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*SABAB* news

« | » Week of June 1st - 7th

Abby left for St.Augustine June 2nd; no date set for her return.

Chaz came back from Atlanta on the 1st, but left us again for baseball practice on the 2nd.

Devis and Lindsey are stuck at home workin on the website.. Fun!Fun!

Chaz left for Panama City on Friday (the 6th)..won't be back until Monday! :'(

Lindsey left for St. Augustine Saturday (the 7th), won't be back until next Saturday..:'(

Abby came home from St. Augustine on the 7th, YAY! We went to JSP and had us a good ole' time with 5 black girls, some hot guys, and two pool tables! ;)

« | » Week of June 8th - 14th

Sunday night, Devis managed to stay up until 11AM. Woohoo! I saw the sun come up! :)

Ahhh! It's Monday, and Chaz is baaaaaaack! Yaaaay! :)

Where do you wanna go now?





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