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Within her hand these flowers
A fragrant sweet bouquet
Offered love she gives you
A garden's best sachet

Held within the beauty
Gift of special love
Child is filled with wisdom
Knows the beauty of

Love that she can offer
That means so very much
Tenderness and caring
With a very gentle touch

Sweet bouquet she offers
Will bring forth happiness
Flowers touched with velvet
Each petal so priceless

No greater joy is given
From a tiny little hand
Than flowers of soft colors
To feel a love so grand

Remembrances embraced now
For many years to come
A gathering of treasures
To place in heart's album.

~ Francine Pucillo ~
©used with permission
Read more of her poetry here:



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I dedicate this page and the poem above to:

My Mom

Who tirlessly raised four children through
Much stife and hardship
Saying Thank You to her and Happy Mother's Day

To My Daughter

Who gave to me three precious
Angels whom I will always love and admire

And to my Grandmother who I will always Love and Remember

To My Mother In Law

Who I greatly admire and will always Love

To all my family and friends in life

And through the internet

This Is For You All

I wish you a very Happy Mother's Day

In Love And Admiration

From Me!
Your Friend, Daughter, Mother

The Painting

The painting is ©Tom Sierak and used with his permission.