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GE Main Entrance

The guards at the front gate are a joke. But hey, whatever makes you feel better.

The Crammed Cubemates

Can you believe that we often fit inside one cubicle together.

Bubble A

This white bubble looking thing is the temp office that I was working in.

GE Crew 2

Lake George

A beautiful day in the Adirondak Mountains.


My first day at the races. I won the first race too!!!

GEPS Softball

The GE softball team dominated GE Global Research.

GE Picnic

Another picture of the GE picnic.

The Corn

At least someone tried my corn at the BBQ


Theres nothing like some good BBQ!!!

Impatient huh?

Still waiting for food huh?

Saratoga Racetrack

Let the races begin


General Electric - Power Systems

Generator Final Assembly

Location: Schenectady, New York. 
Office Building: 269B; Otherwise known as Bubble B as you see in the above pictures
Manufacturing Building: 273; One of the biggest manufacturing plants in the United States.
Areas worked: Planning, Quality, Methods, Production
Products Worked on: Generators ranging from 200-300 tons.  (That is 400-600 thousand lbs)
Models: 7FH2 (LU/LD), 7A6, 390H, 5A3, 6A3


My Favorite Things About General Electric

Facilitating 2nd Shift Generator Final Assembly.

 Learning about

Creating a method to make changes to the Generator Planning books.

 MES.... Uh hell no!!!!