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Darla: You see, I can't. He's got this thing put in my head and all he has to do is press one little button and Kpew! Blow my head clean off.

Jenny: [ Laughing ] There's nothing in your head.

W.E.: Girl, you just said a mouthful.

[ hitting Jenny with a cattle prod ]

W.E.: It is easier to resist at the beginning than at the end.

Heather: Barry, I saw you, you were kissing her.

Barry: Once, I kissed her once! God, it's like I can't talk to my friends anymore, I can't believe how posessive you are.

Heather: Oh right, I guess that's why you were feeling her up?

Barry: Look, guys need sex. It's bad for you if you get all worked up and then not get it, you can get "prostrate" cancer. Is that what you want?

Rothman: [ grabbing hold of Vilmer ] F*ck! This is appalling. You are here for one reason, and one reason only. Do you understand that? I want to here you say you understand that. No? It's very simple. I want these people to know the meaning of horror... horror... is that clear? You don't want to be a silly boy. Is... that... clear?

Vilmer: F*cking-A it is.

[ walking on the road at night ]

Heather: Stop! I heard something...

Jenny: Heather.

Heather: I had these dreams about some weirdo following me through the woods and it's coming true.

Barry: Yep. [ sarcastically ]

Heather: I'm sorry but we're all gonna die. Some murderer. Like that guy in Chicago. He killed people and put their hearts in a refrigerator. He's gonna kill us. They're gonna show our pictures naked with our hearts torn out on A Current Affair. God. What was that?

Barry drops the flashlight.

Barry: Great. Now we can't see jack.

Heather: I'm sorry, but someone is following me. I can feel their eyes on my back.

Barry picks up the flashlight.

Barry: Bullshit.

Heather: No, that's what they want. For us to go wandering around in the dark. We need to stay here and start a fire.

Jenny: We need to call an ambulance.

Darla: [ referring to her breasts ] Phony as three-dollar bills, changed my life though.

[ chasing Sean with the towtruck ]

Vilmer: You tired yet boy?

Sean: Please mister, you're scaring me.

Vilmer: No shit.

Sean: What did I do?

Vilmer: Let's just say your shit out of luck, son.

Sean: Just tell me what I can do. Give me a chance.

Vilmer: We ain't even havin fun yet, son.

Bud's Pizza clerk: Okay, we got one medium deluxe, one medium pepperoni, one large vegetarian, and your drinks'll be out in a minute.

Darla: Alright.

[ screaming noises come from the trunk ]

Bud's Pizza clerk: Uh, lady?

Darla: Uh-huh.

Bud's Pizza clerk: I think you got something in your trunk.

Darla: That's just somebody I got tied up back there.

[ after waking up with a meathook wound in her back ]

Heather: I can't find my shoes.

[ deleted from The Next Generation ]

W.E.: Boy, you are as dull as dishwater!

Vilmer: Well, what the hell do you want?

Rothman: I assume that is a rhetorical question?

Vilmer: You assume whatever you goddamn please, it ain't no skin off my ass.

Rothman: Is that what you want me to think? That you are a silly boy?

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