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Blood/Bone borer

STR d2 INT d2 (animal d3)

DEX d3 WIL d2

CON d3 PER d2

Dur as CON AC 12+/11/6/3

Move fly 6 # of act. 1

RS O/1


bite 8/4/2 1s/d3s/1w


+4 vs melee

+4 vs rngd


d6(LI), d4 (HI), d3 (E)


Acrobatics[2]- flight[15], Awareness[2]- perception[14]

On a A attack role, the beetle enters the targets body (see below).

No 3d10

Freq Rare Org swarm

Act Cyc any Diet herb

TECH 0 Art none

Cl/Terr any warm land

Powers able to chew through bone/tough tissues

Desc These beetles have evolved to consume living tissue instead of wood. There are 2 subspecies- one feeds on bone, the other on marrow and plasma. They appear to be identical (small, tan beetles), but the exoskeleton of the bone borer is strenghtened by calcium.

Cmbt Only the female attacks warm blooded creatures (mammals and birds only). After landing on the victim, she chews a hole large enough to pass through (in game terms, she must inflict 3 points of damage). She then finds a large blood vessel and lays her eggs in it. They usually accumulate in the liver, and when the larva hatch, they migrate to the skeleton. It takes 5 weeks for them to mature and while feeding, thereduce the victim's CON score by 1/week (cumulative). They also give offwaste in the form of a hemotoxin poison with a +2 step bonus. They inflict and the beeltes do d8+2m when exiting the host., but then the victim takes no further damage.

Hab/Soc Borers have no society and they play a small role in the ecology.They can be major pests to livestock owners, but rarely attack sentients(they do not pick and choose, and are eliminated from civilized lands when found).