This is Yoda. He's the boss of the goats and sheep. Yoda is 4 years old this February 17th.
This is Winnie, the 'power behind the throne'. She is 5 years old. Yoda is her 'baby', her first kid and so far her only.
Roxy is about 3 years old.
This is Chewy. He is about 2 years old. He eats everything in sight and is very fat for such a little goat. He thinks he's everybody's best friend and will follow you all around the pasture.
Yoda's favorite foods are Townhouse Crackers and popcorn.
Roxy grazes in the pasture.
Winnie has loved to stand on top of "Goat House No. 3" since she was a little baby.
Roxy is the sweetest goat we have... she loves to nibble toes!
Yoda is just a big baby- he still tries to sit in my lap!
Roxy HUGE pregnant. The baby is due any day now!
This is the Earless One with Dodge, the sheep. The Earless One is Yoda's cousin. Her ears were chewed off by the dog next door.