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Links & Fun Things To Do

Wanna Check your horoscope? Click here.

Wanna play some old school games? Click here.

Wanna Make your own website? Click here.

Want a diary? Start your own here!

If you need quotes or MSN here, or here, or here.

If you want to see Devis' other page, click here.

Look at the *SABAB*'s profiles: Chaz's, Devis', Lindsey's, and Abby's.

If you're a girl, or you wanna know all about girls, this is the site for you!

Wanna try to find someone on MSN? Look here.

Bored? Click here.

Lookin' for some games to play? Click this.

Do you like Ty off of Trading Spaces? Click here!

Wanna learn some magic love spells? Try this site. (Note: I do not believe in magic love spells, this is strictly for boredom only.)

Wanna mess with MSN Messenger? Click here.