Hi Fellow Prospectors,
We welcome the New Year and certainly hope it does not bring the devastations and tradgedy we all experienced in 2004.
Our January meeting was a lot of fun. We had Coffee, Donuts, Biscuits and Sausage links. The holidays were a big topic of discussion and we also relived a few precious moments of our Annual Christmas Party.
Today's meeting centered around our club's first outing for 2005. The date has been decided on and will be April 29, 30 and May 1. This is a Friday thru Sunday for any of you who are not familiar with it. The change from our normal Memorial Day Weekend date was so that our members that make that great trip to Alaska each year will have a chance to join us for this outing before they head off.
The location for the outing has not been decided yet, as we are awaiting Dave Heyart our newest member, to return to our February meeting with information about his relatives property in North Carolina that I mentioned in the December Newsletter, that could open up some new possibilities for us.>
There is a Coin Show in Ft. Lauderdale this coming weekend, Jan. 15th. Frank will be attending and purchasing some gold nuggets and concentrates for our raffles. One (1) ounce of gold has also been purchased from Alicia Hamilton for raffles.
We will be having a POT LUCK for our February Meeting. It will be Oriental Cuisine, so...go thru those "One day, I'm gonna try this recipe." files and get cooking. The club will be furnishing the beverages for sure, and possibly something else. We'll just have to wait and see. I need for everyone to PLEASE contact me, you all know the routine, of what you are bringing so we can have a variety. So far, we have Fried Rice, LoMein, and Spring Rolls.
The FEBRUARY MEETING will be held on Saturday, Feb. 12, Warren Park at 10:00 am. We are thinking of possibly changing our meeting time to 10:00 so that some of our members that travel 3 hrs. or so, will not have to leave home before the crack of dawn.
We had 2 visitors with us this month, Bob Burke from Pennsylvania and Clair Brown from Sarasota. We would also like to welcome back Ginger Barber, who we haven't seen in a while. By the way, Ginger was the winner of the 4 gram Alaskan Nugget today. Well, I'll close this letter for now, but will keep you posted on the Menu for the PotLuck as I receive your replies.
We would like to say "GET WELL" to Ed who was not with us today. Seems Ed went and got the Flu Shot and got more than the shot. Anyway, hope you feel better Ed, will see you in February. Everyone have a great month, stay safe and stay outta trouble!!
Hi Fellow Prospectors,
Well, for those of you who missed our February Meeting, you missed out on a lot of good food. This month's meeting was an Oriental Pot Luck. There was Fried Rice, Lo Mein, Spring Rolls, Teriyaki, Sweet and Sour, Shrimp/Pepper/Tomatoes on a skewer cooked on a grill, Fortune Cookies and some to die for Chocolate Candy made by our Sweet Chef, Art Wolf. I really don't know how Faith stays as slim as she does when she's subjected to all those great cakes, cookies and candy.
Ed was still out with the flu bug this month, sure hope to see him at the March Meeting, and Dave and Judy Heyart was missed. Dave and Judy went to North Carolina to visit some relatives who have property near a creek. We are waiting to hear if Dave was able to get his feet wet and find gold.
There is a Silver Refinery, I believe, in Clermont, Fl. not too far from Orlando, and Richard has touched bases with them about us possibly doing a tour of the refinery for one of our meetings. If and when this happens, our monthly meeting would be in Clermont that month. Sounds like it would be interesting to see just how a refinery operation really works.
Our first outing of 2005 is still planned for April 29, 30 and May 1. Where we have the outing has still not been decided, but will be the topic of discussion at our March meeting, so please be there with your ideas and let's make a decision. Time for the Outing is growing near.
The March Meeting is going to be a Coffee/ Donuts/ Sweet Rolls affair. I'm in hopes that Art and Faith will do us the honor of bringing the Coffee if they are going to be attending, (long drive from Jacksonville). I will check with them and send emails if we are on our own for the coffee. Other than that, we just need to bring some sort of Danish or Donuts.
Our Raffle this month yielded a $30.00 bag of Concentrate won by Richard, and a Silver Medallion won by Terry.
Well, I guess I'll close for now. Hope to see everyone at the March Meeting, Saturday the 12th, Warren Park at 9:00 a.m. Hope everyone has a great month.
(407) 671-2918
March 2005
Hi Fellow Prospectors,
Our March Meeting was a good one. We had Donuts, Sausage Balls, other assorted Danish and Coffee. The weather was a little cool but not bad. The meeting was opened by our Vice President, Patrick Kennedy who doesn't get that honor very often, but is always ready and able.
Patrick is in touch with the Silver Refinery in Clermont that was introduced at our February Meeting, and is working on setting up a tour of the refinery for our
We had a visitor at this meeting, Douglas Wlasiuk, Jr. from Beverly Hills, Fl., this is over near Crystal River. Douglas came and brought his family to get a taste of our setup. We welcome Doug and his family and hope they visit with us again soon.
Now, for the scoop on our Common in April. First off, there has been a slight error in the actual date. As you know we spend 2 days on the dig. The dates have the outing scheduled for April 29, 30 and May 1. Those dates cover a Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The Common Dig is Saturday and Sunday, April 30 and May 1.
Everyone is welcome to come ahead of those actual dates to set up camp, scope out a digging site and enjoy the social aspect. Again, we dig on Saturday and Sunday, have the split late Sunday afternoon and then the club takes us to dinner. Most members leave on Monday, but there are always a few that stay on into the latter part of the week. We are going to Buchanan, Ga. and will be staying at the campground over by the school. Final details will be discussed at the April Meeting, so don't miss it. Gonna be a lot of fun.
Our Raffle this month yielded a vial of 2.2gr Alaska Gold, and was won by Yours Truly, Meeeee!!!!! Thank you very much.
Will close for now, April Meeting Saturday the 9th, Warren Park, 9:00 am.
Paulette (pchancey46@hotmail.com) (407)671-2918
APRIL 2005
Hi Fellow Prospectors,
Well, here we are already into the month of April and getting ready for our 1st Outing of the year. As I explained in the March Letter the Outing dates are April 30th and May 1st, in Buchanan, Ga. This is a Saturday and Sunday. Camping will be at the campground over by the school. For those of you who have not attended one of our Outings, the actual dig is Saturday and 1/2 day Sunday. The split will be after the cleanup on Sunday for all those who participated in it. After the split, we will all go out to dinner.
It appears that we will have a good supply of mining equipment. As far as I know there will be a 5” inch dredge, a couple of 4”, 2” and high bankers. Some of us will be arriving a little earlier in the week and staying into the week following. Everyone is welcome to come early and stay later. Buchanan is very easy to find. I-75 to Atlanta (take the west by-pass) to I-20 west. I-20 to Hwy. 27, Hwy 27 North to Buchanan. Follow the signs, or stop and ask anyone how to get to the GPAA Campground. Anyone who needs further directions can contact me, and I will be happy to oblige.
The Silver Refinery tour has not been finalized yet, will keep you posted on any further information. We would like to “Welcome” another guest today, Kent Arblaster. Kent is a local and is anxious to start prospecting. We would also like to say Welcome to the return this month of Doug Wlasiuk.
There was some discussion this month on maybe having more outings during the year, this idea will be explored in a little more detail at our May Meeting.
We will be having a POTLUCK in May, That's Sat. May 14th 9:00am at Warren Park.The Club will furnish the Drinks and Ice, the rest is up to us. There is no particular kind of food for the Potluck so let your imagination's run wild. I do ask that you email or contact me by phone as to what you are planning to bring so there will be a variety of goodies. This is informal.
The Raffle today yielded a 2.1 gram nugget and Jim Green was the lucky winner, Mike Winkler also won a really neat looking Gold Mine Game.
Well that's about all for this month. Hope everyone has a great April and for those of you who are going to travel to the outing, please drive safely and hope to see everyone there.