to them.Or to become a perosn whom neither of the parets are liking due to the fact that the guy or gal the son or daughter is talking to is to most parents not a good influence.Parents are wanting to understand there Son's or daughter's problems that comes from an internet b/f or Man or Woman that would put it in there perspective .Helping is a good thing as long as it is a good thing not a comfortable thing but rather one that won't jepordized there Goals or there desire to achieve here in the real world.Though some adults try to be nice try to cheer people up try to laugh or tell jokes try to point out all the things that child is talking about rather it be about her life at home about her dad being so strict about her divorced and how it's hard to deal with just one parent,or about wishing that they see my side as always taking there way and that's it.All of which some guys choose to think they can make your life better can do everything for you that your parents didn't do.Allow you to adventure out and try a new way of life.But there's a Huge problem with that theory it's called the Loving theory.Love is great to have it's always good to find someone on line that is kind that always see your point of view that loves that you liked life that you liked to do this and that.But sometimes in life they are very hard lessons to live with and one of those is this being able to not confused loved with a person who just wants to treat you right for the fact that may in return he could get you to do things that you know within your heart isn't right.And to many children and teens fall into that group.Most people Like to be loved like to have a huge world out there to explore that's great but some people aren't liked that they liked young innocent kids who think at age 16 they are a woman or a Man or a person that can know how far is to far how love can not be love but be hurtful but be nothing but lies.Be adventurous be wild but do all of those things only for the fact it is just as it is and that when the lights go off and the party comes to a close or the trip comes to an end that your back in the real world working,Earning a life by raising a responsible family carrying about your parents even if you don't see eye to eye all the time but truthfully there most of the time is right about people and how they can be.Maybe you don't have that in your life that stability as some might do then keep this one thing in mind.Never choose to be with someone if it's for there own purpose or that all they do is make you feel good.True it's great to have a good feeling to have this great life that you are in for now but as so many people who are murdered who are on this vaction somewhere never returned.But before they left they felt great with this group of friends friends that they thought would make sure she or he returns safey home but instead never to be found alive,and there adventure that was so big so much of a promise to see nice breezes calm waves or be in this fantastic mood with a guy that truly respected her in every way.But deep inside that man he wasn't thinking that instead he was wishing he had something but cause of a failed realation a divorce an argument an disagreeing with what some of his daughters or sons he felt he was doing right so he took a trip took a adventure out in the world to the wrong side of tracks knowing that an innocent girl or guy would see that his story is true and all the other people are lying are saying he's no good for nothing.And before long the time to do something to hear that voice inside about being careful about choosing right over wrong about planning only to do these things listed,isn't on the list tonight but something more different one that eveyrone else didn't see the need to pay attention.Sex isn't always necessary to be the problem all the times sometimes it's our mouth it's our determination to do wrong just to see if that's the kind of life that could turn into something good.Which in my knowledge of listening to people on line watching sitcoms dealing with young adults who out to get what they want and they achieved it all cause this girl or boy felt secure felt like he just being nice.Felt as though he's someone's dad he's someone's wife that is waiting at home for him.Which none of that is correct they want what they can't have so deciet lies and sometimes out right wrong becomes the best way to go.Sure he may or may not get caught sure he might feel sorry for doing what he did.But the question is what kind of love did he have in his mind is it the same he had in his heart and my answer to is No.Love isn't something you should ever gamble with people gamble alot and lose alot life is liked that a huge adventure that may take you miles away may take you to countries just to see what you never dreamed of seeing only except on tv.But at the end love always finds it's way out of a persons head and into there mean and dispectiable little hands that tend to grab and hold on to them and then tell each and eveyrone of them that it's gonna be ok.We are just taking an trip an adventure that won't last long.Love should always come with his advice and that is love should only be a two way connection and this is tricky part to understand and that is this .Find out from yourself on a personal note why it is so important that someone must love you or must be this person in your life.Why is going out in this world to take a trip some where with this person a must and have to why can't it be planned to figured out is it for both of us is it to sticked to the plans is it a planned where if trouble does come my way am I myself gonna convience others to call the cops others such as strangers that don't know me to do something and make sure that I'd can reach home again to a life that once I'd step out of may or may not return.If you can't make those decisions honestly or think that nothing is going to go wrong or that you have this huge planned.Then my friend you are lying to yourself you are putting to must trust into something that may be love and then again may not be.Don't go on an instinct when you are meeting guys or women off the net for they or most will only tell you what they want to.Always tell you your right and your parents are wrong,Tell you that your are gonna have a good time that there's nothing to be ashamed about all those are questions ending up to be a red flag and to many people ignored them.Nobody that's right Nobody should ever tell you to do what you want to not listen to your family to get you to leave and come see them cause they think it's gonna be great it's gonna be a blast.True some might come thrugh but some may come with certain guidelines that until you arrive those are never met.My theory in talking with children or teens or anyone that wants to talked to me is this.I'd tell them to tell me the problem and I'll find out if I'd feel it is an reasible fixed.But under no circumanstances I'll never would say it's ok go meet this guy and your be safe cause that's just not true unless that you follow my steps in achieving that personal meet.1.Always make sure that you have a set plan in order to go on this adventure or this exploration.And make sure that you do bring an respoinisble friend or some one you trust never go to any lengths to do what he wants but only want you are willing to do.And that if he does't respect your wishes then the meet is off no changing my mind.Safty is most important here not I love you Not that he's a nice gentlemen not that we are the same age crap or not that well,My parents told me it be fine which to me I'll tell you who cares this is an internet full of deciet full of lies full of crimminals of all races and most of all there are people out there just to meet you to take your parents off and perform sex just cause there think you ready and once you get into there own house by themselves I'd don't care if they say well,my people are home they wanna meet you ,Do you think I'm really that stupid to believe that's dumber then going out and buying a gun and saying me and my friend just wanna take it home for something to watch each and every day.Lets just say the Guy does have his parents show up and that you do meet them maybe outisde his house or at the mall stll even with that to be said still take precautions but have a fun time at the same time.Next and most important and that's this while meeting with this guy or Gal never every promised to do anything on a regualr basis,only do them at a slow pace.Meaning this if that guy is told by you that you want to seem him agian or that he can come see you at your place that would just get the guy or gal to come to your instant messenger and start bugging you about it until one day they decided to act upon it themselves and find you and that to me if and only if he does make sure you call authorities.I'd don't care if he was nice if he was fun while you was up there the point saying that is this you have to be the one to decide if that's what you want not the guy or the person on line.They should not have any say as to how the meet should go when you want him to visit when you want to have an Intimate relationship for all of that should come over time.Time not meaning 2 days later or a month later I'd am aiming towards liked 5 years all depending on age and plus on the ability to know and learn the safty tips as I'd provided here.I'm not saying the adventure of dating on the internet isn't never gonna work I'm glad it has for some but here we an't talking to someone who's been married for quite sometime no this is children teens who think that at age 15,16,17,18 they are mature to do everything right and they know how to play the game of saftey.And indeed they don't. they usually wind up being days and days turns into weeks and someone where down deep within there heart there mind wished they would of been more bright more brave.Wished that learning from there brothers or sisters or there parents were an option.Or at least brought a friend along but no I'd was the foolished one to pushed them all away told them don' worry I've a big girl I've mature to leave my home and venture out in this world and over to someone's house I'd felt was a good idea and that I'd ensure everyone that I'll be back.But instead there out looking for answers looking for this person whom that mgiht have the where abouts of the spot they were last at.But one thing brings us back to the home of which she begun and this little bit of memory of her saying I've got this under control don't come don't be there I've got to do this for me.I've got to trust someone whom I'd beleive is worth being trusted.As most will or some who live will tell you that's not possible most of the time.Friends always seem to be the last to know why is that is cause some Girls as well,as guys all have the theory that truth love and happiness as well,as speaking the right words to you that looking into your eyes speaking honestly on the phone or in an e-mail makes this person be a person to trust be a person to stick to the plans.But remember Plans wern't the issue tonight He was the issue.He made hiself feel needed feel that he didn't want to be lonly didn't want the night to stop him from buying this or that from doing whatever his little mind had thought of.But this is the toughest part too is that Women as well,as Young teens or teens about to become an adult have to realized sometimes saying No sometimes convinceing that person to wait just wait for morning or wait until you can get someone on that damn phone or at there house to be there along with you that to make sure that they can take the right apporiate action to record all conversations as though in court if he ever is trialed he won't have a leg to stand on and that basterd be thrown away for life and the adventure he thought he was gonna have only lasted for a few miles until those jail cell doors came to a close.Getting into cars for the adventure of a safe and friendly time.Red flag Alert has risen to it's ocassion yet again.If your friends want to give you rides that's great public transortation planes trains or some other sutomobile which requires an real license and that has others in the vechile then that's great.A person whom you meet off the internet should never have access to you unless if two things are in placed 1.Must have someone with you or they must either bring there friend or parent along.If that's sounds cheey corny then you know what that's to damn bad.In Todays world or as we might call it adventuring out to have a great time while others have to work hard have to take on responsibility in raising family paying house payments or whatever else that comes to earning a living outside of your parents home.Just as I'd described in chapter 4 we all have to plan to make good chocies now not when the strike seems to matter.But at every moment we are given the opertunity to meet someone off line.I'd don't care if he's been married or that she has two or more kids in a divorce scandal.The drive I'm driving home here this evening is this that we be safe that we come back to the life here at your local area and be able to see your mom or day or friends every day even after having the adventure of your life time.Just cause it went so well,the first time does't mean that it will the next always stick to the plan never detour off that for if you do then you are like so many others are not gonna be dead or missing cause they put to much emphasis on saying I've done everything right I've trusted this gentlemen I've believed he wans to love me for me ,I'd know all there is to sex,rape how to get out of sistuations without my mommy daddy or friends coming.If all of that is true then why are there so many people raping people people going to prison fo killing a minor for doing harm to a family,or better yet how can a person who loves so much about this gal wined and dined her go out and become missing and he comes back with an innocent look and 30 or 40 others at the location can't even find one thing wrong with this picture.It's easy is cause they liked you they liked the person on line discribing everything on there profileas being that's the kind of person I am that's all honestable chats I've had with these people.I've do anything for you I've cared about what happens to you.All of which can sometimes be a set up for something to happen.When a guy says and tells you everything you want to hear is good but the problem is if something could or did go wrong could you be able to get out of it before something did go wrong.If yes then explain your ideas to parents to friends on your prodecure as to escape if this meet goes deadly wrong.And once that is done if it sounds believeable if it's sounds like you got your head screwed on safly then the next question should become easy.What's the overall planned once you get there and arrived,Not the planned you made bu his intentions what does he want to be done,how does his profile fit his character in which that vaction you two are gonna to have for the first or 2 second time.If you can't tell me what his plans are or what his profile reads or talks about then I'd guess we can assume you wont turn home again to see us or your brothers or sisters.To me that's not believeable to think just by telling him your plans that the planned is gonna stick to him liked an concrete when it is poured it drys up and hardens.Profiles most of written on the thought of what this person is,And in some cases it doesn't always happen that way then that's when you have the first planned to stick with to if one fails it's called having an backup.Don't take the internet as a safty game when it's dealing with Meeting people.Though there are nice great looking men and women but true they to have there faults.Most of which can be found just by protecting yourself in a way that you encourage yourself to make sure to bring friends to bing cell phones when one might not be an option and then makes sure he brings someone along with him to.It's hard to palnned trips planned exciting times with someone on line that may happen to work out once you meet and my not but never settle for the possible of it always being so good so great that you lose your chance to be strong to be well,educated as to know what's right and to know what's wrong and to make sure that this guy or woman respects you for that,and hat he knows that you won't waver or won't let your guard down just cause your doing all these wonderful favors.I'm not saying be frightened the whole trip but just be there in the moment and have a blast but just keep plenty of watched out and look out as to where you are at at all times.Walking away is also a good tactic to use when you feel uncomfortable about the person coming to get you.Never under estimate that your mind and heart always have the right away not this guy.If you don't learned the say no more often or learned to always walk away if it becomes to comfortable for him.If you learned and sticked by that then meeting people will become more of a safe thing a fun thing rather a dangerous thing.To often we as girls more often then guys always want to see the good in people always want to give people the benifiete of doubt that they are good that they don't have a mean bone in there body.I've never had to worry about that myself but I'd can say If I'd ever did come in contact with someone who I'd feel that is all what they say they are I'd still won't give them the opportunity to say hey this person left his guard down now's the time.Instead I'd do just the oposite I'd believe him for the time being but as soon as he makes a wrong turn as soon as he says he doesn't want to do what we have discuss and he agreed to on instant messenger then I'll say I'd gotta go home and do something or see someone just to make sure that it's believeable enough just to make your way towards a life you had back in the other city and state which you left it at.In A Little bit I'm gonna be brining up some recent and not so recent events and the job as the girl or guy it doesn't matter on aged is to think about each of these and in your own mind if you was in this sistuation how or what would you of done differently to make sure that you would of made it back home from your adventure or your vaction safe and sound.And if you would say I'd won't ever do it then fine don't answer but most inmajorley have attempt to either meet this guy do something for someone else alone cause you think it's right,given someone a ride gave this and that out to help this guy out all without having some kind of planned some kind of an idea what the intentions were.What's the reason behind this little trip you want me to take.All in my book are reasons no one does it for nothing and if it is for nothing then that means your free to stay right where you are until a decision is to be made and one that may sound believeable.Guys as well,as older guys choose the internet chatline for datting for sex for marriage all in hoping to attract some innocent gal into living with him knowing that nothing will ever go wrong and that helives in this great awesome town and that life is good for him.When at the long end of talk yo get to the easy bottom of it he's lonely he lost his kids through an divorce dispute.He had an drug problem and trouble with the law all of which never ever gets mentioned cause why guys knows girls aren't intrested in that mushy talk they are just intrested in seing an hot babe in a swimming suit girls who have a great smile girls who say all the right things but never ever get the time to set down and examined there own life as to what is the internet chatline available for me for.What is this computer that I've got at the store what am I'd wanting It to do for me.Hopefully it be just for information for meeting new people each night hoping it's for checking bank accounts buying cheap stuff.Putting things on line for others to buy from you.Hoping it is to book a vacation you or your family has planned to do for a while and now is doing.Hopefully it's to use it to find long lost people who you knew once but lost each other for a while.All of those be excelent things to do on line.But to meet some guy or gal to fall in love with or to have an Intimate time with him or her isn't something most people should do especially since they have I'm sure by now heard so much about kids being abducted guys meeting 12,13,14,year olds off line cause they saw that the kid said he was 18.When we arrived and saw the kid was young did nothing to stop from coming closer instead planned the whole ordeal.Using meeting guys or gals off line as a way of having a great time of being a partner in as b/f or g/f should never be something that you should set your life to do.If you want a b/f or g/f if case be good why don't you find them in your own town talk to people at your jobsite or at the local church you attend if you do.Or maybe while you at the store or at the movie theater or any other place.For if it doesn't work out you can alwasy go to your home or call someone hat you know to come and get you.Where if you go someone else out of area your chance for help relies upon how good your planned was between the both of you and not just what he says,but what you said.Most important and most girls and guys do this Please whatsoever you do don't lie about your age just to allow them to come see you or you to see them.For that makes it worse makes them think it's there fault when it is always yours to.Now for the part of the adventure which soo many planned for weeks for monthes to happen,Some go to hot sunny california some go out of country some even go to hot mexico but forever the trip may consists of these are some trying days this isn't like your planning a friends get together or a family reunion this trip insists on meeting someone you only seen pics of only chatted on the phone with or sent text or e-mail messages.But today's the day you either have a furture planned out or you wind up hoping friends family or police detectives or even police dogs go and search for what might seem days or even weeks.Most will always say there opinion on what took place.But as discribes in the last chapter Parents must of some say as to what your daughter can or can' do until they are age 18 or 19 or 20 and that they are living out of your house and by then hoped they have matured enough to know what to do.Planned an escape and so on.But unfortunately that's not always the case as you will see here tonigh Not to take lighten as to what happen in these events but the discussion isn't that she or he should of never gone cause most people your age would of gone if you felt like most do that this is an no harm sistuation.But the truth of the matter is it can be at any given second it doesn't have to take hours or years to progress it can happen in just an blink of an eye an second.How do you think you held up to the challenge and once yu do all this thoughts with each of hem then turn around and apply it to your brain and make sure that if you do meet that your be home a time and time again with no fail.Let's suppose that this person wants you to meet him and you do go and without really knowing what he has in stored for you,something happens in such of way he decided to keep you as his hostaged.And perform sex with him on an constant basis,And then with one smerk in his face he goes if I'd feel liked you are all used up and I'd think I'd could do better by finding someone else I'd could kill you and nobody will ever know.Using just the facts here of the information you have been given how would you of handled it in a way that you wouldn't be the victim you wouldn't allow him to take charged as like an animal would do.Sometimes the easiest thing to do is to be prepared for the worst case sonority,reason being is cause then you can make most certain that your going out with this guy only cause you feel that you trust that he won'do harm.But one problem with that you don't know that he is as discribed here who wants to be put into an dungen liked place and be raped by this guy over and over and then kills you when he thinks he is finsihed and he can be moved on to someone else.It's tough to deicde how to meet someone but yet do it on a certainity that he won't do you any harm.The Truth of a person is only found by finding out what you have to do when you meet him.If meeting him becomes a problem such as he's driving you to his house or driving you around the city then it can become a great big problem cause once your in this car with that guy all bets are completely off,and it is for sure the wrong thing o do and thaat is pretend everything is going great once you had a meal or movie cause the visit had just begun.Making an excelent planned and thinking it over and over and making sure that everything feels right for you is above all most important,If any of what you two discuss is about being excluded by the world which we live in then your are gonna become a victum 100% a good possibility just cause he knows cops or just cause you think you can get away may not be totaly possible all the times,Like this next case where your mom or dad finds someone they could help around the house cause they need to have it done by someone really cheap.Most people would say yeah I'd loved to have people help me.I loved to be able to give people a good advice as what is wrong or right.Again most would say what's the harm.The harm comes from this what about the children what about the fact he isn't a person whom nobody knows and even if he is just an policemen or just an docotr or someone who has a family may not be at all what he is really liked.If problems around the home or problems on the road with something you think you did but not sure all of that yes even if you don't liked what some does may say to your child during a doctor visit can all be helpful if you do these 2 things.1.Be on the watch see everything he is doing and don't always expect to losen up just cause he is doing the greatest job on earth.2.Learned about certain things such as this if you feel you need this and that done to your home or that someone is trying o get you to do always on every circumstance have a backup call someone in auhority even if you have to pay more for the work even if you have to keep someone waiting at the doctor's office and yes even if you spend offten an car without stopping just cause you didn't think you did anything wrong cause at the end could result in someone taking you out of your home and to a place where no one could find you and to later found out it could of been prevented by just simply hireing someone to do the jobs or allowing your children to pitch in when it is necessary.Yes even people who worked either with the law or work in trying to help children not to become sick or advoid certain things while in the office visit could not alays be what they say they are.Sometimes getting anothr opinion isn't a bad idea cause then your doing something out of concern rather then going on first instincts.But as you as an child a teen may have other ways of doing things which is great but just keep in mind meeting and doing things just cause you know you can be safe isn't always a garanteed,in fact it is on those rare occassions you could messed up and become some of those people who live through life wishing that they would of done something then,wished they would have gotten other peoples opinions rather then to assume or to never doubt someone cause when going aganst an stranger or an person on line what may seem innocent what might seem not a hurt bone in his body could be that and a whole lot more.Even if you don'thave all the answers or all the brains to choose right and wrong and that mistakes can be made those are all understandable,but think though if it costs someone's life by just the wrong type of practice or that the mistake was pulling over and allowing someone to check you for drugs or for weapons and he isn't a true cop then how will it make you feel the next time some guy asks you to go steady.The mistak that happen becomes an life long problem that may or may not ever healed.And those mistakes are needed to be coreected and this is the way you correct them.If you aren't that smart about knowing what to do liked going for help or choosing to make sure that you are safe in any typed of appointment your are signed up with then maybe you should lean on your parents and don't think you have to be the star role of your life at age 16 or 17,For life will be there for you to live soon enough but give it time to get there don'trust it at 15 or at 16 for that my friend is too young to start the real world especially if your mistakes are made and today you hoped they all will apoligized and you know or should know that not everyone is as kind as your brothers or sisters or parents are.Let's suppose you live where there are liked alot of back wood trails and you know the area so much you decided to go alone.Most people in an area they live in feel safe feel liked it can't ever happen to me.But reality or not strangers are eveyrwhere people who are addicted to young children to sex are everywhere.People who jus want to cross on the wrong side of tracks do it cause that's the life they like and you as an invidual think that your area is safe no matter where you are and may be true 30 years ago but not anymore.Those who choose to hike to walk to do things by themselves are the same people who get into trouble with an evil and dangerous guy.Use your mind when your out doing things even if it's just for an hour in matter of seconds it could happen.A evil an dangerous guy don't always think of safty they think of ways to trapped a way to where people liked yourself aren't protected are't out to spot someone.People people someimes have to be obeservant around them even if they are in the best and awesome area of town because today isn't liked it was back then.Children should alwasy be with someone or at leased carry some peper spray but only in good used when you think your are being attacked and you aren't able to get up and leave.Being able to defend in sistuations that you know your not needed it is setting yourself up for a very much of a dissapointment.It's great to have a life away from people being able to have some alone time but just be prepared for anything that might seem out of order.Don't take a risk so much that you leave at home your mind to be able to choose the right precautions for you.Even if you feel that your able to defend yourself for your not the only one out on a vacion or out enjoying life while someone just around those bushes behind you or even in an off far disance watching every mood you make.This world isn't safe for freedom to not be an pleasureable thing bu instead be a place that can do harm to an person can even have adults who liked to take a walk on the wild side to become someone they know they shouldn't but do and we must always be on the oulook for if you think your not worried not the bravest person,Just don't have fear well,think again cause as soon as that fear that evilness of a man comes out with no sudden warnings then either your gonna be a dead girl or someone who had wished they took more precautions.It's great to tink we could just fight back but fighting against an gun is like saying if I'd bungie jumped off the side of the grand canyon without the proper experience I'll live cause I've seen it done an 1000 times.All of which doesn't ever come close to saying every time will be the same.When you are wanting to take an adventure or take a trip be wise bring someone bring protection something that will allow you to react and go get help and hope hat this person is caught and put away for doing a pretty girl liked you things that he or aduls shouldn't do.Saying I will I promise for an nex time may come to late don't ever second guessed someone even if you think your known him from the past or you think about striking up an conversation with this man is gonna make him do no wrong.For your just kidding yourself to ever think life outside your home is just an big adventure park where protection is every where is just not that case.Hoped that by looking at all these things that has happened make you a stronger person by be an observer rather a person who knows it all.I'd also hoped that if you feel that your safe that's great but just don't let you feeling safe make you go out and become an victum just cause someone else knew everything your doing.Attacks don't happen from people who aren't watching but rather from people who don't pay attention who thinks friendless is just the natue of the town or the park or the adventure amusement vllage is alwasy safe when if the time is right I won't be either.Here's another trip someone took a while ago that so many people are not afraid to do.An couple was about ready to have a baby and everything seems fine and all of a sudden b/f kills the mother.What seems to bean accidental killing begain to figured out that the man didn'twant kids all he cared about was having an fun time with women and going on trips with women enjoying life with anyone he felt he could have sex with wihtout the possibility of having an marriage.It's a diffacult sistuation to ever be in.Feel like the man loves you but really he was just using you and to never think it's not possible at age 15,or 16 or even 21 to have a kid bu it is.Sex isn't just an game where all you do is do it once or twice a day and go on with your life with someone else just cause your know your just doing it all for the ride of your life and your not ready to slow down and have a decent relationship with someone.It's tough to find out the truth about men who you might be dating or just having casual sex for the time being.Honesty is hard to believe in someone who doesn't want to open upto you.You an the girl or woman must do this one thing and that is if you at anytime want to have sex want to enjoy having a baby make sure that both parties are agreed to it and better yet if the do agree with it that they married you,and if forever reason they choose to cheat on you then take him to court and sue his ass for everything it's worth so your kids can grow up with a life they will enjoyed.And later on they will find out why mommy did what she did.Truth always hurts especially coming from a daughter or son who has to stare daddy in the face and tell him what kind of guy he wished he was but isn't.Having an huge adventure like going out and getting marriage o having a baby that neither are ready for is really huge.Some are blessed with it while others wished they at 15 0r 16 0r whatever aged you are had a life full filled with so many things in mind so much world out there to see.So many fun and exciting trips they could of had with there parents.But now at home raising an daughter or son that wasn't planned but now is.Spending every day trying to work go to school while there b/f or ex father is out having the adventure of his life with sex and whatever else is apealing for him.Don't allow someone to hurt you jus cause he doesn't want the responsibility but instead just say you don't have to be with me but you will by no account live life on a free ride you will pay for what you created.If you ever come around me I'll make sure you end up in jail only if I'd feel your about to do something stupid.Stand up and take control of your life before the law does cause they will see it that you need to learn resposability.It's always helpful to choose the right b/f's or g/f's whose you know will be a good canadiate for a child not just someonewho loves you today hates you tomorrow.Or someone who thinks meeting girl's that are friend's won't go anywhere but just a movie or a coffee break for that right that is a huge lie at least to most men.But as I'd being saying the choice is yours today what kind of adventure will your parents have with the kncoked on the door that your child has being murdered all cause he didn't want to be a dad.Or he didn't like working at a job and collecting money.Excuses that is all they are no more of a good person then he was sitting in a class with a smile that could go a mile long.But a mind that could decieve you if the timing was right.Having sex after marriage is always the correct thingto do.But then again this is today not the 70's or the 60's when people were more thinkers then guys are now.Teens as well,as young adults shouldn't get into an relationship unless both parties are agreed to what thy want in this relationship including children that could come about at any given time.It's getting dark outside a call comes in on the phone and the person on the other line is your friend is someone that yo've seen before is out to get you to take a ride to adventure out, do you help or do you stay home? People who love to do things for people are a very caring and loving person but in the sight of evilness that you will find on a daily basis to me isn't worth the risk going by yourself at all hours of night even if you think or know the neighborhood is safe,Bu those are only asumptions not always countable for one mistake that just happen to of seen a car like yours driving in an unclosed area lit or not hoping to walk up to someone's house or apartment wind up getting kidnapped shots being fired from out in the distance or just someone looking to hit big at the bank the followering morning or atm whatever the case may be.I've not saying never help someone but what I'm trying to say is think about how you could help without being an victim or without being in the wrong place at the wrong time.Emergenices are fine to attend but things like well,me and my friend wanna take a drive around town all cause what's happening at her house great but maybe if she wants to get out have her do other suggestions that might be safe for both of you rather taking an risks and end up an huge mistake one that doesn't allow you to correct them or do over.This world is full of different rides you can go on such as there is always the high speed chase through town or the bank game where you get to obey the master or the ride which sometimes you live and sometimes you die.There's the ride where you hoped your going to go see a friend an an ex g/f or b/f shows up and an fight broke out and this guy or gal isn't giving her or him up and they think the only way to have her or him is to kill the one that is interfering.Then we have the kinda of rides that end you up on this sring fest that you and eveyrone else loves to do and your wind up missing all cause a group of friends wanna have a little fun and thought this party you wee tending were not happening.Today is the day to stop riding around and really buckle down and decide how am I'd gonna live my life free,how am I gonna go through life with trip after trip with ride after ride without becoming an victim.How am i'd gonna protect myself if I'd choose to go riding or joggin in an area I'd think or know it's the safest place which by mind it's far from being that.How big of adventure are you planning to do and if so what's the whole purpose of this trip and does this trip required that you travel alone walk alone bein unlight places cause all of those smell trouble.Plann a trip where it becomes fun adventureous become exciting with friends you can trust 100% of the time and neverde tour frm that or changed ideas just cause you wanna be crazy.crazy turns into stupid sometimes or can turn into the most frightening experience you had and will ever have.The Road we travel down today may be hilly may be filled with rocks and unleveled ground have tons of mountains all around but if we think if we planned if we protect ourselves all the time then eventually the road your on will smoothe out and be easy for you to deal with.Maybe God might not walk down that road with you but God will never say never with any chance you might be ready.God also has an huge travel planned an ride that he travels on daily and sometimes people get on and others don't.Some take his help when they feel like they can't go any father and when it is fixed they go back to there same ways.Not here to tell you to joined an church or to start an religion debate on line but to just say he can make life easier if you ever choose to join in and find out where he is off to today.He may not be on the cooliest bike or wear hot pants or be able to throw a party.But i'm telling you his adventure as I've discovered is one that will leave you breath taking.One that will leave you in a well,litted area to wished you had an camera to captured all there was on that trip you took.Not everyone will believe or will come to join in but those who do joined in will have a blast I'd promised you,and to make it even better then that you don't have to find an stranger off the internet to join and hang around with for even he or she might think that's not me I'm running or walking in a different direction going to a different place,That's ok to cause the road Jesus Christ is on it's a free road with not one problem to face not one mistake that you have to changed and better yet it's a adventure that won't lead you to death by anyone.Or have to worry about misisng for days for when the adventure ends your brought back home as where it all started from.The memoires of what was done to some may never undersand it may never want to be yur friend may never want to take advice from you.But that's ok to for that adventure hat person turned down is one that will either changed there life permantily or in there mind an good choice they thought was right.Every person out there has there own ideas of a great trip or a great planned for there life but one thing is clear and that is not everyone knows how to become free to a point where nothing in this world will ever hurt them cause it certainly can from parents not being parents from b/f's on line and off or gf's on or off think that they can controled people cause there like a piece of property they had aquired to do whatever they liked.Harm can come in any form it doesn't always have to end up in death it can end up in alot of ways.People choose to think they will eventually move on in life while others choose to end life cause they can't deal with what has happened.I'm telling you today that isn't an solution death doesn't solve the problem only makes the problem much more complex.True you didn't want the rememberance of this guy to stick in the back of your head forever it's painful I'd know.But the reality is real easy seem to be right back there with someone else.Be right on that road again and again even after it alrady happened once.Children seem to think one bad seed can be able to forgive over time one bad adventure that you was on is behind you but in the eyes of a evil person they are always right there with an new planned that this time won't be faulty but rather sneaky one that won't have any answers one that God won't be able to stop one that you won't planned for or take precautions cause some say there neighborhood is safe again.The park is safe this trail is safe the guy is in jail for life.Then weeks and years goes by and he winds up in your neighborhood without an single announcement that he's back.How will the advenure end someone yells out from the dozens that area round and the answers is it's up to you how you end your time on the road.Who you share with it who you become while doing your trip.No one can ever say mine wasn't adventurous cause we all must know that we ourselves created it and if yours was bumbpy was dangerous was even freaky then my guessed is it will keep you at vade for a bit until you decide it's time once again to take a trip.Today's question though comes from God he wants to asked how many of you choosed to follow his road and to see the scenery one that you was in awee with.If yo haven't took it then what makes you decide that your road your travel is better then that.God isn't wanting an commitment from you or want you to give up something you choose to have all he's trying to do is show you an adventure hat won't lead you into darkness and lead you into an area where someone is lurking about for an victum to devour.God will only want you to love him to pray and asked for things when your heart and mind wants you to.God isn't an person that waits for people to come around to his thinking he's only intresting in people that are connected that really aren't wanting to venture down that road or take hat trip ever again even if this person is promising a safe ride.God isn't an lottery ticket or is't an chatter for none of that is necessary all he is is someone who waits for your time to choose to get on the road and walk the path he chooses for you and you alone can only decide on is it for me or not No one will ever be able to describe for you the thrills the excitement the joy of fun.You just have to do it for yourself.You may be gone for days for weeks for monthes at a time but the greatest thing to know is that your home you will always returned to without failed.How will it end for you,for those who think there chance of winning over a person of making sure there trip is a winner.Most will have to give up on some things which 1.Don't expect it to always seem safe.2.Don't expect that every road doesn't come with it's dangers.3.Don't expect that your in this area of town or vacation area that eveyrone is out to give you an wonderful time.4.Don't expect to be the smart ass who thinks that over bearing attitude will throw someone off cause not all strangers or people who are dumb but yet are very wised very sneaky well,determined to get a hold of the body which you pretayed.5.Don't expect either that your friends or anyone would go along on an adventure with you by someone your well determined to meet off line for they might know something that they aren't ready to share with you.How are you today in awarence on the places you may want to travle.People can choose to either have alot of knowledged about what to expect while some on there trip don't know how to know if something is gonna to happen they are still stucked back at it's a safe life it's an great scienic place.My neighborhood that I'm heading to is an area of town full of life.Being on trails that your friends online tells you that are safe may not always be in your eyes safe to ride or walk on.But to them of course become familuar terriorty to alot of those chatters.Some wished to changed the past world and make it a better place to travel but yet some never get the part about changed about doing something that will make a difference.People don't like laws especially teens chatters on line they all think that they do better when they are in controlled.They do better when nobody butts into there business about what they are doing,or rather if they could get into serious trouble about some of he comments made on line.They to liked to take anyone that wants to go on a trip that may end up great and may not for they want there choice to be heard they want there choice to with stand anyone that think's they are in charged of this vacation.If anyone ever gets an hesistation on wheather you go there or go here or become sexual active for the hell of it should by any means that not to go don't risk a life that is dangerous just cause you can make it out alive.For evil will seem so much powerful then you can ever imagine.Don't become an victum just cause someone says I've done all the research I've scopped out the area.For you and you alone should be the person making that decision and not's alot of valleys alot of hidden roads alot of mountains to cross and alot of states to cover on a journey with an person off line or someone in your hometown not knowing very much of them other then that 1.they love you.2.They alwasy have a safe attitude in mind but when it comes down to it they have not a clue how to escape or how to help you with the escape.3.Most of all they talked about doing is against what parents want there teenaged girls to get into it.Sometime in life each and everyone of you sometime or another will want to take a big adventure simmular to some of the events that has tooken place.Schools even are a target in that once were safe grounds but now is a challenge to behavie a challenge to make sure hat we don't bully or teased or taunt these students to going places they aren't comfortable with.Relationships don't teach us education rather it teaches us that relationships are a must have.Some with great out comes others bearing down under there bed there chair to get away from someone out for a revenge on her or friends of her's that had nothing to do with it.At the end will come with a deadly result one that didn't have time to be prepared it just came when the guy or gal had enough and wanted revenge,though we never know at any one time whose shouting revenge or whose naming names o be on his list of least favorites.Instead they are hidden within themselves and time will only tell when he or she will explodes.Your ride that you had was fun while it lasted but payment for what you caused is now being dealt with.The adventure you thought yu was gonna have with me isn't happening for the fact that you only loved me when the time best suits you you only hated me bullied me cause you didn't have he courage to make a friend or find out anything about me and now for not doing that this is what had to happen.What remorse do you give what example are we suppose to go with and the end result is this only treat people on the same level you would wanted to be treated on.Even if you don't liked the person don't share the same ideas if we choose to love everyone maybe someday the schools,the colleges the dorms the high schools or buses be a safe plce where nobody will want to hurt anyone.Where a hand will be given a stratch out to and hoping someone will grabbed it and become one nation that will not be divided upon popularity but rather have aeveryone who wants a difference a chance to start now to take place of the old ways of life.Relationships on line or at school sometimes can be in a positive light while others can prove to changed on a daily basis.If you right now think that relationships are better then education or that a must have is so important on so many levels then my fried I'd hate to find out what i cost you to get that school just to ind mr.right or mrs right for the time being.But if you wind up on that adventure away from your community I'd don't want you to blame the school securty cameras or police if they don't have a strong lead.Or if your b/f decides to kill your friends all cause he wants only you and no one else is able to be with you.I'd don't want you to ever think that the school building should be a zone where if police search lockers and find something it's there fault for snooping.Or not taking the right actions in the first place.Today there are two vacation spots awaiting you through one door is full of excitement full of unexpectencies full of God knows what,While on the other door as some are planned to walk out of is a huge decision to choose someone that they feel they can trust to carry you on every single place in the world with no warnings no failed attempts to reach home.Better yet his road also have magnificent scenery and something your never ever forget and wished that it was offer to you again.Also this road or adventure comes with an more understanding about life in itself.Each road each vaction will bring you out for an amazing time.Which road are you on praying about it bringing God in the picture isn't gonna help you choose. you yourself must be equipped with your own ideas and that as you've seen tonight is a huge step alot to think about.Nobody ever will know rather if they are home free tonight or weeks later or may never returned for it's a game of survivour where the mind the heart the ability to pray and get protection is always there but something else that is there and which is tricky deciet liars attempts of feeling secure in an place where some may have been but doesn't do it often enough but yet you still go on with his preciption.This trip I'd will have to warn you won't be an easy road not by no means this is the world we live in.How we choose to live today tomorrow and in dangerous sistuations can either be deadly or totaly amazing to share.This adventure that everyone is hoping o get a move on will by no doubt come with relationships that each of us think is a must but may turn out that this person isn't anything liked I'd picture after talking with for days but without a expert clause to be concered with you take him or her along.If one person which you like to choose to go with you on this journey which person would you choose is it an internet chatter a best friend your parent your best looking animal you own,or would you be the dare devil and go by yurself.Time is coming to a close and some may say hey how much time you have to get ready the question you wanna asked is this if you have to asked that then my guessed you won't make your trip back alive.If you right now must get prepared must begin to think of everything you need then my friend I'd really do pray for you.The world isn't standing still it moves on even if you are unprepared.Another question just arosed what can I'd expect and your answer is anything you can imagined not gonan say what when or how it can ocureit just will when it's needed.Someone just asked what's the reward or prized to be given out.Here's your answer the prized or reward is based upon this.If you make it back home back to your campus after an wild and unpredictible adventrue then your one awesome person if you do not reach your home or place of refuge then my guess is your reward would be this,are you hoping people find that person responesible for this terrible tradgey and that no one ever does what I've gone through.Which in part there's alwasy a few that will on a daily basis for just hearing about it isn't that bad for they are better they are more wiser and inturn they aren't that hot only now they think they are but there challenge haven't came about yet.Everyone's challenges will be different not one of you will do the same exact thing as the person before will do.Tonight the adventure begins a journey of a thousand plus ways to get out and make something of it.A journey hat will only be amazed by the stories that if make out alive be told to many many many people and in hopes that they to will get a time to have that big adventure that you did a while before.Maybe your story of the many challenges you were face sparked a very highly supported ralley that we want changed we want a better future for our children,And all parents must absolutely get involved with every moment that child is out having a great time for one day that video taped of long long ago is the memory they ever will have played over and over again.Hopefully that changed won't take years some may not want to wait that long while others when it becomes law will be overjoyed.Make sure whatever is around you right this instant is gather for now the big adventure begins and I'd hoped all will discover the many many wonders of the world and hoped they all have been ready and they don't take time gathering up information for they should absolutely have it within seconds just what you need.Is your travel gonna be a blessing or a mistake for you wern't prepared and now a huge team is out to try to find you.For God's time have already started and if your in a predictible place and you waiitng for the guy or gal to attack you and they already did and God hasn't been called then shamed on you but as I'd was saying not everyone will choose that method instead there planned is taking a little bit longer to achieve then reentily thought.Good luck and thankyou for coming to listen and to become more aware of your surrendings if you still having problems there are friends that can help you.1.God his good with problems2.Parents they are great with listening and telling you what's best.3.Friends are great of giving out warnings if they happen to be a part of your vacation.If you choose to defend yourself on this adventure I'd hope you make it out alive.Now is the moment to open the doors and begin your adventure please welcome you all to chapter 5 dangerous minds
Looking through the plated thick glass I'd just stared into the evil mind no good person who just had nothing better to say other then hows your life going.All he talked about through a microphone that he's a changed man now that he thanks God now for turning his life around.I've only felt hated felt betrayed felt dissapointed about not being able to kill this sick basterd or being able to shake his shoulders to make his life a living hell by taking out anger at his family.Not a day goes by when I'd wished I'd could of convience my daughter to not meet this person to not socialized with gangs or to act all mocho to find other friends but all of that doesn't matter at just 17 her life is gone.All this guy says now each time i'd sit at this big huge glass window with microphone is that he's a changed man that each and every day that goes by he counts all the chances of hearing a voice out of her screaming don't kill me don't rape me don't smack me around like a punching bag.Needless to say had no chance in hell to fight for she wasn't very big all she was just an veyr much out going girl that loved life to the fulliest all came to a crashing end.The trial that has been postpone due to his helpers are saying give this guy life but don't take his life.For she's to blame for her bad judgement.Today a man goes on trial for be beheading an young girl for she was only telling her imposter to leave her alone that she didn't want sex for money no more she wasn't ready for a family.Today we have a family after 2 years of not finding there daughter and son are no more closer to solving this crime and to make matters worst this suspect is a well known person in alot of areas.Pedafiles aren't always a bad person some can be nice at first some may even look liked the type you were date or just run into on your way to the store.Or out riding your bike and just happened to start talking.But the realization comes when you as a person as an young Girl who get's trapped get's to the point where you think your relationship can move onto the next level with him.Rather if it's an on line dating thing or if you decide to get out of your house or off your bike one day to find out more about this loving guy.But deep inside this guys mind he is thinking just a little more just a little bit more time is all I need I'd can feel it.I'd can act and think like I'm just this sweet ordinary guy who enjoys all the things that turns women on.Then without warning he strikes he now decides for you that he wants some control he wants it to be you and you to not want any one else.He wants something he knows you won't want but figures you are like every other women or gal out there craving the same thing.Sex and lots of it.Control on both parts don't add to a long relationship instead can break one may not be quick or may not even be long days and weeks before you noticed it.It's like taking an chance on doing something that sounds dangerous that can kill you but knowing that you have the opportunity to do that think you then take a risk.In this case the risk involves a stranger whom all you know is he's a good kisser an good person to ride bikes with even a person that trusts you.But all of that doesn't make a person good in fact it drops clues of which later on you wished you would have noticed or took a little more time figureing him out and what he is all about.Pedafiles are a man or a woman who think by tricky by misleading evidence will throw someone as innocent as you off the tracks to where you will trust him or her more then you would if someone would just drive up and offer you a ride or a drink or to at the local cafe.Or make up story's about your parents for some would go to that length to get a young girl like yourself invole with a mind that is as dangerous as an gun pointed at you in an high stakes robbery.The best rule I'd think to used is to be friends to eveyrone but know your limitations as to what you will do with him where you will go with him and how much detail you say about yourself.If you like to take a jog somewhere fine take precautions.Join in with group of friends ones that if something does happen your be rescue don't tried to look at him or Her as an person that won't do harm Pedafiles aren't dumb they know how to treat an individual with respect how to be nice charming even how to encourage them to feel less threaten all of which is good things to have.But the best way to turn it around is by getting information about this person without you asking alot a simple person's name does he live around here are all good things and with this information without him knowing it you could check him out just to make sure he isn't crimminal a simple background check sometimes works but not always protection is still necessary but best advice that works to is this if you don't feel comfortable about this person best to try to not be alone again even if you think he is all he or she is cause for once you don't know his or her friends.Pedafiles may not even have a record on file but could simply begin one at any given time.You as this young Girl or Woman must not allow him or her to be given the chance you have to know how to fight know how to stand your ground and to always bring help even if it's just out for an hour they like some robbers they wantwhat they want reguardless if your a young girl or an older more experience woman.Dangerous minds think alike some are smarter then others some even have majored in karate or boxing or in some cases done some back ground mility skills.I'm not asking you become an figher like that or go fight a war but what I am saying is this if you got to date people off line check them out first before meet don't asusme that this guy your been chatting with isn't an Pedafile for they are all over the place they are in our cities our neighborhood streets our parks our buses.It's our job as young people girl or guy to determined how to stand up to jerks like them to not become an victum and if some have already been a victum to some sneezed bag rather on line or out in the real world.Then you know at first hand you must not allow hime to take control of your life go out and fight fight for tougher laws.Fight to be heard to say we are tired of these kinds of people destroying our community and we want to see changed.Changed doesn't come from people who think nothing is gonna happen that this person is fine this person is free of crime.If you think that right now if you are all that much certained then my friend your life ahead is gonna be a rocky one that your either be alive by your next birthday or your parents be in the courtroom fighting against the courts to let him live day in and day off smiling and enjoying the things he did.Pedafiles roam the internet to they enjoyed chatrooms just as much as all the rest of you do.In fact that's the worst predicament to be in for this simple fact.Chatting and finding out about him or her is just the begining and you as an chatter must realized 3 things.1.Friendship must be the goal you have in mind,if you want an realtionship don't use the internet for it for if you looking for a Pedafile you just might end up with one without you even noticing it.Don't give me the routine that his profile is awesome cause that's like everyone's.No one person is gonna write in there blog in there profiles I'm an sexual criminal or I've molested my daughter all of which is never mentioned until you come along and you meet this handsome good looking wanna be friendly guy who has in the back of his mind that Danger is his middle name and that he has had plenty of plans that work before how would this be any different.Friendships to me are great to have on line for this fact one your not intresting in meeting people for the fact is I'm under age and I'd just don't have anyone I'd feel that would protect me if I'd do meet up with some guy.Friendships can lead to meeting but only if you can be able to convienced I'd mean really convienced this guy that it's just to go here and there and that you are bringing someone along and at your wished if any gets changed I'm leaving end of discussion.2.Life Stories.Those are great to tell for those who are intrested.But very few on line such as yahoo and the many other chatlines that alow you to chat don't want to hear or tell there life for what they tell is only of sex of webcam shows and putting gross out pictures on other websites just cause they don't liked rules.Rules I'd liked for the simple fact is that if your in an chatroom and you want to tell your story or just talk about normal things you can and those who wished to go further know that they can't and knowing that they can't makes that person to do either 1.continue talking with you cause they like to be safe.or 2.Don't wanna chat with you cause they like to share things on an personal scale much more then wht you need to know.Sharing life experiences is an great thing to do it tells you about that person without getitng to physical or getitng personal in away that you shouldn't.It says that your a good person for not wanting that kind of life and those that do run an higher chance of jumping to the wrong conclusion and wind up missing molested and all other sort of things yes even have diseases all caue they enjoyed one thing that can and may end there life.3.Friend and the waiting game.An waiting game I've invented on line goes something like that I'd usually wait and allow people to im me then with the close look and proper idea in mind they know that when that im box comes up it will have either found you a friend or maybe find an quick ticket to say sorry I'd don't do that personal of informaiton to no one I'd do't know.Friends part of it is where you get with the people you like at school or on the bus or that you have come over to visit and you add them to your list for you know they won't do anything to harm you or cause you to become misguided in finding you an perfect friend off line to chat with and knowing this will make sure if someone bothers you you can go to them for help before the simple meet turns into somthing you didn't expect.creating an on line accout sounds like an dream com true.A profile that you liked will keep Pedafiles and people that have an dangerous mind away from you?If you think that's correect and that you are promised that your life will be good.Then your wrong that's right wrong just cause you put the nicest profile in there and everything we all must do is look a little bit more deeper inside of an dangerous mind.Be extremily careful as to what you post on your page.What e-mail accounts you give out, for an e-mail account can give out more personal information then you think you are giving.If an dangerous person on line wants to do wrong he like some may already know how to hack into computers and send you viruses.Be able to copy over messages you've sent to him and most dangerous part is people allow to give there phone numbers addresses over the chatroom discussion group thinking what's the Harm.So many things can come with doing that.He or she could show up unannounced you could get phone calls from people who will say I'm so and so when there not.Profiles are about sharing your right they are but if it is truly about sharing then all of what you write what you show should be about you and if other people are involed they should get the ok to be posted there and that your instant messagner should be set to only send if you know them and you trust them to be your friend.Profiles shouldn't be about giving out your state and city on the profile or about what school you attend or about what college you attend or even about what job you work at other then to say I've have a job and I'd go to school.The other information that I've just mentioned should only be discuss by someone asking about it and in an privatized chat not where eveyrone ele on there can hear you.Giving out information to someone should be well,noted that just cause you know this doesn't mean it's an date waiting to happen for we may never meet we may only just become good friends.To also inform them that if they wished to partake in this friendship and carry to the next level don't assome they will stick to the policy of your plans when it comes to calling or coming to a visit.You should be the only one making a careful decision not the chatter on line when it comes to what he wants to do.He shouldn't get the satasifacation to do whateve he wants now that you two are doing a little more then discussing life stories.A mind that is determined to ask you questions to an certain subject that you have told him no already should beb locked.Not to be explained over and over again one No should be all that it takes and if he doesn't geit on that true then my advice to you is dump the chat buddy and move to and find someone else that can take your advice seriously.Knowing what you want is one thing but getting what you want just cause you fnd it more easiler to put it isn't working for me and shouldn't work for nobody.Getting smeone take a chance is complete insane once an evil person alwasy is.Sex should be reserved for marriaged not for an casual thing that can happen in an fling by night business in a uptown apartment with smeone just moments before had not really one thing to say about your profile or about any past g/f's.He wants what most do want to be sexual active at what price well,at this time it's hard to name a price until the dangerous Pedafile decides the time is now.And your only defense at this time if I'd choose to believe you is that he is nice and that he looked honest that he was an great kisser.And now sititng in the courtroom are your parents trying to determined what had happen,trying to determined the sick sick mind this guy had and why he had to be an danger to her daughter whom that loved eveyrbody loved life within itself,just got caught up with the wrong cloud and some bad choices lead to her death.Knowing all of that doesn't explain anything instead it only later will determined that she wanted him just as much as he wanted her.She choose to meet this person knowing all what the world has to offer.Knowing what Pedafiles are knowing what dangerous people are and where to find them.But on line is a different bargain.One that can say that a chatline is full of good people full of learning possibilities no one but you ca imagined.We read in our papers watch it on our televisions or in a middle of a program for only a sec when Breaking News gets to be the subject for once where someone has found an dead Body or someone has been charged for commiting sexual acts to an under aged girl.All of that in your mind daily you still have the nerve to think that one guy on line is totaly different then all others totaly trusting then all others.Which all might be true but if he really was all of that he would never suggest to be seen in an apartment in a parked car with you or be at a house where nobody is home.Or out driving in the night time,but instead allow you to go as you pleased with no harm done what so ever.Living life dangerous and being around someone who has an dangerous mind both think alike on most terms.They say nothing can hurt me nothing can go wrong.I'm doing it for myself which instead it's the truth some do it on an dare some do it on an complete risk that may invole anything from sex to rape to drugs to God knows what for he has controled over her and maybe she smart or not doesn't matter for if she was smart a frend would of been there.An warning should of gone off when he gave that lame excuse hat his mate didn't show up or that he is with people from his family at home waiting for you to finally get a chance to meet his Mom and dad.To a smart girl would of said why didn't they come why don't they know meetng someone off line is or should be scary and that maybe they do want to be here to see if it would work ou or not.Most likly the answer is this he has the best one line quotes to speak out and just maybe one of them would hook you in and soon your chance of freedom has just been eating alive.Your choice liked\ I've already has said be on the look out at all times until you are safe back at the starting point,and to never changed your main ideas for what you have planned I'd don't care if he suggested something better the goal here is not to get side tracked,but remain safe safty goes 1st not the Guy and his ideas if he really likes you may even loves you then he should respect you and keep his side of the bargain.If he chooses that he doesn't want to then my guess your meet wasn't that important and that your friendship will come to a close and you will find someone else on line that wants to commit to your standard of plans.Having an conviction for an crime that has to do with being an Pedafile doesn't mean that they are safe.I've look it like this if you know about there history about how they went to a jil and what they did should only be on thing for you stay the Hell away from him or Her an don't come another foot closer for if he or She says they have changed doesn't mean a Damn thing insteads that just mean they are out and able to do something more terrbile then the first just only they know not to get caught to make sure they cover there tracks.Make sure they don't find an dead body or find them especially.Pedafiles don't become good people they don't changed they appear to want to changed they appeared to dress differently keep an low profile on themselves.But doesn't mean there are done destroying lives.Once you corrupted an mind that is dangerous it sticks to you forever.And that my friend should stick with you for the rest of the life he or She lives.And at the end the real Judgement will come one that will determined your faith in Heaven.Pedafiles shouldn't never get the pleasure to think by going to an couseling session helps his or Her's case or by going to A an A program and do the 12 steps of recovery makes you a likeable person again.Or live within an neighborhood full of young kids young adults and to think you won't try anything stupid cause your just kidding yourself to think someone liked you would be stupid enough to trust you again.But there are people who never seen bad in anyone who enjos life and that life seems to carry thm to places they only a dreamed of going.A place where criminals or people with an screwed up no good mind has wonder there before preying on young children,telling them they don't have to be afriand.But monthes before been someone he didn't dare mentioned to these new people about for that was his past.And if you are that person that loves changes good find someone that will look up the definition to the word criminal or look up the word convicted on these acounts.Or better yet look up the words that tells you how to do a background check with strangers whom you would like to date and see if your life will be worth living.Or play a tape that was found in an judges room and that you sit and hear every nasty every mislead of information that guy ever spoke and better yet he didn't even had the sense to give an appropriate explanation worth hearing about.Hearig about sex about rape about torture about punching about controling her to the point where she was deffensive.All of which now just sinked in but in the front of your mind this guy seems to be sorry seems to be telling you part truths about his ordeal.In your mind your family as well,as God the Bible chruch all teaches you forgiveness to not allow the past to become an burdon.To pray for everything that you indeed need.To alot of you that may be true but in this circumstance I'd would never give this guy an chance just saying rape saying molested saying death by his choice should be enough to tell him to go to Hell and that if he comes around he will be shot down in cold blood that's right cold blood.Cause Temptation such as what he was trying to offer you wouldn't lead to a good life but instead leave to an dangerous life and no telling what he will have in store for you.If you can't convience yourself with the many many types of evidence that was presented here then my friend you have no business being on line chatting up to people you don't know your kind is too volunable.To Easy to be caught and be able to do anything they want to you for you aren't strong enough to control it even with someone saying he's a dangerous threat.If you must chat like alot do like to do then chat with your friends with family members that aren't close by.Even cousins and if none of them are old enough to use the chatline then call them or just hang around with your family until you are able to make good choices not just onse that seem right or seem like they could work out bu rather know that if you hear something from someone to stay away he is dangerous it's just what it means.Or that if someone has an website open to webcam shows you show yourself that your mature and you won't be a part of that at all.Who cares if it takes monthes or weeks to find someone as long as that someone is right and honest in every aspect of his life rather it be at home on school property or in the local news or just an simple guy looking for an friendship and respects yes and no to alwasy be a part of anything serious.Some may say God's on my side I've have him in my heart.All fine and dandy but one thing I'd might mentioned to you and that is God isn't gonna to make you choose a good person on the chatline he won't even protect you if you get hurt for the simple fact is this if you are on line hoping for an relationship one that will last ain't gonna last just cause you and he both believe in God.Pedafiles they believe in God to after spending monthes weeks years in jail they read there Bible they might know an song or 2 or worship but knowing God is much more then that in fact it's a relationship we live by day in and day out while in a pedafiles mind it's only there when the jail sentence is carried out and after he was out of jail God will leave his heart and mind and the relationship is on to other people rather then God.If people that truly know God as there personal savouir will always get there prayers answered.AndI'd truly believe God isn't gonna say pray for me so I'd can go meet this person half my age,or pray that I'd find someone so I'd can feel independent in any way without any rules without anybody telling me how to live or not live my life.God himself has a whole lot more to be working on then finding an good cause for you to chat or meet his so and so guy.Having an purpose in life is good just don't assoicate that with the internet unless you planned to use it as a job and not an social ring or an way to make relationships work just cause you know you can trust an guy or in this case an Pedafile cause they are eveyrwhere even on myspace on yahoo chat and every other form of instant messenges.Just cause blocking calling 911 telling your mom or Dad stops this guy it doesn't he will like many do make up a new name find someone else to start in with it never gets solved.Until you that one person decides enough is enough I'm reporting you right now I'm not gonna allow you to intimidate Me in any fasion.I'm gonna not allow you to power over me whatever way you think you can I'm gonna take a stand and say we don't need dangerous people on our chatlines we don't need Pedafiles thinking that they can get there way whenever they feel they need to strike.We don't want people to be mislead by your filthy mouth you can take that somewhere else.If we make a stand like that and press for better awarence in the chatrooms make it hard for people to sign up making it hard for people to create screen names we wouldn't have this problem today.Some may argue it takes time it takes money it takes laws it takes all kinds of things enough to fill up an book,But when it comes to warning our children when meeting someone only flashes at them a few times before one day comes around when they decie they be the parent they decide they know best when they decide that they can beat up someone that's smaller or someone that's bigger by shoving words into there mouth when none of that works to someone who has commited a crime before.Or that they get it in there head they can put up a good fight fighting doesn't win an battle against someone who has experience with guns with all kinds of things control being one winning over someone by sweet talking them saying sorry if they got offended all works to one degree or another or you yourself wouldn't be in that bus station or airport or car driving to meet someone just cause you have your mind figured out.Self control may work for parents may even work for friends or for bullies in an school yard but once you step into the world of chatting all of that is behind you for these people aren't stupid these people know how to harm someone and get away with it for at least a little while some escaped while others never get the chanced to.Sometimes they are warned while others don't pay attention to it and go on about there daily routine.Trusting is very hard step to meet in an chatline sense cause one person wants to believe you while you yourself know the truth and if you really were being truthful you wouldn't be anywhere near an chattbox or chatroom for no reason at all,Except to say you haven't learned a thing.Children are put in an high risk catagory each time they log into there chat screenname or e-mail or facebook or myspace.What makes a Pedafile you asked well,those are hard to find for they all want a sense of caring a sense of feeling loved by you or by others on line which only lasts about as long as it does to get someone to go and meet them offline and then the course of the day begins to end veyr horrible night one that will not be an happy ending.For the others who loved cared for this guy will soo meet again only to know nothing that happen that weekend will be shared with you on this instant messenger.For he like so many others don't like to share everything with you for they like to keep some things personal especially if it might seem criminal which in fact it is in some cases.Believe it or not sometimes is a great motto to go with cause not everything you hear from this person may be believeable some might be but don't alwasy think for a sec that he is telling the truth 100% of the time.The time for you to choose a good soul mate or someone you liked to date should not be found on line for on line you can never tell rather if you are a liar for hire or if you are honest person and can proved that you been honest throughout your whole life and that your crimes has not been in anyway a danger to society or to people that you been around young and old alike.And then it happens you finally decides to go to the level of meeting someone who you feel has changed even after he has cheated before even after he has been in trouble with the law none of which was ever told to you by him only by some close people who have been with you.Tough decisions that has to be adressed or do they?Of course they do anytime you are ready to listen and you have practiced it through your childhood about how your Mom or Dad sat there while you told them your problems now becomes the time when you have to decide who do I need to listen to my wanna be boyfriend or some Gal who once dated him and wished she had not of done that.While on line it's always good to pay attention to listen to people about certain people on line rather if they done something to you or not.Rather if they just only did there crime 5 years ago or are planning one for there reasons.Truth does hurt but when truth is applied in sistuations where is needed Lives are being saved day in and day out something to keep in mind while on line blogging or chatting or E-Mailing.Maybe we not that type of person who wants to get people into trouble or to tell someone cause we think there are holes in the story we just have heard.That shouldn't be us to decide hat should be up to authorities to decide if you done your homework correctily and make sure that you know what they said on paper and not just by voice.But there are several of you that might come on line and decide to head to a chatroom and not pay any attention to what is being said and what isn't.But who is watching is this guy who is chatting it up with this gal on line and he just happens to be an potentional Pedafile which doesn't liked to brag that he has been in trouble with the law.His profile checks out to be cool one that just about anyone would want to chat with him has several of people aranging in all different ages.Until one day he doesn't come on line and some wonder where could he of gone what could he be up to.But of course no one needs to worry chatters come off and on from chatline to chatline it's life.True your right but as I'd said this is a Pedafile one that excludes hmself from the chatline except to only do private chats ones hat he knows will be one that he can convience is gonna meet up with him somewhere in an dark alley to maybe something liked a park or whatever place he may desired.One that chooses his victums very carefully one that doesn't want to be caught or go to jail.Finally the truth came out he comes back on line not knowing what he did or didn't do people are chatting to him and soon the air pocket in his vein popped and yelled out I'd did some aweful things ones I'd wished I'd didn't do and I'd hoped by the Mercy of God I'mno gonna be caught and that I'd can put that behind me now.Before he had a chance to say another word someone spoke up and talked to authorites and was able to trace down his ISP and his region of which he lives which today has brought us to the courtroom where his hands and feet are shackled with handcuffs and police standing by if he happens to move and out from the doors came walking an Girl with her Dad and Mom now wants to try to put this Pedafile away for life hoping to die in the electric chair.A court case that might last for a while for at the very moment when he stood up he said I've done not a thing I'm totaly innocent inncoent of any crimes you think I've done.Not knowing that someone has sent docomentation on line what he was telling others he did.The courtroom is now in session today we are trying to figured out what this well,known Pedafile doing seaching the chatrooms again when he was convenced by me that he is a danger to society your answer sure.I've done changed I'd am working now I'd turn myself over to God I've even gonnag to go back to school to learn a better trade.Do I Believe you I'm kinda leading towards not can your first witness step foreward.I've wanted to say that I'd was the one who told on you cause I've saw what you were discussing on line and that I'd wasn't to faund of it at all.Where did he mentioned he done with the body that I'd persumed is missing.I've not a clue as to where the God's name she is I've met her true but I've sent her packing a short time later.Take us through the night as to what you did.We just had sex drink a littl then we went to watch a movie and then that's about it.I'd don't believe you lying in court is a dangerous step on your part you do know that.Now where is the body this gal has bene missing for several of days and you had admitted to us you did see her at some point before she was killed.I've not gonna make any comment to that but you already did in case you forgot which it seems that you have.Did being in jail before warned you or taught you anything .Yes it did and what was that I've a changed man well,in my courtroom your no changed man your just an dangerous person out creating problems for neighbors and now problems with the chatline.When this trial ends today I'd won't be letting you out just to inform you now on the decision.So let'sgo back to the very last moments of her life cause I'd need to find out why did you have to kill her what did she ever do to you just then the Parents of this child approches the courtroom.We are dealing with an mind of a killer can you tell us anything if so please come take a seat in the chair.Well,she was on line as usually and like d talking to this man sitting over here to your right he didn't sound mean never called her names didn't even come to our house.She finally did tell me she was gonna go to the mall and then on to see a friend but never mentioned anyone off line I'd figured it was somebody in our area a friend from the college she's attending.And now to get this message that this guy has been the suspect and may know what he did to her it makes me so mad that something could happen.She told me she was a great observer one that knows how to defend herself against would be killers and moleseters and Pedafiles I'd guess I'd was totaly wrong.I want answers what made you decide to go after her for.And soon the guy decides to stand up take his seat on the chair.Then the words slowly came out I'd picked her up at the schudule place where she thought we could meet everything went as planned.I've even treated her to a meal and then just her body alone I'd guessed turn me on like in the past it's just what guys are expected to go along with most women are into sex into having an sex body to carry herself around.She dressed really sexy for me as she said she would.She didn't even tried to pull herself away from me for she trusted me and that's when I'd begin to take my time on planning on how my life would be with you and then she started to resist me cause she thought she noticed I'd was being just a little bit controling.Then after her almost escaped I'd started to attack her from behind and soon I'd was able to get a hold of her shirt and ripped it off of her and before long I'd had her in an headlock.Then after that ordeal I've gotten to get her to loosen up some and I'd performed sex on her and did things to her that you couldn't imagined doing all with a set of handcuffs and some tight belts around her legs to where she wasn't able to move at all.Then The judge turned to this guy and said is that all you want to share and as the dangerous sick demented mind that he was creating said no the torture continues on that night.I'd as a mother couldn't ever imagine talking to this person on line he just makes me sick but liked the world we live in it's full of Pedafiles as well,as criminals of all sort all desireing changed.But as this guy begins to go on with his story not mentioning one time that he was sorry or that he has no idea what drove him to commit a crime that is so gross that some of he people in the courtroom couldn't believe that a mind be that dangerous to some gal who just wanted to meet for the fun of it.After we had sex and everything I'd decided to poison her drink with sleeping pills then I'd took a knife and sliced her throat to where it was bleeding and then I'd made her drink her blood.And then once I'd knew she was tied I'd put in some garbage bags and dragged her to this lake in an undisclosed area.As I thought the story would end I'd went on to the computer that evening and started chatting with others not worrying about a thing.Thinking nobody would cared rather if I'm on line or not but I'd guessed they did to some degree and for some reason this person that's in this courtroom today had printed off one of the many things I'd was talking about and I'd guessed that's how the law enforcement found me.As the judge I'm looking over some of the things that you went through on the last evaluation you had you saw a couple of physicritis and it looks to me you haven't learned anything in there your brain doesn't functioned like a normal brain would.Your a danger to society and as me The judge I'm not even gonna allow you to walk free for this case will be finished today so keep spilling your guts whatever your doing for at the end someone will die and won't be released.Then the most strangest thing came about as he stood up and announced that he was an Pedafile and that he just didn't liked people to know that he rather they just find out the hard way.She tried to escaped but before she had a chance I'd killed her with a knife and some bullits that I'd shot with towards her heart and in the back of the neck.Then I'd carried her onto the car I'd had and took her to this huge lake and there she is floating to the bottom.And so this guy goes on and tells the story about how his life as a free man will come to a closed and that he had no remorse fo what did do.Sex and control is what he was about he didn't care about losing he knew all there was to winning and to make sure that she wasn't able to be spoken of again but indeed he was wrong here we are today trying to sit and listen to wha this dangerous animal had done and hoped that he doesn't get out for anything what so ever.Then without stopping for a pause he turns and smiles like it is all just a game as he said this is what I'd gave her the night before she was killed and that is a picture of us sitting at the movies having pop corn and drinking sodas not knowing hat I'll have to kill her I'd just figured she would of loved to go a step further who wouldn't like to go camping or go rock climbing most people like it she said she like to do it someday instead of someday I'd was wanting her to achieve that goal now.Instead she told me she wanted to go home she wanted to be dropped off and so I'd demanded her to stya and that I'd wouldn't hurt her and that I'll take good care of her better then her parents did.I'd was trying to talked to her as though I'd was making some lead away then out of the blue she decided enough was enough and then that's when I'd had to put my foot down and start taking control of he sistuation.She then tried to start kicking start to Rebell so I'd decided to handcuff her to the bed I'd had and then I'd gave her some drinks and before you know it I'd was home free having sex and enjoying eveyr minute of it and then about a few hours later she woked up and started trying to kill me with this peper sprayed she had and knowing her she wasn't able to aim it right so then I'd took a shovel and knocked her out then I'd killed her from there and before long I'd was down by the river hoping that she won't be found.But of course some get lucky and while others don't get so lucky as the day rolls on his likly hood of being killed in prison probably is an understatement.He at this time doesn't even have achance for parol that may come up in the next 30 years or so.But the sentenceing hasn't ended quite yet.The judge will now close this court session and continue tomorrow.As the next day approches and the courtroom is filled with everybody as it was the previously day the Judge had to asked this nutcase why someone off line what was the big catch so to speak that drove her to want to meet you.Then he asnwered cause she was wanting something her parents would never agreed to and she was getting tired of not having b/f's that wasn't her type that didn't want sex so I'd told her I'd do it anytime anyplace just name the spot and she jumped on it.I'd told her what we be doing and we did just that but I'd didn't want the night to end so I'd decided to choose an ultimatum and which was either tried to see if she could escaped or tried to see if she would sleep with me and then maybe someday we will have a fmaily a family is all I'd ever wanted.That's when she did tried o escape I'd figured no I'm not gonna make this easy I'd gonna make sure she really fights but she wasn't that strong I'd had her for sure once the gun was pointed to her heart and she fell straight to the floor and before long she was dead from the blood coming off her chest.Can you discribed the way to the river no he shouted I'm not gonna to it's an hunt kinda like an Easter Egg hunt where you have to look really hard.Do you find humor in this at all.Nope not at all Judge you said tell your story as to the events leading up to this girl you killed so I'm doing it.As the middle of night came and nothing but stars and high thin clouds came over I'd had just the plans I'd need I'd gotten into a boat I'd had and decided to start rowing out onto the river and paddle for a little ways and then I'd picked her up and tossed her overboard and that my fried is the last of her and her fighting ways.I'm a very much controlled freak and I'd don't put up with idiots or people who disobey there elders.I'm older she should of listened to me and paid attention and she would been alived today and I'll been at home watching t.v. instead of this courtroom where is nothing but trouble.Sir your an dangerous person your mind is full of hatred your so much of moved off that chair I'll kill you on the spot and that's my order.Is that all you have to say yup other then the fact I'd didn't get a chance to have any memories of her other then what I'd had spoken of.Do you feel sorry at all of what you've done well,to be honest since I'm in court facing an possible death sentence I'd don't cause I'd wouldn't of killed her if she just had listened to me and did what she wanted to do she told me she loved sex she wanted to meet me she liked the movies she even so much drove herself to the area where I'd was.I'd didn'tfeel like I'd decieve her in anyway cause all that we did while she was alived we accomplished.Whose gun is that that's mine gun mine boat I'd did get authorization from the store to carry that gun.that boat I'd used it's sitting in my friend's garage.What does he know about the case all he knows is that I'd said me and my friend was gonna go fishing tomorrow when the sun comes out.Then the Judge turned to the mother as she stood up to read what she had to say to the mind of a killer as she noted the title to say.I've not sure why you had to come to our town I'm not even sure as to why you had to find yourself on the chatline knowing what type of mean dangerous person you are a Pedafile you are shouldn't even be able to get a computer shouldn't be able to have access to our neighborhood or city for that fact.A daughter I'd loved was hoping to achieved in academics as well,as in so much more she had a life ahead of her now tomorrow I'd must barried her and remind myself everyday that I'd gotten this chance to stare right down at a killer and be able to hear testamony froma mind that is so dangerous I'd couldn't even rate it R.They say my life will eventually move on not mine I'd say I'm gonna go and make sure I'd watch you burn in the depths of Hell and I'll make sure the Judge gives you the toughest sentenced a Judge could give.I'd wished I'd would of known she was gonna go and see her and that she lied to me about where she was gonna to go that I'd will be able to forgive her for doing but you I'd wished I'd could kill you now and then I'd can be up on that stand telling my story one hat you just told and make it sound more believeable then yours ever did.A room now at home sits empty with pics of her and the trophies she has won over the course of her wonderful but short life.On her bed sat laid out to what I'd thought would be her coming home finsihing her homeworks or writting in her journal.Now a computer that won't ever be turned on no more shouts from the room or from the phone saying I'm on my way from town to home.But instead found her way to your house and where you did what you discribbed and to not even feel sorry one time tha's really patheic,and yet demented comes to my mind.I hoped God blesses me with another child and if he does I'll make darn sure she or he won't ever get on line again thanks for your stupid brain that had to go and do things that people in our area would think that's not suppose to happen.But i'm telling you it does happen now you've just seen the psycho path himself.One that during this ordeal going on our second day in trial had not once felt nothing but smiles and joy he had the way with a young but talented girl.If it was my choice you won't see Heaven at all Hell is calling your name and that's all I've got to say about that rot in hell your basterd,sorry Judge I'd had to say what I'd had to say.As the session came to a close for the second day the next day will come to soon and more and more harder evidence will begin to emerged.This dangerous Pedafile isn't gonna to let up quickly isn't gonna take the easy way to the cell he's gonna make it hard he's gonna make it sound like a love story well,his price of fame is over with and the time to tear this bastered apart has come in just a short little while he will be faced with a few police detectives and discuss to them about where the possible spots are at.We will have cops out in serch for the body with every detail veyr much important to us.Don't think for one sec this guy isn't just gonna give in and the fight for life be re appear for we are assume to be pulling up a dead girl and no longer able to live or breathe for nothing.As I'd got to my house I'd wonder to myself how many people ever get into the sistuation like I'm in now and say they don't feel heart broken or they wished they done this and that.I'd think they shouldn't allow these people such as Pedafiles to access the World Wide Web,but of course they get money and buy it and nobody out there wants to do a background check.It's not like owning a gun well,bullshit it's just as dangerous as that if not more teaching kids at school about safe sex about not talking to strangers sometimes isn't working and another method needs to be brought up.We think our children know how to take care and protect themselves froma would be Pedafile but as you see not eveyrone that fights wins not everyone who shows loving and caring to a person is helping her to get away it just sets her up to be killed by a dangerous person that has so much evil within him that nothing could ever make him good.Those types of minds which I'd been talking about only has evil death and control in here blood nothing abou that is safe nothing about that is loving.Further more you can't take an dangerous person and mixed it with a mature loving kind person who knows a little bit about fighting and hoped that she or he has a chance you have to dig deepr find out what they are doing at all times.Even if they say keep out you barge in and say I'm your parents I'd wanna know what plans your making what kind of stuff are you talking about are you getting to close if you planned to meet I'd better approve of you taking someone or by him coming over here and I'm gonna watch every little thing he does.Pedafiles aren't dumb as you can tell they know how to decieve a child in the matter of seconds all it takes is just a few this and that and you are hooked just as you noticed how he was talking and saying she was hooked with no reason to leave.Finally day 3 came in and soon the guy got lead down to this room and unlocked the door and sat down in this chair and two officers in the room took out a pen and a pad of paper.I as many others want you to tell me with your mind and heart where you threw this girl at so we can give her the proper barrier for her daughter who has died without any chance of surviving.I'm sorry I'm not giving you guys a damn thing.I told what I'd said I'd would and you or no one else is gonna make me say anymore.As morning passed onto the afternoon still no budging.Hey look your not leaving here until you tell us where the body is I'd demanded that you tell us we might be able to allow the judge to drop your sentence.I said it was in the lake.Duh I'd know you did but there's lots and lots of lakes all over the place and now it's time to narrow it down some.Sorry I'd just not with you guys on that search you have to find her yourself.My guess start with search animals.They have already started and no such luck so far.That's why we are in here discussing on the ways you could of gone once you left your home.The evidence you gave us didn't find not much of anything.So what about now do you remember where you put her no I'd said I'd not telling you I'd do deserve to have that right protected don't I.In this case sir you don't already looking to serve a death sentence you want to make it sooner,there are pleny of people in this courtroom that want you dead this sec they want this trial to be over with so they can go on with there lives and start to rebuild there neighborhood knowing that your be locked away for good.As afternoon turn to darkness nothing but just a little bit of words here and there.He's not wanting to crack at all come on sir we all like to go home tonight sometime what about you don't you like to eat and go to bed.Nah send me to my cell now cause I'm not saying a darn word to yu and that's the honest truth.As the kocked appear to be from the outside and then I'd told one of the officers I'll be right back watch him and keep him on guard.Is he budging.Nope not one mentioned just that there are a bunch of lakes and that nobody could ever know what happen.And that he told what he wants to tell.Ok let him g back to his cell we go for more questioning tomorrow in the morning.As the lights went out in the cell blocked as which he was in the guards are saying he just sleeps not much to write about or to do except to hope that if he wakes up in the morning great and if he dies in his asleep that helps him to.For they shouldn't know everything since he is already in the Jail and doesn't appear he will be bonding out anytime soon.A mind that as mean and dangerous as this guy there shouldn't be no chance for good behavouir.Dangerous minds as liked the one here are all over the place some so sick we won't even shared with you some that may even cut up the body then burned it alive.Some even poured gasoline over the person and light a match and watch the fire burned them alive.Pedafiles aren't likly to tell you when to expect one or when to be notified on line about someone going on there pretending to be a nice person.Evil comes in all sorts of ways.We must not aloud the profile to fool us into believing this guy is an great guy.We must only believe in what he says and what kinds of questions are being asked.And how quick of an jump he does when he wants to meet you.Or the I love you statement that almost everyone on line tends to make one way or another.Dangerous minds don't ever become well,they don't ever get cured.They don't ever become someone who will be safe for your daughter to meet or for your son to meet.Dangerous minds only have sex rap murder and killing and control in there heads hat's all they knowas quickly as you can learn and get it the better off you will be.Don't ever think for a moment that you have a chance with this guy for he gets you in every way possible.Dangerous minds won't ever offer anyone comfort they only will make you mad and angry angry that you wished you was there to kill him and leave his body there where no one would be able to suspect you for it.As the sun begins to appear out of the sky it's the morning of the 4th day time to see if this guy will talk say something that will get this ball rolling to a close.As he began to walk down the cellblock not one word was echo not even a sad look just a complete lost of words and voiced.As he stepped outside just enough to see a speck of sun before he went into the other office building into this room he was just last night to discuss a possbile location as to where the body was buried at.Or in this case was put into the water at.Last night had you given to any thought of telling us where the body is at cause were not gonna let you die without giving her parents at least some closer to this aweful killing.I'd told you I'd was not gonna risk my life anymore I'm not determined to announce that to anyone for they don't have to know what I'd did for only me I'm the one and only.Well,your day has come I'm gonna to throw you across this room and hoped that you break something now tell us where you put the body.And what if I'd don't then my God may lightening come through this window and shoot you down to the ground.I've hungry now can I'd get something to eat,no God damn it you can't tell us where you threw the body at this isn't a game no more I'm getting angry just tell us so we can finally put you away.Ok finally I'll only will say that it's in our area.Ok that's a start but where I'm not that dumb I'm only gonna say it's in our area.Damn if you don't say it by this evening were gonna put yu in here you see the pic it's a huge cell with no light just comeplete darkness with just water and crumbs of crackers to eat.I'd don't care it's not likly that I'll have any information for you there's a lake full of water that stretches for miles so figured it out for yourself.Screw you Bastered your not gonna get by with that so tell us first let go of my shirt I'd aint doing that now speak where you hide the body at.Your stupid bitch I'm not telling you jack.Ouch my stomache get up your lazy piece of ass and just tell us or this bat I'd got is gonna be so far up your ass you wouldn't be able to take a crap for a little while got it.No actually I'd thought that was kinda funny.Shut up you think that's funny huh what about this woman who hasn't even had a life with her family what if we go and kill your son or daughter and we decided not to tell you anything be pretty man wouldn't you I'd don't have a family.Oh really did you burn them alive to or killed them and sold there body to the black market.No I'd didn't they just died early on in life.All I'd have is God now cut the Bs God this and that God isn't gonna save yourself after I'd get through with you and I'd can tell you that right now.I'm not a pastor or your minister or even your Angel I'm the badest toughest cop here and that's that.So shut up about God cause this isn't chrch.In fact this is Hell where your gonna be in about 5 minutes if you don't start shairng us your information about the body.I'd told you in the river,where in the river how far down the stream.Take a guess God damn it this isn't a game show I'm running this show your not.That's true I'm not running this show but also not giving out of information that I'd feel would mess me up hey look buddy your already screwed body or no body this trial your on is gonna ressume tomorrow and if I'd gotta tell these people we have no body I myself will personally kill you and rip off your penis so you can't screw or piss anymore then I'm gonna kill you and bury you in that dirt and mud and watch you rot from the inside and out Got it now.Maybe I'd do I'd think coming clean might be a good ideal.Actually it will be since this isn't the first time for you.You been in trouble with the law before with someone else is that right.Yes of course that's right But God helped me through this jam and got out free.Yeah buddy he might have God isn't gonna be here today he got more people out there then your piece of tracsh in here.And so finally by the end of the day he had told us where the body was found and was able to get it brought up and sent to do an autopsy on her making sure there aren't anything out of the ordinary.And sure enough the day has came to an end and the long and winding road and carried us through the week is finally gonna be put to rest and the sentencing will be carried out.Some say Love don't cost anything but in this case it did it cost the life of a child who at the begining knew very little about this guy and even though his life on computer looked normal looked like he be the perfect date though wasn't that either instead he was a killer a rapiest and to top this all off he didn't even have sorrow for the parents.He just was a guy who decided to use his bad judgement out on the Wrold Wide Web and somewhere in the middle this Girl had got tangled up with the phony lies and the no nonsense blab he was telling people on line.Which came out wasn't even true and to make matters worst he didn't even went to the offices here in this county to tell us he had more since he is a well,known Pedafile,and now that people know this I'd hoped that people bemore cautious as far as who they tend to meet and tend to follow around with unliked tonight which this guy is now serving time for and probably never get a chance to live and this girl who is now dead her clothes ripped off her all she has is just a coffin to be lyed in to rest and God to take her soul to Heaven where she will have peace,peace that obovious wasn't found in this city or town.They say not to Judge anybody not to hate anybody but to some today they will go home from this trial saying I'd think that they will sum up this up.A guy having a mind that is beyond fixing one that as dangerous as his was couldn't possibly believe in God or even pray,and if he does do you think God will have time to answer him for the many many horrible things he has done.Chatrooms are filled with these people daily and it's up to us to learn from this girl to know that it's not the first time someone who thought would be safe would be protected come back home safe and sound from an dangerous experience that she thinks were nothing but love sex and movies.People if we don't learn to pay attention now then how are we gonna to tell your parents knowing that you decided on your own what to do no matter the outcome.Sure there are safe chatters and meeting people are safe but not everyone is smart is intelligent then you are.Everyone can make a mistake true but this isn't an mistake that you can come home and confess to your parents that you went behind there backs and met someone knowing all that you know about strangers about Pedafiles about people being killed and raped.And best of all about figuring out how to get away from an dangerous person if he happens to strike.Being intelligent is great but not if you think making a mistake can alwasy be a good thing where you get to retry a date or meet each time until you get it right.A perosn who thinks of Killing you or chopping you in half or better yet strapping you to the bed and having sex with you and giving you pills to make you go sleepy can be a good person someday your out of your mind and better yet to say I'm on myspace or yahoo or e-mail based chat and it won't hurt me people are all over the place dangerous minds think alike and for one more moment that is quiet is no longer quiet for he the killer has silence your voice by a gun going off in the back of your head and all he has to say was your here at the wrong time of day.Does he deserve another chance not in a million years as you will soon find out making yourself looked good or being thankful if you happen to survive a beating or a rape or a dangerous crimminal or even a guy who likes to play with minds.Is remarkable but just think your life will never be the same and for those who haven't yet experience it hopefully your never will.Life is to short.Dangerous lessons can be very much a hard thing to learn but sometimes if you lived you done well,and you should be out fighting the internet chatters to beon the lookout and don't always jump the gun just yet check out this person do a plan know the reason for the meet.If you can't do all of that or don't want someone to know well,this man who has a mind of a killer might think you deserved what's coming to you.And maybe you be able to defend yourself and maybe you won't.Maybe your be able to run away and maybe he just shoot you down then,you fell down from the shot in the back and he went just before he drove off breaks your neck in 2.Pedafiles will never be nice I'd don't care about them changing or becoming an priest or even quoting a few chapter in the books of the Bible so I'd can to For God so Loved the world probably a killer knows that to but if it comes from the heart and that you do put him first and when he gives you something within your heart about not taking a chance with this guy.I'd think i'll listen to him or the man upstairs.It's not about religion it's about playing it smart about being a observer by paying attention to something that seems out of the ordinary.About taking advice from adults from policemen being honest to your parents by not hiding out in your room doing what your pleased for a killer is on the lose and he could be in any chatroom at any time luring people to his hideaway.Dangerous mind yea he has one of those to in fact he has someone else under the gun to that he brought along for the joyride.Then the morning finally came where it was due to come to a close.Attention everyone were now in court.I've been told by some officers that we do know where the body is at and was recovered and that everythin appeas to be just sex orinted.Ok thanks now all I've got o say is yur time must end I've planned on giving you life but I'd don't think were be doing this family any favors by allowing you to live.So my verdict is such this death by needle is what I'm gonna sentenced you to with no possible chance of parol.May anyone else would liked to share there testamony.I'd will ok step up to the microphone please.Hi i'm this girl who was in the chatroom the day I'd decided to turn you in I'm not sure if you are aware that what you say can make you a very dangerous person telling people about your crimes to strangers on line thinking we won't do something but in fact can do something.Thinking that preppy website and a great smile and a great pretend to the truth will get you out scott free.I'd liked the many many people on line but I'll never meet them for I'd know that there are more killers on the loose and that as dangerous as you were during this trail that someone else more dangerous then that is hoping from one internet chatroom to the next devouring young girls by the day.I'd don't know if I'd told you but I'd hate you for everyone though you was a nice and gentle man but indeed not so gentle.I'm not sorry for telling on you and if I'd find someone else on line doing dangerous things then I'll find them and tell on them to.I'd don't like liars I'd don't like people who think they can be nice and smile and get there way with me I'm not an idiot like you may think I'd am.I'm smart and intelligent and most of all I'd have wonderful parents who I'd go to if I'd find that the chatline is giving me problems.I'd can't say I'd hoped you go to Heaven for Heaven is for good people and you don't fit that description.Your not the type o say you sorry for hurting her family her realitives so I'm here to tell them sorry sorry I'd wasn't able to stop her from making the biggest mistake ever to trust someone as dangerous as you to think for one sec he would changed through Bible scripture.Cause I'd know within my heart that you don't believe in God you only believed in him when the moment felt right felt as though he was gonna free you not today your going to Hell when your done and I'm assume everyone here including God himself will say the same thing.My experience with an online chat now will not be the same as before I'll be scared now if someone liked you attempted to talk to me in a way that he shouldn't.I'd love to chat but thanks to you I've got no safe of knowing that if I'd come on line that my life won't be in danger or be messed up by your dangerous mind or others.To The judge I'd really appreciate you giving him the hardest time to serve.That he doesn't have one chance to live and that maybe someone who is listening to this on tv will know that learning about what your child is doing can and may prevent something worse from happening.I'd know for a fact just cause someone may have plans may have a determination to meet this guy I'd know I'd won't unless I'm with someone that is gonna be responsible and watch out fo me at the same time.And with that in mind I'd know when I'm old my children will learn what the internet can be used for and what it wont be used for and if they don't like it tough I'd don't want crimminals coming on line making it a sex line for free.Or a dating service where everything goes.I thankyou for sharing what you have good welcome.I've only have this one thing to say I'm sorry we didn't have a great outcome and do pay attention to this Girl for she's right there are alot of dangerous ruthless people out there and we must not allow our guard to be held down at anytime even if we think that he is great for great isn't right if i comes from the outside bu rather from the inside.So as I'd got ready to leave he courtroom I'd couldn't believe that the trial was over and that it was time to say my last goodbyes at a funeral that should never of happened.People say as we stand here today what could we of done.Not much since people don't liked to be friends with everyone or butt into other people's lives.But when a life is stricken with no possible motive other then sex and being led to do so then someone else will pay the price yet again.Today as we about to think about all the things she had going for her in the end never happened.One senseless act of a guy that had no meaning of life in him whatsoever.Today we must learn that we don't have to chat with eveyrone just with ones we feel that they won't betrayed us in anyway.Though we alwasy will have danger around us in our communities in our neighborhoods even in our city on buses and yes in our chatrooms that's why always tell your parents for they should know most of he time as what to do.And for certain they won't be buring you at a grave site marked with a cross and the sign saying please remember me for I'd was stupid I'd knew no better and I'd thought I'd could of been rescue but instead found out I'd had no chance.He stripped me from my rights as a free girl learning to become someone now won't be anymore then the dust in the ground.Now as the days turns to weeks and the monthes turns to years it will alwasy bring us back to this day a day that came and gone with no understanding why she had to be with the dangerous crimminal such as he.We know that the time will come when we will get back to our noraml lives but those who chat may be in fear for the rest of there time on line.I'd hoped that God will bless you through this life with the most important tool and that is always be careful who you chat and how personal you become with some people.Just know thaat dangerous minds wonder through out the chatlines.And with that been said I'd welcome you to the next chapter.
Everybody has an excuse that they tend to use rather if it's about going out on an date that parents won't approve of,or Begining of a stage of life that leads you down a path of destruction and at the end of the day you have a kid that has grown up and wants answers to why his dad or Mom wasn't around much and all they seem to give is excuses.Internet chatting is no different there's probably someone everyday on line has an excelent excuse for wanting to have web cam parties or talk to people on line about the ways of getting around the part about meeting someone who you don't know at all.Excuses sometimes comes around when we take an advantage of asistuation just cause the other person doesn't have an mature mind to say this is a bad idea.There's been many many many cases where older men and Women have gone to meet under age girls just cause they feel the need for sex and drugs and alcohol consumption can be over th limit just cause that's what most teens do and colege students do.Some of the Excuses Men make well,she older then me she was 18 or 21 or that she didn't care or the parents are out of town.Or that she has sex all the time she knows about kissing about protection and at the end the only excuse that needs to be made is that it's there fault they didn't become mature enough at the age of 18 when at that moment is suppose to be the sign of Maturity.But as you know it never does come to affect until you end up in jail for monthes or years at a time for trying to do something to an Young girl that you very well,know of that was under the age of 18.Some excuses that are made is saying Mama I'm only going to chatrooms just to chat just to do e-mail within a few hours addresses phone numbers and foul language or calling people names become the majority of the night.And all she has to say is well,he started it oh well,don't worry mom he's nice don't worry mom she just have these webcam shows that are protected by an age limit.These chatrooms are only for 13 years old up to 16 but you know those are all good excuses but doesn't work with me at all for anyone I'd said anyone who wants to find young Girls younger women will do it for the simple fact that they have an imature mind and an sex addict who can't control his harmones and have to prey on younger and out of his league totally then he ought to be caught and prosecuted for having sex with a minor or attemtped to visit someone who is a child.And this my friend is where the excuses start to come in oh I'd didn't know he or she was that young,She told me to bring these items,She talked to me on line about sex about all the other questions that I've asked her Honor.Then there are some of you that knows what's about to go down and sit back and don't do a damn thing about it and your excuse is I'd don't have a clue.Well,for those who are 13 and don't know how to block, call your mom or dad or shut off your chat,or to hang up on the gentlemen or refuse to let in a stranger you don't know.Or don't tell someone about what's going on either at school or to a cop if it's present then you shouldn't have no damn business going on line reguardless if you gotta check your e-mail or play games on lines or feed animals that you own on line.For a computer is a huge responsibility that requires some intelligant.If you can't do some simple things then your shouldn't be the person doing all these things as pics on line chatting with older men or giving out explict conversations on line just cause your harmones are going 100 mphs an hour.Mama doesn't want an new excuse she wants to know by getting the computer by joining chatrooms by uploading a pic you took that is apporiate and that you will fully comply with all rules such as if someone tries to bully you or tries to talk about something you don't like that you will block, you will leave you will do whatever it takes reguardless if that person is telling you how to bend the rules how to get around the bush.Excuses leads to problems down the road some can be resolved easy while others have to live with there consenquences for 18 years of child support or without a parent in there life cause he or she wasn't Mature enough to know how to raise a child.But the excuse they have is they do know how to spread there legs and pop out a child now and then without no edcuationalthought to it othen then the excuse being he will pay he will stick around he loves me he was gone but is back,he only abuses me sometimes.He only gets jealous when I'd get a new friend on my phone list. He only catches me cheatting when I'd feel I'd need some space and I'd just didn't have the mind to think when to tell him to leave.So the excuses continues to pile up just cause they don't know how to make it without one.It's never a good idea to allow someone to take advantage of you just cause they can on line know who you want to talk to and don't give that person dumb and imature answers to the fact about chatting for those don't answer questions they just make more of an conversation then necessary.Setting ages limits to who you want to talk to and don't want to talk to has nothing to do about rather the questions will be about sex about personal things such as clothes you wear what you do in the shower those all questions are surface through there profile so if someone im you what you do is clik on the profile find out what there profile is about chances of if they have a profile that says put in your password to view this site chances are they are more mature then you are so I'd don't think the conversations be of things that are apporiate.If someone im's you and was just chatting about normal thngs things that intrests you then you don't have to be rude to be mean to start calling all these names or asking why he or she wants to chat with you not everyone you cone in contact with above your age is out for sex,wanting to meet or please join or webcam shows.Those kinds of people to me are ok to add them as a friend.Your responsible to tell these im's to talk nice or you will blcok for some places such as yahoo will have a place where these blockers can go in there.Harassing messages on line can be solved not by replying or by racial slurs or ay other choice of words but instead being mature at 13 just simple print off what they were writting you and take it either to your parents or tell someone like an officer what's happening alot of times that fixes the problem and gets these bad people off line before there excuse becomes an feeling that he manipulates a child by saying your safe with me if you want sex so do I and don't give me a lousy excuse that no 13 year old isn't gonna want unportected sex cause if you say that your a pretty dumb person.Sexual teens are everywhere addiction to drugs are not just found in adults they found in teens in schools.People chat about it often on the chatlines.Don't give me an excuse about well,children know better not to have unprotected sex which some do everyday.Teens having kids and having to pay for it cause there dead beat b/f ran off and said she sleeps around with many people and it's not mine.Or dead beat bf's think that 5.15 an hour at the burger shack pays for a child diappers or food.But instead it doesn't evne covered the medical expenses that comes into place when the child is born.None of those are never the talk in fact the talk becomes nothing but excuses as to why this or that needs to be done.At the very end 10 years latter the kid no longer wants you to be part of the family.The excuse sometimes even comes around when the father decides to show up later and thinks by saying all these things will make everything in the past dissappear when he knows he was the huge cause of the breakup.And sure enough the Mom takes him back cause I love you and a dozen roses from the flower shop down the road is open for business.We are talk about saftey from time to time rather it be in our schools on our buses our the programes we watch or music wil isten to but when it becomes the internet saftey needs to be addressed in a matter hat is taken more serious then just a slap on the back or the imaginary button we just assume press on the im tags and say see Mom I've ignored hat person but what you forgot that this guy isn't nice he's a mean bitch who wants to play hard ball who doesn't care about rights but knows plenty of wrongs he's made in his life starting with at an young age.Excuses for trying to think your being safe just cause you don't talk about sex or invite webcams or invite a stranger in a home is hardly the end of the road rather it's just the begining.Safty should be applied in other areas such as these 1.Know when to talk and when to shutup and leave the conversation.2.Know the type of person by the many things that are offered in the chat as well,as his homepages his e-mails his profiles that he creates if some of those are as become things you rather not have on your computer then I'd sujust that our safty should be that you don't add him as a friend you don't continue on replying to his sent messages,and further more you certainly don't agreed to view his webcams or webpages sent to you to view for when you do those things then oboviously your not taking any safty mesasures that I'd feel helps keep people from becoming either a victum or a harasser or build up an excuse plan by saying he was nice some of the times.Once you failed to meet the 2 above things among some of the others you shouldn't have a problem on line.Here's another safty grabber 3.Decide for yourself your limitations right away to he person whom you are chatting with and make sure that he understands that you will not waver off of that rather it be No sex talk to No webcams alound to No one over the age of 20 if you allow that person to know that chances are they or some will respect you for that for if your excuse comes about where you don't feel you have to mentioned those things they just suppose to read your profiles or read your age you put in just gives them an very high scale they will try to manipulate you into things such as well,I'm not like all the rest or I'd am a very nice person.But they never get to the point where they say I'd respect your wishes I'll go now and talk to someone else.By setting boundaries in the chatrooms or messages or Im's that goes back and forth keeps people that want to do more to not get the hope that there be a chance for in your case as strong as your making it to be your just tell him to get lost or you just block him out and delete him on your list and by doing that shows you take action upon the time that it comes to personal and he doesn't want to stop.Your telling others on line you don't put up with excuses either you comply with what I'd tolorate in the chat or you won't get the sattasfaction of getting to know someone nice,and there aren't any second chances either one strike is all you get.If you believe in safty then believe in taking the right action when the time is needed don't wait until you are arguement with the person or calling him names or trying to blow up his computer or threateining him over the computer by saying I'm gonna come and get you that's heading you in the wrong direction.Expect to be strict when dealing with people are line don't give them a chance to do you wrong don't give them a chance to make an excuse that you finally accept just cause the promises you this and that and may come true and may never be true.For when they meet you they will have you in control and not the other way around.If they really respect you on line then the meeting process be brought up over a long long ime and not instant they start talking with you or weeks into it.Meeting people off line can be a safe thing if you do everything just right But in your mind alwasy keep safty a priority even if it means bringing your best friend along or bringing mase if you need to be.Set plans as described before make sure that what you want is what you want and don't just make up excuse by telling him your go further just cause he says nothing will go wrong with this.All it takes are seconds for something bad to happen and taking action takes planning ahead.We are want b/f's or g/f's or babies it's great to want all of those but one of the best things about parenthood is that both parties are responsible and that if they create and pay and don't expect to give excuses when the days become tough.Everyone has an anger issue from time to time but alot of times anger can be controlled by getting out of a sistuation that doesn't look like that the party will agree with you no matter what is being said.Those same issues are dealt with on line on an every day chatroom.Not eveyrone gonna like you no matter what you say,everyone gonna give you an negative comment everyone once and a while is gonna call you names some of which may be out right rude.Some people will even begin to harass you and all those things are sometimes best resolved by NOT REPLYING AT ALL DON'T GIVE THEM THE SATASFACTION THAT THEY THINK YOU WILL DO,DON'T SLOOP DOWN TO THERE LEVEL THINKING YOU WILL WIN IT'S NOT ABOUT WINNING.DON'T MAKE UP AN EXCUSE BY SAYING SOMETHING HAS TO BE DONE WHEN NOTHING IS BETTER THEN EVERYTHING YOU JUST HAD IN MIND.Sometimes by leaving a chant by ignoring a person or by talking with someone else sovles alot of problems.Keep this 1.rule in mind.Everything that is pointed at you with a threat small huge or mini just print off the line to which he is talking to you with and talk to your parents by you not replying helps your case.Sometimes replying doesn't solve the problem it just makes him think you are intrested in the things he is chatting about.Most of the imature people will get the idea that typing with no replies does look pretty dumb unless they can't figured that part out,then hey have problems even I won't be able to tell you how to fix them.Learning that by printing by telling people by saying NO by putting your foot down to what you will talk about what you will do within an relationship as young as you are will go much futher down the road and also that people around you will know that you aren't a person of excuses but rather a person that is a diligent person that will let someone know and that tey won't allow you to walk all over you just cause thye have a chat screen name or that they live 3,000 or 20,000 miles away they can still get busted if it's found they are doing criminal behavouir.Don't ever give mislead of information dealing with someone on line always tell them 3 things.1.The Truth2.The conditions you like them to follow when they are chatting and 3.You won't put up with derogatory statements or crude behavouir and futher more I'd will report you if you become to personal or start to threaten me or harassed me and I'd mean it.By putting action to those things you stop the excuses that are or will begin a short time later.You can't changed a man's mind once he has a thought,so my motto is don't changed him change yours by making a warning system in your head like this.1.first strike that you tell him about what he's doing and he begins to ingored that then go to strike 2.Changed the subject as often as yo can if he starts to go back to that then tell him your finsihed with wanrings and block and leave te chatroom.3rd strike,If he tries to follow you around the chatrooms that you may be in then tell him your printing off his information and that the authorities will be getting it as soon as possible.By then hopefully he will know you mean business and you aren't playing around.Harassment shouldn't never be a part of the chatroom so don't make it a part of it stand up and you take control of the sistuation.Don't take excuses by him apoligizing or saying sorry harmful words threating statements or discussing personal and unsolicted things shouldn't never be undo instead should be a fair but tough rule that people on line will have to get to know and loved.Safty isn't a game of who wins or who doesn't it's about having the right to do what all others do enjoy telling stories to others or learning about the many things that can intrests a person whatever that might be.Chatting with a strong understanding as to what a Girl wants teen or no teen helps you be protected helps you use your brain on line and to know your not alone in this process you can always give your wisdom out to others so they will pick them up too.Sometimes people may want help it's great to do for other chatters even if they are older or not not all older guys or older women are into dstroying lifes.Some like help on homework some like to know what to do about a breakup or about an problem there having with a certain personor about praying for someone that might have a chance to die all those thigs are great to offer your advice.Only time you shouldn't offer advice is when you have to lie for someone or tell them something you aren't totaly sure as to what to do.Excuses are also found within the home where parents have problesm to some continue to tell there teen what the rules are how to follow them how to get away from bad influences but sometimes saying all of that doesn't help they gonna try danger they gonna do what they want cause they are big shots.Teens think all they do is have sex buy things and alow guys to control them and by separating and going back with him that things be different,or that abuse is only on certain occassions is normal.Instead those aren't normal relationships in fact they are excuses upon excuses and the best thing to do for Teenagers is 2 things.1.Obey your parents for once they are gone what will your plans be for yourself or yor new born in some cases.2.Allowing excuses by b/f's to be an ok thing for you by allowing sex to become just an casual thing then your my friend are looking for a life with a child with all kinds of diseases or even drungs to become the life.Thinking you can just get out of it and changed your life isn't as easy as you think it is sure you can kill the baby give it up to adoption tell someone off make someone pay for child support knowing that he hasn't worked a God Damn day in his life at age 18 the time you married him now divorced by the end of the year wasn't exactly a smart thing on your part either.It's great to make up excuses until your life becomes nothing but bad and discusting and allowing things to keep happening and all you care about is so and so can fixed the problem or it's the other person's excuse but never ever take in the idea that if only you had listen as a child and pay attenton to people who were saying this and this about your friend could made your life a whole lot better.Chatting and making love are great things to do some do it for a job while others do it for the excitement.Some guys on line enjoy talking to 20 years old younger or trying to meet teens or children under 12 because they don't have the sense to say what the Hell am I doing.Instead when the time comes to go to court they have not a darn thing o say other then sorry.Sorry about sex to a minor is not even close.If you can't be mature on line then don'teven bother to come on line.But at the same time though listen very closely if you decide to whatever the age must be to signed up to an messenger you are fully responsible for whatever happens or don't happen if you don't set the rules for yourself for others to follow then delete your name and don't bother to chat until you can comply to that rule.If your 18 and still don't get it then go back to your parents house and tell them about your messed up life and that your excuse was you can't seem to live out in the soicety where rules are posted.Maybe they will take you back in or maybe they take and kick you in the Ass and tell you to get out of the house and learn some responseability since you didn't do it while you had a chance.Life just as chatlines or as ordering things on line all have there rulles of do and not to do .They placed them there for protection.If the right procedures are in placed then people on line won't have to worry about being there victum.If you choose to meet choose to walk in the dark choose to jog in the park alone choose to talk to strangers with no plans then if something happens your just to blame as they are.If you can't say no to things then I'd don't suggest you open your legs at all keep them close and don't tried to do meetings where it involves people for your likly to get burned very easy for they will see you coming for sure.Don't join in conversations with people if you are doing something for yourself unless you know for 100% he won't or she won't harm you and if you can do that you must be physcho.Making good decisions about everything you do in life as well,as on the internet and saying No without excuses or explanations alwasy helps you move in the right direction.If that person needs something or wants to do something, find do it duirng daylight or allow them to do it themselves there the ones that have to use there head and think am I choosing right or wrong.People who think that giving excuses helps them out in a way.Actually it doesn't take for an example my mom got to the point where she beat me up to te point it was causing brusing and of course she tried to make up excuses as to why I'd deserved it more then she did.But of course my pastor didn't buy it and you as a parent as an young woman or a child should never accept at any given time in reguards to giving me an excuse I'll be ok with it cause it doesn't do anything except to make the person feel worse then they are.Sure the person telling you this thing that happen isn't there fault or that they didn't mean to but if that's the case fine just don't try to make that a speech that will repeats it self each time you are faced with a little bit of trouble.Predators who are after porn after young girls always think that both parties will agree upon what he has in store.By no means that should never happen I'd don't care if you liked to drink or have sex it shouldn't be done off line for the simple fact is when it comes time for the responibility of a child the father always has the excuse she isn't working I'd a sex offender they don't want me to work there one excuse after another which at the end never ever once considered how about getting an vasectomy so then you aren't having a child you don't attend to take care of but except to make up excuses as to why this had to happen.One thing for sure that anyone on the chatline that wants to meet people is bad do you enjoy your life and family if they are not very important to you and you are really confident that this guy or Gal isn't a sex offender then go and meet this person the odds that you come back alive are about a 50 to 50 chance just depends on how much work not excuses but work that you did before the meet actually occured and just think about this the person your meeting you better be damn sure it's of age and that she isn't lying or he isn't lying.For cops they are looking for predatore who prey on young children and they could not give a damn how many excuses you think you have up your sleeve.Some predators go so far as sticking alcohol,condems even sex toys some will go as far as video taping the whole experience and then drive home to there family who has 2 or 3 kids and act like he just went to a night of a baseball or football or something that has to do with work.And all they have to say is this gal lied or this lady chose me and wanted me and told me to bring all these items I've got listed and at the end they all are just excuses that he never will admit to cause he isn't a person that has any sense.We or some of us may eventually read the newspaper or watch the news or go onto youtube where people will upload the most discusting thing on there or a dad uploading porn so there child will see it and think they won't hate it and all they got to say to themselves is it's entertainment.But to me it's an excuse cause if you happen to be married or have kids you suppose to be loyal to the family if you can't be then why the Hell marry the lady or have children.It's always easy for adults to make up an excuse and get away with but as the G/f or the wife she has other things up her sleves that's why there are court shows on tv always making the guy or gal pay for there stupidity.Even though they think that they have the perfect answers it's great to know someone who has all the answers but when it comes down to paying for child support sticking with the wife and kids t's a different ballgame.Or when it comes to illegal activity we don't ever think that our children will be caught up in the mess but they do suffer to.One day your excuses are gonna lead you on some courtroom some tv show where the children are wanting answers to why this and that had to happen,and all they here is the excuses the it just happen speeches,or that there dad was adead beat which at the time wasn't at all cause the sex was good the money was rolling in and the do what I'd say do always has it's turns ons,but as soon as mom popped us out and we begin to grow up moving from one place to anoher from one street corner to the next,from watching our mom sell herself to make a quick 20 dollars never at one time thought about filling out applications or finding someone that will help in the process of being able to support the kids and then make sure she keeps her damn legs closed long enough for the children she does have to be grown up.Excuses doesn't pay for things but jobs do getting dead beat dads to do the same.If they can't work or they never worked then my guess is be more careful as to who you date or have sex with for you never know when they might just be the father.In the chatrooms they always find a way to where they can dish out porn or talk about sex or about drugs or about hooking up or finding a date but very rarley do they ever just discuss on noraml family or things they enjoyed doing cause for them they think those are not exciting not fun not entertaning.And by sticking an age in front of a webcam or on an homepage is gonna keep children out.If your excuse is it's not my fault well it is if you choose to invite someone and you just happen to take ther wood without checking it out then your time to be caught will be soon.If you want webcam shows or sites that have to do with Porn find just don't add it to the chatline for some people don't have the sense to read they just clikc on anything that sounds juicy with no sense at all.Here another excuse that seems to be a hot tpoic and that's taking revenge on someone as away of handling there anger or there emotions.the simple most direct thing to do is just like on the net either ignored the person or go find someone and make sure you have the story straight and tell them about it.But trying to take revenge or killing them isn't gonna to solve anything all it will do is one person will have an excuse well,they started it or well,I'd got made and had enough so I'd took care of it.At the same time never once thought as a young women or man go and talked to someone about it and see if that will solved the problem.Don't make an excuse by saying I'd just need to get this jerk back and by doing so your time you serving may wreck your whole career you have set out to do.Heres another story about a Mother not getting the right precautions and file for a divorce instead the father goes and takes the children winds up killing one of them and fled the area lucky enough they caught up to one miles away and the excuses she probably had was well,he only was violent some of the time.He only got mad once and a while I'd say if you beat a woman one time that's it if you have to make an excuse and you wind up getting back together then your a sucker and something happens you can only blame yourself.Just cause this so and so doesn't have a record doesn't mean hat he won't start one either.If you ever see anything suspicious rather it be an harassing person on line or rather it be a father downloading porn or a child or a teen caught doing sexual material over the net you as a parent must never stand for it and never ever take any excuses take action instead for those things have no business doing on the net.You don't have to be a man or a older woman to go to jail children as young as 14 have known to go to jail for some time.But you as an parent must inforced the rules and to know exactly what they are doing.Know what pictures are being presented on the net for show and tell.Know what messages she is sharing over the net,what people has the most influences on.Dating should remained in sense that you know the person and tell them what you will do if anything gets out of hands and there won't ever be any excuses.For those things that i've mentioned are followered then the internet chatrooms should be more fun more exciting but instead they are all or most are filled with webcam shows, porn, teens willing as young adults to showing more skin then some would like.And the magical excuse in the book is I'd won't get caught for they are all honest on here which isn't even true about 50% of the teens that surf the chatrooms and myspace and other areas on line do what the Hell they want speak how they want show off what they choose and don't even have the courtsey to think that there is someone's son or daughter hat see all what they do and later on when that time comes they just like to give one excuse after another hoping that one they haven't heard of before.Before long they are out found on the streets pimping at age 13 running away at 12 or younger cause they like to be free they liked to be the big boss they like there friends cause they can get them into things.They enjoy stripping on line showing off there hot body not knowing that someone on the other end has now been caught pimping out you that is under age and they wind up serving 30 for your stupidty.And guess where they learned it at they learned it from there parents for when they was young they saw what there older sister or brother or dad do and cause they were to young they never once could yell stop it dad become a father not a friend.Become strict not lay back Mom throw the baster out he's abusing you can't you see well,nah he only does it and he gets help and comes right back on the front steps with roses and a sorry excuse that works everytime untill the next beating comes around and soon it gets to be the child who gets abused,by the end of his child life he learned that it's ok to abuse women it's ok to sell myself for money it's ok to give people excuses cause that's all I'd learned.It's ok to jerk off on line to show my breasts to have sex with older guys for that's what my parents taught me.Today becmes to soon for some wished that clocks can be turned back where the excuses aren't being noticable aren't having an effect on anyone just not the case at all.Everything you do on line has it's consenquences rather you admit it or not.Rather you want to give an excuse as to why yu did it or didn't do it doesn't matter.Only thing hat should matter is changed your way of doing things live right understand that if you do those things someone might be getting hurt might be thinking it's ok to do but we know it's not but we as a free country don't want to take the time to change laws make chatting safer.Make webcams illegal to use for it sends a bad message.Or make it to where only certain ages are required to surf the chatrroms.Or make laws that help people in knowing if they get caught the only excuse there ever have is gosh darn it I'd shouldn't talked to this gal or meet this under age girl.If your mind said do it then my guess is you need a brain transport and maybe boot camp to go with it go serve in this war and maybe by the tme a year or 2 goes by if you make it you come back a changed person.Or if you get into an sistuation where you think you might have a child make for sure you will charged this guy for the sex he did for it takes two for a child.If he isn't a responsible person then my choice for you is find someone who will and tell him to take a hike back to his house.If having porn or trying to find sex partners are more important then your current wife or kids or g/f's then my guess is don't do anything on line that will jepordizes the relationship and that children thy do become nosey and eventually they will catch on to what you doing and you can't use the excuse that your being to judgemental for it's the truth.Your Mom or dad shouldn't never have to put up with lying or excuses bu rather just speak the truth even if it hurts to tell for in the long run it could save alot of people.If you be honest with peple on line it also helps a long ways.By doing so your taking responsibility and letting this person know that you are older then they are.and that to warn them ahead of time before you tried to send them a website if you don't do those things then you could be charge for doing something on line and think that your excuse will free you but instead it will just add more to your sentence.If children won't listen fine so they don't listen but don't be the idiot and meet them even if they are mature for there age.Even if they can skip school or meet at the mall without anyone suspecting it.For some people will butt in even if they ain't a part of the family experience.Here's a mother coming to an Hotel with her two kids to go meet some guy whom she hadn't of known very long from off the net and come to find out she had sex toys with her she even wanted her 6 year old girl to perform sex acts on his man that probably was in his 30's or 40's and no care in the world but seconds later had got caught by police and in this jaihouse they sat and excuses after excuse poured out of this women from I'd wasn't thinking,to I'm lonely to needing a replacement father not one time ever caring a damn about her kids about the Hell she was putting them through for that never crossed her mind.When the computer was foud pics and pics of him doing nasty stuff on line her ordering all kinds of how to make love how to have sex like an 7 year old gonna say stop mom this is wrong what are you doing nothing whatsoever has ever crossed anyone's mind that it could be done.Here we are sitting in this chatrrom doing the same thing and ripping off our clothes thinking nothing of it until a child gets rapped or gets molested.Or is kidnaped and came to find out it was someone surfing the net just as you do day in and day out no excuse in the world but when the modd strikes you eventually find one.Teenagers as well,as young children should learn that understanding rules and guidelines are here to protect you and throw the mean and abusive people away and by making excuses to either stay or to have casual sex with a teacher or anyone else you might decide to love outside your age is well,insane.Excuses doesn't fix the problems that exist either on line or at school or between boy friend and g/f relations it's just makes the policemen or laws come less determined to work.The only excuses anyone should ever have is one that says I'd wished I'd had open my eyes much sooner I'd wished I'd had decided to chose to use the interne properly instead of being locked up in a cell,or pregnant by a man 4 years older then me that ain't gonna be there to help raise this child instead he is just making up excuses as to what he thinks the ideal problem is,but never gets around to saying I'd need to take responsibility for a child I'd have with some girl all I'd cared about was sex and having a romantic time in bed with her.The important issue now is take charge take action don't make excuses for your unborn child for when it comes around to talking to you it's not gonna say why Mom why did you do the things you do and by God you better have an explanation for what you say or did for a child isn't gonna like excuses no matter what.Predators on line make excuses to they always say what they think a child a teen girl an sexy young kid that doesn't know any more abou a relationship then a adult who drifts off to the other side of the tracks with some young girl 20 years younger then him and the excuse he has is he couldn't help himself.That to me is the Dumbest excuse I've ever had my 4 year old would say something like that but a man who is over the age of 21 should know about life about laws about what's right and what's clearly wrong.But I'd guess some people have to go back to the basics of life and learn the cycle of life starting as a child and grow up all over again and maybe by he time he hits 40 it might sink in at least I'd hope it does and he learns Mistakes are made great but a better way of saying is they understood how the mistake was made and they fight to make there life better by not going back but foreward in life.Teens who think the world is all about sex drugs an war and play isn't ready to leave the nest.For the world offers a whole lot more then that and it may take years for some to realize that some may even have to be jailed fo 10 years for the many many things they done wrong but my friend if those things you've done wrong is an result of mistakes or excuses you had to why you did it then I'd guess you should of stayed home,home is where the parents can keep you safe can teach yo how to do the many things hat normal people do.Home is where if you make an mistake it' not punsihable by law just by having less o do for yourself for your Mom and Dad decided you need to take a second look at yourself again.Finally when you reach an point where the excuses and the mistakes become less visable and you begain to realize a little bit about life and what you need to do to keep moving foreward then you surly did learn alot learn that is alwasy a good thing,In this life learning should never end it should bean consent day after day process.And if a mistake happens fix it don' make excuses choose to think what's right and do that even if it might hurt that other person for your life is in your hands every time you chose to click on an chatline or lay down in bed with someone or choose to date strangers even older then you experience or no experience chemistry or no chemistry do the right thing for at the end it will pay off and that other person may eventually come to realized that they have alot of growning up and one part of growing up is never have an excuse to not be in a childs life or not to have an excuses as to why you want to meet an child or make an excuse to want to meet this guy off the line knowing that his past history with the law doesn't influence you to take a second look,for if you don't mistakes are certainly going to be made.Teens who think that being in an abusive relationshipis only a short time before he changes and if you honestly believe tha you haven't learned about life yet for at the end when you want to get out you won't be the same girl your parents brought home from the hosiptal for there be broken body parts abusive scars that reminds eveyrone that people who choose to get invole with those people certainly do have tons of an excuses as to why they have to stay and at the end when you undo everything in an list you soon realized that it wasn't wrong for her all that stuff jus to make one person happy and to think that child or 2 you brought into the wrold isn't gonna see what goes on for eventually they will think that the only thing a man is good for is beating up and emotional abuse is a good thing and you in your heart know that it isn't and no excuse on this planet should ever be said except to say I'd want you and I'm not going to go back I'd can do better for my parents taught me love and taught me what a family really is and hope that you righ now are believing the same thing no matter what the sistuation might be.And just maybe one day your teenage daughter who goes on line will think will realized the many many greatful things there all to this wold and it's many many things to keep our children safe on line even if it means changing he way we speak on line the way we use the term I'd need to meet you but rather say I'll meet you when I'd feel the time is right,not when they see fit for that's my friend is mature.A teen says I've decided to be safe on line to choose to think and not react to everything I'd see fit and to not make excuses for the same things others tend to do and still do to this day for when a child a teenager decides to live that kind of life you then know that her past is ready to be closed and shut like an closed book and she choose to move on and do something good do something that with great ambition knowing that what they did helped thousands of people and even made laws tougher for people who just happen to like making excuses pay for those and know that they aren't going to be put out there in this world to make anymore.Not saying that eveyrone is gonna be able to changed the world or going to influence someone to changed there lifestyle on line or to stop having sex with young girls but just 1 person can hope to be able to speak out be able to say We are tired of law abidng citizens break the laws we are tired of teens getting abused and no one doing anything about it we are tired of adults coming on line manipulating children into thinking it's ok to engage in sex or it's ok to meet this person jus cause he sounds friendly or he puts on an good act when the rule of thumb is that those type of people who engaged in those things aren't really wanting to be friends they just want to filled there mind with sexual fantasies and thoughts of what they think this child or girl wants but not every woman is like that and we need to express that to people on line tell them that's not us tell them that we don't approve of those type of conversations either we want to live our life wihout that and I'd believed somewhere on line there has got to be truth to that.Some of us are tried of teenagers chosing to go after drug after crimminal activity hoping to gain an police folder and not ever owning up to any of it but rather just make excuses for those many many things.Some teenagers as well,as parents are tired of wishing that there daughter or son won't make bad choices about going and being with this guy or meeting people off line who may or may not be the perfect soul mate or the perfect guy to just date or maybe the person whom that plans to just step in and be the childs role moldel which in turns winds up doing alot more to her then she ever could imagine,all of those things can be changed can be looked at as mistakes we made by allowing this so and so to team up but here's the the thing all it takes is one mistake one excuse that guy will make even a lie or to and if you aren't bright enough aren't intelligant enough to back off to find out about certain things then the parents as well,as brothers and sisters will be waiting by the door hoping you won't come home with an excuse after excuse as to why this thing you did had to be done.Cause that's what teenagers do they love to make excuses and never get to the point about what does eveyrone else feel about what I'd did.The I'd don't care atitude doesn't fly with me all it does is makes you think that people don't care but in fact they do care they like everyone else is tired of your excuses they tired of trying to teach you the rules of the world which in fact you just think is a game of hit and miss a game where yu think your in control and which in fact your not an predator has more charge over you then your mom des an abusive man has more power over you then you just shouting out swear words,and if that doesn't get you to shape up to tried not to talk about excuses then nothing will and everyone who tried should stop trying for at the end they won't be on that other side waiting for you to come home for you made your bed now you must lye in it those are he cold hard facts.Teenagers as well,as young women think having private conversations or having sex will make there life better will make themselves feel more important that they can fit in which to tell you it doesn't it creats alot of excuses that are passed on by there current b/f or the ex's that came and gone that wind up on a talk show confessing that they think your a whore and not them.Them telling everyone they don't want to pay that they don't want a job but sure in God's name they love sex love drugs love to get with girls and make out all is fine and dandy until one day the mistake is made and the ownership becomes a bearing on you and that the fun and exciting life you wished you had is long gone instead at home changing diappers listening to the child yell at 2am and so forth a life that starts at 14 or 15 or 16 and continues until that child reaches 18,but most never see that some instead get away from that they only like the sex part but not the responsibility part,some only like to have fun but not ever be serious with anyone.Some enjoy making excuses as to why he can't do this or that but is the first person to spread rumors or gossip around about the kind of girl you are at school on the bus some even go so much in trying to break up a family that your a part of.I'd thought by age 16 we are done teaching right and wrong and about not allowing anyone to step away from a task or work that needs to be done or was taught about love but I'd guess none of that matters at age 16 cause us as a man as a gentlemen can't even say hat instead they like to talk hate like to talk about whose fault or who didn't get his and that but never once sat down and wonder how does the other person feel what has she got to add to this.All of those things should be discuss over a period of ime before a relationship is formed.If it isn't then mistakes as well,as excuses will be done and the parents won't be able to do anything for they be the ones to say No I'd don't think so but of course at age 16 a teen says no to just about anyhting never realizing the sistuation she's about to face.Sometimes sitting down and thinking why does this mom or dad want me to step away just trying to answer that question my friend will be a huge step in your life and one that will hopefully come with thanks and graditude and not revenge or stay out remarks.By achieving a higher calling as such as a learning experience with each and everything you do will bring an end to a childhood once lived at home to a teenager or an young adult who goes out and do the right thing at school at work on the bus even during the chatlines as well,as being invole sexual and that if you make a mistake with something correct it don't make excuses for what you done fix it and tried to make sure you don't repeat what you done,for progress is needed to make that next level.If you that person who likes excuses or likes to be in control tred not to be in control try compromising between the two people,if your on line and love to do certain things online be curtious of people and let them know out front who you are and what you like to do and by doing that hopefully will send a strong singal back to you to say is this the type of person iI like or do I want to find someone a little bit better.If you a person that makes a mistake esy then anytime you tend to do something odd or something ambitious then asked around and see if you could do it and have fun but make sure this guy isn't gonna screw with you and that way your mistakes then become less and less after a while always asking for help makes you feel more like a woman or a man but not asking for help makes you like some child at age 5 asking there mommy if they could please go to the bathroom or get a cookie off the shelf if you want to pass on and become older then ask when something doesn't seem right it's awesome trust me don't knock it .If you this kind of person who like young girls like young kids then the best advice to do is to go and get help for your craving by speaking to someone but helping yourself to innocent kids or teens that sometimes don't make good choices isn't so good for most people and some that don't are gonna be watching out for creeps like you and someone may one day make it a law just to come and track you down and make you serve 120 years and no chance of getting out.No excuses to why you can't change helps always there reguardless on how dumb or how stupid it is if you don't go and you harm a child your not serving the internet chatline any pleasure instead making it more scary then it has to and you do that then I'd promise you people who read this will do the right thing find you make sure you do time time that won't ever be excused you will serve what you need to and may you be dead in a year or 2 or maybe lived to be 100 the same result is being that you won't have any excuses to give anyone for the real Judge won't buy it he won't listen he hasn't got time for that he's busy with thousands of others who want the help who are looking to make a difference.Whose also is making sure that every child every person young and old alike have the freedom of chatting to be a great thing and to be free to meet to chat to hook up without you and anyone else out there chosing to do wrong and not expect that person to do nothing for they are mature and they aren't idiots.Then the moment came when everyone decides that life's worth living and that change and help is a connecting and that thinking rather then complaining can be done,being resposible rathr then making an excuses as to why this had to happen take a real effect then my friend we have climbed out of the hole and reached a new height reach a new level one that each and eveyrone of us should be proud of and hoped that this lesson of life that was presented here today will go with you for eternity and never ever looked back at the pass but keep pressing foreward.
Please be seated class and turn to the book of Revelations chapter 20 verse 12,And I Saw the dead great and small ,standing before the throne,and books were opened,which is the Book Of Life.The Dead was judge according to what they had done as recorded in the Book of on to verse 15 it reads this if anyone's name was not found written in the book of life he was thrown into the lake of fire.Today we have a classrom of about 200 people from all ages,walks of life as well,as history with some of the students as with others not so well.The people and infrmation gather here today aren't real but in a sense the life of unexpected events could very well,hit home today for alot of you that use the internet as a way of life.As a way of not being bored at home.Alot of you like satatics cause it shows things at a much larger view.This chapter is hoping to be a real eye opening tear jerking experience some might even be terrified at the end of this chapter and hoped that you are maybe today might give you a different approach of life and to know that the book of Life is for real and each and everyone that is sitting today isn't gonna be face with the same kind of judgement.50 out of the 200 of you sitting right there today may have had the worse parents may even had several of families and you feel that by choisng to walk in sin won't lead a crimminal history behind.Some of the 50 today that sits here happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time gun down by some black guy who is out to make his ex pay or maybe he's out to cause pain to someone the same way his father did him or others done him.Maybe there is no explaination he just shoots you and then kills himself.Maybe the 50 of you will go home today and your b/f will be raising hell like he alwasy does and goes after you and makes your face black and blue and you never have the guts to put an end to it cause somehow deep inside you think he could changed be different be that man who won't come home and blow his whole family away or burn them alive cause his rage can't be controled.Maybe the 50 of you find yourself out on the street corner pan handling just to get that high for the day or getting a dollar just to go to the downtown mission so you and your child could eat a meal that only comes once a day if your lucky.Maybe some of you dropped out of school can't face your parents afraid of what they might say,maybe out of that small portioned you find yourself exceeding well,in school about to go to college when all of a sudden you get some terrible news some bullied at school got tired of the shit the hatred the remarks he gets cause of how he dressed how he talked or how he did this and that after school,so he decided to get back and killed eveyrone even if they weren't involed for that's the only life he knew which was Son you don't have to take it fight back don't feel like you can't do nothing so he does just that what his father told him to do.Before you know it your sitting in a courtroom trying to figured out what can I say in this trial that would suit the crime and the punishment for me I'd just sat and laugh sat and watch everything unfold.Me I'd just didn' care about him I'd was busy with friends with work with being with more popular teachers,I was high on crack high on heroin and whatever else I'd could sale at home to satasified my life.Now the time had came and I've only have to do what these parents are asking and that is to send him to prison for life even though he is only just 16 now becomes an adult quicker then he thought with no chance of ever seeing daylight.To think that's just the begining for some while the other 150 of you be surfing on line may even come across pornography which early you wouldn't even think of doing such a thing,some of you will get hooked onto a guy who will act like the best thing that ever happen to you in your life that someone who loves you who will do whatever you asked.Who may even take time away from his busy day to say I love you and then try to ask to meet and what you know he sounds he looks all what he claims and so you do just that not knowing what Hell was gnna be like until he shows up.Some of you of the 150 people will run acroos a dead beat b/f who thinks having sex creats an life we can live with until the baby comes into the picture and he's on the first greyhound out of town living free and happy life cause to him he doesn't want the responibility he just likes the excitment only.Maybe some of you will get on line and find that these women as young as 15 or 16 taking everything off just to impress this guy who loves eveyr bit of it.So you the innocent one decided to go and do that what's the harm what's the crime,Until one day your child that now is 3 decides to watch you do everything yu do on line and before you know it she's in her room reacting what you did and you as a mother couldn't even get up for a sec to say what the Hell am I doing 'm suppose to be raising this kid cause your low life no good father left you when you was 3.But of course none of that ever comes to life.Then soon the money begins to get hard so you out selling things that people bought you just to keep your excitement up not thinking once about the baby until a knock at the door comes and the baby becomes someone else's responsibility,maybe you wake up and maybe you be dead before you turn 40.Maybe the father will help out or write or cal or maybe you find him at the bar flirting at several of women having a good time.Maybe you find him hung over with a bulit threw his back just cause this guy wanted his money and he didn't deivered it.And you out all by yourself untl you decide to go back with the creep and try to make another go at it but this time he gets even madder at you and the arguments got even worse especially after he found out what happens,so he figurds on giving you this ultamatium one that results in an life that ended so suddenly.But you as the person of all Knowledge knew what he was liked but didn't care of what people thought cause love was alwasy found at the right moment of time.But I'm here to tell you that sins like the ones I'm gonna share wiht you today aren't gonna be ones that should be forgiven.In fact some of them result in crimminal behaviour and if your to dense to imature to see what's going on then you need to hear this out and maybe you might learn something by the time it's all through.There are 3 rules that Men love to have here they are 1.Control 2.having the puzzle complete 3.Freedom from Rules.In the chatrooms Guys figured they can easily control women cause they think that makes them a man makes them act like women or Girls are a piece of property that can be required just by signing over everything he ever asked hem to do.Control isn't a good thing cause it gives women as well,as young teens no chance of fighting back caue love and the attention coms right in the middle and if they give that up they be always worried that he come back and do something crimminal.So thy stick it out as long as they can.Some Men or guys believe that the internet chatrooms are a great place to get to know people especially women hot chicks who wll say anything to a guy without ever thinking twice.Who will shout out a phone number or address of a location just cause for the moment he said all the right things and before you know it the information he was looking for is finally finsihed the puzzle is complete now he can come whne you least expect it and find out if you telling the truth.Find out if your the jealous type or if you allow him to do what he pleases.Find out if you have a bad temple or not or if you care if drugs or babies are brought into this world and knowing that he won't support your addiction just his.That he won't be your wife just your abuser,he won't be your family man just a man who will be gone in a sec once the blaming or the authority switch is turned on.Women or Teens shouldn't ever allow a man or guy or b/f or husband take advantage of shouldn't give him what he wants just cause he asks a question you find thrilling and just can't wait until he fnds something more personal then the one before.You should choose what you say and what he should know.Saying No ignoring or blocking isn't a bad thing to do.That's the only smart thing to ever do.Being called a chicken or no chicken it shouldn't be his pleasure it should be yours knowing you are living your life right.While on the other hand he's commiting sins and making an crimminal record down at the police headquarters.Information is always nice to give to people who are strangers who don't know you but keep this in mind the information you give should only tell a part of your life that you want to share shouldn't be into personal details ones that wih a smart and intelligant mind could track you down and grab you and do whatever he wants just cause he has the power he has all the experience in killing or molesting or raping young kids.Information should be given only to make a new friend not to make an relationship those are or should be left to your own life outside of the internet.One of the most important thing as a new comer to ever do is to think of these things.1.What am I looking for when I go into this chatroom I've discovered through a friend.once you discovered that and you got it down then 2.Make a list for yourself with this list should be well,thought out ideas just in case if this guy or girl either decides to do something stupid or decides to meet you without your approval,or if yu get to a point where people want you to view this or that.Have some type of knowledge on that paper of people to contact that want to be there for you even if they don't like the internet or what you do all they got to do is make sure your being safe.once you got that written down and hoped you got plenty of the page covered then you can move on to the 3rd one and that is important to which is this Your life on line should not be no different then how you are in life.If you tell people lies act or pretend to be this and that when your not then as far as I'd can do is to tell you your sin isn't a forgiveable in my book,And before long your sins or lies are going to lead to crimminal behavouir.4.Friendship should be the only status you should ever put in to any of your profiles for saying you want a relationship on line isn't one that is gonna to last sure it might sound fun it might sound like an answer to your life,for the life you lived before you met this guy was a complete disater and if that's true your heading for an even bigger one then the one you lived with for 15 or 20 years of your life.Men or young gentlemen isn't a winning prized on line in fact they come into 3 different catagories of relationships.1st.They come with no experience in the mature sense.2.They come with either a life sentence or a death sentence and your either be an victum or you be the co signer for anything he has up his sleves.3.He can come with all sorts of names that people refer him as 1.An predator one that preys on little children who rapes or molested his own daughters.One that might even come saying an sex offender is found in your area grab all your children.But the problem is you already have one child already by another man he won't dare do anything.But do you know that for a certain of course not the relationship you two had wasn't the kind that you had to get background checks or that you talked with previous people and see if his stories are true or false even with all the paper right in front of you you choose to believe someone just out for his money or they just jealous that they are no longer together.The satatics on predators on line are so huge that more then the 50 of you left aren't gonna lived to be 30 years old or live to see your child turn that magical number where he or she could get there gawn and hat and this book saying congradulations for completing highschool.Some of those who choose to follow in your cyber buddy steps find themselves snorkin coke behind an alley while some ex b/f of yours is at home watching your baby cause your out at this new guys home living it up.Some of you like these two people in a minute thought they knew it all though nothing of it,thought they had everything going for them but in turn they didn't have a damn thing except a pair of kids a drunken father that can't even buy a diapper for his baby and a Mother that goes day after day meeting guys off line cause that's the life she fell into at age 20.Her parents threw her out at 16 cause they wern't much older when they had her.Now having to survive isn't easy when people wanna stick there nose into other people business all for no good reason.But in fact they did have a good reason they want that baby to have a life they want this baby to not have to suffer the way you did or her dad did and will continue to do.One day a mother comes into a session and tells her daughter or son that she has an std or aids or worse.The guys who probably totaled about 20 or more never ever wanted to be honest they just figured she will be ok for it's not like a family was ever ment to be started.So we begin a story that takes unexpecting turns and ends up into a court room and a jailed cell and then onto that chair where a life that started out good ends with cimes and abuse and hatred among everything else and 2 others in the middle who now has to choose whats right and what's wrong.Has to come up with answers to tell there children whne they get to an age that they will understand what Mommy or Daddy had to do.Meet Crissy young intelligant had her whole life ahead of her sure trouble was around her she just gotten into highschool and hadn't quite made up her mind what she wanted to do.Her parents just brought her a nice set of wheels to go riding in and maybe that car would carry her to some job to some state where she will lay down and start a family of her own until one day she decided like thousands of others do walked into wal-mart one day and bought herself a computer.One that will only be use for work for gathering information for a book report.Or maybe keeping in touch with her Mom and Dad while she's dealing with the pressure of school and the insurance she has to pay every 6 monthes or so.Then one day in the library sat this gentlemen who was in this chatroom and at first I'd thought how stupid could I be talking with someone over the net in a far off place having not a clue to say to them or what to do once I'd gotten in the chatrrom.As days became weeks soon I'd realized I'm at my apartment on a friday night doing homework while eveyrone else is out having a good time,Having a boyfriend to love to do things with.While that's going on the world with me is standing still not moving very quickly.So after having the net for about an year I'd decided what's the harm I've got a few moments each day to chat with someone.So I ran into that libary hoping to find this person and sure enough there he was and so we begin to discuss how I'd can get all the information I'd need to start an Friend's list have my profile and whatever else I'd chose to do.Within 30 mintues my profile was created ,learning from experience to not give out to much information I'd just put age 18 and that I'd am attending highschool and that my intrests are into music,Movies and a little partying once and a while like who doesn't.So now becomes the intresting part what kind of picture should I take of myself,Awe got an idea let me slip into my nice low cut shirt and some nice blue jean shorts with sparkles on them my mom saw them and she thought hey were hot I'd thought so to.And then the knock at the door come in hey can you get this pic of me I'd wanna put it on the profile I'd made for this chatroom I'm gonna go in and make some new friends maybe find an real mate who I'd can spend the rest of my life with.Ok sure within matter of seconds it clicked and now I'm on the way to having it presented on line hoped my screenname isn't to overdone.Beauty queen and so the chat search now begins.Before long I'd had people im'ng me and asking me what my Age sex location (asl) was and so I'd figure what's the harm so I'd just told them I'm from Utah and that I'm 18 and an feamle and before long the replies comes back kool they actually like that I'm from the mountain time zone.Then another question come up with what are your intrests so I'd went and replied by saying I'm into softball enjoy a little movie or party now and then and that I'd currently attending an universty to hoply one day follow my dad's footsteps and become an architect for he told me if I'd go on to college after finishing highschool along with the universty I'd attend one or 2 classes of that he would have a job waiting for me one that would make him very proud of.So this person messages back by saying wow I'd would love to have that kind of smarts.So I'd reply by asking him what he likes and doesn't like and he says well,I'd love women they seem to alwasy surround me.I'd love to cook I'd do that alot at home my Mom says I'm gonna make a good chef my father thinks I've should go into something for manly like race car driving or maybe try out for the army and if there ever was a war I'd could go and make my country proud of me.But what do you think and so I'd reply be what you think you should be not by what your parents want you to be.With in an hour I'd was hook and soon this guy determined to tell me his name is Matt. Matt from uper Newyork.So as the evening begain to get shorter and shorter I'd told him I'd had to get some sleep so I'd be at class at 8am and I'll be home later on to chat if he wans to.As the moring came and gone and soon I'd was back home in my apartment doing my homework and begin to try to rush it a little so I'd can get that computer on and get to the chatrrom so I'd can talk with this guy Matt who seems like a nice guy and that is all I'd care someone nice that can ease the boring life I'd have here.Within a matter of a few minutes Matt from Uper Newyork comes on line and says hay Chrissy how was your day and with the reply I'd said I'm fine and good to be here with you.As he hears this he decides to bring out the next question.Tell me a little about your life growing up with your family As the message appears on the screen I'd felt that was ok to share nothing wrong with that.So I'd begin to type away by saying that My Mom is a full time day care provider for children who needs to be somewhere while there parents are out getting a job she loves that kind of workand My dad as I'd already had mentioned he works at this highrise doing these amzing drawlings of images and what not and hoping o one day be built to all the codes that needs to be.I'd have two animals a dogie and a pet bird I'd love birds.I'd have no siblings I'd guess my Mom were busy with her work and Dad with his he didn't think he could be responsible with another child.We attend church regulary.What about you Matt,and the reply back is well,I'm not a religious freak though I've heard about God once or twice.I'd guess you can call me a loner .Why a loner?well,Chrissy is cause my Mom and Dad were busy with there lives there busy with the other 2 kids that they had.Do you ever get depressed matt.Well,sometimes I'd do but I'd tried to take each and every day as it comes knowing your hear with me makes my life a little better.Well,thanks matt I'd appreciate you for thinking of me that way.Amd now I've got a question for you what fun things do you do where you live at.So as the typing begun and the message hit send it reads well,Chrissy I'd enjoy Malls,movies and hunting along with watching horor flicks I'd like those types of things among other suff.Here's a question for you Chrissy and so he begins to type.Have you ever imagine coming into this chatroom Chrissy.Nope no at all matt I'd actually bought this computer just to do homework and and get information from different websites for my many mnay book reports I've get from time to time.What's your reason to coming on line.So Matt starts typing well,I'd just wanted o find an romantic woman someone who I'd can chat with and hopefully to get my mind off of the many things at home.Do you have a photo of you Chrissy.Yeah I'd do I've got one in my profile check it out and tell me what you think.And without much time He went and clicks on her profile and there with such delight he replies your one Hot babe.I'd replied while never been called that before your the first.Can I'd see your pic so within secs he pops up this box which says accept or denied so I'd figure it was ok.So I decided to accept and within a few minutes comes this pic of a boy that has a nice pair of pants and a cool blue shirt with a thunder bird with fire all around it.I'd then replied and told matt thanks for the picture,I've got to end our conversation for the evening I'll chat with you tomorrow about the same time or so.As night begins to fall into the early morning just before the sun arose I'd get this phone call here it is about 6:00 am not even morning and wonder who could be calling me at this time in the morning.Hello hey this is your Father when are you gonna come up and see us you haven't been home since you started highschool and that unviersty.I'd will maybe this coming up weekend I'll stay a couple of days been really busy Dad tell,mom love her and gotta go get ready here soon so I'd can get to my classes on time.As the phone hung up I'd climbed back into bad for an hour just to make sure I'd hav pleny of sleep then within secounds I'd was out.As the night slowly turns into daylight I'd got ready for school and by the afternoon I'd came home did all my homework that was required of me,then I'd flipped my computer on and within minutes I'd was back online in the same chatrrom only a day earlier had met this nice guy Matt.Then as a matter of seconds pops up this unidenified screenname.Hey Chrissy as the message I'd typed it back how you know that my name is Chrissy.Cause this is Matt I'd just decided to change my screenname and I'd hoped you like it.Oh with a little giggle I'd replied it's very nice of you to create a name such as this.Have a question Chrissy.What's the question Matt you can asked me anything you want cause you seem like a very nice guy.As he begins to type the message read like this Do you have a Webcam? I'd replied No not at this time I'd don't do you have one Matt? And he replied yes I've got one it's pretty cool to have one wanna see me ? within matter of seconds I'd replied by saying sure what's the harm.As I'd begin to accept his inventation to view his webcam it begin to show him typing away on the computer and some of the many many pictures on the wall just couldn't make out what they are of.So Chrissy what you think of my cam see I'd can wave to you anytime now and your be able to see what I'm doing.As I'd replied I'd told him I'd will go to the store here in a few and buy me a webcam they shouldn't be to much so I'll brb as I'd sent the message off I'd turned and grabbed my keys and off to the store to get this litle simple device.Within an hour I was back home hooking it up and within a matter of 20 minutes I'd was back on he chatline and insant messenger and telling him I'd ready to send you an invitation to view my cam.With an intresting replied Matt said wow you look amazing and such a hotie.then the question being to come what you have planned for this weekend.I'm out to visit my parents they call me this morning asking that I'd come up and spend some time and will return on Monday for school.Do you attend school Matt.And with the reply he stated yeah once and a while I'd though about dropping out just cause I'd feel I'd can do better just by waiting to turn 18 and I'll be out on my own and try to mange it.Hey Matt you don't have to do that you could take my advice and try to stay in school until you get your Diploma.Nah I'd would but I'd liked to have my days free of educating I'd can always work here and there doing odd jobs for people.Well,I'd think that's great but education is something that will only be offered for a short time before you wind up having to pay loads of money just to go back and try to learn it.Chriss as the message reads why worried about weather I'd attend school or if I'd don't ain't like were married or in an relationship can we please changed the subject now.Ok Matt I'd just was trying to help is all.Well,don't help I'm perfectily cable of going to school if I'd chosed to here's a question I'd wanna asked you now.What you feel about Sex.Me well,I'd won't have sex until I'm either in engaged or Married that's what my father wants me to do.They want me to finsihed my educating before going and getting myself in to deep.Yeah but Chrissy what's the harm isn't like you gonna get pregnant on the first try.Still I'd rather not take that chance I'd rather be safe.Then the message replied a short time later,What's the harm we are like 2000 plus miles away and we both have urges to try it I'm sure you haven't never though about sex.Your right Matt I'd have thought about it a time or to but I'd weighed my odds by figureing if I'd did have sex and something happened I'd would have to live with the possibility that school will be out the window and so will the job my father has for me when I'd graduate from the college I'm hoping to attend.Well,what do you think of cyber sex then Chrissy.What's the difference Mat cause I'd don't see one.As the message replied well,cybersex is done on line and while the other is done in real mode and that cybersex won't produce a baby where the other will I'd hoping someday we can meet and give you a child that I'd would raised and make him or her be the best she can or he can.I'd don't think so Matt your there and I'm here in Utah.I'd hardly am home I'd work sometimes to with my father when I'd have a little time to do just that.What area in Utah do you live.Mat I'd can't discuss that right now we only known each other a couple of days and that's all.It sounds like to me Chrissy I've known you for years just the Girl for me to love and care for.Mat how you gonna do that without a job or educating.What I'd say about bringing up educating damn don't you listen Chrissy or do yu have a problem in that area.Sorry Mat geeze don't get mad I'd was just stating something.Can I'd asked a personazl question mat sure go right ahead Chrissy.Have you been romanticly invole with anyone. Yes I'd have but when I'd found out she was two timing me with some other guy I'd told her to get lost and if she tries to come back I'll go to her home and show her what happens when I'd get really mad.So with that she hasn't been around and that's when I'd decided to come on line and find somebody new,you Chrissy sound like the perfect girl for me in every way possible.But one problem Mat.And what's that Chrissy.I'd wouldn't of threaten her cause she could of done something to you and have you locked up.Nah not possible I'd just wanted her to know that I'd wasn't intrested in her anymore Chrissy.Couldn't you just tell her to leave Matt instead of going to extremes.o I'd couldn't cause she will be back and back so I'd figured I'd set the record straight.I've got a question for you Chrissy ad what's that Matt.Can I'd have your number I'd really think we should chat on the phone sometime.I'll think about it matt cause right now there just a few things that sort of rub me in a wrong way.Like what Chrissy,I'd rather not say you might get mad.Oh like my educating practices Damn Chrissy won't you let that go if you don't like it then you can leave and find some other guy off here the internet is full of them.And our easy going ways of sex What's wrong with that Chrissy it's normal for anybody to want to have an sexual relationship with an guy reguardless what goes on in there life.I'd just have my boundaries is all Matt I'd wished not to jeporadized my work or my schooling on a chance that may not work and I'm not sure if we are ment to be together.And with that remark the evening was starting to show I'd told Mat I'd gotten to go and I'll chat with him tomorrow before I'd go and see my wonderful Paqrents.As Id being to shut off the computer and about to go night night I'd begin to wonder I'd wonder what he is gonna asked me tomorrow how much more personal is he gonna get before I'd have so many questions tossed at me from eveyr direction that I'd can't even focus on my work.I'm so glad that my Dad and Mom are glad to see me they been watning to know how school is going and how this and that going and if I'm making new friends.Just then m alarm clock went off and Thursday was here a day just before the drive across town to see my folks and get away from all this computer jazz.As I drove away with my music blasting to the sounds of rock I'd was on my way to the first class of the day.Before long I'd was sitting at the kitchen hall having my lunch thinking about all the strange questions that Matt was talking to me about.Just wondering why he doesn't get off his Ass and go back to school isn't like he has gotten the whole school against him.But to me I'd shouldn't get him mad for I'd already kinda did last night when I'd was talking with him.Then as the bell went off I'd headed out the doors and into my car on my way home to get my apartment cleaned before I'd was off to stay at my house with my own dog and bird whom my father had been taking care of since I'd wasn't alloud to have those pets in my dorm.People say oposite attracts is always common to me not in my family we believe in educating and then a good paying Job and then a very long engagement before the marriage and sex comes into play.I'd guess is cause I'd was brought up an a home where when my Father speaks I'd listen I'd don't ever give him lip for he put me in my place for sure.As I'd turned into this little parking space one that I've had since I'd started going to school here I'd turned off the engine and closed the door and begin to walk towards the dorm.Within minutes I'd was opening my door back to the computer where it was the day before.As I turned on the computer I'd was over getting my suitecase packed and making sure everything I'd had was ready for in the morning for I'd wasn't to returned until Sunday evening just before school was to begin again on Monday.As the hour came around I'd had finally gotten everything ready and now I'd can get onto the chatline and tell my friend Matt that I'm ready to chat.Just as the chatline begin to fill up with all sort of lines and lines of words aiming at this individual and that individual there among all of that there was Mat talking with other people on line.So I'd figured I'll im him this time and see if he would respond the first ime I'd sent him an message.Hey how are you this fine afternoon.I'm good I'd hought you was going to your parents house for the weekend.Oh that's friday not thursday I'll be here all night.Just as I'd said that he smiled and continued to type and out of no where he poped up the messenger with an link a link to some site that had no information about what's on it or not on it.Without much hesitation I'd figured if it's from Matt I'd should accept it just cause I've known him 4 days straight now and he has been honest with me so far.So just as the page was about to load it said this Finding single men and Women for dating purposes just register your name and password it's free.Just then I'd had to reply and asked Matt why he sent that to me for.Amd sure enough Matt replies I've sent that to you cause I'd think you would benefit from it.Why would I benefit from it Matt I'm not into dating anyone or meeting someone off line at this present time.But I'd do think you should it's the best thing that could ever possible happen especially since I'd met a person on here and she was so awesome but after a while it fell apart but at first we hit it off did everything together.To be honest with you Matt I'm not that kind of Girl I'd didn't come on here for a relationship I'd just came on here for friends.All you think we are Chrissy is friends that's crazy I'd feel we should be more then friends that we should meet and see where our love takes us.Matt? did you hear anything I'd said I'd just want friends.Honey friends are so lame they don't bring the same satasfaction as a lover would Or someone who could possibly be the marrying kind that I'd could have a baby with.Well,Mat what I'd believe you found the wrong person we don't have that chemstry in fact I'm not sure if meeting you would changed the way I'd feel.Oh but Chrissy I'd believe you would say different if you just meet me and then make that call.I've seen your picture and you on cam what more do I'd need to do matt.Well,that's nothing I've got the real thing all the other people on here are just losers.And how would you know that Matt Just I'd do Crissy I've talked to some and they aren't nearly as sexy as hot as you are.And I'd love a challenge.So what you think now Chrissy.Honestly Matt I'm not sure I'd haven't given it much thought to meeting we've only known each other just 4 days you had given your number to me just had not the time or the urge to call you besides your on here just about everyday anyways.What are you trying to say Chrissy that you don't want to chat with me don't want to ask me questions what.I'd didn't say that at all Matt all I'm saying is I'd need more time to make that determination.But you have to give me that time you have to allow me to tell you that I'd do love you and if you can't wait for me then find someone else who will grant you your wishes an a second.Unlike me it's gonna take a while.With that being said Matt replied back and said listen Chrissy I'd love you for sure I'd knew it the day I'd im you.Maybe you don't but take all the time you need I'm sure it isn't a crime to asked you about meeting about saying I love you about asking to move our friendship up to a different level.Your right Matt it isn't a crime but in my eyes you don't have the right to make a decision on something I've not even had a chance to think about or to asked my parents which probably will flipped out and I'll never hear the end of it.Chrissy what you think I am I'm not a killer not a predator all I am is just wanting someone to love me to care about me unlike my parents who spend every damn minute out raising my brother and there daughter whom gets everything served on a platter.But me Chrissy not so much me just a loner just a no good person school sucked as you probably know I'd dropped ou cause I'd got tired of people telling me what I'd can do or not do.I'd was told to leave for if I'd showed up on this property again they would arrest me.Matt I'd realized you have trouble with your family and I'd truly sorry that you aren't able to express your feelings to people but Matt being in love with me meeting me isn't gonna make your life better it's just gonna carry that problem over here in Utah.It's good you not a bad person but right now I've got to make that determination you can't tell me that I'd should trust you just cause you said you aren't any of those things.But Chrissy you can and should I'd won't ever be with another woman I'd only want to be with you and have a child and get away from my parents which wouldn't be invited to our wedding.Matt have you gone crazy or something I'm not going to marry you.No but maybe someday I'd will.Matt I'd have never said we will meet only thinking about let's changed the subject cause I'd can't go over this with you for the simple fact is it's only been 4 days not like enternity like you think i's been.True and with that he started to type and here pops up another question.Have you ever thought about having Men in your room alone Chrissy.What kind of question is that Matt.It's just a question is all.Well,No I'd haven't if I'd had my Dad would come in there and probably picked him up by his shoulders and throw him out of the house and then show him this gun and told him if he ever come back this bullit will be so far up his ass he wouldn't think about taking a crap for about a day or two or sitting down.Sounds like Chrissy your dad is a abuser a mean old person.No Matt he's not he is just strick with rules and I'm glad he has taught me right and wrong.What about you Matt how are you with rules have you had a woman in your room.Yeah of course my Mom and dad says as long as we don't have sex or sleep together in bed hey don't see a problem with that and I'd thank God that they aren't as harsh as like your Dad is.I've followered rules unless I'd feel they are trying to step over me then I'll put my twoo cents in.I'd see that's quite intresting Matt for me It seems like you more lay back then I am and to me I wouldn't feel comfortable if we were in the same bedroom let alone in the same state.Chrissy I'd wouldn't pressure you into anything you didn't want to do I'd learned that from my last Girlfriend.Really you had if that's true why would you want to meet me even though I'd had differnt tastes then you do.Simple Chrissy I'd believe you are better then my old Girlfriend she was a lousy kisser and wasn't good at romance or in the bed all she wanted to do was tell me what I'd should do or shouldn't do and I'd felt as though she was a bit demanding and I'd like someone a little less of that.You mean someone who would have sex and could care what happens.Well,sorta of Chrissy but I'm not asking for that now just asking to move up to the next level to see how you would like it.What level is that Matt what's to be expected at that point of the relationship as you would call it.1.That we do meet just for a drink or hamburger or just settle on a night at the movies.And that we talked about coming to New York to see me and see what you think take you all kinds of places.Matt your an idiot you know now for 4 days I've got school and work and how the Hell you think I'd could just take off a couple of days and where in God's name would I'd have the money to buy tickets to see New York.You could borrowed it from your Dad Chrissy.Are you out of your mind Matt my dad would never pay for a trip like that instead he would give me about a 3 hour lecture telling me how dumb that is then he would find you and not sure how your visit would go.I've gotta go Matt I'll talked to you on Monday it's getting late and I'd have school to do unlike you who doesn't care for educatiog.Just then an message appeared.What if I'd go back to school would you meet me and have sex.No mat I'd wouldn't I'd would be happy you would want to start back at school.Bye now as the computer was begining to shut down my heart pounding like a 1000 beats per second.But now I'd can't be worried about him he's in New York nah he won't ever think of visitng me not with what I'd given him.As the night begain to go on and soon I'd fell asleep no worrying about a bad dream or about something wrose happening o me just that I'd was happy to be going home for a couple of days.As the sun begin to filter through the clouds on a nice Friday afternoon the alarm going off and myself not wanting to face the day I'd rehit the snoozed button to ge a glimpse ofa nice warm bed and a little shut eye before I'd end up with alot of traffic.Then the alarm kicked in about 5 minutes later and I'd said ok time to get rolling within 10 minutes I'd was ready to walk out the door and on my way to school before the big weekend which my Dad never had anything in mind but I'm sure he does.Attention class Mid terms are slowly approaching and for some you may want to spend a little less time messing around and get busy on working for if you failed my class I'm sure you won't be happy seeing me again and if you do I'll make sure your grade B would be the hardest grade ever to get.I'll be giving you a test first thing Monday and those who think you have pass better go back and study for I'm taking this test from a few differnt spots I'm not telling you that's for yo to decide how bad you want that grade.With that in mind have a nice day class dismissed.As I'd was prepared for my next class I'd went to the locker to grabbed some books and out of no where here comes my Dad walking up the Hallway in the middle of the day.Hey Dad what's going on why the visit Oh just thought I'd take you out to lunch today instead of eating school lunch I'd already cleared it with the teachers.What's the ocassion dad oh nothing Chrissy just though I'd start our weekend off right.Can't we wait until my classes are done today.Just then the bell ring oh shoot dad I'm late gotta go talk to you in a bit.Mis Chrissy your late to my class what's the reason,oh my Dad was asking me something .Is it school related no it isn't Scott.Ok well,then sit down and now that you had disturbed this class would you be so kind to get in front of this class and explain problems 1-15 on the blackboard and please show the work to.But I'd got a problem and what problem would that be Chrissy some of this wasn't discussed.Well,if you was here on time then I'd guess you would of heard me when I'd took the 3 minutes to hand out these pieces of paper explaining what to do.So go sit down and pay attention,and tomorrow make sure your on time Scott it's the weekend.And do you think I'd didn't know that are you trying to be smart Ah no sir I'll shut up well,that be aweful nice of you to do so.As the time rolled on I'd was glad that class was over and lunch time was now here and there without a warning was Dad sitting there in this kitchen area saying here you are your ready for lunch.Ok if you assist.I'd do as we got into the car and drove away I'd figured now is the time to tell him.Hey daddy I've got a chance to be talking with this guy from New York on the computer and with much anticipation he slowly looked at me and parked the car.Daddy what's going on what do you mean Chriss you found someone to chat with on line.I'd did he is very nice Man Dad.Chrissy I'd didn't help you purchased this computer for you to chatup a storm to this guy who God knows could be a pervert a pervert By God.Well,daddy he's not that he told me he doesn't do that sort of thing.Chrissy that isn't the point it's against the law to chat in our house and you know that goes for being out of this house.I'm not wasting my money sending you to this highschool and universty just so you can chat have sex and get yourself pregnant by some pervert who could give a damn about you except for getting in your pants.Do you ever think twice of using your brain for once instead of a light switch that you can turn on and off whenever you God well,pleased to do.No well,then I'd guess when you get back home on Monday or this evening I'd should just you take down all the chatline soft wear and stick to your homework.Daddy I'm 18 now and I'd wanna live my life the way I'd want to and not to get you mad I'd know he won't do harm with me I'd trust him.Chrissy that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard you say in the Bible it says Thou should not Lie or sin and you done just that Chrissy if I'd have to come over there myself on Monday your not gonna like it cause I'll through you and your computer out of the dorm and you can just pay your turtion youself do I'd make myself clear.But Dad your not hearing me I'd not to be talked down like that I'd don't care what you have to say Chrissy you don't get to tell me how to run your life I'd do.I'd didn't get to be this architect Chrissy by goofing off by doing things to me that sound a little dangerous.Dad I'd know you mean all well,but some things are just ment to be decided upon myself and that's it nothing else.I'm done talking with you Chriss let's eat and get you back to class.Just keep this in mind if you ever think about meeting this guy I'll be putting his foot up your ass and then take away your support for you disobeying me and I'd ain'joking.I'd will not support your habbitat of going on line doing whatever you pleased.One thing I'd didn' mentioned was the picture among the other things I've been doing I'd can tell his mad enough at me.Just as lunch was ordered and was sitting here waiting to be served.I'd was thinking of Matt in my head how lonely he must felt knowing I'd wasn't going to be home until Sunday.Is everything ok Chrissy I'm sorry I'd came down hard but I'd just want you to be safe there's alot of assholes on line who just want to hurt you and want your sex and your to beautiful and to smart to not have this type of job tha I've got and I'd want you to be able to help me occassionaly I'd can't sweatie unless I'd know your head is screwed on right.But Dad that isn't alwasy true.How you know that Chrissy by God your just 18 and on your last year of school do you want to ruin your chances for an high paying job on a jerk and an predator as well,as an molester and God knows how much crimes he's commited in the time before he met you.I'd just do Dad he's a good person.Well,if you met him Chrissey I'll disown you for sure and I'd won't ever think twice about it.You don't surly mean that Dad I'd do Chrissy somebody has to put there foot down and by God it sure wouldn't be him.Do you get my point do I make myself clear now Chrissy.I'd guessed so.Guessed Chrissy what else is here to know your life should be on work and school not filling your head with Garbage and a bunch of non sense none of which is gonna make you become the best architect in Utah it's gonna amke you figure out what your gonna to say to those parents who are angry that your mishap caused a part ofthe building to not be done right and now people are hurt cause you out doing your own thing.Does your Job pay for that universty or your car insurance which your only paying half of it at the moment.Well,no it doesn't ok then so just keep your nose to the books and tell this Matt guy to leave you alone or else I'll pay him a visit one he wished never happened.He's in New York who cares Chrissy he could be in Europe and I'll still come and find him.Ok I'll tell him on Sunday Night.Do have your word.I suppose I'd can do that.Good then this conversation is over let's take you back to class now.I'll see you at home around 4 or so.Alright will do.As the rest of the day moved on I'll still a little shooked up I'd though he would taken the news alot better then he did but I'd guessed I'd was wrong.As the day rolled on and the final bell rang I'd was ready to be home for a couple of days and hoping that it will go alot smoother then earlier at lunch time.Soon I'd was in the car heading to the freeway about to be about 10 minutes from my home when I'd had an instinct I'd wonder how Moms gonna take the news about the recent decision I'd decided to make.Oh well,so if she does it isn't like she gonna be as harsh as my Dad was.Then my mind was at ease I'd went into my neighbrohood and found that nobody but me was at home,not realizing my Father had cooked up something special just for me.Oh hey eveyrone she's here from school.Hey Chrissy come around the back ok Dad I'd will and Uncle Clark nice to see you.Wow there she is the student and then a colege graduate hoping with honors.Yup I'm hoping to do just that.As the party continued to get on I'd felt as if I'd should announce my newly and current Boy friend or not since my dad ddin't take the news so good.So I'd decdied not to at this time.As evening begin to come to a close and darkenss was settling in I'd figured I'd approach my Mom about what Dad talked about.So I'd did hey Mom please don't get mad I'd found someone to talk to on line he's just a friend that's all.Well,Chrissy as far as I'd can say is this your 18 that's your decision but I'd can say this if you come home with one c on your Mid term I'll personaly get involed and make sure your Father gets on you cause wedidn't pay that kind of money to you to just blow it away on some guy you just happen to like on net whom you have no idea who he is.Ok I'd can agreed to that I'm not sure what my grades are but I'm doing ok with my classes.That's good to hear Chrissy have a good night I'll chat with you tomorrow I'd think Dad and you are planned on going some where fun tomorrow.As the night time fell I'd was glad to be in my nice soft bed I'd had left for when I come home from shool and there sat my dog on my bed and the bird flapping her wings like it's glad I'd came home to feed her and to clean out her cage.Before you know it Saturday rolled in like you haven't seen .Chriss ready to go,hold on Dad I'm taking a shower really quickly ok.Within moments of that being finished I'd went downstairs to get my coat and out the door.Where are we going Dad.Oh I'd though we go into Salt Lake to do something fun.that be nice Dad.As we arrived at the ice rink I'd thought kewl I'd love ice skating.As the day roll on and the music was beaming from the speakers and my Dad out buying snacks and taking pictures of me having a good time I'd still couldn't wait to get home and tell Matt all about my weekend even though my dad gave me instructions on what to do I'd just think he went a tab over board.Ok Chrissy it's time to go now I'm taking you in to look at this project I'm working on now for several of weeks.As we go to this High scrapper he was telling me about what they was wanting to do and that is put an all glassed elevator on the side of the building to where people can get straight to the sidewalk without having to walk in the revolving doors.I'd thought wow that is awesome.It is that Chriss I'm hoping that they will approved me for doing this project and so when you graduate we can take a trip some where nice and enjoy a good time without work and anything else.Hawaii was what I'd was tinking.Oh Daddy your the best cause I'd think I'd would want to do that for spring break but I'd know you aren't gonna allow me time off form that. Your right I'm not Chrissy that's 2 weeks away.I'd Know I'd just thought it would be fun to spend the week away from everyone.Well,my decision is final your not gonna spend anytime away from this school year cause I'd want you to graduate with honors and get a scholarship of some how to a good college in the fall.I'd guess so it would be good to get into some of the colleges back East.Well,if that's what you want I'll be find wih that just as long as you call us, come home as often as you can.As the day was about to end another day was to begin Sunday a day of chruch and all that suff that goes on our church is a big church we have tons of people that go.Have something to wear Chriss for tomorrow yeah Dad I'm fine.Ok as nigh became morning I'd woke up and fed the dog and got things packed as I'd was ready to return back to normal life for the next two weeks.No to know anything that Matt had planned to talk about his week,or to consult me on my account with my Father this pass weekend.Let's go Chriss I'd want a good seat.As the moring begin and church music playing in the car we finally arrived at the church.Good Morning everyone hey Gary and Chrissy and Darlene how are you today oh just fine services are about to begin take a seat will do.Good morning everyone please open your hymn book to page 79 i'll fly away.As soon as the songs were done and the chouir had done there performance the pastor soon took the alter.Good morning,today's message is abou the unforgiveness of our Father.Some say God will forgive everyone who repents.But does he? God doesn't and won't for the fact is that guy or woman has sin a kind of sin hat has continue to eat away at a family for years and all she ever does is come to church and asked God to forgive her but now once told God about the circumstance surrounding the sin.Sin is bad sin shouldn't be stored away and come out of the cubbard anytime you think you need to rebel against your neighbors then come to church and asked for forgiveness and go home and back on Monday again doing the same crime.Forgiveness comes from the heart people not something to be stored on the shelve and watch it build until it over filleds.How much times should we asked for forgiveness in the Bible it says seventy times 7 God is always gonna to do right by you his only child came down and died for each one of you.But the forgiveness I'm talking about is the kind where you know God dispies what you do but you do it anyways he sets road blocks in your life to try to get you to come clean to check your heart out.And Again and Again you choose to go down a path that is nothing but sin nothing but trouble and by doing so God decided you must not be forgiven this time my time is up on you and the good book of life is gonna be open and if your name isn't in it is cause you are a disgrace to God the Father who died on that cross at calvary for you and the paid back is to go and lead a sinful life one that is so wrong that God himself couldn't stop you or wake you up,and then you come here to church on Sundays sit in this pew singing and praising God for living through a week of sin and hatred towards your fellow man.Today before you go home think about turning your sin over to God telling him that he's in charge of your life not that sin or hatred or disobedience none of that is found in this good book of life.God wants his children to grow up knowing that Mommy and Daddy are teaching him and Her the ways of the Bible and that never doubt the works of God don't ever think that you could just go around that block road and hoping they won't be another one for if you do,Jesus will put a limit on your soul and if you exceed that limit he won't no longer welcome you in his house of prayer.Forgiveness is ok to do when you done wrong but change your ways don't just keep pushing it under the rug hoping Jesus won' be able to see what you did but he does as well,as your Mom and Dad and with that in mind I'd thank you for joining me and you all have a blessed afternoon. As church was letting out some how God must of wanted me to hear that message cause he was speaking to me.As I'd was in the car as My Dad and Mom was getting into the car I'd asked hey Dad where we going for lunch.Oh were gonna eat at home gonna cook on the grill it looks like a nice day.I'd liked barbique steaks and hamburgers and stuff he makes them good.After we got home he started the grill and was ready to cook the best going away meal I've had in awhile.As the Dinner or lunch begins to get ready we said our prayers and begin to eat and then I'd asked Dad could you drop me off after lunch I've got some home work back at my dorm that needs to be finsihed.Are you sure you don't want to be going back this evening instead it looks to me you're going back for matt a guy we told you to stay away from and I'd hoped you gonna to and if not then you are gonna create a sin that God will hate to hear you do Chrissy.I'm not gonna to Dad I'd promise no sins or lies.I'd hoped not cause you haven't even got out of church an hour ago.Yeah Dad I'm sure I'd have a test tomorrow.Are you ready for it yeah a little bit that's why I'm gonna go home and study so I'd can pass for sure.Ok well,go get your things I'll take you home now and in a couple of weeks you can come back and visit us again will do so Dad and thanks again Mom for having me here your always welcome Chrissy.As the drive begins to get me closer to home I'd was ready to start my weeks of chatting with Matt hoping that we can remain good friends and I'm hoping I'd can convience him to say that's enough for him to.Ok Chrissy your home sweet home alright see you later I'd gotta get back and be rested for along day of work tomorrow.As I begin to walk up the stairs towards my dorm I'd was so glad my dad forgot about that computer and that he wasn't gonna try to stop me at this moment and time.Just as the door swung open I'd went and grabbed the back of the computer and truned it on and sure enough a few saved messages that I'd needed to read the 1st one was.I'd love you Chrissey I'd hoped we can meet someday.2cd saved messaged Hey Chrissey wondering what your doing today I'd been thinking about you in an romantic kind of way. And now 3rd Saved messageHey Chrissey would you like to join my new webcam page where you can sign up for free and view me anytime day or night.I'd was totaly shocked he would even think of writting such personal remarks and leave it for me to read.Just then an instant message pops up Hello Chrissey this is Matt welcome back home.You had the gull matt to put stuff like that on my computer.What did I do you get back and your on my case.You Matt don't act dumb you know wha i'm talking about those instant saved messages.Oh yeah well,I'd figured a week has gone by and it was time to tell you how I'd feel.What about my Feelings Matt I'm not ready to be that intimate with you quite yet your hot don't get me wrong but isn't that going just a little far.In fact my Dad said I'm not suppose to be talking to you or anyone and that guys are perverts on line.That's just not always true Chrissey I'd wouldn't do anything to you unless you wanted to.Do you think of me in an sexual way Matt answered me.Yes I'd do Chrissey I'd don't see nothing wrong with it.There Is Matt the problem is to me it's sinful until we marry.Ok let's get married this spring and move to New York.Nah I'd don't want you for that kind of relationship I've got work to do here in my own town.Then maybe I'd can move there.If you come here Matt I'm positive my dad will come after you you wouldn't know what happen.Chrissey can't you see he treating you like an 10 year old your an adult.That may be true but like my Dad says if I'd disobey him he won't pay for my schooling and your lazy ass wouldn't either.Mine how you know about my life when have I ever said I'd don't like to work I'm a chef remember .But they don't make much and what it does you have to pay for things.That may all be true Chrissey but I'd have my ways around the system.You mean you have ways of manipulating people don't you Matt.Not really all I'd do is make it to where it will work out for the both of us.Matt you got a sign over your head and your not getting it.I'm not in a relationshipwith with you as of yet all we are is friends nothing more.What about the I love you speech Chrissey that was nice Matt but to me I'd don't feel like it's the time to say I love you to me it's a commitment.Well,let's make it officaal tonight right now that we will become romanticly invole by spring break.I'd gotta go Matt I've got homework to do I'll talk to you tomorrow after class.Why not answered me now Chrissey.Cause I'd just don't want to Matt can we leave it at that.As that second came and pass I'd turned it over to my studies before I'd forget.As a couple hours pass I'd was sure I'd was gonna be ready for that test.And in the back of my mind I'd was hoping tha Matt wasn't gonna leave me anymore of those personal messages.As Night turned into day I'd was ready for the firs class.before I'd knew it the day was over with and I'd feel I'd done an excelent job on my test.I'd didn't have any trouble so far with getting the work done right.Then I turned on the computer and here was Matt not one single message was written which was a good thing.Hello Chrissey glad to of joined you back here once again.Yes it is a good evening so what is on your mind tonight Matt.Well,I'd gave it some thought and I'd really don't think it's much to asked but I'd want to be more then a friend to you can you accept my offer.Well,Matt I'd also think that we haven't spent that much time together but from what I'd can tell you aren't bad just a little demanding at tmes.I Tried not to be I'd just love you Chrissey alot and I'm sure we can have a fun time during spring break.Like what do you have in mind.Well,I'd thought you can come up and see me and do some stuff we have this huge fair up there and six flags we can go to.What is my Dad gonna think of me if I'd choose to say yes.But in my mind I'd don't care the idea of getitng to ride in an huge 747 Jet airplane and going to this huge Theme park such as Six flags and finding ou what this guy is like is a dream come true I'd guess.Ok Matt I'd think that will be ok.So the questions begin coming in.How would you like to shower together is that romantic enough for you Chrissey.No Matt I'd won't and don't even try it either.Do you like to see my Webcam page I'd made,I'd guess and as the link came across the screen I'd didn't even think twice I'd double clicked on it and up went a page.Ok now that your there Chrissey you have to sign in but first sign up and so within minutes I'd was in and before you know it had all these discusting pics of guys having sex with God knows what.Hey matt Give me your name quickly I'd don't like porn.As the site finally came up it showed him in just about every room of his house and now I'd have to asked him Matt,Yes Chrissey why you have cameras all through your house for well,so then that way people can see me and don't have to worry about nothing this site is free and nobody will get you Chrissey as long as your 18 and older.To be honest with you Matt I'm not sure if I'll feel comfortable there with all those cameras,oh don't worry Chrissey I'll truned them off and nobody will be watching you whatsoever I'd promised.Are you sure your telling the truth Matt and not just lying.Nope I'm telling the truth my Father as the witness.Well,we stll have all this week and next week to get through before I'll decide on going to see you.Ok.Hey Chrissey can I'd get your address.Why you want my address for Matt I'm sorry I'd don't want to give it out for it's school campus policy not to allow people like yourself in the dorms I'm not in an coed place it's just for women.What about making me an phoney badge nope can't do that bro.Can I'd get your Dad's address no I'm not even home enough I'm always at school and I'd doubt you want to meet my family cause my dad won't want to meet you I'm sure of it.Maybe I'd do well,Matt trust me you don't want to maybe if he is dead your have a better chance with my Mom she isn't as mean as he is.Don't your parents care who you talked to or asked on line.Nope not at all I've got this on my door at home that reads stay out of room do not enter or thou shall surley die.I'd see what a sign sounds like gothic or something like that.Nah it's just a sign I'd found at this Hot Topic place and so I'd bought it.I'd see haven't ever been there before.What kind of hobies do you like Matt Well,I'd enjoy making some very odd plates of food some people never ever imagine what could it possibly be.I've enjoy playing basketball with a group from the club I'd attend on the weekends.What club is that.Oh it's a Sports Grill and Bar.Do you drink yeah sometimes I'd do Chrissey but I'm very responsible behind the wheel.Do you have any children I'd Do but the ex has gotten them and I'd do't want t see them no more.Do you want kids Chrissey.Well,personally I'm not ready to have any I've got a quite of few years of College to get through.Ok I'd understand say it's getting late here I'd gotta hit the sack I'll chat with you tomorrow alright sounds good Chrissey have a great day at school you have one to Matt bye.All of a sudden it was Tuesday morning one that turned out to be a little bit wet.So I'd decided to grabbed my rain coat and head to class.During the switching of classes I'd was always looking down the hallway wondering if Dad would show up unexpectedly but he never did.Before long a couple rumble of thunder was lightening the sky and I'd was hopeing it would clear up by the evening.Before you knew it I'd was out of school on my way home to talk with Matt yet again.Just as the computer was turning on the phone ring.Hello hey Chrissey it's your dad,yeah Dad what you want well,just wondering if your passed your test that was given to you yesterday,nah I'd won't know till tomorrow the teacher said he had a few things on his mind he was doing.then an little sound came on what was that Chrissey oh nothing just my computer letting me know to update a file alright I'll let you go for now Chrissey.So as I'd hung up the phone I'd hurried over to the computer and see what Matt had sent me and he sent me this question.Chrissey have you large breasts.what you mean Matt?Well,do you I'd like women who have those you know makes you a hooters girl.No I'd not gonna answer you that sounds to personal and not one I'd wished to comment on.Oh chrissey what's the problem isn't like I'd was wanting to rub them or anything.Matt what's going on you sound a little bit different.Not much just feel a little horney is all can't help it.Well,I'd will talk to you tomorrow I'm not a horney person I'm a decent person and this conversation isn't gonna to continue.Chrissey jus hear me out what's so bad about that haven't you ever wonder what guys thought of your chest.No not really I'm proud of my hot body but I'd wished not to exposed it.why have you Matt.Yeah sometimes but when you on line I'd feel like I'd should hold back a little bit.Ok I'd said more then I'd wanted to talk to you tomorrow besides I've got homework more important then Breasts and whatever other sex organ you can think of.As the night went and came the morning sun brought on a new day the week was about half over.Hey Chrissey glad you could join us now your work isn't as great as it once was what's going on I'd gave you a c+ just cause you could of done better could of given me better results.I'm not sure I'd did my best really that's the answer you gonna give me well,I'd hoped you prepared for next Tuesday's test for if you get another C grade your grade for Mid term will drop for sure and I'm sure your parents isn't gonna like it one bit.I'd know but if I'd talked to them they might understand.Do yo study the material yes I'd do study.So I grabbed the paper out of his hand and went to my next class.before you know it I'd ran over and called my Dad on the school pay phone and told him what I'd got.Hey Chrissey what's going on this isn't like you at all.Are you on that Damn internet chatline again it sounds like it you are.Oh no not really.If you lying in my house that's a crime punishable by a visit from me and I'm sure you don't want me to start keeping records of what you do on line.Oh no I'd promised my grade will imporve Dad please don't tell Mom alright it's only a warning I'm not Joking.As day begin to wind down I'd got home and started to spend a few hours more on my books so I'd can pass this tests.As 7pm came about I'd decided to get on line and so I'd did and sure enough Matt was there smiling like a boy who had a little bit to drink.Hey Chrissey would you like to fill out my survey.Well,Matt it depends what kinds of questions are they.Do you liked to skinny dip no I've never tried it and not sure if I'd would want to why you asked.My girlfriend used to and she didn't care about what people saw and didn't see.Have you been raped.No I'd haven't and don't planned to my Father would killed the Basterd.Have you Chrisse thought about having sex with me I'm the kind of man who would use protecion and so it just be for fun.And how should I'd believe you we haven't known each other long enough and besides I'll have to keep to just kissing can you deal with that.I'd might consider it maybe I'm a great kisser.Your not gonna drugged me up are you Matt.Why would I do that to a person a woman that I love very much.What other questions do you have it's time for bed once again.Have you ever masterbated on the bed.No I've haven't and you nah not at all I'd am glad we see eye to eye on that do you play with yorself no your sick basterd.Goodnight Matt I'd can't take anymore of this survey.So I'd click off the monitor and went into my bed and fell asleep.By the time I'd woke up it was already pushing 6:30am I'd had just about 45 minutes until I'd needed to report to class.Good morning class I'd hoped you all are aware that next thursday will be the end for a little over a week worth of Spring break and if you think that when you get back that you can coast to graduation you have another thing coming.So let me here those pins a moving and brains ah thinking.Before we knew it it was lunchtime.Counting my days away in m notebook until I'd see this Matt guy even though he can be a little personal he does listen to what I'd have to say.Then the evening rolled around hey Chrissey how was your thursday it was ok what you want to talk about tonight.I'd want to see what you will do for me on webcam.I' not sure why do you want me to show off well,I'd think your scared.why should I be scared it's just me so I'd figured what's the harm as I'd begin to take off my shirt I'd figured well,now what you think Matt.Oh babe those are real well,duh they are real.Ok I'd gotta quit before my dad suprises me.Come on that'sstupid don't spoiled the fun yet Chrissey.Listen this isn't my syle of chatting I'd know it isn't sometimes you just have to look beyound the rules of your home.Ok what do you want me to do.I'd want you to take your pants off.Um I'd suppose but just to let you knowI'm not gonna strip down no further.Oh wow Chrissey you have pink underpants.Yes I'd do and what's the big deal with you knowing what i'd wear to bed.just cause I am.I'd think I'm getting cold are you done snooping no well,I'm finished and just withn a sec I'd closed my cam off and so I'd rebutton my shirt and felt much bette.Why you did that Chrissey is cause I'd not doing this anymore you have a week to go Matt don't blow it and I'd hoped you don't tried anything stupid cause I'd won't forgive you and that's the truth.Did you know Matt what you and me did tonight goes against everything my Father and I stand for.I'd know but I'd knew he was trying to rule over you, you made the decisions for yourself and you chose to do just that.don't even try to tink for a sec that I'm to blame.You are Matt I'd not a horney person I'm just a college girl who is trying to get through school.Chrissey just admit it you love me in an sexual way and that you would married me when or if you had the chance.No i'd can't admit it.At least give me a chance to call you at work or at school no not a fat chance.Cause I'd need to focus on school and I'd can't dropped or else my Father won't pay any more money and I'll have to take it on to the finsihed.Gotta go now Matt talked to you tomorrow.As the night begin to get dark I'd had dreams of what I've was doing I'd couldn't even get those nasty things out of my brain I'd asked God to forgive me but infact it's not doing a bit of good.God I'd know what you want me to do I'd just can't I'd gotta get through spring break then I'll say something I'd promised.As Friday came in to play there was a nice bake sale going on so I'd thought I'd helped out the bake sale by purchasing a little bit of those chocolate cookies.just then my phone rings an unidentified caller.Hello can I'd help you whose this calling me I'm in the middle of school.This is Matt.Matt how did you get my number oh just a process of guesses.I'd gotta go I've gott a chat with you at my house later if you call again I'm calling my Dad.Ok then I'll hang up the phone don't have an heart attack.Just as the day was to end a weekend of fun was going to happen for I've been asked to join some Girls and some friends to a baseball game and I'm going.Haven't done that in quite some time.Just as I'd got into the room I'd turned back on the computer monitor and there was Matt waiting for me to reply to his message.Awe how sweat he wants me to forgive him.Listen buddy it isn't about forgiveness you broke my rules by contacting me without my permission.I'd just couldn't wait till this evening I'd enjoyed the strip teased we did last night.Well,glad you did but you aren't gonna see my Underwear again cause I'm not showing yu.Don't you ever work Matt yeah of course I'd work in the mornings till about the time you get home and so that's how you are able to see me as much as you think.I'd won't be here tomorrow me and my friends are going to a baseball game.Darn I'd was hoping you would't go.Oh and by the way my dad is helping me purchasing these non refundable tickets so you can be here for spring break.I'm still having second thoughts I'd just having this fear that something is gonna happen to me and I'm not ready for that type of relationship.What you mean I'd told you I'd won't try anything I'd like you alot.What about today well,that was a mistake.Mistake how so.I'd just happen to stumble onto your number by guess.If I'd found out Matt you hacked into my persnal computer I'm pressing charges.I'm being honest about that for sure.Ok then gonna go to bed now I don't want to chat with you tonight see you on Sunday.As night turned into day I'd decided to get up early and head over to the mall and buy a new outfit to wear to the game tonight.Oh wow this looks nice it's not that bad.As I'd went into the ladies room I'd got in to the bathroom stalls all to try on my outfits and away I'd went to call my friends and see if they wanted to eat at the mall.Within an hour they had told me they are in the parking lot and it was so cool hanging out like old times.Away from Matt and the pressure to have sex and to talk about Meeting someone from another state.So what you think of my outfit it's awesome for sure Chrissey.As the day wore off and the game was to begin I'd was hoping to get my mid off of Matt and live a life a little less controling but yet fun.Before I'd knew it I'd was tired and ready to go to bed.And then Sunday morning rolls around the first time I'd was able to sleep till 9am.I'd decided to get on line just to see if Matt was on line and what you know he wasn't on so I'd guess he does happen to work as a chef.So I'd decided to turn my computer off and go home for the day in my car for once and suprised eveyone.But I'd thought can't do that they are in church till noon.So I'd figured why not just study for a bit making sure I'd got all I'd need to know test is in a couple of days.Before I'd knew it I'd was out cold must of been tired from yesterday shopping and going to a baseball game.So after that long nap I'd wasn't feeling tired even though it's like almost 5pm in the afternoon.So I'd decdied to get back on line and there was Matt waiting for me to get back on line.Hey Chrissey I've got to asked you this.Should I'd be afraid to know what it is.o not at all just was wondering if you still want to see me next Friday like 5 days from now.I'd guess so why your asking cause you can go to the airport can picked up your ticket there paid for round trip fair.You won't regret it.If I do I'll hold you totaly responible for anything I'd did to offend you.Ok you do that well,let me go get something to eat and I'll be right back I'm gonna go to bed early I'd don't feel so well,sorry to hear about that Matt.Well,Monday came and gone by now Tuesday was here 2 more days before spring break offically begins.I'd was still in the back of my mind wondering if I'd should tell my parents about what I'm attempting do.But I'd know what my dad would say as well,as my mother they are so darn strict on me.I'd figured now that I'm 18 I'd should be able to make my own decisions without them breathing down my neck every sec I'd open my mouth about what I'd want to do or not to do.Good morning class as I'd said a test is now here you have to pass this test in order to not see me next term and for those who do see me I'd will offer that to you I'm not gonna let you slide I'm gonna be hard on you for other lives are depended on you to know your stuff and to not say I'd barely pass as a excuse for causing harm.So begin now and Good Luck.As one class of finals being done so another had started,before the day was through I'd would be glad it's over.I'm so hoping that Matt is an honest and well,liked guy and isn't gonna do me harm and if he does I'm sure I'd can take him down in an heartbeat.Then as the school bell ranged I'd was rushing by people just to get home to talked to Matt yet again.Just as I'd pulled into the spot where I'd usually parked there was another car there parked that usually doesn't park there.As I'd got out of my car and went over to the door to walked up to my dorm room there was Dad standing next to my door waiting there outside my door until I'd got done with my classes.Dad what do I'd do why the surprise?Chrissey I'd just wanted to come over to see what you have planned for your spring break thought we drive up the coast a little bit.Oh wow that sounds like fun dad I'll think about it I'd have to see if something else can be on hold.What you have on hold Chrissey that would result in you not going with your dad.Are you hiding something that you don't want me or your Mother knowing about it.Oh no just you never know that's a few days away.Do you mind I'd come in for a few minutes.Nah not a good time Dad maybe later I've got a huge mess wanna cleaned it up first.I'd guess I'll go now and talked to you in a few days.What about Friday sounds ok.Nah we have classes on Friday dad.Are you sure Chrissey I'd thought it was Thursday the last day.You know Sin isn't right God hate sinners,I'd know Dad I'd promise I'm not lying to you.Tell Mom I've been doing just fine and see her on spring break.Just then my dad felt at ease and slowly walked down the hallway and out the door and outside.So I'd went inside to sit down and turned onto my computer knowing that I've just lied to my Father and God at the same time.I'm sure God will forgive me I'm sure he understands why I'd did what I'd did.Just then my computer was on line and moments later Matt was messaging me asking why I'd wasn't on line earlier.I told him is cause I'd was trying to find an good reason to tell my Father I'd didn't know what my plans were,but in fact did know what was being planned.Hey Chrissey everything will be alright don't you worry.I'm not Matt I'd feel that we are doing the right thing.Got a question for you Chrissey I'd have some friends I'd want to know if you be intresting in going river rafting.Oh wow that sounds like a blast.Just as the day comes to a closed I'd told Matt I'd had to study for finals and he understood that.Then a call came through Hello who's this.Chrissey it's me Mom I'd was wanting what your plans are Chrissey.Um like I'd told Dad earlier I'd wasn't sure I'd have to get back and study I've got finals to do tomorrow.Alright then call you in a few days Chrissey.As I'd hung up the phone and spent a few hours studying I'd begin to realized that my time has almost come to meet the guy whom I've been chatting with on line.As night fell and the sun arose the next day it was now Wednesday and tomorrow was gonna be the final day of school for a little over a week.Just as the classes begun I'd was staring at the clock hoping this day will end.Attention everyone will Chrissey come to the office for a moment.As I'd darted down to the main office there out of the blue again was my father.What you doing I'm here to take you out for lunch.Alright I'd suppose we can but right now I've got to get back to class and finished up before I'd can go to lunch.Ok that's fine see you in a few.As I'd ran back to the class to continue working.Just as time would pass yet again I'd realized that my Father is probably wanting me to tell him my plans.But I'd know if I'd tell him I'm going to go see Matt he would have a fit.So as I'd gather my senses I'd finaly came up with a perfect idea.Ok ready for Lunch sure Dad I am.Ok what's your plans for Friday well,I'm going to go meet some friends they wanna hang out for a day up at the beach.I'd guess you can what time you gonna be home on Saturday.I'm not sure right now it might be evening.As the lunch room rush was open and all the classes had came and gone it was now time to head back to the dorm to see if my tickets were finaly here.Just as I'd suspect they were a round trip ticket.So I'd figured after class tomorrow I'd would pull out a little bit of spending money just to go on my little trip to New York hoping to be back just in time to do something with Dad and Mom.Just as the computer was coming on an offline messaged appear and read something liked this.Chrissey what if I'd flown out and come help you with your fear of flying to New York.I'd was totaly shocked and wrote back quickly hum nah not a good idea my Dad if he would see you he might go after you.I'll go to the airport myself and fly over there myself.Why Chrissey would you do that isn't like I'm going to hurt you and trust me your Father wouldn't dare do anything.It's not that Matt it's just that I'd don't want any trouble stirred up that needs to be.Just let me do what is planned and stick to it no changes.Alright if you say so.As that was over Matt had another idea up his sleeve.What if I'd come back with you to Utah so I'd can meet your parents.Nope not even that,trusts me Matt my parents are very strict my father thinks there is nothing but Assholes on line and not any of them are good.I'd want to do it to prove myself he is lying.I'd guess but still Chrissey when am I'd gonna get a chance to.Matt when they are dead is more and likly the chance will be there.Chrissey do you despise your parents.No not at all I'd don't hate them I'd just have to do what I'm doing now on my own I'm 18 not no damn 5 year old and sometimes my Father treats me like I'm 5.It sounds like you need to tell your Father how you are feeling.I'd can't Matt he's not into sympathy speeches.He says my feelings don't count only his.Dang my Father isn't liked that he just tells me tell it like it is and that's it.What about moving out into an apartment.Well,I'd could Matt but since my Dad is helping me pay for the schooling and making sure that I'd can graduate and get a scholarship I'd assume to let it be and just try not to argue with the guy.Alright I'd surpose it just seem like he is controlling Chrissey.He is my Father and I'd learned that I'd never want to get on his bad side to always be obedient.I'd guess it's time to close things up for tonight Matt I've got another big day ahead of me and then come home and get to packing and cleaning house and I'd guess I'll chat with you on Friday.As the moon decides to come out and the lights are getting dimmer and dimmer and the traffic isn't going as much it was time for some shut eye.And now I'm dreaming .Dreaming good dreams that is wondering what it be like in New York and how will Matt present himself.And have I learned all I'd needed to know about this stranger that within 36 hours will be inside his house.My dad 2,000 plus miles away from here and a Mother that would not want me to live my life and friends that have not one clue as to where I'd am planning to spend my vacation at.Just as the morning sky begin to get dark and the sounds of thunder and lightening flashing I'd knew that it was expecting since spring rains brings May Flowers.As I'd got ready and as I'd walked out the door I'd made sure that I'd had everything I'd needed and was on my way to my first class.The radio station begin to announced that a severe thunderstorm is in route to our area and to take cover when it is necessary.Just as I'd approach the Highschool and ran into the classroom just in time for a big burst of rain falling from the sky.The announcement over the intercom saying if weather gets worst we will dismiss class early and have you go home and a day will be set aside to make up any missed work.As I'd kept looking over at the window I'd could see lightening flashing and making it look like the sky was lightening up on the 4th of July.As that class ended so the next class begun with no dissmisel ever granted.By lunch time clases were still being order to continue.Even though it's raining hard outside and rumbles of thunder could be heard within these walls.Within 2 hours more had past and I'd figured better make the most of it while I'd can cause this is the last day before Spring Break Begins.Just then the wind started to picked up a little bit.What a day to be in school for.As more time passes as the classes at my universtey was being down right boring I'd knew that Matt would be waiting for me on the other side.I'd knew that I'd could slipped out of town and come back home and nobody would have to even know.As the hour finaly went by I'd was on my way out the door hurrying to get out of the rain and into my car and home where it can storm all it wants to.As I'd went up to the spot I'd always parked at wondering if my Dad would be waiting and sure enough he wasn't.He does respect my wishes to a degree.He tries not to make me mad and to know school work is important as well,as friends.Even though I'd haven't cleared it with God he can't just not put me in the book of life I'd haven't done that bad as a Citizen.True I'd might of fibb a little bit but who doesn't especially if it's after a Hot Man like Matt.By the time packing was done and my room was cleaned and spotless I'd decided to go to bed just a little early knowing that tomorrow will be quite busy with checking in luggage and screening me for any weapons and so forth.By the morning came it was nice outside and the rain had gone was a great day for travel.As the drive out of the parking lot and onto the road I'd knew my life will changed.I'd couldn't think of negative thoughts cause I've known this guy Matt almost 3 weeks.That to me is a long time spent chatting.A weekend filled with fun adventure stuff just the two of us.As the time passed so had the airport lines getting smaller and smaller until I'd was next in line to be told what gate I'd needed to be at to take this flight to New York.I'd left my Cell at home knowing that My Dad would call me about anything.I'd wanted a peaceful trip and not to argue myself here for spring break.Attention will the people holding board pass 4778 please come foreward your none stop through to New York is ready to board.As I'd walked onto the plane I'd was directed to the spot I'd was to sit down and be there until I'd safely landed.As a few hours went by I'd finally landed in New York and there to my wonderful surprised was Matt grin to grin and looked happy.Not sure what to expect but God as my witness it will be a good trip.Hey are you Chrissey,yes I am are you Matt Yup I am let's go back to my house and play around for a little bit.Before we do that Matt I've gotta changed after all I'd really didn't get the chance to do everything I'd had to hurry to get to the airport.Ok that's fine we be home in a few minutes.Meanwhile the cell phone is going off and Chrissey isn't picking up.I'm going to go over to the dorm and find out what's going on.She did say saturday afternoon.Alright if she doesn't get here by the time I'd get home I'll go to her dorm or call the police.well,Chrissey here we are home at last.As I'd approach the stairs to the door I'd noticed that no one else was there except for me and Matt.Ok where is the Restroom at and Matt showed me as I'd walked in and started to stripped and jumped in I'd felt comfortable as can be.As the shower begins to get warm and I'd stepped in I'd was sure to be on my way to having a perfect time.Then all of a sudden I'd looked over to my right and found an camera and I'd started to freaked out.As I climbed out and got dressed I'd opened up the door and asked Matt where are you.Then within seconds he came running what's the problem Chrissey .I'd felt like I'd was being watch why is there a camera in the bathroom.Oh that was put there long before we had moved in.I'd had this awful feeling that he wasn't telling the truth that it had been on the whole time.Ok Chrissey what you want to do now that you are dressed.Well,let's go to the mall or the to the movies.I'd guess we can go do that.Matt I'm going to go back on Monday so I'd can spend sometime with my family before school starts up again.Well,I'd had planned for you to stay long your trip doesn't allow you to back until Wed.Well,sorry I'm not going to stay that long I'd had only planned for a few days and that was it.So let's quit fighting and let's get busy with the fun filled stuff you have planned.As the day rolls on we got to the movie place and all of a sudden Matt went to try to kiss me.What's with the kiss Matt.Oh nothing I'd just figured that you would liked it haven't you kissed a boy.Well,yeah but your not a b/f or in a relationship were just internet buddies.Really that's all we are I'd was wanting more why you think I'd went the extra mile to asked you all those personal questions.Well,I'm sorry Matt you had to find this out I'd figured you should have had some common sense that I'm not liked most Girls.As we got closer to paying for our movie ticket Matt step up and turned I'm not gonna watch a movie I'd want to go back to my house are you coming or are you gonna stay there and pout and argue like a 3 year old baby.Yeah I'm coming as we got back to the house I'd had to asked Matt what is your idea weekend that was suppose to be fun now isn't.Well,tomorrow we are going to go water rafting just as I'd promised.Are you sure your not going to try anything stupid.I'm sure I'm not.As the day grew shorter and shorter I'd knew my time to go to bed was now found out where I'd was sleeping and went to shut the door.As the dreams started something kept wanting me to wake up wanting me to be hearing anything out there I'd could.Just then the door started to open.What's going on Matt what are you needing me to do for you.Nothing just was wondering where you at.I'm sleeping what does it look like to you.As the next day begin to shine through the curtains I'd woked up with a camera a few inches from my bed that wasn't liked that when I'd layed down.I'd begin to shaken a little Matt I'd want the phone where is it at.Well,Chrissey it doesn't work I'd use the cable to get my internet.You don't have a phone then what do you use to contact work.They have my cell number.Where your cell phone at I'd wanna call my Dad and tell him to come picked me up at the airport.Why you leaving so soon we are planing to go on this water rafting trip in a few hours don't spoiled the fun by leaving.Damn you Matt you are taping me aren't you speak now or I'll call the cops some how.No I'd swear I'm not taping you come and look at my computer if you want,and so I'd went down to where he had his computer and there with my own eyes was pictures upon pictures of me plastered all over his room.I'd couldn't believe it and before I'd had a chance to escape fear begin to hit me Matt had locked all the doors and the windows were to high up to get to.Matt why are you doing this you are scaring me to death.Chrissey I'm not doing anything except to teach you a lesson about meeting guys off line.I'm your Man and nobody else is gonna claim you say goodbye to your Father I'm the new Dad of the household.Lay down on this bed now .No I'm not going to do that.I'd said lay down or this two by 4 is going to be used to slap you with it.Ok fine whatever I'd just want to get this done and over with.What now ok I'm in control I'd want you to stripped all the way down to nothing including your shirt must go.What's going on ,I'd said shut up I'm in control.As I'd continued to look around to get away I'd knew there was no possible chance.Within moments he was on top of me having sex the kind where I'd wasn't the giver he was doing it forecable.Stop it Matt you hurting me your hurting me bad.No Bitch you don't get to tell me when to stop it in fact just for that I'm going to give you a few sleeping pills and then when I'm done you won't feel a thing it will be all over and if you ever get pregnant or tell anybody you wished you had a chance to live cause I'll come find you and kill you just for saying a word.Why you doing this I'd thought you was being a nice fellow.Well,you thought wrong I'd killed my Mom and Dad they was trying to Butt into my life now they can't and if you keep talking smack I'll blow your brains out with this gun I'd have and those tape video you saw were actually on I've had fun masterbateing last night while watching you in the shower as well,as in the bed.You sick baster.I'm gonna tell my Dad when I'd get home well,just for that remark I'd think death should be around the corner in fact I'll tie you up and make you hang from the ceiling.and play suck your breasts for milk like a baby would.By then his attitude wasn't friendly anymore I'd was wanting to run wanting to find an escaped routs but I'd was trapped.Just as a few hours has passed his tortue begin to get worse.The sex was one thing now he was video taping me while I'd was laying on the bed with no clothes on like it was a porno video,come on Chrissey smile for me act like your happy to be here.I'm not going to you sicked bastered.You are or I'm gonna jam my foot up your Ass and I'm sure it's going to hurt.Ok fine as so I'd did what he said and before long time had passed.Lets go to eat at subway oh ok I'd guess we can but swear to me before you get dressed you say anything I'm going to hang you when we get back to the house.As we were about to leave and jumped into the car I'd was thinking now is my chance to escaped.But no sooner as I'd thought it he was there and took these handcuffs and cuffed me to the little handle on the door so I'd wouldn't be able to run.Ok were here at the subway remember you say something I'm going to hang you for sure.As we pulled around to park and he undue my handcuffs I'd remember much sorrow I'd felt and betrayed.But I'd remained calm and order the sandwich as well,as chips and drink.As we sat there and ate not one police officer came in that day.Just people coming in with there kids and leaving.Hey are we going to that water rafting trip you promised.Maybe some other time right now I'm getting horney again and I'd think you know what that means.Matt I've got to use the restroom brb.As I'd begin to get up I'd saw Matt looking at me strange I'd give you to the count of 5 minutes to be out of there or else I'd coming in after you pants down or no pants down.Alright as minutes passed I'd sat there thinking should I'd stay and see what happens or should I'd allow him to continue doing what he's doing.As I'd opened up the door I'd went over to this opening door to try to single for the cook to come here.And before they could see me Matt said ok Chrissey let's go you done taking a piss let's go.As we got to the house I'd turned and said Matt take me to the God Damn airport now I'm tired of you bossing me around and having sex that's not what I'd am about and my God if I'm pregnant your going to jail cause my Father will see that you do be put away for all the nasty things you done.Chrissey what the Fucked are you talking about you came cause you trusted me you came cause you believed I'd was like everyone else well,honey you picked the wrong guy and for your Father he can sucked my dick I'd don't give a crap.Let me Go Matt no I'd told you don't Fucked with me and you did now you gonna pay for that get into this damn house right now or I'll blow a shot right in the back of your head and your water rafting trip you want it's going to come early.When I'm finished you going to think twice about meeting someone off line I'd guaranteed it.As an hour went by I'd felt more and more frightening.Now as I'd could imagine there the hooks were up on his wall and sure enough he ducked taped my legs and picked me up and hooked me to the ceiling.My God Matt this isn't no fun it's hurting me well,just be still and it will hurt less.Just let me get a few photos and rub on your breasts and such and after that maybe I'll put you the time an hour and half has passed I'd felt so numb my wrists were bleeding from being held up by these little hangers.Chrissey do you believe in God cause I'd don't.Well,yeah I'd can tell your name isn't going to be in the book of life.Who cares Chrissey I'd getting what I'd want a nice college girl showing off her body in an sexual way and having unprotected sex.In fact I'd thought most college girls love sex and meeting Guys why are so different.If you would just obey me you wouldn't be hanging from the ceiling right now showing me everything you got.Let me down are you going to be good are you going to allow me to have sex without any more complaints.Yes yes just get me down I'm hurting.Ok I'll do that you say one word your life is over with cause I'll aim that gun in between your Breasts and make sure it goes into the back of your head and I'll walk away a winner.Just as I'd thought it was over it went on like that all night long him raping me while I'd was holding in trying not to scream afraid he would kill me.Finally as the midnight hand approached Matt finally fell asleep now was my chance to get my clothes on and go upstairs to sleep.As the night fell in I'd had these dreams that he was there he was coming to find me.I'd couldn't even sleep instead I'd was crying inside crying for help.I'd wished I'd had listen to my Father.But me being stupid being dumb went along with Matt thought he was being honest.God Forgive me I'd know not what I'd do.By the time it was allowing me to sleep daylight was breaking through the clouds and Sunday morning was approaching.Hey Chrissey where your at I'm ready for a shower.I'm in Bed Matt go take your shower I'll stay put I'd promise.I'd don't think so I'd don't trust you will get over here before I'd come in after you.As I'd went out there I'd asked what do you want Matt I'd can't even sleep.You did sleep can't you tell the sun is about to be up.What do you want me to do I'd want you to stripped and get ready for a shower.Matt what you mean I'd though you was taking a shower that's right I am but like I'd said I'd don't trust you Chrissey.Ok I undressed now what.I'm going to get into this shower and now it's your turn get in and if you give me any trouble I'll show you pain one that you will remember for a lifetime.Before the time was finsihed I'd felt abused mistreated and scared of knowing what should I'd do now where should I go once I'd get back home.As sunday morning came and gone and the afternoon was approaching Matt decided to take me water Rafting as he promised.Oh wow don't you feel much better now Chrissey see I'm not that bad of a person am I.Yes you are you should Die in the lake of fire.Your a rapiest and above are you gonna pay for the crimes you commited.Well,Chrissey are you sure you feel this way looked at the water and how it's gushing and the current traveling fast if you not careful your be floating down that same path and nobody will ever find your body.So right now for the last warning shut your Mouth and act like your having fun.Alright as the trip begun I'd realized I'd better tried to think of a planned.But before I'd could we were in the water about to go for a trip.Wow don't you think it's beautiful out here seeing how the current just let's us go.Yeh it is Matt how much time have you spent on this river oh lots of times I'd gone down here when my Dad was alive he loved the river.So you think I'd can go home after we done I'd really do need to get back.If I'd let you go Chrissey you will tell on me and if you do you know I'll come after you and kill you and take you down the same river my Father did a few years ago.But you I'll make sure you taped to this boat with no clothes on and some sunglasses to make it sound like you enjoying yourself.Alright I'd promised I'd swear on the Bible I'd won't tell.Nah not good enough Chrissey.How about if I'd give you my address.Nah how will I'd know you telling me the truth.Mat I'm telling you I'd won't get you into trouble I'd realized that you are a serious man and that you love me and I'd should feel lucky I'd had a chance to of had sex in the shower as well,as in bad and was able to fulfilled your desire with a porno tape.I'd guess I'd would consider letting you go how about one more tape for the road and some more sex and then I'll carry you to the airport.As the afternoon came to a close I'd finally realized that I'd made a great plan just hoping I'd don't get pregnant.As the time was approaching for me to leave Matt came in my room ok Chrissey time to do what you promised we will do.Stripped all the way down and so I'd did just for Matt and before you know it he was rubbing his hands all over my chest and then he was having sex and I'd wished I'd didn't encouraged him but I'd just wanted this weekend to end.What now I'm gonna grabbed the camera and you do what I'd said then we can go.As he came up with the camera he told me to turn around and so I'd did and as pics were being taken then he asked me to put my hands down to my side like I'd was liking this when in my Heart I'd wasn't.Ok now what I'd want you Chrissey to spread your legs like you going to begin performing jumping jacks and so I'd did ok are you done I'd want to change almost Chrissey just one more shot as he thought about it he told me to lay down on the bed and so I'd did and not a sec later he was having sex yet again and filming me and him together like we were partners.Ok we are done you can be going home wait got an idea what now Matt,ok stand up and so I'd did and he took a shot with him rubbing my Breasts and so I'd thought God this guy is a sicko.Good our time is finished lets go back to the airport now I'd mean it you tell I'll come and find you and you will be a dead girl at age 18 nothing on but your neckless and handcuffs to a boat.As night begin to roll on I'd was so glad I'd was leaving and that he finally allow me to go home to my parents.As I happen to be in the airport all I'd had in mind was to hurry up and get to a safe spot a place where he wasn't able to touch me ever again.As an hour pass soon I'd was boarding back on a plane heading to Utah at 2am in the morning.I'd just sat in that chair shooked up scared not sure how I'd would sleep knowing all what had happen to me.And I'd had the gull to trust the guy.I'd was thinking he was just like everyone out there just want a loveable woman who was hot and had a great ideal for the weekend.Instead it turned into an Living Hell.I just thank God I'd wasn't killed even though I've got scars on my wrists from being hanged for a hour or two lucky enough that was the worse pain.As the hours past I'd finally got to the Utah airport where I'd had a chance to call my Dad within an hour he was there Chrissey where in God's name have you been your Mother and I both been worried.Well,Daddy I'd lied I'd went to see this Matt off the net.I'd thought he was going to be good but he was mean he raped me and hung me up on the ceiling he video taped me while I'd was nude Dad you got to help me.Ok I'll get a lawyer and we will get on this case as soon as tomorrow.Let's go and get something to eat and work out the details then alright I'd tried to tell you but No you didn't listen to me or your Mother.Well,let's go home we have the whole week to sort through the Jam you gotten yourself into.I'm calling my lawyer to see about taking this jerk to jail that what he did to you Chrissey in fact a crime then he will be hauled away in hand cuffs.As the evening became dark I'd started having these nightmares of all the stuff that went on at Matt's house.It was hard to think of something positive.By morning I'd saw my Dad on the phone talking with this guy who is gonna see if a trial date can be set and to see what evidence he can come out with.Hey Good morning Chrissey they want you down to the police station so you can tell your accounts of what happen.As the hours approach towards noon I'd walked in and talked with this detective one that says he will do what he thinks needs to be done.Ok Chrissey this is going to be taped I'd want you to share exactly what happen while on this vacation trip to go see this guy you was wanting to meet off line.Well,everything in the beginning was fine we did what he said we do except he wind up having sex and then got very verbal and direct with me on several ocassions.Why didn't you leave when you had a chance.Well,the problem was he had me pretty well,in reach if I'd escaped I'd had no idea where to go or called cause I've never been to New York.Is it to say Chrissey that you went willing and that if you chose not to meet him you could of said sorry but I've spending time with family.No I'd never felt that I'd was going to be mistreated or be used as a sexual experience.I'd thought me and him were have fun not to torture me in any fashion.Let me asked you this how did you get to New York.Matt got me a plane ticket.And let me guess but you went to the airport in Utah and picked the ticket up and flew over to New York to meet him.And how you met was through a chatroom on the internet at your dorm.Yes that's correct well,I'll need to get that computer and looked into it making sure that he would be able to be charged but from what I'd can tell and what you have told me Chrissey is that you was told by your Father that there are dangerous people on line and you ignored him completely.No I'd didn't I just wanted to find out if this Man was a good man.Now looking back what you think.No he wasn't all that was cracked up to be but still I'd must of made him mad or upset him or else he wouldn't of turned on me.Chrissey he turned on you cause he's a sick man he likes sex he loves anybody who wanted to come to get the same type of abuse.What if he would of killed you then what.Nah I'd don't think he would do such a thing he didn't present himself as a killer.Could you be even more stupider then that my gosh he hung you from a ceiling.But that I'd thought was cause I'd was trying to run away.Chrissey that shouldn't give nobody the right to hang you up on the ceiling.I'd know well,if you know please let me asked you this when the time comes for trial are you gonna testify against this guy named Matt and tell the court everything I'd just got done asking you or are you gonna say it was just a bunch of mistakes you made by doing wrong things.He told me he killed his family and do you believe him.I'd guessed I'd do if he said it must be true.Then again I'd gotta come back to this why didn't you try to escape call 911.I'd left my cell at home and he didn't have a phone said he let the bill get to high.And you want me to believe that story why didn't you get yourself out of the house and go find someone.Cause Matt had me handcuffed to the bed. What about eating when you went out didn't you find time to piss or to tell someone.No cause I'd knew if I'd run he be after me with a gun he said he would kill me you got to believe me.Well,some of your story isn't making sense most people would find a way out of this sistuation or they used there God Damn brain and listen to there parents about meeting Jerks off line.Do you plan to chat after this no I'd think I'd will find a new hobby sounds like a great plan.I'd want him to pay and the thing is if he does get time it wouldn't be enough time for as far as I'd can see Chrissey is that you started some of it by flying over to meet the guy. I'd know it's my fault for going over there but I'd just felt he was a nice out going guy that loved me for me.But now I'd feel horrible to ever think he would do such a thing and take those gross out pictures of me with no clothes on.Well,that's enough today I'll talk to you when the computer work is done and find out anymore information talk to you later your dismissed.As I'd was driving in the car home I'd kept wondering about how this guy going to feel about me putting him in jail for committing this awful crime.As the week went by I'd still see pictures of the horror I'd been through that fatal weekend.Now when I'd look at boys or guys walking by I'd think of Matt a person that should spend his whole life in prison just for raping me and shooting naked pictures and putting them on the computer for others to see to take noticed of.Still no news on what they found out about my computer.As the days continue to go a phone call finally came through and My dad just happen to be home and after the conversation on the phone they told me that I'd need to be down at the police station yet again.As I'd arrived there was Matt I'd couldn't believe that they brought him down here from New York.Is this happen to Chrissey Clintock yes it is and this is my Dad Gary.Alright come here and be seated.Ok when you was here last you had told your story to the point where you remembered is that correctly.Yes it is I'd wouldn't have a reason to lie but we here believe you did lie.Why would I tell them Dad I'd wouldn't lie on anything I'd told them the truth.Well,according to Matt testamony he claims that you took part in the sex as well,as the video taping and you and him in the shower.And that you loved every bit of it from start to finished.In fact Chrissey his parents aren't dead they were staying somewhere on vacation and that they had no ideal what you talking about none of what went on even exist.How is that possible I'd seen it with my own eyes I'd witnessed the hooks up on the ceiling I'd was in bed when he tried to get me pregnant and so forth.But I'm looking at the evidence and the pics this house looks like nothing you or your Dad gave me a week ago in fact Matt says your making up the whole story just to get him in trouble with the law and as far as I'd can tell you don't look that upset.Trust me Dad and sir I'm in this dream a dream that keeps taking me back to spring break and a dream that won't let go.I'd have troubled getting close to anyone I've got troubled trying to sleep by myself afraid of who is coming in and not coming in.I'd sorry you feel this way but as far as the evidence I'd see right here it doesn't show anything.What about his computer,that computer wasn't found in his home Chrissey his Mom says he doesn't own one.That's a lie he is lying sir I'd saw one when I'd was there I'd saw his cameras and everything going.Ok you know what the street was called that he lived on.Nah sorry I'd don't remember that cause I'd really didn't pay attention to that since at the meet he didn't sound abusive or dangerous.Well,I'd guess we can always give me an lie detector test to see if it comes out the truth or not.When will we know the results probably not for a couple of days go home and try to relax just a little bit.I can not believe this guy has sined as much as he is Dad why would someone do that knowing that if he dies his name won't be mentioned in the book of life.I'd don't know either Chrissey some people can go on line and be great at manipulating people that no one just like yourself would ever think that you be faced with this sex crazed lunatict who just wanted to get me there so he could show me a good time but instead I'd had the worst time of my life.As the week went by and soon it was time to get the results of the test that was performed on Matt.I'd was cheering on the outside and very angry on the inside.Ok the test results on Matt showed that he was lying and that a trial will need to be set and the time of that is undetermined for there's alot of things that have to happen will keep in touch and for the time being won't be a good idea to meet anyone else on line until this guy is through with the proceedings.Alright I'd know I'd promise on that one I'd just can't wait to get back to the swing of things school starts Monday and graduation isn't to far off.As the months went surly by no signed of a letter or anything before long I'd was on the big high school football field getting my reward for completing 12 years of school and now ready to get into a college far away from here and especially far away from Matt where he can't put his hands on no one ever again.Before long summer was here and nice weather finally settled in.I'd was hoping the trial will begin before I'd have to go away to college to learned to be like my Dad.I'd wished I'd wouldn't of sined or lied about where I'd was going for spring break but now that's over with and I'd had asked God to forgive me and I'd truly believe he has not sure if Matt will ever confess but that's up to him and God now.As the summer months begin to start I'd was hoping for some break in the case but of course nothing came about.4th of July came and gone and so did fall. Dad decided to keep me out of school until this trial gets taking care.He figured that if I'd was in school I'd would not do so well,instead be thinking about what had happen to me as though it's been played in my head a dozen or more times.Finally a letter came in and within the contents of the letter stated a trial was going to be held after the New Years and that it shouldn't take to long.As the end of the year came to a close and happy New years was celebrated it was time to send this creep away for a long time and hoping that he wouldn't ever tried to seduced another girl ever again.Good Morning please stand up as the Judge enters into the courtroom.Please be seated.Will Matt carson please take the seat.Is your name Matt Carson yes it is.Ok please tell me what really happen and why this 19 year old is trying to tell us that you video taped her you touch her in a sexual matter and had sex with her in the shower is that true.Yes it is but she also wanted it as well.Why did you pay for her to come see you why didn't she just spend her own money to come.Well,she didn't have much she was a college student trying to go to college to learned how to be what her dad was but she had to finished high school first.Where is with the porn video tapes that you and her did of each other.I'd got rid of them and how did you get rid of them.I'd burned them in the backyard.Then how come when I'd finally found your computer was there evidence of you uploading them to various sites on line.I'd did that with her permission she was there when I'd upload them.That's not true I'd object.Are you sure you telling us the truth Matt cause from this girl she said you held her against her will as well,as hanged her from the ceiling with no clothes on whatsoever.Where did you get the handcuffs from I'd purchased them on line through e-bay they had a pair and I'd bought them for my own personal use.And Matt why would you think you need a pair of Handcuffs.I'd don't know I just like collecting odd things.What about those cameras all around the house?I'd just thought they looked cool so if anyone would break in I'd could have direct evidence.And your right it comes in real handy for us to.It shows how you demanded things from her told her what she had to do or else you will kill her and by the way you forgot to burn your gun we found hidden underneath your bed.I'd used it for protecting I'd wasn't going to kill her then why say it on the tape Matt.I'd not sure why I'd just didn't want to lose her ever she was a pretty hot chick I'd can admit to that.Were you afraid she would go to the police and you be in jail for committing crimes.If you say so yeah I'd think I'd do.Is that all of it or are you gonna ask me any more questions.No I'm not you make me sick to my head get off this stand and go sit down.Chrissey can you please take the stand.Is your name Chrissey Claytontock.Yes it is ok Chrissey as you was talking back and forth to this guy on line did it ever dawn on you that this guy is controlling.I'd thought he was nice he was very sweet he just wanted to meet me show me a side of life that I'd wasn't used to.And did you.Yeah and a whole lot more then I'd expected.Why didn't you run while you ate at this resturant,or at the movies or the mall.Cause at the time he didn't seem like he would rape me or hang me from the ceiling which I'd bled for a little while I'd have lines across my wrist from where the handcuffs were placed on me.I'd figured if I'd went to get help he could come after me and killed me and put me into the river like he did his Mom and Dad.Does it look like they did they are sitting right next to him so I'd guessed you could say that was a lie.But at the time I'd really did believed he killed his parents.If that was true why didn't you screamed out for help while you was on this rafting trip.Cause I'd didn't want him to toss me into the water.It sounds like you have alot of excuses but no real answers to why you didn't go get help or try to escape.Try to be put into my shoes.Your shoes well,I'd shouldn't and wouldn't go meet this guy don't cared if he had body piercing or if he looked like a pro wrestler.I'd wouldn't go meet the guy and as nice looking as you I'd can see why you did.Let me asked you why did you pose topless on line in your dorm was that a mistake.No I'd was just having a little fun that night is all he asked if I'd could take off my shirt and so I'd did.I'd saw nothing wrong with it at the time.Really and let me asked you something do you have a brain up in your head cause right now it looks like you have nothing but rocks.I'd didn't see anything wrong with it.Let me tell you what's wrong with it your sitting in a courtroom trying to send this guy to jail for doing horrible things to you and now the picture becomes more clearer when you allow yourself to take off your shirt and flashed your body around like he deserved to see it.Do you have feelings for him.No I'd don't I'd hate him with my whole heart.Well,I'd just would like to know did you enjoy all the sex and porn movies he took.No I'd hated them all.Then why didn't you stand up and tell him No tell him you gonna go call the police.Cause he was going to kill me how many more times am I'd going to have to say that before you believe me.The problem is I'd don't Chrissey I'd just find alot of holes in this speech you have been giving us.Let me filled them in.How you going to fill them in especially when you met the stranger you enjoyed taking off your clothes and sure look like you were having a good time in the shower and all the other sexual things you to did.In fact I'd think we should just dropped this trial and you go on with your life and just be glad he returned you home.No I'd want him punished he deserves to go to jail.Jail on what account Chrissey.He raped me I'm telling you the truth.Well,how you suppose that could happen when you both are in the shower and he is telling you to take off your shirt and you go right ahead and do it.And when you found out about him uploading your nude body you didn't try to stop him from doing it.I'd had no ideal he was going to put them on the internet.Do I look like I'd would be an idiot and a dumb ass.No then try again why didn't you stop him from doing any of that.I'm telling you the truth I'd didn't have a clue as to what he was doing I'd was already on the plane back home.What about this rape that occur well,I'd was in bed and all of a sudden he walked in and before I'd knew it he was having sex without my permission.Did you even hear the door open and if so why didn't you tell him to get out.I'd was sleeping and he was really quiet.Really sounds pretty far fetch to me.But it's the honest truth I'd had no idea what he was coming into the room.Didn't you think of locking the door.No cause like I'd said I'd didn't think he was a bad person.Well,that's all I'd have for you it's time to wrap up for today and come back tomorrow.As the evening came to a close and the sun was out getting ready to be a cool and blustry day now that winter is finally here.I'd couldn't believe that this guy isn't going to get much time for what he did to me.As the next day came and gone still not a word as if the trial was going to contiue then my Dad said I'd got a called from work they have it set for tomorrow morning bright and early this is going be the time where they will decide if this guy gets put away for this crime that you think he did and I'd think that both of you are the blame and sorry I'm not taking sides here but I'm your dad Chrissey and I'd do remember telling you not to use the chat lines and to study and get information.But instead you did your own thing at 19 and living at our house didn't teach you any common sense.Well,I'm truly sorry Dad I'd know you are now but maybe just maybe you think about things before you go out and try them.And by the way you will be buying your next computer if you happen to need it for class.And you will not be aloud to bring any guy or woman you choose to meet over here.Trust me Daddy I'd won't right now I'd can't trust you Chrissey but you are 19 and almost 20 that is so as far as rules go you are out on your own and if you want to visit me fine but try to keep what you do to yourself and don't bring the sad information home cause me and your Mom is tired of raising you up to be right I've got a business to run I've got a house payment and car notes I've don't got time doing all this crap especially when you could of had sense enough to not go for it.If your body is that hot fine go show it somewhere else I'd thought just maybe you have more pride within yourself to not do that sort of things and to just dress right and not to have sex before marriage.Are you done Dad I'm kinda tired yes go to bed maybe that speech will sink into your thick skull someday.As morning approaches I'd wore some really neat clothes and was now on my way to the courthouse to see if this guy can be put away for life.Good morning please rise the court session is now ready to begin.Will the Father of Chrissey please take a stand.What did you feel like when Chrissey told you what happen.I'd couldn't believe it I'd had no idea that my daughter whom I'd raised would go against my wishes.Did you think you could trust her at her dorm alone.Yes I'd did I'd figured with as much as church and God and that rules are made not to be broken that she would listened to me.Did you tell her she could go meet this guy.No way I'd thought she was attending a day with her friends.In fact I'd told her to delete all the information off her computer that had to do with chatting.And from the looks of things she lied to me on that and went anyways.What would you like to happen today.Well,I'd hoping that she had learned her lesson about meeting guys off line and that I'd do believe both parties were in on it and she had to of enjoyed it or else she would of fought or get out of there.Chrissey will you take the stand now.Hearing what your Dad said how does that make you feel.I'd can't believe my Dad thinks I'd had something to do with it.I'd didn't know it was bad my Father never spoken about mean angry or any types of people on line he just said all people on line were assholes.Do you believe him now I'd guessed so.Guessed is that mean you want to try finding someone else on line to see if they meet up to your perfect standard.No I'd just mean that he just happen to be more then I'd was hoping for.Why didn't you delete the material off your computer Chrissey like your father said to do.Well,I'd am 18 or was and I'd felt if I'd listen to him I'd wouldn't of known what a bad guy on line was.Do you know how stupid you act like Chrissey that's more dumber then my dog when he accidently peas in the house.Do you have to get pregnant to find out if you want the baby or not,do you have to have sex to find out if you want aids or not.Does that guy have to kill you before you wake up and realized you are up in Heaven wondering how you got there.You looked to be a smart girl not dumb so please think real hard as to this next question.Do you like Rules.Yeah.Tell me what you liked about rules.They keep you from making mistakes and they help you out of if someone is trying to take advantage of you.Well,what you know someone knows a little bit about rules well,let me help you out with a little more.Rules are there to keep you out of trouble your parents when they tell you to delete the chat line and to never go back and you do that's lying and then to make matters worse you continue chatting with this guy and have cyber sex along with stripping on line all just to do what gained trust of him.Which I'm sure you don't trust him now do you.No I'd don't.So next time you think about meeting some guy off the net make sure he isn't out to kill you and by God make sure you really want to take that chance and please do know how to defend yourself as well,as having an brain to one that God delivers to you when you are a baby.As far as you being hunged from the ceiling he will be going to jail but not for life just for a short term I'm sure of.Please do not contact this guy don't even chat with him on line for if you come back here again for another stupid story I'll lock you up until you get a brain one that understands danger.As the judge stood up he directed the Jurors to go back and discuss Matt's Punishment.As the hours click still no one had came out of the room I'd was hoping this was going to be over very quickly.As it got closer to 5pm. they finally came back with something me and my Dad went back into the court room it was silent as a pin drop.Have you all came with an a great decision we have your Honor.We find the person Matt as guilty as charged for the abuse that did happen and we do believe it did.Ok sentencing will be done 2 weeks from today.Good they finally figured out I'd was telling the truth.As the week came gone and another week had begun I've am just relieve that I'd never have to worry about doing something that stupid ever again.Finally it was time for it to be all over with the judge find you to serve a 2 year sentencing for what you did I'd hoped that you will learned in there what you did was wrong and that you will not ever think of talking or chatting with another girl for if I'd see you again you are going to do the hardest time there is to do.As the trial was getting out I'd just had to hugged my Daddy for he's the greatest and that if it wasn't for him I'd don't think I'd would of made it through the year and a half that it took to throw him in jail as I'd sat in the car and watched as handcuffs were put on him and him getting to sit in the back of the patrol car I'd knew it was over and he never did look back or wave just kept his head down as they drove off to the county jail.I'm so glad I'd was able to tell my story I'm hoping that some of you who thinks it's just a simple mistake and that's one person off the street,then think again there's tons of people like Matt who gets an idea in there head and they look innocent at first and then they turned on you.We need to be careful as to how much information we allow these people to get.Sure Matt is sorry but sorry doesn't wash away the things he has done.Remember this one thing never allow someone to take advantage of you or try to tell you it's ok to do this or that cause it's not.Don't do sexual things on line for that just gets his mind thinking faster and that puzzle before you know it will be complete and you be where I'd was.I'd made some bad choices I'd allow this guy to control my mind to make me do things I've never think in a million years I'd would.If you meet someone please be prepared don't act stupid like I'd was don't allow this person to control you or to tell you what you will or will not do.If I'd had paid attention on line I'd would of stopped this guy from getting that piece of puzzle he needed.But like most of you I'd trusted him I'd wanted what every Girl dreams of sex and fun and a life that many had that I'd didn't have which was freedom from over bearing parents.I'd could have listen to my Dad but if I'd did I'd would of missed out on a rafting trip and among meeting a really nice guy but turned out to be a real creep.Maybe you have a child one day maybe you won't make sure you teach that child everything you know about the chat lines I'd wished my Dad would of told me more about it ,but if he did would it made the difference.I'd doubt it cause like everyone on line they liked to be adventurous they liked to get into trouble before they reel themselves in.To be honest it isn't worth it lucky enough I'd was able to get away and share my story with you today that lying or that committing a sin or even worse committing a crime just to get the woman and think that's how people are.I'm telling you if that's really what you think we are then you haven't talked to me I'm not of what you would called a sex crazed person I'm just a college student now trying to get a degree or 2 so I'd can do just that with my Dad.Life is hard so is finding someone off line that won't treat you like dirt.Be smart don't allow him or her or anyone to get a puzzle and then start to piece together make sure he or she never gets to that point.Best way to communicate to them is to only give information out that you feel comfortable about if it pertains sex or about doing sexual favors just to pleased some guy then he really isn't nice after all.If you are asked to stripped on line my advice is to tell him No and then Leave.If he tries to buy your way up to see him run the other direction as fast as you can.If you feel you need to meet people have plans try not to allow him to tell you what you can and can't do you make that decision for yourself if he doesn't like it then he doesn't have to meet you.Be wise unlike me who didn't tell anyone where I'd was going.Had I'd told I'd believe my Dad would of came and got me and brought me back home and none of that would of happen.All I'd can say now looking back is that I'd should of not give him all that information and to take more time in knowing this person not just a couple of weeks.God had forgiven me I'd just want to know where is your life going to lead you hopefully one day when you die as we all will that you be standing at the Gates and God himself will asked you what your name is and will let you know if you made it into the book of Life.Sining is one thing but doing a crime and then say that's not true isn't helping your life out one bit.I'd know my name is there but today if you would die this instant do you believe your name be in the Book of life.Just think about it while you surf the net or you out meeting guys or women or you out posing on line with a web cam.Or maybe you are having under aged sex cause both parties agreed to just remember that book isn't going to have your name in it just cause you are born in Christ you have to show yourself worthy of being in that book based on the life you led.Don't think you going to get a light sentence just cause the Judge likes you I'd am hoping that if someone else has had this happen before they don't stand around and wait for God to appear they do something about it.Our time is coming to end and we need to be ready we need to really think about our soul purpose on line and to know that by telling this person who you are talking with what your ideas are comes in real handy then that way there is no mishaps or mis interpret words.Stand by everything you say don't give this guy or woman any chance to try to changed your mind.If you do just that I promised you your on line chatting will be a safe one indeed.If you believe everything that comes out of his or Her mouth I'd a sure you a sin had been done.this next chapter is on thee way I'd hoped you stick around cause it will sure make you think. Thankyou all for being here and please welcome you all to the next chapter called Freedom.PLEASE CLICK ON THE LINK TO GET TO CHAPTER 8 THANKS.