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I have known Patti for over three years.
We first met in the old Virtual Places Chat Program.
She always seems to light up any chatroom she enters, although I think she doubts that she does. I don't think Patti realizes the number of friends she truly has.
As I always do, taking everything I know about a friend into consideration, I form a picture of them in my heart. Call it "Artistic License" if you will.
Above is the way I see Patti. Innocent in some ways, beautiful inside and out, maybe a little bit unsure of herself but always willing to please others by making them feel wanted.
Could there truly be "Angels" among us? If so, I think Patti qualifies as one.

Some of us have problems expressing our affection for others, especially me. There were times when I would push her away at arms length because I knew there was something missing in my heart that kept me from allowing myself to become involved with anyone beyond friendship, as if Patti ever felt the same about me (In my dreams...hahahahah).

Patti, we both know many of the same people and believe it or not, everyone we know loves you, although some of us have trouble always showing it.

We all know that you are now facing a very trying time in your life and I felt that I should remove any doubt you may possibly have about the extent of our feelings for you.

We all want you to know that our prayers and thoughts are now, always have been and always will be, for your well being, complete recovery and safe return to us so that you can continue to shine your light on our lives as you always have. I believe I speak for all our mutual friends when I say that we are extending our combined strength, prayers and affection to you and will continue to do so forever.

You will "NEVER" be alone.

Our hearts are with you, my "Dear Friend"!!

Big Huggzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!
Song "Angels"

This Page Made By SHOOTER On 5 December, 2003