Small Walkthrough
The Story
Huge Walkthrough
Boss Guide
Bottle Guide
The Masks
After the initial introductions we watch as Majora gallops away with Epona. Here Link must chase after the demented Stalkid. Link's current location must be somewhere in the Lost Woods, I suppose. His shield kind of resemples the Hylian Shield but, its rather different. There are some plants in this area that you must slash with the sword. When you do this, you will obtain 16 rupees. Now just proceed forward into the log where Majora Went you will find some more bushes to get Rupees. Follow the stumps into the cave.
ONce you enter the cave you will fall down a pit and link will see all these odd symbols floating around and he will land in a dark grotto with Majora floating inbetween his two faries. He says, "What's with that stupid horse of yours?! It doesn't listen to a word that's said to it... There's no point in riding a thing like that, so I did you a favor and got rid of it.. Hee...hee... Aww, boo-hoo. Why the sad face? I just thought I would have a little fun with you... Then things get real screwy. Link is all of the sudden put under a trance and all these Deku Scrubs surround him he runs but doesn't escape the giant Deku scrub that follows him in his delerium tremens. After awakening, Link is turned into a sad looking defenseless Deku Scrub. Majora says, "Hee, hee! Now, that's a good look for you!" and He laughs heavily at Link's predicament. You'll stay here looking that way forever. The white fairy, taunts Link, and the purple one, Tael, flies away. Majora exits from the door behind him and it shuts with a thud. The white remains, "Whoa! Whoa! Skull Kid, wait for me! I'm still here!!! Tael, you can't leave without me!" The fairy then flies over to Link and says, "You! If I wasn't dealing with you, I woudln't have gotten separated from my brother! Well, don't just sit there, Deku Boy! Do something!!! ...Why are you looking at me like that? What, is there something stuck on my face?" Will you stop staring and just open that door for me?!? Please!!! C'mon, a helpless, little girl is asking you... So hurry up!" She continues, "Ohhhh, Tael... I wonder if that child will be all right on his own?" The fairy flies over the door.
Link can now move. The first thing I did was go over to that patch of bushes and press A to swing my hood around to get some more Rupees. The more the merrier right? One odd things I noticed about the beam of light being cast on the ground was that there were shapes moving around in it like Stars, Triangles, and Circles. Weird.
If you open the door the fairy will follow you. "Hey, wait for me! Don't leave me behind! So, um... That stuff back there..., so... So take me with you! You wanna know about that Skull Kid who just ran off, right? Well, I just so happen to have an idea of where he might be going. Take me with you and I'll help you out. Deal? Please?" Link doesn't respond. "Good! So then it's settled! Now then, I'll be your partner.. or at least until we catch that Skull Kid..." She continues, "My name is Tatl. So, uh, it's nice to meet you or whatever. Now that we've got that all straightened out, can we stop messing around and get moving? If I figure something out, press Up C and I'll tell it to you. Hopefully, you'll manage to get by without my help until then!" The Fairy Joins you.
Right in front of you, Link will encounter a Deku Flower, these are used to project Deku Link into the air. Simply step onto the flower, press and hold A, let it swallow you for a few seconds and then let go of A to launch into the air. You can float using this abilty to distant ledges. Press A when you want to retract your flowers and land. I myself, went down in the bottom of the room and collected some more rupees from those bushes before proceeding further. Use this ability to float to the door across the room by using the highest most Deku Flower, you first encountered when you entered this room.
Once you open the door you will enter another room with a bunch of platform pillars with these Deku Flowers on them. Simply use the same technique outlined in the previous paragraph to float to each area. You will find a treasure chest with a Deku Nut in this area.
If you press R while in Deku Link form a tough shell will encase his body and act as protection.
When you make it to the end of this area you will find yourself near a decrepid looking little tree. The fairy will fly to it and say, "It's strange, but the way you look right now sort of looks like this tree... It looks all dark and gloomy... almost like it oculd start crying any second now... How sad..."
Once you proceed forward Link will walk through some kind of phase shift in reality, down a corridor, that leads into the Interior of the Clock. Just for laughs try to put Deku Link in the Water by the waterwheel. He will hop around until he falls in and he's returned to the dry land. Deku Link can't swim. Once you get to the top of the area and about to open the door Link will turn around and encounter a familiar face from Ocarina of Time. It's the Happy Mask Man from the Happy Mask Shop.
"You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?" he says. "I own the Happy Mask Shop. I travel far and wide in search of masks...During my travels, a very important mask was stolen from me by an imp in the woods. So here I am at a loss... And now I've found you." He laughs, "Now don't think me rude, but I have been following you... ...For I know of a way to retrun you to your former self. If you can get back the precious item that was stolen from you, I will return you to normal. In extange...All I ask is that you also get back my precious mask that the imp stole from me. What? Is it not a simple task? Why, to someone like you, it should by no means be a difficult task." He pauses, "Except...The one thing is... I'm a very busy fellow... And I must leave this place in three days. How grateful I would be if you could bring it back to me before my time here is up..." He laughs again, "But yes...You'll be fine. I see you are young and have tremendous courage. I'm sure you'll find it right away." "Well then, I am counting on you..."
From this point continue forward and open the Door.
Once you exit the clock tower you will be in clock town. Your fairy, says, "He gives me the creeps! That mask salesman was the... Sorry...just thinking aloud. But three days? Even if we never sleep, that still leaves us with a measly 72 hours! Talk about demanding! Well, don't just stand there! We're going to see the Great Fairy! Look, you wanna find the Skull Kid, don't you? The Great Fairy will know what he's up to. She watches over everything. And just between you and me, the Skull Kid is no match for the Great Fairy. Go to the shrine near the North Gate. You'll find the Great Fairy in there!
Obviously your first objective should be to go to the Great Fairy. If you go all the way behind the tower (skip the first opening you come to) you will find an opening leading to North Clock Town. Proceed to the back of this area and you will find a ledge that leads to a cave. Go inside. You will encounter the Great Fairy's Fountain. "Oh no! The Great Fairy!" shreiks Tatl. When you go there you will encounter fairy-like bunny heads floating around. They/it/them will say, "Young one! Please hear my plea! I have been broken and shattered to pieces by the masked Skull Kid. Please find the one Stray Fairy lost in town , and pring her to this Fairy Fountain.
My first suggestion is to go back to South Clock Town, and then if you are facing forward from the front of the Clock Tower you should eventually come somes steps that lead to a somewhat concealed opening that goes to Laundry Pool. You can retreive the Lost Fairy there. Bring her back to the Great Fairy Fountain.
Sure enough when I returned the Fairy fragment to the Great Fairy Fountain they all merged together and formed a big go-go booted leopard-skinned Great Fairy. Ahh...yeah... o_O "Tatl, and you, young one of the altered shape... Thank you for returning my broken and shattered body to normal. I am the Great Fairy of Magic. I thought that masked child was helping me, and I grew careless. All I can offer you now is this: I shall grant you Magic Power as a sign of my gratitude. Please accept it! Deku Link now acquires the ability to shoot bubble blasts from his snout and he gets a Magic Meter bar.
The man who lives in the observatory outside of town may know of the Skull Kid's whereabouts. But be careful! You must not underestimate the child's powers, kind young one. If ever you are retruned to your former shape come and se me, I shall give you more help.
Note: If you pop the red balloon that's holding up that green guy, Tingle, he will fall to the ground and sell you a Map of Clock Town for 5 Rupees and a map of Woodfall for 40 Rupees.
You will encounter Jim just outside of the Fairy Fountain trying to pop a blue balloon with a Majora face on it with a blowgun. Hold down B and aim at the Balloon, let go and the balloon will pop getting the attention of Jim. He will offer to give you a code if you decide to cooperate with his initiation test. Your goal has now become to locate all 5 of these guys before the time limit runs out. You'll find two of them in North Clock Town, Two in East Clock Town, and one in West Clock Town.
1. Right by the Tree close to where just just got done talking to Jim.
2. Right behind the slide in this same area.
3. In East Clock Town you'll find another guy by using the Deku Flower (the only one you'll find) to float up the the ledge/rooftop and catch him.
4. You'll find another one by The Milk Bar Latte.
5. The last one will bwe in West Clock Town, closest to the North or top of the stairs.
When you catch these guys they will teach you a code. I was told the code of 23514. I'm assuming that it's the same for everybody, so next time I'll skip this whole little game of Hide and Seek and just go to the guy with the code and see what happens. You will find the entrance in East Clock Town. Proceed to there.
You'll end up inside some underground area with water. (sewers?). As Deku Link skip across the water to the dry ledges. If you mess up you'll sink into the water and have to start all over. Watch out for the Skullwaltula as you approach it. You can walk around it if you want to.
You should now come to the Observatory basement. You will encounter Pierre from Ocarina of Time. I recommend not asking for him to dance the day away. You will get 12 hours errased off of your time. I made this mistake once.
Follow the stairs up and you will encounter the Astronomer and his Telescope. "Well, well...A strange-looking child has joined me today... Are you a new friend of the Bombers gang? ...Hmmm. Your manners seem much better than those of your mischievous friend from the other day. Hrnf, hrnf, hrnf! That I'll-mannered troublemaker from the other day said he'd break my instruments. He said he'd steal my Moon's Tear ... There was no stopping him. Even now! Just watch him! He's probably causing trouble around the Clock Tower. If you choose to look though his telescope, you can Zoom in on Majora on top of the Clock Tower, and then the Moon will "cry" a flaming tear that impacts upon the ground near the Observatory. "Well, did you find that troublemaker? And that loud noise...What was that? Perhaps another Moon's Tear has fallen nearby...Go through that door and take a look outside. But I wonder how that troublemaker got on top of the Clock Tower? The only way up there is through the clock door, and that opens only on the eve of the carnival.
If you go outside you will obtain "The Moon's Tear." Make note of the Gossip stone outside of the Observatory.
In South Clock Town meet with the other Deku Scrub that shoos you away from his patch in the ground. Give the Moon's Tear to him. He will give you "The Land Title Deed" Use this Deku Flower Patch to float up to the enterance of the Clock Tower.
Heart Container Piece - You'll find a Heart Container Piece right on the ledge in front of the door in the clock tower.
Just wait there until Midnight of the third day.
You'll notice that the area is being affected by the gravitational pull of the colliding moon. The ground will begin shaking and rumbling as time goes on. If you Up-C you can see the Moon descending toward Talmina.
While Link waits there for the time to pass I just wanted to comment on how much improvment in quality much of this game is. Clock Town is far better than anything in Ocarina of Time including Kakariko and Hyrule Market Town. The Music thus far in the game has been rather good. The game has a more RPG feel than the previous Zelda and it's a welcomed addition.
At Midnight fireworks will go off and the Clock Tower will transform and a door will open. You will then meet Majora face to face. He has the Ocarina of Time, teasingly tossing it in the air, taunting Link. "Hey Sis" one fairy says, "Hey, Skull Kid, what if you gave that mask you're wearing back now? Hey c'mon are you listening?" The dark purple fairy says, Swamp. Mountain. Ocean. Canyon. Hurry...The four who are there... Bring them here..." Majora smacks the fairy, "Don't speak out of line! Stupid fairy!!! The white fairy cries out, "Nooo!! What are you doing to my brother? Skull Kid, do you still think you're our friend after that?11?" "Well, whatever." Majora retorts. Even if they were to come now, they wouldn't be able to handle me... Hee, hee. Just look above you... (Referancing the ominous moon floating just obove his head) If it's something that can be stopped, then just try to stop it!
Just then Majora will totally freak out sending waves of energy to drag that moon toward the ground. Now's your chance. Simply use your Deku Bubble ability and Hold B and fire a bubble at him and he will drop the Ocarina of Time. Pick it up, and Link will become aware of some previous memories. He's with Zelda, and Epona, everything is all foggy, she says, "You are already leaving this land of Hyrule, aren't you? She turns to link, "Even though it was only a short time, I feel like I've known you forever. I'll never forget the days we spent together in Hyrule... And I believe in my heart that a day will come when I shall meet you again... Until that day comes, please Take this... " She gives him the Ocarina of Time. "I am praying..." she says, "I am praying that your journey be a safe one. If something should happen to you, remember this song,.. " She plays the Song of Time from Ocarina of Time. Link plays the Song of Time. Narration: This melody, lingering on the edges of your mind, is the song of memories of Princess Zelda. Link rides off. The Goddes of time is protecting you... (damn didn't get the rest of it typed before it vanished)
Link is awakened by his new found fairy friend. "Snap out of it! What are you doing lost in memories?!? Get yourself together! Getting that old ocarina back isn't gonna help us!!! Somebody! Anybody!!! Goddess of Time, help us please We need more time!"
If you equip the Ocarina of Time, and press the C button to use it Link will aquire a collection of Horns. "Huh? When did you get that instrument?!? Link's new fairy friend says to him. Play the song of Time, and you wil be prompted to Save and Return to the First Day. Link rushes down some kind of wormhole, remerges with his body and orients himself in the space time continuum and he's brought back in time to the first day. Whoa!
Link's fairy says, "W-What just happened?! Everything has..." she pauses and looks around in amazement, "...started over..." She continues, shocked at the events that just happened, "Wha...What are you, anyway? That song you played... That instrument... ...That Instrument!!! Wait! That's it! Your Instrument!!! The mask salesman said that if you got back the precious thing that was stolen from you, he could return you to normal! Did you completely forget or what?"
You'll want to proceed to the Happy Mask Man beneath the Clock Tower. "Were you able to recover your precious item from that imp?" He then grabs Link and shakes me like a maniac, "Oh! Oh! Ohhh!!! You got it! You got it! You got it! You got it!" Then all of the sudden the Happy Mask Salesman is in front of piano. He teaches me the Song of Healing "Then listen to me. Please play this song that I am about to perform, and remember it well..." He plays the song. After playing the song of Healing, Link's Deku Scrub Curse is broken, and he retruns to normal. The salesman points out, "This is a melody that heals evil magic and troubled spirits, turning them into masks. I am sure it will be of assistance to you in the future." They both look at the Deku Mask (camera pans to mask) "Ah, yes. I give you this maks in commemoration of this day. Fear not, for the magic has been sealed inside the mask. When you wear it, you will transform into the shape you just were. When you remove it, you will return to normal." He continues, "Now that I have fulfilled my promise to you... So, please, give me that which you promised me..." Link hangs his head in doubt. "Don't tell me.." he grunts. "My mask...You did...get it back...Didn't you?" Link doesn't answer. Suddenly the Happy Mask Salesman turns into the Not So Happy Mask Salesman and he picks up Link and shakes him bodily. (Hasn't he ever heard of Shaken Baby syndrome) "What have you done to me!!!" He screams. He holds his head and is filled with rage, "If you leave my mask out there, something terrible will happen! The mask that was stolen from me was called Majora's Mask. It is an acursed item. It is said that an evils and wicked power is bestowed upon the one who wears that mask." He goes on to explain that the it caused much destruction and that the ancients sealed the mask but it's evil power has the potential to be released. "...but I feel it. I went to great lengths to get that legendary mask. When I finally had it...I could sence the doom of a dark omen brewing. it was that unwelcome feeling that makes your hair stand on end. And now... that imp has it... (The Mask Salesman is freaking out) "I am begging you! You must get that mask back quickly or something horrible will happen!" He beseeches Link endlessly, "I'm begging you! I'm begging you! You must do it!" Link finally agrees. "Really? You'll do it for me?" he replies. "I was certain you would tell me that. You'll be fine surely you can do it. Believe in your strengths...Believe..."
One you leave the Happy Mask Salesman, it's back to Clocktown. Tatl squeaks up, "That mask... The Skull Kid uses the power of that mask to do those terrible things. Well...whatever it takes, we've gotta do something about it. ...The swamp, mountains, ocean, and canyon that Tael was trying to tell us about...I bet he was referring to the four areas just outside town. There's one in each compass direction. But what do you suppose he meant by "the four who are there?" I have no idea. He always skips important stuff. I guess we should just go and find out... If we go through that gate straight ahead, we'll be heading in the direction of the swamp.
If you hang around Clock Town some, you may discover some interesting things.
Shop Times:
Treasure Chest Shop - Open From 6 AM to 10 PM
The Stock Pot Inn - Open from 8 AM to 8:30 PM
Honey and Darling's Shop - Open from 6 AM to 10 PM
Deku Scrub Playground - Open from 6 AM to 11:30 PM
They Mayor's House - Open from 10 Am to 6 PM
The Milk Bar - Open 10 AM to 9 PM (Cleaning), 10 PM to 6 AM (Business)
Town Shooting Gallery - Open from 6 AM to 10 PM
Lottery Shop - Tickets Sold 6 AM to 5:59 PM daily, Redeemed 6 PM to 11 PM daily
The Bomb Shop - 24 Hours
Trading Post - 24 Hours
The Curiosity Shop - 10 PM to 6 AM
Clock Town Bank - 24 Hours
Swordsman's School - Open 24 Hours except on day 3 when it closes at 11 PM.
I obtained the Breman Mask by talking to the Music Man near the water at the Laundry Pool on the evening of the 2nd Day. "La-La-La..." They said I was much too loud when I practaced in my room. They got mad. Sigh...Now I'm sad I'll just stay here all night and way from their pad." (That psychotic Music Man) You will also find 60 Rupees (3 x 20 Red) in this area. Put it on and Hold B and Link will do a band March.
Regular Link can pick up the doggie in South Clock Town, and carry him around.
After you have been turned back into normal Link go visit the Great Fairy and she will give you the Fairy Mask, used to catch the other pieces of great fairies that you will find in the Temples.
As soon as I entered Termina Field, the classic Hyrule Overworld Music played and I knew I was at home. YAY! They brought it back, yippie! As it were I wandered into a grassy area of high brush toward the south of the town, and fell into a hole. Defeat some of the enemies to get things like Deku Sticks, Magic Jar's, Rupees.
Heart Container Piece - Fall into the pit hidden in the high brush, to the south of clock town, and defeat the peahat inside and a Big Chest will apear containing a Heart Container Piece.
At a tree toward the south, I encountered a drawing on a Tree. Tatl flies up to the graffiti and says, "Oh! I remember this! Tael and I drew this with the Skull Kid when we first met him... He told us that he had been fighting with his friends and that they had left him all alone...
The Scene changes to a flashback, it's raining, Tatl, and Tael, fly into a log, they are shivering in the cold. They encounter the Skull Kid, shivering in the log as well. He holds them, in his arms, to keep them warm. They fly off together and they play in the field. becoming friends over time. The Skull Kid draws a drawing on the tree. Tatl continues the reaccounting, "I'm sure it was because he was always playing tricks, so nobody wanted to play with him. But to do what he did just because of that... We then see the Skull Kid steal the Mask from the Happy Mask Salesman while he's lying unconscious, "And once he got his power... " and the story and the flashback abruptly ends.