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Attention! We now have a new web page, with all the same info plus more. Follow the link New Web Page at the bottom of this page

Welcome to the GPAA's Orlando, Fla. Chapter Webpage.

If you found our page from the GPAA website you already know what the GPAA is, but I'll give a short history of it here before telling you more about our chapter.

The GPAA was founded in 1968 by George "Buzzard" Massie and a few other fellow prospectors for the purpose of preserving the heritage of prospecting in North America. They also by forming this orginization were able thru membership fees to accquire claims all over the U.S. for their members to camp, fish and of course prospect for gold.

They are also helping to keep our public lands public, since there are a few organizations that petition the government constantly to close lands all over the U.S. to all forms of outdoor recreation. The Gold fever T.V. programs were started in 1991 and have gotten very popular in the last few years.

Now for a little of what we do in this chapter, we meet at Warren Park the second Saturday of every month at 9:00am. We discuss prospecting in general and members talk about their trips to the GPAA properties and show off the gold they found.

We also have a Nuggett and concentrate bag raffle and raffle for items the GPAA gives the club(Hats, shirts, hat pins, gold pans, classifiers and the Black Sand mini sluice). The club also sets up a booth at the Gold Show when it is in Georgia, North Carolina or South Carolina. The club tries to have at least 2 common prospecting trips a year. The closest property is Buchanan Georgia but we sometimes go to the Carolina Emerald Mine in North Carolina for gem digging and gold prospecting. Our Pot Luck breakfast meetings are always a big hit with our members and alot of fun, we have 3 or 4 of these a year. We end each year with a Christmas dinner meeting and gift exchange.

That's a brief description of some activities of the club, if your down our way on vacation or visiting come by and sit in on a meeting--any GPAA or LDMA member is welcome!

The address to our meetings is 3406 Warren Park, Fl. the link to Mapquest for directions is below.

Orlando Club Links

Newsletters 2003
NewsLetters 2004
Newsletters Jan/Dec02005
Treasures Stories
MapQuest Directions
Reading A Stream
Member Pic Pages
New Web Page
