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Learning Circles descriptions and outlines

Daily Practices to Connect to Spirit: Think, Feel, Act
How do we hold on to our faith and continue to walk our Path, even when we are pulled by the responsibilities of our job, health concerns, day to day necessities and have little time and energy to devote to our spiritual practices? Making a simple routine can allow you to keep focused on your connection to the Sacred Web, your place in it and your value to it. Come journey and create your own routine and talisman to fit your life style.

Magical Uses of Herbs
From ancient times herbs have been used in magical workings. We will discuss the general types of herbs and their uses, then put our new knowledge to work create a few workings.

Scrying Mirror
Another tool to help you focus your intent is a scrying mirror. Come make one in Sacred Space!

Life Masks
In a perfect world with compete tolerance for different spiritual Paths we could live our beliefs publicly with no concern for repercussions. But in reality some of us can be fired from our job, harassed by coworkers, clients or neighbors. So we must wear masks in certain situations. How can we comfortably do this while still staying true to our Path? In this Workshop we will face our guilt about the double lives we lead.

Candle Magic: Why and How
Tools are used to focus your attention and energy. Candles are only a tool—the real power comes from your intention and will.

Creating and Walking Your Own Path
Presented at WinterQuest; facilitated with Sharon Hill. We will gather during this quiet winter season and use crafts, spells, journals, herbology, guided meditation, group activities and group discussion to discover the Sacred Path that already lies within us. Come query the elements, consult your inner wisdom and open to Divinity in this active, interactive and introspective experience.

How and Where to Find a Teacher
How to define your own path, then open yourself up to finding a teacher. Also includes some personal tips about good and bad characteristics of teachers.

The Power of the Word
Words are powerful forces. We have all had emotional responses to words—some negative, others positive. We will begin to heal the wounds of the negative and celebrate the positive personal experiences. Then as a group we will bend energy around widely used phrases and words using our own powerful words to counteract their poison. We will be making magic, so be prepared!

Creating Mandalas
I became fascinated with Mandalas for a while and delved into them deeply. Out of that study and experimentation three Workshops were born. The first one is a packed 2 hour one, the second is a 6 hour all day Workshop I presented at Triad CUUPS Fall Harvest Festival and the third my friend Sharon and I collaborated on and presented in 2 hours. All Workshops included guided meditations to visit with your shadowself.

Magical Tools
Traditional tools will be discussed and displayed, such as the Athame, Cauldron, Scourge, Wand, Candles, Incense, Pentacles, Stones, Tarot, Runes, etc. Participants are encouraged to bring their own tools for display. Keep in mind there will be energy from several people floating around, so any tools that are particularly sensitive to absorbing energy may either need a shield or to be left at home.

Why have a Handfasting? Why now? How to find information and plan a Handfasting.

Celebrating Man
With Dick Merritt. In matrafocal neopaganism men are often at the least ignored or at the worst denigrated. In this Learning Circle, we will investigate, honor and celebrate the male half of the human race.

With Brydie. Introduction to working with dreams and dream journals/interpretation. Brydie and Gryph will interpret some of the more common symbols, then participants will keep a journal to record their dreams for two weeks. At the end of that time, there will be another Dream Learning Circle to discover what these dreams may mean.

Daily Practices to Connect to Spirit: Think, Feel, Act

This Workshop has had lots of good feedback. The main activity was a Tantra exercise I learned in a Workshop at Spring Quest in 2003. We found our own balance, then allowed others to gently push us off balance physically, then come easily back into balance. First sitting, where it was easy to get our balance back, then standing where it was harder to keep our footing. The last was words. All those day to day fears we live with constantly being thrown at us. The participants allowed the words to hit them, then moved with the energy, let it flow past them and found their balance again. Most agreed it was harder to regain balance using the words than the physical shove.

Participant feedback about my Workshop…

“Confronting adversity and the support in the group worked well.”
“The presenter was absolutely organized and clear as usual!”
“The meditation to connect to everyone else was good.”
“The roots, limbs visualization worked well.”
“Bending and recovering was helpful.”
“Physical pushing exercises helped.”
“The hands on exercises and grounding at the beginning and end were good.”
“Saying things that block my spirituality helped.”
“Having someone else read my worries to me was useful.”
“Someone else speaking the words of fear.”
“The whole workshop worked really well.”

Magical Uses of Herbs

We will crown each other, have a short introduction and discussion. What herbs and plants are you likely to easily find at the corner grocery store? Outside? And what of the less common plants and herbs? We will talk about collecting and history and their common magical uses such as poppets, burning, potpourri, boughs and the Corn Mother. The last activity will be an acorn spell.

Scrying mirrors

Scrying mirrors can be made or bought in an amazing variety of shapes, sizes, materials and prices. We will use a black shard attached to plywood. Each shard and piece of wood is a different shape and size; choose that one that calls to you.

Call Directions and cast circle

Pass out materials

Choose and decorate your mirror

Cleanse the finished scying mirror.

Consecrate mirror.

Take several moments to scry in the mirror for the first time.

Thank Directions and release circle

Life Masks

In a perfect world with compete tolerance for different spiritual Paths we could live our beliefs publicly with no concern for repercussions. I visualize this future as often and as hard as I can, but realize the present can be quite dangerous for known Pagans. Some of us can be fired out right, with little or no explanation. We can be harassed by coworkers, clients or neighbors. The day will come when no one will be persecuted for their religion—but that time is not here yet. So some of us must wear masks in certain situations. How can we comfortably do this while still staying true to our Path? In this Workshop we will face our guilt about the double lives we lead. There is a sacred Being that sees us and knows us as we are deep inside and with their help, we will create a Bead Circle to carry with us so we can work magic discreetly wherever we go.

Being completely who you are in a work or family situations simply does not occur. You almost always tailor yourself a situation. Socially, I share the mead I make with some groups, but drink only sweet tea with my FFA students. The subjects I talk about with my Pagan sister, Asherah differs greatly from the subjects I talk about with my Pagan-phobic brother. But our spirituality is so very personal, emerges from our very core, our soul, that to act or talk in a way that lessons its importance in our lives injures ourselves.

Discuss: Being completely who you are in a work or family situation simply does not occur. You almost always tailor yourself.

Pass candle around, say “I am (name) and I am (Pagan). I wear a mask of (Spiritual Neutrality) at (work). I feel that I am not being true to my Path.”

Why stay in the shadows? (“Doing to others” letter; school letter)

Is it “right” to stay in the shadows? (“Straight” letter)

Group discussion

Guided Meditation

Making of Bead Circle

Pass candle back around, each person says “I am (name) and I am (Pagan).

All: “The Goddess sees who you are.”

Person: “I believe in (short phrase)”

All: “The Goddess knows who you are.”

Person: “I walk my Path in my heart.”

All: “The Goddess accepts you with open arms and celebrates you with joy.”

Person: “The Goddess loves me as I am.”

All: “Blessed be, (name)!”


Feedback from the Workshop…

“Gryphon is a good gate-keeper…” “Sharing and feeling like you’re not alone…” “The meditation worked well…” “It was a very powerful Workshop…” “Overall it was great!!” “The meditation in group worked; being able to admit about my masks…” “I found it uplifting. For me it was exactly what I needed at the perfect time.” “The subject worked; identifying and beginning acceptance of some masks. Loved the journey and your facilitation style!” “Both the guided meditation and the responsive reading worked.” “The meditation was good; you’re a great trance worker.” “Hearing others also wear masks and making the prayer beads.” “Very experiential. Great transitions because the room was set up in advance.”

Candle Magic: Why and How

Don’t believe in magic? Doesn’t matter; it’s basic physics: rub your hands together. Heat is energy you produced. However, if you don’t get off your ass, it won’t work. And always remember, You are Your Own authority.

Call Directions and cast circle


Steps: Define your goal, choose candle color, carve symbols and words into candle, dress your candle (a tiny tuxedo, maybe some high heels… no, no… use a few drops of oil), empower candle, burn it as you see fit.

Thank Directions, release circle.

How and Where to Find a Teacher

I. To figure out where you want to go, you have to figure out where you are.

Write down a list of your beliefs; guided meditation to define where you are now (your beliefs, the beginning of your Path); create a work of art on half the paper reflecting these beliefs.

II. You know where you are, but where do you want to go?

Write down a list of things you want to learn about or explore; guided meditation to see what you want to learn (the destination of your Path); based on this experience, create a work of art.

III. You know where you are, you know where you want to go, so how do you get there?

Write down the characteristics of the teacher you want; guided meditation to see your teacher; you know the spirit you seek; create a work of art.

IV. How and where to find a teacher.

Look around locally. Listen to them talk and make a note of what they talk about; talk to them; a teacher should be a guide and facilitator; make sure your learning styles are compatible; it is OK to leave when you think it is time.

The Power of the Word

Call Directions and cast circle



A. Personal Work

1. Negative
Transform negative words that you use, or that have been used to describe you by others. Chant: “She changes everything She touches”

2. Positive
Speak and write positive words as others chant “I will be gentle with myself.”

B. Group Work

Visualization: transforming negative words used commonly by media and people in general into positive energy. Chant: “We are the flow.”

Release Directions and circle.

Creating Mandalas

You have a wise and knowledgeable person within you. This being knows the ways of the sacred path and can guide you to discover mystical knowledge about yourself, your surroundings and the deeper magical world that is a part of all things. This is your shadowself. The subconscious is where your shadowself usually dwells and it does not respond or communicate in words often. Symbols, shapes, forms and colors are used for communication. So suspend your judgment, let your thoughts fade and visit with your wise shadowself through the beauty and wonder of your own Mandalas.


Creating Mandalas
2 Hour Workshop

Chant “We are a circle within an circle”

Call Directions and cast circle

Discussion of mandalas

First mandala; journey to find who you are at this moment.

Create and interpret the mandala, share and discuss

Second mandala; journey to your unconscious and explore your past, obstacles, what you have that will help you overcome these obstacles.

Create and interpret the mandala, share and discuss.

Last mandala; journey forward to your future, what you want it to be like, how to get there, how to face and overcome any obstacles.

Create and interpret mandala; share and discuss

Wrap up; look at all three mandalas as a series, an arrow pointed forward. What movement do you see?

Chant “We are a circle”

Release Directions and circle


Creating Mandalas
6 Hour Workshop

First Session

Chant “We are a circle”

Call Directions

Focus of body with basic Tai Chi exercises

Beginning Mandala


Discussion of mandalas; expression of subconscious, purposeful mandala, reaching our inner wisdom

First mandala; this represents you right now; who you are at this moment. Create and interpret your Mandala; share and discuss

Second Session

Chant to gather folks together

Refocus with basic Tai Chi


Materials for the second mandala; explore your Mandala house that represents your unconscious.

Create and interpret your mandala house; share and discuss.

Sacrificial mandala: Tibetan monks, for those things in our life that we no longer need. This mandala will be burned, and with it, you will begin the process of letting go of this negativity.

Create, burn, share and discuss.

Third Session


Refocus with Tai Chi


Last mandala; represents your future, what you want it to be like, how to get there, how to face and overcome any obstacles.

Create and interpret mandala; share and discuss

Look at all three mandalas as a series, an arrow pointed forward. What movement do you see?

Wherever the mediations led you, whatever you experienced, it can only have been yourself or your creations that came to you. All experiences, thoughts, imaginations, dreams, and inner pictures always reflect yourself.

Release Directions and circle

Chant “We are a circle within a circle”


Sharon Hill and Gryphon Rosemead

Chant “We are a circle”

Call Directions


Intro and readings: What and why

Healing Mandala. Free form with journey.

Journey to Personal Geographical Feature, Animal and Plant

Coloring Book Mandala

Frame one mandala.

Release Directions

Release Circle

Magical Tools

Traditional tools will be discussed and displayed, such as the Athame, Cauldron, Scourge, Wand, Candles, Incense, Pentacles, Stones, Tarot, Runes, etc. Participants are encouraged to bring their own tools for display. Keep in mind there will be energy from several people floating around, so any tools that are particularly sensitive to absorbing energy may either need a shield or to be left at home.

A Pagan Alphabet
Author: Unkown

To learn your letters you must start
With a clever mind and a willing heart
Each one is special, just like you
And you will learn them all by the time we are through!

A is Athame, the knife that we use
B is for Beltaine, when partners we choose
C is for Circle where we all are one.
D is for Deosil, path of the Sun.
E is for Esbat, when we gather round
F is for Fire and its crackling sound
G is the Goddess in beauty and love.
H is the Horned One, our Father above.
I is for Imbolg, candles light the way,
J is for June when it's Midsummer's Day
K is for Karma, the things that we do
L is for Lammas, harvest's almost through!
M is for Moon, riding way up so high,
N is for Nighttime, which darkens the sky
O is for Ostara, when we hunt for eggs,
P is for Pan, with hairy goat legs
Q is the Quarters and there are just four,
R for the Rites when we open the Door
S is for Samhain, end of the year,
T is for Tarot cards, futures to hear
U is Undines from the watery West
V is Vervain for protection and rest
W's Widdershins, the path of the moon.
X is the sign that's the sign of the God
Y is for Yule and the sun's return
Z is the Zodiac, 12 signs to learn


First question: "Why?"

Why are you planning a Handfasting?

The foundation is commitment, and this should have already been built. You have met a person you want to form a solid and secure relationship with. You want to be seen as a couple (or triad, or some other numbered group).

But why a Handfasting? There are many different types of joining, legal or otherwise:

* Secular. A legal ceremony, done before a recognized and duly empowered official that produces a legally binding agreement. Usually done in a courthouse with 2 witnesses, casual.

* Traditional wedding. Usually done in the Christian style (OK, there's lots of other religions, but I will not pretend familiarity with any of the others). Done by a dully empowered and trained messenger of God and legally binding. Can be small, in someone's house, with, again, just two witnesses, or can be in a very large church, or outdoors, attended by hundreds, even thousands (Diana & Charles) of people.

Handfasting. Can be small; can be big. Performed by a person who has decided that they can and the couple (or multiple there of) have chosen. This is usually not legally binding, unless the person has legal standing conferred by the state and the marriage licence has been properly filled out and on record at the court house.

Things to consider (check off list):

* invitations
* decorations
* food
* alters/tools
* scripts
* participants
* explanations
* programs
* location
* garb
* unexpected

Interesting websites:
Most of my ideas came from websites. I think it is grand that Pagans can be so open now, and it is so easy to find information on the internet. So, type in "handfasting" and see what happens! Or go to:
* This is the site with interviews with David Merrill and Gryphon Rosemead.


Books I found helpful:
Rites of Passage, The Pagan Wheel of Life, by Pauline Campanelli

The Sacred Marriage; Honoring the God and Goddess Within Each Other, by Lira Silbury

WiccaCraft for Families by Margie McArthur

A Witches Bible Complete, by Janet and Stewart Farrar

Why have a Handfasting? Why now? How to find information and plan a Handfasting.

Celebrating Man

Call Directions:

Power of the East, Element of Air,
Spirit of the Warrior, come to us here.
Bring to us courage and discernment.
Teach us endurance and decisiveness.
Show how to be aggressive when it is appropriate.
Help us to recognize and control the tendency for cruelty within us.
Warrior, honored part of us all,
Hail and welcome.

Powers of South, Element of Fire,
Spirit of the Lover, come to us here.
Bring to us your sensitivity to beauty and the outer world.
Teach us to be sensual and passionate without shame.
Show us the world in a grain of sand.
Help us to avoid addiction and dependencies.
Lover, honored part of us all,
Hail and welcome.

Power of the West, Element of Water,
Spirit of the Magician, come to us here.
Bring to us insight and wholeness.
Teach us to access the secrets of our physical and spiritual worlds.
Show us how to shape the powers of the universe
Help us avoid the use of power to carelessly or deliberately hurt others.
Magician, honored part of us all,
Hail and welcome.

Power of the North, Element of Earth,
Spirit of the King, come to us here.
Bring to us experience, wisdom and compassion.
Teach us to get our own house in order before trying to run the kingdom.
Show us how to mentor our young men.
Help us avoid vanity and tyranny.
King, honored part of us all,
Hail and welcome.

Power of Center, Element of Community,
Spirit of Balance, come to us here.
Teach us to honor men.
Show us how to accept and access the masculine parts of our beings.
Help us see all men as sacred beings rather than archetypes.
Great Spirit, honored part of us all,
Hail and welcome.

Cast circle:
With our hands
And with our love
This circle is cast
And sealed,
So mote it be.

DICK: What are archetypes and why use them.

DISCUSS: why we don't embrace Man easily.

DICK: Guided meditation to meet a mortal man; ancestor or someone the person knows, not a male god, to face negative aspects of men & our own negative (right or wrong) perceptions of men. Investigate the positive impact men (or a man) have made in our lives and their positive attributes.

MUSIC: Hail Herne, horned one...

GRYPH: Positive aspects of man. Pass the male candle around the circle as a talking stick so everyone has a chance to talk about what happened in the guided meditation or positive aspects of men they know. (candle can be used in the midsummer celebration)

CAKES AND ALE blessing:

Dick on knees holding chalice
Gryph lifts Dick to his feet, kisses him, then:
"As the athame is to the male,
So the cup is to the female,
And conjoined,
They become one in truth."

With Dick & Gryph's hands still on the chalice, Gryph takes a sip, then Dick takes a sip. Dick hands the rest around the circle.

Gryph on knees holding cakes
Dick lifts Gryph to her feet, kisses her, then:
"O Queen most secret,
Bless this food into our bodies,
Bestowing health, wealth, strength, joy, and peace,
And that fulfillment of love which is perfect happiness."
Dick gives Gryph a cake, Gryph gives Dick a cake, Gryph passes the rest around the circle.

Wrap up

Release Directions:

Power of Center, Element of Community,
Spirit of Balance,
We thank you for your presence here.
Help us to continue to see all men as sacred beings.
Great Spirit, honored part of us all,
Hail and farewell.

Power of the North, Element of Earth,
Spirit of the King,
We thank you for your presence here.
For your experience, wisdom and compassion.
King, honored part of us all,
Hail and farewell.

Power of the West, Element of Water,

Spirit of the Magician,
We thank you for your presence here.
Help us to shape the powers of the universe with insight.
Magician, honored part of us all,
Hail and farewell.

Powers of South, Element of Fire,
Spirit of the Lover,
We thank you for your presence here.
Help us to be sensual and passionate without shame.
Lover, honored part of us all,
Hail and farewell.

Power of the East, Element of Air,
Spirit of the Warrior,
We thank you for your presence here.
Help us to be courageous, and aggressive when it is appropriate.
Warrior, honored part of us all,
Hail and farewell.


We made herb bags to help us to dream and to remember our dreams. Each person took some of the herbs, said the words for that herb, and placed them into the center cauldron. Then we mixed them all together and each of us took some of the mixture and put it into a cloth to take home.

Ancient priestesses of Apollo chewed the leaves of Bay to induce a prophetic state and inhaled their fumes. They are burned to cause visions. (Add herb to cauldron)
Power of Bay, come into our dreams...

To the ancient Teutons, the Ash represented Yggdrasill, or world tree, and was revered. Placed under the pillow, it brings prophetic dreams. (Add herb to cauldron)
Power of Ash, come into our dreams...

The root of the bracken, when placed beneath the pillow, causes solutions of problems to appear in dreams. (Add herb to cauldron)
Power of bracken, come into our dreams...

Cinquefoil, of seven leaves, brings dreams of our future lover or mate. It also brings restful sleep. (Add herb to cauldron)
Power of Cinquefoil, come into our dreams...

After midnight on a Friday, without making a sound, gather nine holly leaves, preferably from a non spiny plant. Wrap these up in a white cloth, using nine knots to tie the ends together. Place this beneath your pillow and your dreams will come true. (Add herb to cauldron)
Power of Holly, come into our dreams...

If burned in the bedroom, Jasmine causes prophetic dreams. The very smell of it will induce sleep. (Add herb to cauldron)
Power of Jasmine, come into our dreams...

For protection while asleep, use Marigold. It will give your prophetic dreams, esp. In discovering a thief who has robed you. (Add herb to cauldron)
Power of Marigold, come into our dreams...

For astral travel, as well as prophetic dreams, call on Mugwort. (Add herb to cauldron)
Power of Mugwort, come into our dreams...

Peppermint compels one toward sleep and offers glimpses of the future. (Add herb to cauldron)
Power of Peppermint, come into our dreams...