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Name: Shawna
Age: 24
Birthday: July 4th
Location: Georgia
My Faves
Food: Spaghetti, Pizza, Ravioli, and salads.
Season: Spring
Color: Blue
Song: Dilemna, More to Me than You, Fighter, Angel
Singers: Nelly, Martina McBride
Actor: Nicholos Cage
Actress: Camerion Diaz
Movie: X-Men, You've Got Mail, Sweet Home Alabama
TV Shows: Everybody Loves Raymond, Fear Factor, American Idol

Do I Believe in:
Faries: Yes
Ghosts: Yes
Spririts: yes
Love: Yes
at first sight: yes
Soulmates: Yes

That was just a little about me:)
You can come chat with me at any messengers.

AIM: tiggergirl100785
Yahoo: shawna_21_2000
Do you want more???
I have 2 kids. The oldest isSamantha. She will be 8 this September.
And she is my angel. Having her at such a young
age, I believe kept me out of
My son who will be 2 this May is also my angel.
His name isHunter.I am also expecting my 3rd child in September. I know
its a boy!!! LOL

Hugsss, Shawna