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June 19, 2006
This is just in, there will be a 2-Disc Ultimate
Edition release of the original Texas Chainsaw
Massacre. It will be released on September 26, 2006.
Click here to pre-order the DVD set from

The 2-Disc set will include:
  • Steelbook Packaging
  • Feature-length commentary with actors Marilyn Burns, Paul A. Partain, Allen Danzinger, and art director Robert A. Burns
  • Feature-length commentary with director Tobe Hooper, cinematographer Daniel Pearl, and actor Gunnar Hansen
  • Theatrical Trailers & TV and Radio Spots
  • "The Texas Chain Saw Massacre: The Shocking Truth" Documentary
  • "Flesh Wounds" Documentary
  • A Tour of the TCM house with Gunnar Hansen
  • Deleted Scenes and Outtakes
  • Blooper Reel
  • "The Shocking Truth" Outtakes Still Gallery

    June 15, 2006
    Well, school's out, and I decided to add some more
    to this site. I created all new menus and page logos
    which look really nice, and I spent about 2 hours last
    night adding a full set-preview article from Fangoria
    magazine that was issued in September 1994. I have
    another article from Fangoria that I plan on adding
    soon. And, the site's coming up on two years old now.

    April 2, 2006
    Whoa... no updates for quite some time. I've been
    busy, and the site hasn't been my #1 concern, but
    I'm currently adding some touch ups here and there.
    This site won't really be expanding anymore, but I
    will still be watching it and adding small things
    every once and awhile.

    July 12, 2005
    The site is now going under some major changes,
    and in exactly one week the site will have been
    on the web for one year!

    June 21, 2005
    There aren't much updates to make, I changed
    the email address for my contacting info, and I
    posted a site award on the About Site page. I'm
    glad to see the site is coming along good, and I've
    had lots of guestbook signings and good comments,
    so I'm pretty happy with all of it.

    March 11, 2005
    Not much news lately, but the site is becoming
    a success! I'm getting lots of signings in the guestbook
    so I think that's a good sign. There isn't much left to
    update, but I will be watching the site.

    December 20, 2004
    Well, I redid the entire main page design, I think it's
    a lot better than it was before. Not much more news
    than that, I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!

    September 29, 2004
    I recieved my uncut DVD of Texas Chainsaw Massacre:
    The Next Generation today [ yay ]. I watched it and I really
    wish they wouldn't have deleted so many scenes from the
    final cut, because I enjoyed all of them. The uncut version
    of the film is only available on the Japanese laserdisc
    [ now out of print ] and the newer Lion's Gate DVD
    release of the film [ sadly also out of print ]. I found
    the Lion's Gate DVD on eBay so you can look there
    every so often and you may get lucky. I will also be
    changing the cut footage section into script format ASAP.

    September 21, 2004
    I added seven new AIM buddy icons like I said I would.
    That sidebar search thing disappeared, but it will probably
    be back soon. Other than that, not much news.

    September 10, 2004
    There isn't much news lately. I'm getting really
    annoyed by that sidebar search thing popping up on every
    page, just click the x to close it. I started school on the 7th
    and it sucks, but I get to see all of my friends more often.
    Yay! I'll be checking up on the site and making some
    changes here and there.

    September 3, 2004
    I made character bios for each character today. I also changed
    the entire look of my site. Go to the cast page and you can click
    on the character's name to view their bio. Check it out!

    August 27, 2004
    I got another signing in my guestbook [ yay ] and found more
    search engines to list my site in. I deleted my buzzing chainsaw
    WAV from the home page because it was getting annoying, but
    you can go to the Multimedia section and I have it's link posted
    so you can listen to it when you please. I start school on September
    7th, so that is kind of a bummer, but I get to look forward to seeing
    friends and stuff.

    August 25, 2004
    Good news guys! I have an all new message forum from xsorbit!
    It is much more organized. You can become a member of the board,
    and you get your own user profile and everything, it's much better than
    the Quick Topic boards. I also changed the font colors of the site.

    August 18, 2004
    My first death poll that I created no longer works so I created two
    new polls from a different host in the Multimedia section. I've also
    created a cover artwork gallery in the Multimedia section. Peace!

    August 13, 2004
    Today I created various buddy icons for AOL Instant messenger.
    Click here to view my buddy icons page. It's official! There will be
    a prequel to the TCM 2003 remake! I'm so excited. The plot is said
    to be about two sibling soldiers who run into Leatherace. Click here
    for an article on this subject.

    August 11, 2004
    I won my first site award today! I was awarded "The Leatherface Award
    for the Best TCM: The Next Generation Site" from Grimpuppy! I created
    an awards page for this award and possible future awards.

    August 9, 2004
    I found a really neat picture of Leatherface coming through the door.
    It must be a promo shot because I don't recall seeing it in the film.
    Click here to see it for yourself, it's a pretty cool photo.

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